- Php check status php on centos code example
- Check status of running php script
- Check if a process is running using PHP in Linux
- Get server status with PHP or Javascript?
- Checking FTP status codes with a PHP script
- 📜 Как проверить PHP-скрипт
- Тестирование простого PHP-скрипта
- Тестирование PHP-скрипта, который использует соединения с базой данных
- Запуск PHP скрипта в в другом каталог вне htdocs
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Php check status php on centos code example
Where there is high demand for your script you will be endlessly probing the servers (we’ll come back to ‘ping’ later) which is very inefficient at best and could easily be exploited to launch a reflected denial of service attack against the server. However if you are repeatedly connecting to someone else’s server without exchanging any data, this might be perceived as a denial of service attack by the admins and hence your IP will get black listed.
Check status of running php script
You want to avoid using a db because of performance, but somewhere you need a flag or other way of identifying that the script is running. PHP sessions are out since someone viewing it from another session wouldn’t have the same flag set.
Try using something faster than a DB — like memcache.
is_running is set // echo some response message saying it's running and exit // set memcache->is_running w/ the start time maybe // . your code // write memcache->is_running start timestamp and end timestamp to db or file // clear memcache->is_running
Check if a process is running using PHP in Linux
The easiest is to use pgrep , which has an exit code of 0 if the process exists, 1 otherwise.
exec("pgrep bearerbox", $output, $return); if ($return == 0)
You can use the exec command to find your process and then act accordingly.
exec(‘ps aux | grep bearerbox’, $output);
You’ll need to work out what is returned on your server to decide if it’s running or not.
There are a lot of ways to deal with this. The easiest (and a direct answer to your question) is to grab the output of ‘ps’.
Deamons tend to always create a ‘pid’ file though. This file contains the process-id of the daemon. If yours has that, you can check the contents of the file and see if the process with that id is still running. This is more reliable.
supervisord might also have this functionality. Lastly, maybe it’s better to get a real monitoring system rather than build something yourself. Nagios might be a good pick, but there might be others.
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Get server status with PHP or Javascript?
With PHP, you could use the shell_exec command to effectively ping a specific IP and then determine if it’s online. If the backend is run on Linux, this should work:
$offline = shell_exec(«ping -c 1 | grep -c ‘0 received'»);
The above will return 1 if offline, or if the first packet is lost , and 0 if online or the first packet is received . It does not account for packetloss.
Another alternative is to sign up for an actual reliable and redundant service for monitoring, that has an API, and fetch status via that to your site. Depending on your actual needs, this may prove far more reliable.
Polling the state of servers from the script from an on-demand script is usually going to be a very bad idea. Where there is high demand for your script you will be endlessly probing the servers (we’ll come back to ‘ping’ later) which is very inefficient at best and could easily be exploited to launch a reflected denial of service attack against the server. Regardless of the traffic volume, response times will be very slow as each instance polls each server. If a server is unavailable then the situation becomes much worse as you need to wait for a timeout to determine its status (browser use adaptive timeouts for this rather than the OS default).
A better solution is to scheduled probes for checking the status — this is how tools like BMC Patrol and Nagios work for service monitoring.
Regarding the method of polling the service, while its usually true that if you can’t ping a node, then you won’t be able to access the services it should be providing, that does not mean that if you can ping a server you can access its services. Carrying out a TCP handshake on the service socket will give a much more accurate description of whether the service is available. However if you are repeatedly connecting to someone else’s server without exchanging any data, this might be perceived as a denial of service attack by the admins and hence your IP will get black listed. i.e. you should probably be talking to whoever runs the servers (if it’s not yourself).
Probing from javacript is only going to work if the server is talking HTTP. It is possible to infer the state of a port from the time it takes for an error to come back (have a google for ‘portscan javascript’ for some examples) but again the results will not be definitive unless you know how the network and servers are configured.
Debian command check php status Code Example, Recent Popular Write-ups. Emeka Orji on May 05, 2022 on May 05, 2022
Checking FTP status codes with a PHP script
HTTP works slightly differently than FTP though unfortunately. Although both may look the same in your browser, HTTP works off the basis of URI (i.e. to access resource A, you have an identifier which tells you how to access that).
FTP is very old school server driven. Even anonymous FTP is a bit of a hack, since you still supply a username and password, it’s just defined as «anonymous» and your email address.
Checking if an FTP server is up means checking
- That you can connect to the FTP server if (!($ftpfd = ftp_connect($hostname)))
- That you can login to the server: if (!ftp_login($ftpfd, $username, $password))
- Then, if there are further underlying resources that you need to access to test whether a particular site is up, then use an appropiate operation on them. e.g. on a file, maybe use ftp_mdtm() to get the last modified time or on a directory, see if ftp_nlist() works.
Wouldn’t it be simpler to use the built-in PHP FTP* functionality than trying to roll your own? If the URI is coming from a source outside your control, you would need to check the protocal definition (http:// or ftp://, etc) in order to determine which functionality to use, but that is fairly trivial. If there is now protocal specified (there really should be!) then you could try to default to http.
If you want to read specific responses you will have to open a socket and read/write data manually.
Then you’ll have to fput/fread data back and forth.
This will require you to read up on the FTP protocol.
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📜 Как проверить PHP-скрипт
PHP – широко используемый скриптовый язык общего назначения, который особенно подходит для веб-разработки и может быть встроен в HTML.
PHP работает во всех основных операционных системах, от вариантов Unix, включая Linux, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, Debian и Solaris, до Windows и Mac OS X.
Его можно использовать со всеми ведущими веб-серверами, включая серверы Apache, Nginx, OpenBSD и многие другие. ; даже облачные среды, такие как Azure и Amazon.
Ниже приведены некоторые способы тестирования скриптов PHP.
Тестирование простого PHP-скрипта
1. Создайте файл со следующим содержимым.
Дайте файлу имя, например, myphpInfo.php:
2. Скопируйте файл в каталог DocumentRoot вашего веб-сервера, например – /var/www/html.
У вас может быть другой каталог DocumentRoot в зависимости от того, какой веб-сервер вы используете и какая конфигурация применяется.
3. Измените права на 755 (только для Linux):
Тестирование PHP-скрипта, который использует соединения с базой данных
1. Создайте файл со следующим содержимым. Дайте файлу имя, например phpdbchk.php:
$query = 'SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL'; $stmt = ociparse($conn, $query); ociexecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT); print 'Checking for the Date and Database Connectivity
'; $success = 0; while (ocifetch($stmt)) < print "Date: " . ociresult($stmt, "SYSDATE") . "
\n"; $success = 1; > if ($success) < print 'Success.'; > else < print 'Failed to retrieve the date.
\n'; > OCILogoff($conn); print 'PHP Configuration
'; print '======================'; phpinfo(); ?>
2. Установите для ORACLE_HOME и TNS_ADMIN правильные значения.
3. Скопируйте файл в каталог DocumentRoot.
4. Измените переменные $username, $password, $database_hostname, $database_port, $database_sid и $database_srvc, необходимые для тестовой системы.
5. Измените права на 755 (только для Linux):
Следующая ошибка возникает, если ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora неправильно настроен или отсутствует.
Warning: ocilogon(): _oci_open_server: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error in [oracle_home]\apache\apache\htdocs\phpdbchk.php on line 25 ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
Запуск PHP скрипта в в другом каталог вне htdocs
Например, если вы хотите поместить php-скрипты в $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/phpsrc и запустить их оттуда через браузер, например, hhttp:FQHN:[port]/php/info.php, то выполните следующее:
1. Создайте каталог $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/phpsrc
2. Скопируйте скрипт info.php в $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/phpsrc
3. Отредактируйте httpd.conf и добавьте эту строку:
Alias /php/ $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/phpsrc
4. Перезапустите http сервер и теперь он должен работать:
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