Php creating global variables

PHP Variables Scope

In PHP, variables can be declared anywhere in the script.

The scope of a variable is the part of the script where the variable can be referenced/used.

PHP has three different variable scopes:

Global and Local Scope

A variable declared outside a function has a GLOBAL SCOPE and can only be accessed outside a function:


Variable with global scope:

function myTest() // using x inside this function will generate an error
echo «

Variable x inside function is: $x


echo «

Variable x outside function is: $x


A variable declared within a function has a LOCAL SCOPE and can only be accessed within that function:


Variable with local scope:

function myTest() $x = 5; // local scope
echo «

Variable x inside function is: $x


// using x outside the function will generate an error
echo «

Variable x outside function is: $x


You can have local variables with the same name in different functions, because local variables are only recognized by the function in which they are declared.

PHP The global Keyword

The global keyword is used to access a global variable from within a function.

To do this, use the global keyword before the variables (inside the function):


function myTest() global $x, $y;
$y = $x + $y;

echo $y; // outputs 15

PHP also stores all global variables in an array called $GLOBALS[index] . The index holds the name of the variable. This array is also accessible from within functions and can be used to update global variables directly.

The example above can be rewritten like this:


function myTest() $GLOBALS[‘y’] = $GLOBALS[‘x’] + $GLOBALS[‘y’];

echo $y; // outputs 15

PHP The static Keyword

Normally, when a function is completed/executed, all of its variables are deleted. However, sometimes we want a local variable NOT to be deleted. We need it for a further job.

To do this, use the static keyword when you first declare the variable:


Then, each time the function is called, that variable will still have the information it contained from the last time the function was called.

Note: The variable is still local to the function.


PHP Global Variables

Global variables are variables that are defined outside of a function or a class and can be accessed from anywhere within a PHP script. They have a global scope, which means that they can be accessed and modified by any function or class within the script. Global variables are often used to store data that needs to be accessed and updated throughout the execution of the script, such as configuration settings, user input data, or database connections. However, the use of global variables should be limited to prevent accidental modification of their values by different parts of the script. In addition, global variables can cause issues with the readability and maintainability of the code, especially in large projects. It is generally recommended to use more structured approaches to data storage, such as passing variables as parameters or using classes and objects.

What are PHP Global Variables?

In PHP, global variables are variables that are accessible from anywhere within the script, including inside functions, classes, and other structures. Global variables are defined using the keyword «global» followed by the variable name, and they are typically declared outside of any functions or classes. When a variable is declared as global, it can be used throughout the entire codebase, and any changes made to the variable will be reflected across all areas of the script where the variable is used.

Global variables can be useful for storing information that needs to be accessed from multiple locations in the codebase. For example, you might use a global variable to store the current user’s ID or a configuration setting that needs to be accessed by various functions or classes. By storing this information in a global variable, you can avoid passing the information around as function parameters, which can be cumbersome and lead to bloated code.

However, it’s important to use global variables judiciously, as overuse can lead to code that is difficult to maintain and debug. When you use global variables, it can be harder to isolate the effects of specific code blocks, and it can be more difficult to test your code. Additionally, if you have multiple developers working on a project, global variables can lead to conflicts and make it harder to track down bugs.

To avoid some of these issues, you might consider using a dependency injection pattern instead of relying on global variables. In this pattern, you pass variables as parameters to functions or classes, rather than relying on global variables. This can make it easier to isolate the effects of specific code blocks and can also make your code more testable.

Another thing to keep in mind when using global variables is naming conflicts. If you have multiple global variables with the same name, it can be difficult to keep track of which variable is being used in which context. To avoid this issue, it’s a good idea to use descriptive variable names that are unlikely to clash with other variables in your codebase.


Let us see the syntax of how to declare a global variable in php:


In this syntax, «global» is a keyword that tells PHP to make the variable available globally, and «$variable_name» is the name of the variable you want to make global. Run the above syntax in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

To use a global variable in a function or class method, you must first declare the variable as global using the syntax above. This tells PHP to look for the variable in the global scope, rather than creating a new variable with the same name in the local scope.

It is very important to note that overuse of global variables can lead to code that is difficult to maintain and debug, as mentioned in the previous answer. Therefore, it’s generally recommended to limit the use of global variables and instead uses other techniques like dependency injection to pass variables between functions and classes.

How to Declare a Global Variable in PHP?

Declaring a global variable in PHP is a simple process. In order to declare a variable as global, you must use the «global» keyword followed by the variable name.

Here is an example of how to declare a global variable in PHP:

In this example, we declare a global variable called «my_global_variable» using the «global» keyword. We then set the value of the global variable to «Hello, world!».

It is very important to note that global variables can be accessed from anywhere in your PHP code, including within functions, classes, and other structures. However, overuse of global variables can lead to code that is difficult to maintain and debug. It’s generally recommended to limit the use of global variables and instead uses other techniques like dependency injection to pass variables between functions and classes.

Here is an example of how to use a global variable in a function:


In this example, we first declare the global variable «my_global_variable» using the «global» keyword, and set its value to «Hello, world!». We then define a function called «my_function» that uses the «global» keyword to access the global variable and print its value using the «echo» statement. Finally, we call the «my_function» function, which outputs «Hello, world!» because it’s accessing the value of the global variable we declared earlier. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Declaring a global variable in PHP is a straightforward process that involves using the «global» keyword followed by the variable name. However, it’s important to use global variables judiciously to avoid issues with code maintainability, testability, and naming conflicts. When using global variables, it’s important to be mindful of the potential downsides and to consider alternative patterns like dependency injection where appropriate.


Example 1: Modifying a global variable inside a function


In this example, we declare a global variable called «global_variable» and set its value to «Hello, world!». We then define a function called «modify_global_variable» that uses the «global» keyword to access the global variable and change its value to «Goodbye, world!». Finally, we call the «modify_global_variable» function and print the value of the global variable before and after the function call. The output of this code is «Hello, world!» followed by «Goodbye, world!» because the global variable is modified inside the function. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Example 2: Using a global variable inside a class


In this example, we define a class called «MyClass» with a method called «my_method» that uses the «global» keyword to access the global variable called «global_variable» and print its value using the «echo» statement. We then set the value of the global variable to «Hello, world!» and create an instance of the MyClass object. Finally, we call the «my_method» method on the MyClass object, which outputs «Hello, world!» because it’s accessing the value of the global variable we declared earlier. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Example 3: Using global variables in a recursive function


In this example, we declare a global variable called «global_variable» with an initial value of 0. We then define a recursive function called «my_recursive_function» that takes a parameter $n. The function checks if $n is 0 , and if so, it returns. Otherwise, it increments the value of the global variable using the «++» operator, and then calls itself recursively with $n — 1 as the parameter. Finally, we call the «my_recursive_function» function with $n = 5 and print the value of the global variable, which should be 5 since the function was called recursively 5 times. Using global variables in recursive functions can be a helpful way to maintain state across multiple levels of recursion. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

Example 4: Using a global variable across multiple files


In this example, we have two PHP files: file1.php and file2.php. In file1.php, we declare a global variable called «global_variable» and set its value to «Hello, world!». In file2.php, we include file1.php using the «include» statement and access the value of the global variable using the same name. Because the global variable is declared in file1.php and included in file2.php, we can access its value in both files. The output of this code is «Hello, world!» because we’re accessing the value of the global variable across multiple files. Run the above code in your editor for a better and clear explanation.

It’s worth noting that using global variables across multiple files can make it more difficult to track where a variable is used and modified, so it’s important to use this pattern with care and avoid creating naming conflicts or unintentional side effects.


  • A global variable is a variable that can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the PHP script, including inside functions and across multiple files.
  • To declare a variable as global, you must use the «global» keyword followed by the variable name inside the function or code block where you want to use it.
  • It’s important to use global variables with care, as they can make it harder to keep track of where a variable is used and modified, and can lead to naming conflicts or unintended side effects.
  • Global variables can be useful for storing and tracking state across multiple functions or levels of recursion, but should generally be avoided in favor of passing variables as function parameters or using other variable scoping techniques when possible.
  • It’s a good practice to define all global variables at the beginning of the PHP script or in a separate file to make them easier to locate and manage.
  • Another way to avoid global variables is to use object-oriented programming principles such as encapsulation and dependency injection to manage data and pass it between objects.
  • In summary, global variables can be useful in some situations, but should be used sparingly and with caution to avoid potential issues and make code more maintainable and scalable.


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