Php console new line

Перенос строки в консоли PHP

Иногда в консольных скриптах, написанных на PHP, необходимо при выводе текста делать перенос строки, сделать это можно так:

Перенос строки в консоли (язык PHP)

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Классняк, можно использовать так же для переноса строки при записи в файл


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PHP New Line: The Perfect Ways To Create New Line the Right Way

Position Is Everything

New line in php

We bring you an easy guide on creating PHP new line effortlessly. We will be covering the nl2br() function, echo statement, file handling functions, PHP_EOL constant,
tags, rn and n character
in detail.

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Our guide will ensure learning at the beginner’s level so that everyone knows the perfect ways to create new lines in PHP.

New Line in PHP

There can be many ways to create a new line in PHP, and it is up to you to choose your favorite. We will first take a look at the inbuilt nl2br() function in PHP. This function facilitates the insertion of HTML line breaks prior to the new line in string. There are certain new line characters rn or n present in the nl2br() function that are collectively used to print new line in PHP.

In another case, these newline characters can also be used inside the source code. However, these line breaks cannot be seen on the browser.

It is important that you do not confuse the rn or n new line characters with /n. You must ensure that you use a backward slash with the n. In addition, the nl2br() function must also contain the parameters enclosed with their double-quotes. If you accidentally use single quotes instead of double quotes, the exact parameter that was written in the function will be printed.

How To Implement Echo Statement?

Implementing the echo statement produces specific outputs in the browser where the new line characters in PHP n or rn do not work. Therefore, HTML tags can be helpful for the browser to develop an understanding of formatting the content. HTML has an official tag
for a line break. This
tag can be effectively used to directly print new line in PHP.

It is important to note here that the
tag has to be carefully enclosed with double quotes. This break line tag also facilitates the breaking of a PHP string in new line.

We suggest that you utilize the dot operator before and after the
tag for the specification of the line break of the string. You must be watchful of using the double quotes to write what you want in the string.

The dot operator can be utilized after that with the double quotes used before and after the
tag. Afterward, you can again utilize the dot operator to write an additional desired string of your choice that also has to be enclosed with its double quotes. Finally, the echo statement can be used to print the new line.

What Are File Handling Functions?

The use of file handling functions is also an effective way to create new lines in PHP. File handling functions include fwrite(), fileclose() , and fopen() which are used to create new files and add lines in them by writing the desired text. These functions also require the escape sequence n to achieve their objective.

In this way, whenever file handling functions are used, the written text after the escape sequence n will always be seen in the next line of the file created. The fopen() function is utilized for the creation of a new text file with new lines created in write mode.

Furthermore, the fwrite() function is utilized to write the desired text and create new lines in the created file. While the fileclose() function can be used to close the file stream. Whenever you create a specific variable, we suggest that you assign the fopen() function to it.

PHP New Line: Using File Handling Functions

Moving on, you can write the first parameter inside that function which is the file that has to be created for new lines. You can then write a second parameter that can be used to denote the write mode for the fopen() function.

In addition, you can assign the fopen() function to another created variable of yours. The first parameter can be written inside that function that is the file that you have to create. Afterward, you can write a second parameter as well.

This is done to denote the write mode of the fopen() function. Then you can write a string in another variable and then use the fwrite() function to pass both of the variables as the parameter. Finally, you can utilize the fclose() function to close the file stream with the first variable existing as the parameter.

With these steps, the text file can be created in a root directory with the PHP script running in the server. Afterward, the text is inserted into the file, and new lines are created. The output of the created lines can be viewed by opening the text file.

When To Use the Constant PHP_EOL

PHP_EOL is a constant that can be used to locate the new line character in PHP in a way that supports all platforms to handle the issues between DOS and UNIX. You must keep in mind here that the PHP_EOL constant can depict the end line character for the current system only. This means that the constant executed on a UNIX system will not find an end line on Windows.

Moreover, this constant can be utilized for any sort of output with any of the valid values where the user intends to unify new lines. The value is being determined by the server instead of the client. For example, Windows visitors can face the likely inconvenience of getting the value from a UNIX server.

The main aim of using the PHP_EOL constant is to create a new line with cross-platform compatibility. This can be possible in an attempt to write files to a file system.

In addition, the constant can even be used to make a generated HTML more readable with a
tag followed by a PHP_EOL
. We can find it used in a PHP script running from Cron with the need for an output that has to be formatted for a screen.

The PHP_EOL constant can be quite useful in file handling tasks with special benefits in creating multiple new lines into a file. You can use it instead of the rn character into your script that has a long string needing to be broken into multiple new lines when it is being written into a plain file.

When Not To Use the Constant PHP_EOL?

We advise you not to use the PHP_EOL constant in certain circumstances. You should not utilize the constant when you are outputting the created new lines to a webpage in HTML.

This specifically involves text like and . Instead, n character can be a better option for this case. The reason this unsuitability exists is that the code might change the way the pages of created lines are displayed in certain browsers if it is deployed on a Windows host. However, this will only happen if the same code is working fine on a UNIX platform server.

There can be other reasons as well for the code to behave in such a way. One of them is an immediate outputting of a r character on certain platforms that can lead to issues with its output.

In addition, the constant must not be used when HTTP headers are being returned because it is mandatory for them to follow the RFC on all platforms at all times. It should also not be utilized for delimiters on CSV files. This is because the platform on which the server is running must not determine the endings of the created lines in consumed files.


Now, we will be revising everything that has been covered so far:

Php new line

  • There are three file handling functions including fwrite() , fileclose(), and fopen() that can also be used to create new lines in PHP. These file handling functions and the escape sequence n are collectively utilized to achieve that objective
  • The PHP_EOL constant can be used to locate new line characters while ensuring cross-platform compatibility
  • However, the representation of the end line character by the PHP_EOL constant is only possible for the current system
  • This constant must not be used for outputting created lines to a webpage in HTML
  • This is because, in this case, the code can change the display of pages containing the created lines in certain browsers due to cross-platform incompatibility

In this guide, we saw how the nl2br() function can be important when inserting new line breaks, and we also talked about how the new line characters rn or n can be collectively utilized for printing new lines. Furthermore, we discussed how the implementation of echo statement and using break line
tags can play a role in breaking a string in a new line in PHP.

We hope that after reading this guide, you’ve gained enough knowledge on creating a PHP new line and that you’ll become more comfortable in using all the methods we provided.


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