Php compare data types
These three functions call themselves recursively and handle any nesting levels of arrays/objects/values and do strict comparisons. The entry-point to this function set would be «valuesAreIdentical».
function valuesAreIdentical ( $v1 , $v2 ): bool $type1 = gettype ( $v1 );
$type2 = gettype ( $v2 );
if( $type1 !== $type2 ) return false ;
switch( true ) case ( $type1 === ‘boolean’ || $type1 === ‘integer’ || $type1 === ‘double’ || $type1 === ‘string’ ):
//Do strict comparison here.
if( $v1 !== $v2 ) return false ;
case ( $type1 === ‘array’ ):
$bool = arraysAreIdentical ( $v1 , $v2 );
if( $bool === false ) return false ;
case ‘object’ :
$bool = objectsAreIdentical ( $v1 , $v2 );
if( $bool === false ) return false ;
case ‘NULL’ :
//Since both types were of type NULL, consider their «values» equal.
case ‘resource’ :
//How to compare if at all?
case ‘unknown type’ :
//How to compare if at all?
> //end switch
//All tests passed.
return true ;
function objectsAreIdentical ( $o1 , $o2 ): bool //See if loose comparison passes.
if( $o1 != $o2 ) return false ;
//Now do strict(er) comparison.
$objReflection1 = new ReflectionObject ( $o1 );
$objReflection2 = new ReflectionObject ( $o2 );
$arrProperties1 = $objReflection1 -> getProperties ( ReflectionProperty :: IS_PUBLIC );
$arrProperties2 = $objReflection2 -> getProperties ( ReflectionProperty :: IS_PUBLIC );
$bool = arraysAreIdentical ( $arrProperties1 , $arrProperties2 );
if( $bool === false ) return false ;
foreach( $arrProperties1 as $key => $propName ) $bool = valuesAreIdentical ( $o1 -> $propName , $o2 -> $propName );
if( $bool === false ) return false ;
//All tests passed.
return true ;
function arraysAreIdentical (array $arr1 , array $arr2 ): bool $count = count ( $arr1 );
//Require that they have the same size.
if( count ( $arr2 ) !== $count ) return false ;
//Require that they have the same keys.
$arrKeysInCommon = array_intersect_key ( $arr1 , $arr2 );
if( count ( $arrKeysInCommon )!== $count ) return false ;
//Require that their keys be in the same order.
$arrKeys1 = array_keys ( $arr1 );
$arrKeys2 = array_keys ( $arr2 );
foreach( $arrKeys1 as $key => $val ) if( $arrKeys1 [ $key ] !== $arrKeys2 [ $key ]) return false ;
//They do have same keys and in same order.
foreach( $arr1 as $key => $val ) $bool = valuesAreIdentical ( $arr1 [ $key ], $arr2 [ $key ]);
if( $bool === false ) return false ;
//All tests passed.
return true ;
Please use this corrected version of function «valuesAreIdentical» instead of that which I previously posted (dependencies found in previous post); if an Admin can just replace the fn snippet, awesome/thanks, otherwise, apologies.
public static function valuesAreIdentical ( $v1 , $v2 ): bool $type1 = gettype ( $v1 );
$type2 = gettype ( $v2 );
switch( true ) case ( $type1 !== $type2 ):
return false ;
case ( $type1 === ‘boolean’ || $type1 === ‘integer’ || $type1 === ‘double’ || $type1 === ‘string’ ):
//Do strict comparison here.
return ( $v1 === $v2 );
case ( $type1 === ‘array’ ):
return self :: arraysAreIdentical ( $v1 , $v2 );
case ( $type1 === ‘object’ ):
return self :: objectsAreIdentical ( $v1 , $v2 );
case ( $type1 === ‘NULL’ ):
//Since both types were of type NULL, consider their «values» equal.
return true ;
case ( $type1 === ‘resource’ || $type1 === ‘unknown type’ ):
//How to compare if at all?
return true ;
return true ; //Code-flow not intended to arrive here.
> //end switch
It is not immediately obvious based on the docs, but the equality comparison operator does also check protected and private properties.
class A < public $a = 0 ; private $b = 1 ; public function __construct ( $test ) < $this ->b = $test ;>>
echo «A(1) == A(2) » . var_export ((new A ( 1 )) == (new A ( 2 )), true ) . «\n» ;
echo «A(1) == A(1) » . var_export ((new A ( 1 )) == (new A ( 1 )), true ) . «\n» ;
A(1) == A(2) false
A(1) == A(1) true
For comparison about two objects in a class, you can use an interface like this and customize your functions for each class:
interface EQU public static function compare ( EQU $me , EQU $you );
public function equals ( EQU $you );
If you gotcha a super class, you can make generic functions (not safe but work with not complex class):
abstract class SuperClass public function __construct ( ) // do what you need
public static function compare ( $obj1 , $obj2 ) return serialize ( $obj1 ) == serialize ( $obj2 );
public function equals ( $obj ) return static:: compare ( $this , $obj );
Whoops, apparently I hadn’t checked the array-part of the below very well.
Forgot to test if the arrays had same length, and had some misaligned parenthesis.
This one should work better :+)
COMPARING OBJECTS using PHP’s usort() method.
PHP and MySQL both provide ways to sort your data already, and it is a good idea to use that if possible. However, since this section is on comparing your own PHP objects (and that you may need to alter the sorting method in PHP), here is an example of how you can do that using PHP’s «user-defined» sort method, usort() and your own class compare() methods.
* Employee.php
* This class defines a compare() method, which tells PHP the sorting rules
* for this object — which is to sort by emp_id.
class Employee
public $first ;
public $last ;
public $emp_id ; // the property we’re interested in.
public function __construct ( $emp_first , $emp_last , $emp_ID )
$this -> first = $emp_first ;
$this -> last = $emp_last ;
$this -> emp_id = $emp_ID ;
* define the rules for sorting this object — using emp_id.
* Make sure this function returns a -1, 0, or 1.
public static function compare ( $a , $b )
if ( $a -> emp_id < $b ->emp_id ) return — 1 ;
else if( $a -> emp_id == $b -> emp_id ) return 0 ;
else return 1 ;
public function __toString ()
return «Employee[first= $this -> first , last= $this -> last , emp_id= $this -> emp_id ]» ;
# create a PHP array and initialize it with Employee objects.
$employees = array(
new Employee ( «John» , «Smith» , 345 ),
new Employee ( «Jane» , «Doe» , 231 ),
new Employee ( «Mike» , «Barnes» , 522 ),
new Employee ( «Vicky» , «Jones» , 107 ),
new Employee ( «John» , «Doe» , 2 ),
new Employee ( «Kevin» , «Patterson» , 89 )
# sort the $employees array using Employee compare() method.
usort ( $employees , array( «Employee» , «compare» ));
# print the results
foreach( $employees as $employee )
echo $employee . ‘
‘ ;
Results are now sorted by emp_id:
Employee[first=John, last=Doe, emp_id=2]Employee[first=Kevin, last=Patterson, emp_id=89]Employee[first=Vicky, last=Jones, emp_id=107]Employee[first=Jane, last=Doe, emp_id=231]Employee[first=John, last=Smith, emp_id=345]Employee[first=Mike, last=Barnes, emp_id=522]
Important Note: Your PHP code will never directly call the Employee’s compare() method, but PHP’s usort() calls it many many times. Also, when defining the rules for sorting, make sure to get to a «primitive type» level. that is, down to a number or string, and that the function returns a -1, 0, or 1, for reliable and consistent results.
Also see: for more examples of PHP’s sorting facilities.
In response to «rune at zedeler dot dk»s comment about class contents being equal, I have a similar issue. I want to sort an array of objects using sort().
I know I can do it with usort(), but I’m used to C++ where you can define operators that allow comparison. I see in the zend source code that it calls a compare_objects function, but I don’t see any way to implement that function for an object. Would it have to be an extension to provide that interface?
If so, I’d like to suggest that you allow equivalence and/or comparison operations to be defined in a class definition in PHP. Then, the sorts of things rune and I want to do would be much easier.
I haven’t found a build-in function to check whether two obects are identical — that is, all their fields are identical.
In other words,
class A var $x;
function __construct($x) < $this->x = $x; >
$identical1 = new A(42);
$identical2 = new A(42);
$different = new A(’42’);
Comparing the objects with «==» will claim that all three of them are equal. Comparing with «== note» >
This has already been mentioned (see jazfresh at’s note), but here it is again in more detail because for objects the difference between == and === is significant.
Loose equality (==) over objects is recursive: if the properties of the two objects being compared are themselves objects, then those properties will also be compared using ==.
class Link
public $link ; function __construct ( $link ) < $this ->link = $link ; >
class Leaf
public $leaf ; function __construct ( $leaf ) < $this ->leaf = $leaf ; >
$leaf1 = new Leaf ( 42 );
$leaf2 = new Leaf ( 42 );
$link1 = new Link ( $leaf1 );
$link2 = new Link ( $leaf2 );
echo «Comparing Leaf object equivalence: is \$leaf1==\$leaf2? » , ( $leaf1 == $leaf2 ? «Yes» : «No» ), «\n» ;
echo «Comparing Leaf object identity: is \$leaf1===\$leaf2? » , ( $leaf1 === $leaf2 ? «Yes» : «No» ), «\n» ;
echo «\n» ;
echo «Comparing Link object equivalence: is \$link1==\$link2? » ,( $link1 == $link2 ? «Yes» : «No» ), «\n» ;
echo «Comparing Link object identity: is \$link1===\$link2? » , ( $link1 === $link2 ? «Yes» : «No» ), «\n» ;
Even though $link1 and $link2 contain different Leaf objects, they are still equivalent because the Leaf objects are themselves equivalent.
The practical upshot is that using «==» when «== default»> class Foo < public $foo ; >
$t = new Foo ; $t -> foo = $t ;
$g = new Foo ; $g -> foo = $g ;
echo «Strict identity: » , ( $t === $g ? «True» : «False» ), «\n» ;
echo «Loose equivalence: » , ( $t == $g ? «True» : «False» ), «\n» ;
So preference should be given to comparing objects with «===» rather than «==»; if two distinct objects are to be compared for equivalence, try to do so by examining suitable individual properties. (Maybe PHP could get a magic «__equals» method that gets used to evaluate «= note» >
This example is way too much confusing, if you new to php comparison motor, you should think (after reading this example) that ‘==’ is actually comparing the type of the objects. that’s not true, it actually compares the type of the objects AND the properties of them.
class A <
private $value ;
function __construct ( $value )
$this -> value = $value ;
class B <
private $value ;
function __construct ( $value )
$this -> value = $value ;
$a1 = new A ( 1 );
$a2 = new A ( 2 );
$b1 = new B ( 1 );
var_dump ( $a1 == $a2 );
var_dump ( $a1 == $b1 );
- Classes and Objects
- Introduction
- The Basics
- Properties
- Class Constants
- Autoloading Classes
- Constructors and Destructors
- Visibility
- Object Inheritance
- Scope Resolution Operator (::)
- Static Keyword
- Class Abstraction
- Object Interfaces
- Traits
- Anonymous classes
- Overloading
- Object Iteration
- Magic Methods
- Final Keyword
- Object Cloning
- Comparing Objects
- Late Static Bindings
- Objects and references
- Object Serialization
- Covariance and Contravariance
- OOP Changelog