Php file contents to variable

Assigning the contents of a file to a variable in PHP: A guide

How can variables be passed between PHP scripts without using a form or the page URL? Is it possible to pass values between two PHP files? How to pass a variable to the next PHP page? What are the ways to pass PHP variables between scripts, functions, and files? How to pass variables between two PHP files? How to pass multiple variables to another page using the URL? How can SESSION variables be used to pass data between different PHP files? How to pass variables between two PHP pages when the latter is called with require()? How to transfer variables between PHP pages in phpbb 3.1? Question: I have data stored in a session. In this line of code: When I execute a I receive Is it possible to assign the contents of a file to a variable?

How to assign the contents of a file to a variable in PHP

I possess a document file that consists of HTML markup. My objective is to allocate the complete contents of the file to a specific PHP variable .

Upon performing var_dump() , the resulting output is string(1) «‘» .

Is it feasible to allocate the contents of a file to a variable ?

The purpose of separating the body segment of a mail message from the mailer script is to create a template where users only need to modify the HTML markup. This eliminates the need for them to be concerned with my mailer script. Hence, the file is included as the complete body segment on mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers, $return_path); .

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In the case where PHP code needs execution, it is necessary to utilize include . Conversely, include will not retrieve the file’s output, but rather display it in the browser. To overcome this, PHP provides a feature called output buffering, which captures all the script’s output. Consequently, this data can be accessed and manipulated.

ob_start(); // start capturing output include('email_template.php'); // execute the file $content = ob_get_contents(); // get the contents from the buffer ob_end_clean(); // stop buffering and discard contents 

It is recommended to utilize file_get_contents() : «»».

$body1 = file_get_contents('email_template.php'); 

The action of incorporating and running email_template.php within your current file, while also saving the output of include() as $body1 .

To utilize output control and access execute PHP code within a file, use the following method.

ob_start(); include 'email_template.php'; $body1 = ob_get_clean(); 
$file = file_get_contents('email_template.php'); 

Alternatively, if you’re mentally unstable.

ob_start(); include('email_template.php'); $file = ob_end_flush(); 

Like other users have mentioned, you can utilize file_get_contents if you don’t need to execute that file.

Instead, you have the option to use the return statement in your include to output the result.

In case your include involves processing and echo statements for output, you can also choose to buffer the output.

ob_start(); include('email_template.php'); $body1 = ob_get_clean(); 

TimCooper beat me to it. 😛

Using a variable in file_get_contents php

I am attempting to create a dynamic webpage where each page has its own title stored in a separate file. I was attempting to utilize file_get_contents () to retrieve the title, but I am unsure of how to incorporate a variable within the file path. Here is my attempted solution.

The proper concatenation of the strings is not being done.

$title= file_get_contents('/movies/moviefiles/'.$movie.'/info.txt'); 

Double-quotes can also be utilized in the same manner.

$title= file_get_contents("/movies/moviefiles/$movie/info.txt"); 

The distinction lies in the fact that variables are not interpolated when enclosed in single quotes, whereas when enclosed in double quotes, the variable’s actual value will be utilized.

Explore further information on string concatenation at the following link:

To incorporate variables or concatenate in a string, it is necessary to utilize double quotes ( » ) and the designated method ( . ).

$foo = "world"; print "hello $foo"; print 'hello '.$foo; 

Your code should be like this:

Working with a variable using single quotes is not possible.

To utilize a variable, employ double quotation marks.

$title= file_get_contents("/movies/moviefiles/$movie/info.txt"); 

For additional details regarding these quotes, please visit:

How to execute and get content of a .php file in a variable?, You have to differentiate two things: Do you want to capture the output (echo, print,) of the included file and use the output in a variable (string)?Do you want to return certain values from the included files and use them as a variable in your host script?; Local variables in your included files will always be moved to the current scope of your host script — this should be noted. Code sample$file»);echo $content;?>Feedback

How to pass variables between 2 PHP files?

The code I have is located in a file named one.php.

Upon clicking on any of the anchor tag links, I am directed to the page labeled as two.php.

Here I want the output to be,

One was clicked. OR Two was clicked.

What is the PHP code required to generate the aforementioned output in two.php?

One way to address this is by adding a parameter to the URL.

To achieve pass variables , you have the option of utilizing either GET or POST .

Presenting a straightforward technique, referred to as » GET (query string) «, is outlined.

The file named «two.php» is being referred to.

This question is frequently asked.

What is the method for transferring a variable value between two php files ?

What is the process of Pass variables within php scripts ?

Using a form or the URL of a page, it is possible to establish communication between two PHP pages.

passing value between two php files

The variables used across different scripts can be referred to as Passing PHP .

In PHP, there is a connection that exists between functions and files.

Utilize SESSIONS variables across various PHP files.

What is the method to transfer variables from one PHP page to another when the latter is invoked using the require() function?

The version of phpbb is 3.1 and it is used on two different pages.

How to get a PHP variable value from another PHP file?, how to take the value from another .php file help me fix this: You should include the other php file but be careful with variable names so it won’t conflict with the main file, also $_post should be $_POST. – Paulo Lima. Apr 14, 2017 at 23:34. FYI, because of a variable name typo, not animal will never be …

Passing variables through GET for a file_get_contents

I discovered that sessions are ineffective when using file_get_contents() , even though I have stored information in one. «»».

After conducting a search, I considered utilizing this technique.

$cart = base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION['cart'])); 

After serializing and encoding my session cart, I proceed to pass it into the file_get_contents function.

$url = "".$cart; $html = file_get_contents($url); 

I have the following in the URL it receives:

$cart = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['cart'])); 

I am unable to retrieve any information. I am able to generate a printed version of the cart obtained through the GET method, and I possess an encoded string. However, I am unable to perform any actions with it.

Any help, much appreciated.

Upon echoing the URL, I receive the following:

Explore How to post data in PHP using file_get_contents? as it effectively creates a stream to fulfill your desired action.

In addition to $_SESSION , it is likely that you can include other variables as well.

If you are working on the same server as, there is no need to utilize File_get_contents( for data retrieval or processing. Instead, make direct calls.

Write to file in PHP with a variable as the filename, I have experience in writing to txt files via PHP. I would like to write to a file when a form is submitted, and I have the scr Stack Overflow. About ; Products For Teams; Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with …


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