Php exists class property

php property_exists() – Check if Property Exists in Class or Object

In php, we can check if a property exists in a class or an object with the built-in php property_exists() function.

class exampleClass < public $id; private $name; static protected $multiplyNumbers; static function multiplyNumbers($a,$b) < return $a * $b; >> var_dump(property_exists('exampleClass', 'name')); var_dump(property_exists(new exampleClass, 'name')); var_dump(property_exists('exampleClass', 'multiplyNumbers')); var_dump(property_exists('exampleClass', 'other')); // Output: bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) bool(false)

When working with objects in our php programs, it is useful to be able to check if an object has a certain property or not.

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We can check if an object has a particular property in php with the php property_exists() function.

Below are some examples of using property_exists() in php to check if a property exists in a php object.

class exampleClass < public $id; private $name; static protected $multiplyNumbers; static function multiplyNumbers($a,$b) < return $a * $b; >> var_dump(property_exists('exampleClass', 'name')); var_dump(property_exists(new exampleClass, 'name')); var_dump(property_exists('exampleClass', 'multiplyNumbers')); var_dump(property_exists('exampleClass', 'other')); // Output: bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) bool(false)

Checking if a Property Exists in php Object with Exception Handling

Another way you can check if a property exists in a php object is with exception handling.

When you try to access a property and the property doesn’t exist, then you will get an error. If you don’t get an error, you know the property is there.

Therefore, using this logic, we can check if a property exists in an object.

Below is an example in php of checking if different properties exist using exception handling.

class exampleClass < public $id; private $name; static protected $multiplyNumbers; static function multiplyNumbers($a,$b) < return $a * $b; >> try < exampleClass::doSomething(); >catch(Error | Exception $e) < echo "\n Exception Caught: ", $e->getMessage(); > try < exampleClass::multiplyNumbers(2,3); echo "\n This works!"; >catch(Error | Exception $e) < echo "\n Exception Caught: ", $e->getMessage(); > //Output: Exception Caught: Call to undefined method exampleClass::doSomething() This works!

Hopefully this article has been useful for you to learn how to check if an object has an property or not in php.

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This function checks if the given property exists in the specified class.


As opposed with isset() , property_exists() returns true even if the property has the value null .


The class name or an object of the class to test for

Return Values

Returns true if the property exists, false if it doesn’t exist or null in case of an error.


Example #1 A property_exists() example

class myClass public $mine ;
private $xpto ;
static protected $test ;

static function test () var_dump ( property_exists ( ‘myClass’ , ‘xpto’ )); //true

var_dump ( property_exists ( ‘myClass’ , ‘mine’ )); //true
var_dump ( property_exists (new myClass , ‘mine’ )); //true
var_dump ( property_exists ( ‘myClass’ , ‘xpto’ )); //true
var_dump ( property_exists ( ‘myClass’ , ‘bar’ )); //false
var_dump ( property_exists ( ‘myClass’ , ‘test’ )); //true
myClass :: test ();



Using this function will use any registered autoloaders if the class is not already known.


The property_exists() function cannot detect properties that are magically accessible using the __get magic method.

See Also


PHP property_exists

Summary: in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the property_exists() function to check if the object or class has a property.

Introduction to the PHP property_exists function

The property_exists() function returns true if an object or a class has a property. Otherwise, it returns false .

Here’s the syntax of the property_exists() method:

property_exists(object|string $object_or_class, string $property): boolCode language: PHP (php)

The property_exists() method has two parameters:

  • The $object_or_class specifies the object or class that needs to check for the existence of a property.
  • The $property specifies the name of the property to check.

Note that in case of an error, the property_exists() function returns null instead.

PHP property_exists function examples

The following example uses the property_exists() function to check if the FileReader class has a specific property:

 class FileReader < private $filename; public $done; protected $filesize; public static $mimeTypes; > var_dump(property_exists(FileReader::class, 'filename')); // true var_dump(property_exists(FileReader::class, 'done')); // true var_dump(property_exists(FileReader::class, 'filesize')); // true var_dump(property_exists(FileReader::class, 'mimeTypes')); // true var_dump(property_exists(FileReader::class, 'status')); // falseCode language: PHP (php)

PHP property_exists function practical example

Suppose that you have a base class called Model . All the model classes need to extend this Model class.

To load a Model object from an associative array, you can define a load() method in the Model class as follows:

 abstract class Model < public function load(array $data): self < foreach ($data as $key => $value) < if (property_exists($this, $key)) < $this->$key = $value; > > return $this; > >Code language: PHP (php)

The load() method accepts an associative array as an argument. It iterates over the array element. If the object has a property that matches a key in the array, the load() method assigns the value to the property.

The following defines the User class that extends the Model class:

class User extends Model < private $username; private $email; private $password; >Code language: PHP (php)

To populate the properties of the User class with values of an array, you call the load() method like this:

$user = (new User())->load([ 'username' => 'john', 'email' => '', 'password' => password_hash('VerySecurePa$$1.', PASSWORD_DEFAULT), ]);Code language: PHP (php)

In practice, you would have a registration form. After the form is submitted, you need to validate the data in the $_POST array. And then you call the load() method to initialize a User object.



How to Check for Property Existence in PHP: Methods and Best Practices

Learn how to check if an object or class has a particular property in PHP using property_exists() and isset() methods. Explore best practices and tips for efficient property existence checks.

  • Using the property_exists() method
  • Using the isset() function
  • Checking for class constants
  • Checking object properties in JavaScript
  • Best practices and tips for checking property existence
  • Other quick PHP code examples for checking object property existence
  • Conclusion
  • How to check if a property exists in a PHP object?
  • How to check if an object or class has a property?
  • How to check if a variable is set or not PHP?
  • What does hasOwnProperty check in JavaScript?

As a developer, it is essential to check whether an object or class has a particular property in PHP. There are several methods to do this, including the property_exists() and isset() functions. In this blog post, we will explore these methods and provide helpful tips and best practices for checking property existence in PHP.

Using the property_exists() method

The property_exists() method is used to check if an object or class has a particular property. This method takes two parameters: the object or class to be checked, and the name of the property. If the property exists, the method returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. It is important to note that the property_exists() method will return true even if the property has a null value.

Here is an example of how to use the property_exists() method:

class MyClass < public $myProperty; >$obj = new MyClass(); $result = property_exists($obj, 'myProperty'); if ($result) < echo 'Property exists'; >else

Using the isset() function

The isset() function can also be used to check whether a variable, including an object property, exists or not. This function returns true if the variable exists and is not null, and false otherwise.

Here is an example of how to use the isset() function:

class MyClass < public $myProperty; >$obj = new MyClass(); if (isset($obj->myProperty)) < echo 'Property exists'; >else

Checking for class constants

The property_exists() and isset() methods cannot be used to check for class constants. Instead, the defined() function can be used to check for the existence of a class constant.

Here is an example of how to use the defined() function:

class MyClass < const MY_CONSTANT = 'value'; >if (defined('MyClass::MY_CONSTANT')) < echo 'Constant exists'; >else

Checking object properties in JavaScript

In JavaScript, there are several ways to check if an object has a property . One way is to use the in operator to check if the property exists in the object’s prototype chain. Another way is to use the hasOwnProperty() method to check if the property exists in the object itself.

Here is an example of how to use the in operator and hasOwnProperty() method:

var obj = < myProperty: 'value' >;if ('myProperty' in obj) < console.log('Property exists'); >else < console.log('Property does not exist'); >if (obj.hasOwnProperty('myProperty')) < console.log('Property exists in object'); >else

Best practices and tips for checking property existence

  1. Always double-check property names to avoid typos.
  2. Use object-oriented programming principles to organize code and make it easier to work with objects and properties.
  3. Use a cheatsheet for quick reference to PHP functions.
  4. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of using the property_exists() and isset() methods, including their limitations in checking for class constants.
  5. Use the hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript to check if an object has its own property.

Other quick PHP code examples for checking object property existence

In Php , for instance, php check if object has attribute code sample

if(property_exists($car,color))< //$car->color exists >
property_exists( $object , "key1" ); // bool

In Php , php check if class exists code example

In Php , check if object has method php code example

In Php , for instance, php check if stdclass object has property code example

if(property_exists($sale, "gpps"))


Checking if an object or class has a particular property is an essential task in PHP and JavaScript. The property_exists() and isset() methods can be used in PHP, while the in operator and hasOwnProperty() method can be used in JavaScript. By following best practices and tips, developers can efficiently and effectively check property existence in their code.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is the difference between property_exists() and isset() in PHP?

The property_exists() method checks if an object or class has a particular property, even if the property is null. The isset() function checks if a variable, including an object property, exists and is not null.

Can I use property_exists() and isset() for class constants in PHP?

How can I check for property existence in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, you can use the in operator to check if a property exists in the object’s prototype chain. You can also use the hasOwnProperty() method to check if the property exists in the object itself.

What are the best practices for checking property existence in PHP?

Double-check property names to avoid typos, use object-oriented programming principles to organize code, and use a cheatsheet for quick reference to PHP functions.

How can I efficiently and effectively check property existence in my code?

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, including their limitations in checking for class constants. Use the hasOwnProperty() method in JavaScript to check if an object has its own property.

Why is checking for property existence important in PHP and JavaScript?

Checking if an object or class has a particular property is an essential task in PHP and JavaScript as it helps to ensure the smooth functioning of the code and avoid runtime errors.


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