Php del one array
- PHP Tutorial
- PHP | Introduction
- PHP Full Form
- How to set PHP development environment in windows ?
- LAMP installation and important PHP configurations on Ubuntu
- PHP | Coding Standards
- PHP | Basic Syntax
- PHP | Variables
- PHP echo and print
- PHP | Data Types
- PHP | Strings
- PHP | Constants
- PHP | Magic Constants
- PHP | Decision Making
- PHP | Loops
- PHP | Superglobals
- PHP | Regular Expressions
- PHP Examples
- Describe PHP Include and Require
- PHP | Basics of File Handling
- PHP | fopen( ) (Function open file or URL)
- PHP fread( ) Function
- PHP fclose( ) Function
- PHP | fwrite( ) Function
- PHP | Uploading File
- PHP Cookies
- PHP | Sessions
- PHP Filter and Filter Constant
- Implementing callback in PHP
- Exception Handling in PHP
- PHP | Arrays
- PHP array() Function
- PHP | array_change_key_case() Function
- PHP array_chunk() Function
- PHP | array_column() Function
- PHP array_combine() Function
- PHP array_count_values() Function
- PHP array_diff() function
- PHP array_diff_assoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_key() Function
- PHP array_diff_uassoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_ukey() Function
- PHP array_fill() function
- PHP array_fill_keys() Function
- PHP Array Functions Complete Reference
- PHP Date and Time
- PHP | checkdate() Function
- PHP | date_create(), date_format(), date_add() Functions
- PHP | date_create_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_date_set() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_get() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_set() Function
- PHP | date_diff() Function
- PHP | date_get_last_errors() Function
- PHP | date_isodate_set() Function
- PHP | date_modify() Function
- PHP | date_offset_get() Function
- PHP | date_parse_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_parse() Function
- PHP | date_sub() Function
- PHP basename( ) Function
- PHP chgrp( ) Function
- PHP chmod( ) Function
- PHP chown( ) Function
- PHP copy( ) Function
- PHP dirname( ) Function
- PHP disk_free_space( ) Function
- PHP disk_total_space( ) Function
- PHP feof( ) Function
- PHP fflush( ) Function
- PHP | fgetc( ) Function
- PHP | fgets( ) Function
- PHP | fgetss( ) Function
- PHP | file_exists( ) Function
- PHP file_get_contents() Function
- PHP Filesystem Functions Complete Reference
- PHP | ftp_alloc() function
- PHP | ftp_chdir() function
- PHP | ftp_close() function
- PHP | ftp_connect() function
- PHP | ftp_delete() function
- PHP | ftp_exec() function
- PHP | ftp_get() function
- PHP | ftp_put() function
- PHP | ftp_get_option() function
- PHP | ftp_login() function
- PHP | ftp_mdtm() Function
- PHP | ftp_mkdir() function
- PHP | Ds\Map allocate() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map apply() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map capacity() Function
- PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map __construct() Function
- PHP Ds\Map copy() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map filter() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
- PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
- SplDoublyLinkedList in PHP
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList add() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList bottom() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList count() function
- PHP SplFixedArray count() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray current() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray getSize() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray key() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage addAll() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage attach() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage contains() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage count() Function
- PHP SplQueue::__construct() Function
- PHP SPL Data structures Complete Reference
- PHP Tutorial
- PHP | Introduction
- PHP Full Form
- How to set PHP development environment in windows ?
- LAMP installation and important PHP configurations on Ubuntu
- PHP | Coding Standards
- PHP | Basic Syntax
- PHP | Variables
- PHP echo and print
- PHP | Data Types
- PHP | Strings
- PHP | Constants
- PHP | Magic Constants
- PHP | Decision Making
- PHP | Loops
- PHP | Superglobals
- PHP | Regular Expressions
- PHP Examples
- Describe PHP Include and Require
- PHP | Basics of File Handling
- PHP | fopen( ) (Function open file or URL)
- PHP fread( ) Function
- PHP fclose( ) Function
- PHP | fwrite( ) Function
- PHP | Uploading File
- PHP Cookies
- PHP | Sessions
- PHP Filter and Filter Constant
- Implementing callback in PHP
- Exception Handling in PHP
- PHP | Arrays
- PHP array() Function
- PHP | array_change_key_case() Function
- PHP array_chunk() Function
- PHP | array_column() Function
- PHP array_combine() Function
- PHP array_count_values() Function
- PHP array_diff() function
- PHP array_diff_assoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_key() Function
- PHP array_diff_uassoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_ukey() Function
- PHP array_fill() function
- PHP array_fill_keys() Function
- PHP Array Functions Complete Reference
- PHP Date and Time
- PHP | checkdate() Function
- PHP | date_create(), date_format(), date_add() Functions
- PHP | date_create_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_date_set() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_get() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_set() Function
- PHP | date_diff() Function
- PHP | date_get_last_errors() Function
- PHP | date_isodate_set() Function
- PHP | date_modify() Function
- PHP | date_offset_get() Function
- PHP | date_parse_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_parse() Function
- PHP | date_sub() Function
- PHP basename( ) Function
- PHP chgrp( ) Function
- PHP chmod( ) Function
- PHP chown( ) Function
- PHP copy( ) Function
- PHP dirname( ) Function
- PHP disk_free_space( ) Function
- PHP disk_total_space( ) Function
- PHP feof( ) Function
- PHP fflush( ) Function
- PHP | fgetc( ) Function
- PHP | fgets( ) Function
- PHP | fgetss( ) Function
- PHP | file_exists( ) Function
- PHP file_get_contents() Function
- PHP Filesystem Functions Complete Reference
- PHP | ftp_alloc() function
- PHP | ftp_chdir() function
- PHP | ftp_close() function
- PHP | ftp_connect() function
- PHP | ftp_delete() function
- PHP | ftp_exec() function
- PHP | ftp_get() function
- PHP | ftp_put() function
- PHP | ftp_get_option() function
- PHP | ftp_login() function
- PHP | ftp_mdtm() Function
- PHP | ftp_mkdir() function
- PHP | Ds\Map allocate() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map apply() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map capacity() Function
- PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map __construct() Function
- PHP Ds\Map copy() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map filter() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
- PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
- SplDoublyLinkedList in PHP
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList add() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList bottom() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList count() function
- PHP SplFixedArray count() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray current() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray getSize() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray key() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage addAll() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage attach() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage contains() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage count() Function
- PHP SplQueue::__construct() Function
- PHP SPL Data structures Complete Reference
PHP Arrays
An array stores multiple values in one single variable:
$cars = array(«Volvo», «BMW», «Toyota»);
echo «I like » . $cars[0] . «, » . $cars[1] . » and » . $cars[2] . «.»;
What is an Array?
An array is a special variable, which can hold more than one value at a time.
If you have a list of items (a list of car names, for example), storing the cars in single variables could look like this:
However, what if you want to loop through the cars and find a specific one? And what if you had not 3 cars, but 300?
The solution is to create an array!
An array can hold many values under a single name, and you can access the values by referring to an index number.
Create an Array in PHP
In PHP, the array() function is used to create an array:
In PHP, there are three types of arrays:
- Indexed arrays — Arrays with a numeric index
- Associative arrays — Arrays with named keys
- Multidimensional arrays — Arrays containing one or more arrays
Get The Length of an Array — The count() Function
The count() function is used to return the length (the number of elements) of an array:
Complete PHP Array Reference
For a complete reference of all array functions, go to our complete PHP Array Reference.
The reference contains a brief description, and examples of use, for each function!
Php del one array
// Before php 5.4
$array = array(1,2,3);
// since php 5.4 , short syntax
$array = [1,2,3];
// I recommend using the short syntax if you have php version >= 5.4
Used to creating arrays like this in Perl?
Looks like we need the range() function in PHP:
$array = array_merge (array( ‘All’ ), range ( ‘A’ , ‘Z’ ));
You don’t need to array_merge if it’s just one range:
There is another kind of array (php>= 5.3.0) produced by
$array = new SplFixedArray(5);
Standard arrays, as documented here, are marvellously flexible and, due to the underlying hashtable, extremely fast for certain kinds of lookup operation.
Supposing a large string-keyed array
$arr=[‘string1’=>$data1, ‘string2’=>$data2 etc. ]
when getting the keyed data with
php does *not* have to search through the array comparing each key string to the given key (‘string1’) one by one, which could take a long time with a large array. Instead the hashtable means that php takes the given key string and computes from it the memory location of the keyed data, and then instantly retrieves the data. Marvellous! And so quick. And no need to know anything about hashtables as it’s all hidden away.
However, there is a lot of overhead in that. It uses lots of memory, as hashtables tend to (also nearly doubling on a 64bit server), and should be significantly slower for integer keyed arrays than old-fashioned (non-hashtable) integer-keyed arrays. For that see more on SplFixedArray :
Unlike a standard php (hashtabled) array, if you lookup by integer then the integer itself denotes the memory location of the data, no hashtable computation on the integer key needed. This is much quicker. It’s also quicker to build the array compared to the complex operations needed for hashtables. And it uses a lot less memory as there is no hashtable data structure. This is really an optimisation decision, but in some cases of large integer keyed arrays it may significantly reduce server memory and increase performance (including the avoiding of expensive memory deallocation of hashtable arrays at the exiting of the script).
When creating arrays , if we have an element with the same value as another element from the same array, we would expect PHP instead of creating new zval container to increase the refcount and point the duplicate symbol to the same zval. This is true except for value type integer.
$arr = [‘bebe’ => ‘Bob’, ‘age’ => 23, ‘too’ => 23 ];
xdebug_debug_zval( ‘arr’ );
(refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=3)
‘bebe’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ‘Bob’ (length=3)
‘age’ => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 23
‘too’ => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 23
but :
$arr = [‘bebe’ => ‘Bob’, ‘age’ => 23, ‘too’ => ’23’ ];
xdebug_debug_zval( ‘arr’ );
(refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=3)
‘bebe’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ‘Bob’ (length=3)
‘age’ => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 23
‘too’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ’23’ (length=2)
or :
$arr = [‘bebe’ => ‘Bob’, ‘age’ => [1,2], ‘too’ => [1,2] ];
xdebug_debug_zval( ‘arr’ );
(refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=3)
‘bebe’ => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)string ‘Bob’ (length=3)
‘age’ => (refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=2)
0 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 1
1 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 2
‘too’ => (refcount=2, is_ref=0)
array (size=2)
0 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 1
1 => (refcount=0, is_ref=0)int 2
This function makes (assoc.) array creation much easier:
function arr (. $array )< return $array ; >
It allows for short syntax like:
$arr = arr ( x : 1 , y : 2 , z : 3 );
Instead of:
$arr = [ «x» => 1 , «y» => 2 , «z» => 3 ];
// or
$arr2 = array( «x» => 1 , «y» => 2 , «z» => 3 );
Sadly PHP 8.2 doesn’t support this named arguments in the «array» function/language construct.