Php file upload delete

PHP Delete File

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to delete a file in PHP using the unlink() function.

Introduction to the PHP delete file function

To delete a file, you use the unlink() function:

unlink ( string $filename , resource $context = ? ) : boolCode language: PHP (php)

The unlink() function has two parameters:

  • $filename is the full path to the file that you want to delete.
  • $context is a valid context resource.

The unlink() function returns true if it deletes the file successfully or false otherwise. If the $filename doesn’t exist, the unlink() function also issues a warning and returns false .

PHP delete file examples

Let’s take some examples of using the unlink() function.

1) Simple PHP delete file example

The following example uses the unlink() function to delete the readme.txt file:

 $filename = 'readme.txt'; if (unlink($filename)) < echo 'The file ' . $filename . ' was deleted successfully!'; > else < echo 'There was a error deleting the file ' . $filename; > Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

2) Delete all files in a directory that match a pattern

The following example deletes all files with the .tmp extension:

 $dir = 'temp/'; array_map('unlink', glob("*.tmp"));Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
  • First, define a variable that stores the path to the directory in which you want to delete files.
  • Second, use the glob() function to search for all files in the directory $dir that has the *.tmp extension and pass it result to the array_map() function to delete the files.

Generally, you can change the pattern to delete all matching files in a directory using the array_map() , unlink() and glob() functions.



Tutorial: How to Delete Uploaded File in MySQL using PHP

delete uploaded file in php

In this tutorial, we will create a Delete Uploaded File in MySQL using PHP. This code will delete a file from the local database server when the user clicks the delete button. The system uses the MySQLi DELETE query to delete the existing data in the database that is based on the given file ID and remove a file stored in the file directory instantly using unlink() by assigning the file location as an argument. This a user-friendly program. Feel free to modify and use it for your system.

We will be using PHP as a scripting language that interprets in the webserver such as xamp, wamp, etc. It is widely used by modern website application to handle and protect user confidential information.

Getting Started:

First, you have to download & install XAMPP or any local server that runs PHP scripts. Here’s the link for the XAMPP server .

And this is the link for the jquery that I used in this tutorial .

Lastly, this is the link for the bootstrap that I used for the layout design .

Creating Database

Open your database web server then create a database name in it db_delete_upload ; after that, click Import, then locate the database file inside the folder of the application then click ok.

Delete Uploaded File Using MySQL in PHP

Creating the database connection

Open your any kind of text editor(notepad++, etc..). Then just copy/paste the code below then name it conn.php.

Creating The Interface

This is where we will create a simple form for our application. To create the forms simply copy and write it into your text editor, then save it as index.php.


PHP - Delete Uploaded File Using MySQLi

File Name File Location Action
" > Delete

Creating Upload Query

This code contains the upload query of the application. This code will upload the file to the MySQLi database server. To do that just copy and write this block of codes inside the text editor, then save it as upload.php.

alert('Successfully uploaded!')"; echo ""; >else< echo ""; echo ""; > > ?>

Creating the Main Function

This code contains the main function of the application. This code will delete a file in the database when the button is clicked. To make this just copy and write these block of codes below inside the text editor, then save it as delete.php

There you have it we successfully created Delete Uploaded File using MySQLi. I hope that this simple tutorial help you to what you are looking for. For more updates and tutorials just kindly visit this site. Enjoy Coding!


PHP File Upload

In php files are uploaded into a temporary directory and then uploaded to the target folder by the PHP script.

We can achive this php file using using html forms and some php functions.

The above example will shows the single file upload.

Multiple File Upload

In the above code shows the multipule files upload we used multiple=’multiple’ in the form field, file and to upload files we will useforeach loop.For multipule files upload we miust give the name as array format name[]

Create Folder Using PHP

We will create folder using mkdir(); method.

  • path is required,shows the name of the folder to create
  • mode is optional,shows the permissions of the folder,by default mode is 0777 1 = execute permissions,2 = write permissions,4 = read permissions
  • recursive is optional,shows if the recursive mode is set.To create the nested folders,we will set eaither true or false.
  • context is optional,shows the context of the file handle.

Note:-mode parameters is ignored on windows.

Delete Folder Using PHP

We will use rmdir(); function to remove an empty folder.

Syntax:- rmdir(dirpath,context);

  • dirpath along with folder name is required which shows the directory to be removed.
  • context is optional which shows the context of the file handle,context is a set of options which modify the behavior of a stream.

Delete File Using PHP

In PHP unlink(); function is used to delete a file.

Syntax:- unlink(‘filename’); Ex:-unlink(‘myfile.jpg’);

General tags

HTML Script Tags

Short forms

short form is nothing but short cut ,like we will use instoodof
$abcd=10; //it will print the 10 value

PHP echo

If we want to display any thing we wse echo in PHP.For every statement we must end with ;. echo ‘abc’; It will print abc.

PHP print statement

Both echo and print same ,these are used to output result on the screen. echo does not have a return value and print has a return value of 1 so it can be used in expressions. echo can take multiple parameters and print can take one argument, echo will execute faster than print. print «abc»; It will print abc.

PHP Variables

PHP variable starts with $ sign, followed by a variable.A variable must start with a letter or the underscore _character,variable name cannot be start with a number.

Data Types In PHP

  1. NULL
  2. String
  3. Integer
  4. Float
  5. Double
  6. Boolean
  7. Array
  8. Object
  9. Resource

Constants In PHP

We will use define() function to create a constants in PHP. Syntax define(name, value, case sensitive);

name,shows name of the constant.value, shows value of the constant. case sensitive,shows whether the constant name should be case sensitive by default it is false.


Php file upload delete


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