Php content type header json content type

How to create a JSON object and send it as POST request using PHP

JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) is a lightweight human-readable text format for storing and transporting data consisting of name-value pairs and arrays.

It is commonly used in reading data from a web server, and displaying it on a web page.

JSON data can easily be sent between computers, applications, and can be used by any programming language. It is extensively used as the de-facto format for the data exchange in RESTful web services requests and responses. In fact, the success of RESTful web services can be attributed to the JSON format due to its ease of use on various platforms and languages.

JSON Syntax

Data in JSON objects is stored in name-value pairs, as in the example below:

From the above example, “firstName” is the name, and “John” is the value.

The name in the pair is always a string while its value can be of different data types which include: string, number, object, array, true, false, and null.

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The name and value in a pair are separated by a colon (:).

The name-value pairs are separated by a comma (,).

The JSON object is enclosed in curly braces (<>). It can contain name-value pairs and/or arrays.

Arrays in JSON are enclosed square brackets ([]), and their values are separated by a comma (,).


The above is an example of a JSON object containing data in name-value pairs. It has values of datatypes: string, number, object and array.

The value for the name «phoneNumbers» is an array of two objects.

The value for the name «address» is an object containing 3 name-value pairs.

The name «age» contains a value of type number.

How to create a JSON object in PHP

First is to create an array, then encode it into a JSON object.

Since data in JSON is stored in name-value pairs, we use the associative arrays which also store data in key-value pairs, where the key is used as an index to search the corresponding value in the array.

To create an associative array in PHP, we put our key-value pairs inside the array() function and use the double arrow operator (=>) to assign values to keys.

 "John", "lastName" => "Doe", "email" => "", "phone" => "111-111-1111" ); 

After creating an associative array, then convert it into a JSON object using the PHP inbuilt json_encode() function as shown below.

Add a Content-Type header by adding header(«Content-Type:application/json») at the top of the PHP file for your output to be recognized as a JSON object.

 "John", "lastName" => "Doe", "email" => "", "phone" => "111-111-1111" $jsonobject = json_encode($myobj); echo $jsonobject; 

The above code will print out a JSON object as below:

How to create a JSON object with an array and nested object

To have a name with an object as its value, will just need to create an array and assign it to the key as the value while forming the associative array.

To have a name with an array value, we just need to create an array as the value, then create other arrays with key-value pairs inside it.


 "John", "lastName" => "Doe", "email" => "", "address" => array( "postalAddress" => "12345", "postalCode" => "5432", "city" => "Nairobi" ), "siblings" => array( array( "name" => "Joseph Doe" ), array( "name" => "Mary Doe" ) ) ); $jsonobject = json_encode($myarray); echo $jsonobject; 

The above code will output a JSON object below:

Sending a JSON object as a post request in PHP

Now that you already know how to form a JSON object, let’s dive into how you can send it as POST request.

We will achieve that using PHP Curl as shown below:

 "John", "lastName" => "Doe", "email" => "", "phone" => "111-111-1111" ); $url = "" $payload = json_encode($myarray); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type:application/json')); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $payload); curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); 


In this tutorial we have covered what JSON is, why it’s important, how to create associative arrays in PHP, how to convert an associative array into a JSON object and how to send the created object in a POST request using PHP curl.


Работа с JSON в PHP

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) – текстовый формат обмена данными, основанный на JavaScript, который представляет собой набор пар . Значение может быть массивом, числом, строкой и булевым значением.

В PHP поддержка JSON появилась с версии 5.2.0 и работает только с кодировкой UTF-8.


json_encode($value, $options) – кодирует массив или объект в JSON.

$array = array( '1' => 'Значение 1', '2' => 'Значение 2', '3' => 'Значение 3', '4' => 'Значение 4', '5' => 'Значение 5' ); $json = json_encode($array); echo $json;

Как видно кириллица кодируется, исправляется это добавлением опции JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE .

$json = json_encode($array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); echo $json;

Далее такую строку можно сохранить в файл, или отдать в браузер, например при AJAX запросах.

header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo $json; exit();


Функция json_decode($json) преобразует строку в объект:

$json = ''; $array = json_decode($json); print_r($array);
stdClass Object ( [1] => Значение 1 [2] => Значение 2 [3] => Значение 3 [4] => Значение 4 [5] => Значение 5 )

Если добавить вторым аргументом true , то произойдёт преобразование в массив:

$json = ''; $array = json_decode($json, true); print_r($array);
Array ( [1] => Значение 1 [2] => Значение 2 [3] => Значение 3 [4] => Значение 4 [5] => Значение 5 )

Получение ошибок и их исправление

json_decode() возвращает NULL , если в объекте есть ошибки, посмотреть их можно с помощью функции json_last_error() :

$json = ''; $array = json_decode($json, true); switch (json_last_error())

Посмотреть значения констант JSON:

$constants = get_defined_constants(true); foreach ($constants['json'] as $name => $value) < echo $name . ': ' . $value . '
'; >

Если вы хотите распарсить JS объект из HTML страницы или файла, то скорее всего json_decode вернет ошибку т.к. в коде будут управляющие символы или BOM. Удалить их можно следующим образом:

$json = ''; // Удаление управляющих символов for ($i = 0; $i // Удаление символа Delete $json = str_replace(chr(127), '', $json); // Удаление BOM if (0 === strpos(bin2hex($json), 'efbbbf')) < $json = substr($json, 3); >$res = json_decode($json, true); print_r($res);

HTTP-запросы в формате JSON

Некоторые сервисы требуют чтобы запросы к ним осуществлялись в формате JSON, такой запрос можно сформировать в CURL:

$data = array( 'name' => '' 'text' => 'Отправка сообщения', ); $ch = curl_init(''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); $res = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch);

А также могут обратится к вашим скриптам в таком формате, чтение JSON запроса.

$data = file_get_contents('php://input'); $data = json_decode($data, true);


Mastering PHP JSON Header Content Type: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to properly set the content type when returning JSON data from a PHP script with this comprehensive guide. Avoid common issues and ensure easy parsing with key tips and tricks. Start optimizing your website with ‘Content-type: application/json’ today!

When returning data from a PHP script in JSON format, it is crucial to properly set the content type header. This informs the browser of the data type being returned, making it easier to parse the data. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to use the PHP header() function to set the content type as JSON.

The Importance of Setting the Content Type Header

When sending data from a server to a client, it is important to define the Content-Type in the headers of the response. This tells the client what type of content they are receiving. When returning JSON data from a PHP script, it is necessary to set the Content Type Header to ‘application/json’ to inform the browser of the data type being returned.

Failure to set the content type header can result in common issues, such as problems with data validation, syntax errors, and encoding issues. Therefore, it is essential to set the header properly.

Using the PHP header() Function for JSON Content Type

The header(’Content-Type: application/json’) function should be used before echoing the data to inform the browser of the data type being returned. This ensures that the browser knows what to expect and can correctly parse the data.

Another way to use the header() function for JSON content type is header(’Content-type: application/json’) when another page is calling. This can ensure that the content type header is set correctly for all requests.

It is worth noting that a Content-Type header of application/json will be added by default if none is already present on the message. However, it is still good practice to set the content type header explicitly when responding with JSON objects.

The Content-Type Header Explained (with examples)

As an example, we’ll be setting the Content-Type as «application/json» in a PHP script Duration: 9:29

JSON Data and MIME Type

The official mime type for json is application/json. To send JSON data to the server, you must provide a Content-Type: application/json request header and provide the JSON data in the body of the request. The Content-Type header is used to indicate the type of media in the body of the message.

It is important to ensure that the Content-Type header is set correctly when sending JSON data to the server. Failure to do so can result in issues with the data being correctly parsed.

JSON Encoding in PHP

The json_encode() function can be used to convert a PHP array to a JSON string. When returning JSON data from a PHP script, it is important to properly format the data to ensure it can be easily parsed by the client.

Best practices when working with JSON in PHP include validating and sanitizing input data, and properly encoding special characters. This can help to ensure that the data is correctly formatted and can be easily parsed by the client.

Tips and Tricks for Working with JSON in PHP

There are several tips and tricks that can be used when working with JSON in PHP. The file_get_contents() function can be used to receive JSON POST requests. The -H command-line option can be used with Curl to send the Content-Type header.

The withJson() function automatically adds the header Content-Type: application/json. a cheatsheet for working with json in php can be found online, listing common functions and methods for working with JSON data.

Additional helpful code examples for setting the content type header when returning JSON data from a PHP script

In Php , for instance, php header json code sample

header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data);

In Php , in particular, php header content type json code example

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($data); die();


Properly setting the content type when returning JSON data from a PHP script is crucial to ensure it can be easily parsed by the client. Using the PHP header() function with the ‘Content-type: application/json’ argument sends the HTTP JSON header to the browser to inform it what kind of data to expect.

By following the key points, important points, and helpful points outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that your JSON data is properly formatted and easily accessible by clients. Remember to properly validate and sanitize input data, and properly encode special characters to ensure that the data is correctly formatted and can be easily parsed by the client.


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