Php connection mysqli errors


Возвращает сообщение об ошибке последней попытки подключения.

Список параметров

У этой функции нет параметров.

Возвращаемые значения

Сообщение об ошибке. null , если ошибка отсутствует.


Пример #1 Пример использования $mysqli->connect_error

/* @ используется для подавления предупреждений */
$mysqli = @new mysqli ( ‘localhost’ , ‘fake_user’ , ‘wrong_password’ , ‘does_not_exist’ );

if ( $mysqli -> connect_error ) /* Используйте предпочитаемый вами метод регистрации ошибок */
error_log ( ‘Ошибка при подключении: ‘ . $mysqli -> connect_error );

/* @ используется для подавления предупреждений */
$link = @ mysqli_connect ( ‘localhost’ , ‘fake_user’ , ‘wrong_password’ , ‘does_not_exist’ );

if (! $link ) /* Используйте предпочитаемый вами метод регистрации ошибок */
error_log ( ‘Ошибка при подключении: ‘ . mysqli_connect_error ());

Смотрите также

  • mysqli_connect() — Псевдоним mysqli::__construct
  • mysqli_connect_errno() — Возвращает код ошибки последней попытки соединения
  • mysqli_errno() — Возвращает код ошибки последнего вызова функции
  • mysqli_error() — Возвращает строку с описанием последней ошибки
  • mysqli_sqlstate() — Возвращает код состояния SQLSTATE последней MySQL операции

User Contributed Notes



Returns the last error message for the most recent MySQLi function call that can succeed or fail.


Procedural style only: A mysqli object returned by mysqli_connect() or mysqli_init()

Return Values

A string that describes the error. An empty string if no error occurred.


Example #1 $mysqli->error example

$mysqli = new mysqli ( «localhost» , «my_user» , «my_password» , «world» );

/* check connection */
if ( $mysqli -> connect_errno ) printf ( «Connect failed: %s\n» , $mysqli -> connect_error );

if (! $mysqli -> query ( «SET a=1» )) printf ( «Error message: %s\n» , $mysqli -> error );

/* close connection */
$mysqli -> close ();

$link = mysqli_connect ( «localhost» , «my_user» , «my_password» , «world» );

/* check connection */
if ( mysqli_connect_errno ()) printf ( «Connect failed: %s\n» , mysqli_connect_error ());

if (! mysqli_query ( $link , «SET a=1» )) printf ( «Error message: %s\n» , mysqli_error ( $link ));

/* close connection */
mysqli_close ( $link );

The above examples will output:

Error message: Unknown system variable 'a'

See Also

  • mysqli_connect_errno() — Returns the error code from last connect call
  • mysqli_connect_error() — Returns a description of the last connection error
  • mysqli_errno() — Returns the error code for the most recent function call
  • mysqli_sqlstate() — Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MySQL operation

User Contributed Notes 7 notes

The mysqli_sql_exception class is not available to PHP 5.05

I used this code to catch errors
$query = «SELECT XXname FROM customer_table » ;
$res = $mysqli -> query ( $query );

if (! $res ) printf ( «Errormessage: %s\n» , $mysqli -> error );

The problem with this is that valid values for $res are: a mysqli_result object , true or false
This doesn’t tell us that there has been an error with the sql used.
If you pass an update statement, false is a valid result if the update fails.

So, a better way is:
$query = «SELECT XXname FROM customer_table » ;
$res = $mysqli -> query ( $query );

if (! $mysqli -> error ) printf ( «Errormessage: %s\n» , $mysqli -> error );

Very frustrating as I wanted to also catch the sql error and print out the stack trace.

mysqli_report ( MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF ); //Turn off irritating default messages

$mysqli = new mysqli ( «localhost» , «my_user» , «my_password» , «world» );

$query = «SELECT XXname FROM customer_table » ;
$res = $mysqli -> query ( $query );

if ( $mysqli -> error ) try <
throw new Exception ( «MySQL error $mysqli -> error
$query » , $msqli -> errno );
> catch( Exception $e ) echo «Error No: » . $e -> getCode (). » — » . $e -> getMessage () . «
» ;
echo nl2br ( $e -> getTraceAsString ());

//Do stuff with the result
Prints out something like:
Error No: 1054
Unknown column ‘XXname’ in ‘field list’
SELECT XXname FROM customer_table

#0 G:\\database.php(251): database->dbError(‘Unknown column . ‘, 1054, ‘getQuery()’, ‘SELECT XXname F. ‘)
#1 G:\data\WorkSites\1framework5\tests\dbtest.php(29): database->getString(‘SELECT XXname F. ‘)
#2 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\runner.php(58): testOfDB->testGetVal()
#3 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\runner.php(96): SimpleInvoker->invoke(‘testGetVal’)
#4 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\runner.php(125): SimpleInvokerDecorator->invoke(‘testGetVal’)
#5 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\runner.php(183): SimpleErrorTrappingInvoker->invoke(‘testGetVal’)
#6 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\simple_test.php(90): SimpleRunner->run()
#7 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\simple_test.php(498): SimpleTestCase->run(Object(HtmlReporter))
#8 c:\PHP\includes\simpletest\simple_test.php(500): GroupTest->run(Object(HtmlReporter))
#9 G:\all_tests.php(16): GroupTest->run(Object(HtmlReporter))

This will actually print out the error, a stack trace and the offending sql statement. Much more helpful when the sql statement is generated somewhere else in the code.

The decription «mysqli_error — Returns a string description of the LAST error» is not exactly that what you get from mysqli_error. You get the error description from the last mysqli-function, not from the last mysql-error.

If you have the following situation

if (!$mysqli->query(«SET a=1»)) $mysqli->query(«ROLLBACK;»)
printf(«Errormessage: %s\n», $mysqli->error);

you don’t get an error-message, if the ROLLBACK-Query didn’t failed, too. In order to get the right error-message you have to write:

if (!$mysqli->query(«SET a=1»)) printf(«Errormessage: %s\n», $mysqli->error);

I had to set mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL) at the begin of my script to be able to catch mysqli errors within the catch block of my php code.

Initially, I used the below code to throw and subsequent catch mysqli exceptions

try $mysqli = new mysqli ( ‘localhost’ , ‘root’ , ‘pwd’ , ‘db’ );
if ( $mysqli -> connect_errno )
throw new Exception ( $mysqli -> connect_error );

> catch ( Exception $e ) echo $e -> getMessage ();

I realized the exception was being thrown before the actual throw statement and hence the catch block was not being called .

My current code looks like
mysqli_report ( MYSQLI_REPORT_ALL ) ;
try $mysqli = new mysqli ( ‘localhost’ , ‘root’ , ‘pwd’ , ‘db’ );
/* I don’t need to throw the exception, it’s being thrown automatically */

> catch ( Exception $e ) echo $e -> getMessage ();

This works fine and I ‘m able to trap all mysqli errors

Please note that the string returned may contain data initially provided by the user, possibly making your code vulnerable to XSS.

So even if you escape everything in your SQL query using mysqli_real_escape_string(), make sure that if you plan to display the string returned by mysqli_error() you run that string through htmlspecialchars().

As far as I can tell the two escape functions don’t escape the same characters, which is why you need both (the first for SQL and the second for HTML/JS).

// The idea is the add formated errors information for developers to easier bugs detection.

$myfile = fopen ( «database_log.log» , «r» );
$db = new mysqli ( «localhost» , «root» , «root» , «data» );
if(! $db -> query ( «SELECT» )) $timestamp = new DateTime ();
$data_err = » \»title\»: \» Select statement error \»,
\»date_time\»: » . $timestamp -> getTimestamp (). «,
\»error\»:\» » . $db -> error . » \»
> » ; // Do more information
fwrite ( $myfile , $data_err ); // writing data
// In separate file do file read and format it for good visual.

$db -> close ();
fclose ( $myfile );

Hi, you can also use the new mysqli_sql_exception to catch sql errors.
//set up $mysqli_instance here..
$Select = «SELECT xyz FROM mytable » ;
try $res = $mysqli_instance -> query ( $Select );
>catch ( mysqli_sql_exception $e ) print «Error Code
» . $e -> getCode ();
print «Error Message
» . $e -> getMessage ();
print «Strack Trace
» . nl2br ( $e -> getTraceAsString ());

Will print out something like
Error Code: 0
Error Message
No index used in query/prepared statement select sess_value from frame_sessions where sess_name = ‘5b85upjqkitjsostvs6g9rkul1’
Strack Trace:
#0 G:\classfiles\lib5\database.php(214): mysqli->query(‘select sess_val. ‘)
#1 G:\classfiles\lib5\Session.php(52): database->getString(‘select sess_val. ‘)
#2 [internal function]: sess_read(‘5b85upjqkitjsos. ‘)
#3 G:\classfiles\includes.php(50): session_start()
#4 G:\tests\all_tests.php(4): include(‘G:\data\WorkSit. ‘)

try $this->connection = mysqli_connect($hostname,$username,$password, $dbname);
> catch (Exception $e) echo «Errno: » . mysqli_connect_errno() . PHP_EOL;
echo «Text error: » . mysqli_connect_error() . PHP_EOL;


How to catch warnings for mysqli_connect()

So, I am trying to test mysqli_connect() method by putting wrong host, username etc. in it. But when I put the wrong variables in it such as I put hostlocal instead of localhost . It gives me this error

I know I am putting the wrong host in it but I want to catch the errors in an appropriate way. A decent message would be perfect just like:

1 Answer 1

For one, mysql_error() won’t give you anything. It’s a part of another library, mysql_ , which doesn’t interchange with the new and improved mysqli_ . That being said, you can set MySQLi to throw exceptions, which you then can catch.

The warnings would still be logged, if error-logging is enabled (as it should!). But you can catch the error and display something more user-friendly to the page if the connection fails. You should never display actual error messages to a live project — in development its fine, but never on any live environment.

mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); // Set MySQLi to throw exceptions try < $connection2 = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $name); >catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) < // $e is the exception, you can use it as you wish die("Unfortunately, the details you entered for connection are incorrect!"); >

This would however log the same warning as what you’re getting to the log,

php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

although it won’t be displayed to the page.

You can suppress the warning (so it won’t be logged) by adding @ , but I don’t recommend it unless you explicitly implement your own error-handling/reporting. Errors should be logged.

mysqli_report(MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR | MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT); // Set MySQLi to throw exceptions try < $connection2 = @mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $name); >catch (mysqli_sql_exception $e) < error_log($e->getMessage()); // Log the error manually die("Unfortunately, the details you entered for connection are incorrect!"); > 


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