Php error console log

Console.log, console.error for PHP?

Spudley’s answer about using XDebug or the Zend Debugger (similar setup and operation to XDebug). For example, you can step through a PHP program line by line and watch where it goes, and what the variables are set to at any given point in the program, etc.

Console.log in php backend

 I did also creating a different class. but still not working. but if I place the '' will work.. 

assuming that this is a complete code.

//post.php console.log('".$_POST['name']."');"; > ?>

my problem is , i cant use console.log in submitting a form. but if I did this in redirection It will work..

The Function under my class is .

public function console($data) < if(is_array($data) || is_object($data)) < echo(""); > else < echo(""); > > 

It does not work within PHP because of the missing » around the String argument of console.log .

If you are trying to debug or see the value that was posted from the front end to back end then you can simply use the chrome inspector.

  1. Right click anywhere in browser and click inspect element .
  2. click on network tab.
  3. submit your form with desired values.
  4. on the left click on the post.php .
  5. Click on the headers on the right and scroll down to find Form Data .
  6. You will have all your post variables listed there with respective values.

You seem to be trying to debug the $_POST variable, If thats the case, then Please note, that console.log() is a frontend debugging tool used in javascript , and has nothing to do with php .

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Few good way of checking the content of variables in php .

1. print_r

This will output the content of a variable that can be an array , object or string in a nice human readable format.

echo '
'; print_r($_POST); echo '

'; die();

2. var_dump

This will output the content of the variable with extra respective details like datatypes and length .

Javascript — console.log in php backend, Right click anywhere in browser and click inspect element. click on network tab. submit your form with desired values. on the left click on the post.php. Click on the headers on the right and scroll down to find Form Data. You will have all your post variables listed there with respective values.

How To Create PHP Console Log Tutorial

How To Create PHP Console Log TutorialThe source code will be available soon on our website: https://penguin-arts.comOur Facebook:

Console.log, console.error for PHP?

When developing web applications, at the clientside level I use console.log and console.error to help me see what’s going on. I am looking for a similar feature at the serverside level to help me see what’s going on. I have seen error_log which writes errors to the server’s log file and wanted to know if there is a similar function for writing to the servers access logs?

Or am I going about this the wrong way, am I supposed to be using something completely different to see what’s going on in the background for serverside development?

This worked for me:

/** * Send debug code to the Javascript console */ function debug_to_console($data) < if(is_array($data) || is_object($data)) < echo(""); > else < echo(""); > > 

It’s not quite the same thing, but you might want to investigate the PHP Debugger, XDebug.

It has some very powerful debugging features for PHP. For example, you can step through a PHP program line by line and watch where it goes, and what the variables are set to at any given point in the program, etc.

It works best when used in conjunction with an IDE such as Netbeans or Eclipse, as you can use the same interface to debug your programs as you use to edit your code.

It can also generate trace files, which can be loaded into a program called wincachegrind, which allows you to trace through the program after it’s run, to see, for example, which functions caused it to run slowly.

As an option you might also want to look at syslog()

I second Spudley’s answer about using XDebug or the Zend Debugger (similar setup and operation to XDebug). However to directly answer your question you can use trigger_error in combo with E_USER_WARNING or E_USER_NOTICE and the appropriate error_reporting level. You could also use syslog as ssapkota suggests.

Console.log, console.error for PHP?, It’s not quite the same thing, but you might want to investigate the PHP debugger, XDebug. It has some very powerful debugging features for PHP. For example, you can step through a PHP program line by line and watch where it goes, and what the variables are set to at any given point in the program, etc. It works …

How can I write to the console in PHP?

Is it possible write a string or log into the console?

What I mean

Just like in JSP, if we print something like system.out.println(«some») , it will be there at the console, not at a page.

Or you use the trick from PHP Debug to console.

First you need a little PHP helper function

function debug_to_console($data) < $output = $data; if (is_array($output)) $output = implode(',', $output); echo ""; > 

Then you can use it like this:

This will create an output like this:

On Firefox you can use an extension called FirePHP which enables the logging and dumping of information from your PHP applications to the console. This is an addon to the awesome web development extension Firebug.

However if you are using Chrome there is a PHP Debugging tool called Chrome Logger or webug (webug has problems with the order of logs).

More recently Clockwork is in active development which extends the Developer Tools by adding a new panel to provide useful debugging and profiling information. It provides out of the box support for Laravel 4 and Slim 2 and support can be added via its extensible API.

Using Xdebug

A better way to debug your PHP would be via Xdebug. Most browsers provide helper extensions to help you pass the required cookie/query string to initialize the debugging process.

If you’re looking for a simple approach, echo as JSON:

By default, all output goes to stdout , which is the HTTP response or the console, depending on whether your script is run by Apache or manually on the command line. But you can use error_log for logging and various I/O streams can be written to with fwrite .

How can I write to the console in PHP?, My solution in Windows: Setup a .txt file that is somewhat easily to get to and writable. Set the PHP error_log variable in the .ini file to write to that file. Open the file in Windows File Explorer and open a preview pane for it. Use the error_log (‘myTest’); PHP command to send messages.


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