- Как очистить $_POST после загрузки страницы?
- Best Practices for Clearing POST Data on Page Refresh in PHP
- Redirect the user to the current page after processing the code
- Use HTTP Response code 303 to trigger a GET request
- Use the PHP unset() function to delete POST data when the page refreshes
- Use the POST-Redirect-GET (PRG) pattern to prevent duplicate submissions of forms
- Use filter_var() with a specified filter flag to sanitize and clean up different types of data
- Other simple PHP code examples for clearing POST data on page refresh
- Conclusion
- Clear POST Data Upon Refresh PHP
- Clear POST Data Upon Refresh PHP
- How to clear form data so refresh doesn’t duplicate data without forwarding?
- Clear a form without refresh
- Clear form fields after a successful submit
Как очистить $_POST после загрузки страницы?
Всем привет, не могу очистить $_POST после загрузки страницы.
Форма — Передача $_POST на саму себя — После чего работает скрипт, и нужно чтобы при обновлении страницы $_POST очистился, пробовал unset не помогает. Как сделать чтобы $_POST работал только на 1 загрузку страницы?
Вообще, попробовать сделать редирект на тот же урл, если я правильно понял вашу проблему.
header(‘Location: /test.php’);
Заработало, сейчас проблема другая. После обработки скрипта, он выводил «запись добавлена» если скрипт вернут айди записи. Но сейчас из за редиректа, он не работает. Подайте пожалуйста идею
@nezzard вообще, лучше всего сделать всё на ajax, но если вариантов нет, то можно добавить get параметр, который будет нести в себе результат, после чего вы уже можете добавить его при редиректе. То-есть: header(‘Location: /test.php?result=ok’); А потом просто смотрите get параметр result и если он равен «ok» — выводите своё «запись добавлена».
@nezzard обычно такая надпись просто избыточна. Достаточно направить человека на список сообщений и он увидит свое в списке.
Я так и хотел изначально, но проблема в том что когда скрипт отдал пост данные перезагрузил страницу то wp_insert_post( $my_post) уже не отдает айди записи, если делать редирект, т.е. отдает только когда нету редиректа, соответственно и не могу подставить айди. Видимо в отдельных файлах придется делать
@nezzard в таком случае надо было указать в вопросе, что в php вообще не понимаете. Кнопке submit укажите имя «send» (если его там нет) и вторую строку замените на «if(isset($_POST[‘send’]))».
@mayken Я совсем новенький в пхп. Спасибо, сейчас заработало но не могу вывести сообщение Запись добавлена
@mayken Благодарю, я уже у себя поправил до этого поста, сейчас не могу понять как работают сессии, не могу вывести надпись на экран
Стартанул, видимо я ничего в этом не понимаю ( Прописал вверху документа пробовал в отдельном
Буду еще очень признателен если подскажешь как вывести $_SESSION в нужном месте? Оно все в начале кода выводится
Почитайте http спецификацию. $_POST — всего лишь переменная наполняемая php при очередном запросе. Если на POST запрос приходит 200 ответ — браузер сохраняет ранее отправленные данные, чтобы отправить их еще раз до GET запроса.
А то что у вас ошибка вываливается — ищите, где вы вызываете echo, или любую другую функцию, отправляющую информацию в php://stdout
Best Practices for Clearing POST Data on Page Refresh in PHP
Learn about the best practices and methods for clearing POST data on page refresh in PHP. Techniques such as redirecting the user, using HTTP 303 code, and the unset() function can help achieve this goal. Sanitizing and cleaning up input data using filter_var() is also important.
- Redirect the user to the current page after processing the code
- Use HTTP Response code 303 to trigger a GET request
- Use the PHP unset() function to delete POST data when the page refreshes
- Use the POST-Redirect-GET (PRG) pattern to prevent duplicate submissions of forms
- Use filter_var() with a specified filter flag to sanitize and clean up different types of data
- Other simple PHP code examples for clearing POST data on page refresh
- Conclusion
- How to refresh page in PHP?
- How to avoid post after refresh?
- How to clear the file status cache in PHP?
- How to stop page resubmission on page refresh?
Clearing or deleting POST data in PHP upon page refresh is important to prevent duplicate form submissions and keep the page clean. There are several techniques and functions available in PHP to achieve this goal. In this blog post, we will explore some of the best practices and methods to clear POST data on page refresh in PHP.
Redirect the user to the current page after processing the code
After processing the form data, redirect the user to the current page to avoid re-submitting the form. This can be achieved by using the PHP header() function and specifying the current page URL as the location parameter. Here’s an example code:
header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
This code redirects the user to the current page URL specified in the PHP_SELF variable. This technique ensures that the form data is not passed again when the user refreshes the page.
Use HTTP Response code 303 to trigger a GET request
HTTP Response code 303 is used to redirect a user agent to a different resource. It is commonly used to trigger a GET request after processing a POST request. Here’s an example code:
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: ".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
This code sends a 303 response code to the browser and redirects the user to the current URL specified in the REQUEST_URI variable. This technique ensures that the browser makes a GET request instead of a POST request when the user refreshes the page.
Use the PHP unset() function to delete POST data when the page refreshes
The unset() function in PHP is used to destroy the variables passed as arguments. It can be used to delete the $_POST variable when the page refreshes. Here’s an example code:
This code deletes the $_POST variable and its contents. This technique ensures that the form data is not passed again when the user refreshes the page.
Use the POST-Redirect-GET (PRG) pattern to prevent duplicate submissions of forms
The PRG pattern is commonly used to prevent duplicate form submissions when the user refreshes the page. It involves processing the form data, redirecting the user to a different page using the HTTP 303 code, and then displaying the results on that page using a GET request. Here’s an example code:
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') // Process form data // Redirect to a different page header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other"); header("Location: results.php"); exit(); >// Display results using GET request
This code processes the form data, redirects the user to the results page using the HTTP 303 code, and displays the results on that page using a GET request. This technique ensures that the form data is not passed again when the user refreshes the page.
Use filter_var() with a specified filter flag to sanitize and clean up different types of data
The filter_var() function is used to filter and sanitize different types of input data. It can be used to clean up POST data before processing it. Here’s an example code:
$email = filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
This code uses the FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL filter flag to sanitize the email input data. This technique ensures that the input data is clean and free from any malicious code or characters.
Other simple PHP code examples for clearing POST data on page refresh
In Php as proof, php clear post data code sample
when submit a form then after processing all of your logic just write down below after logic ending:empty all of your form fields for example:$_POST['name'] = $_POST['email'] = $_POST['name'] = "";
Clearing POST data on page refresh is important to prevent duplicate form submissions and avoid clutter on the page. Techniques such as redirecting the user, using HTTP 303 code, and the unset() function can help achieve this goal. It’s also important to sanitize and clean up input data using filter_var(). By following these best practices, you can create a clean and efficient form submission system in PHP.
Clear POST Data Upon Refresh PHP
Solution 3: redirect the user with a custom message attached to the redirect location after POST action performed, for example or or and then switch GET parameters to show corresponding message type. or user AJAX Just make sure you redirect using HTTP Response code 303; [it triggers a GET request][1]: You can do this by using header after the submit has been processed (but before any html has been send to the user): Solution 2: With a POST request, we will add data to the cookies, with subsequent POST requests, we check them and if they are different from each other, we pass the parameters further.
Clear POST Data Upon Refresh PHP
Are you sure? It’s perfectly fine to redirect the user to the current page, and I’m pretty sure that’s your best option. So after processing the code, redirect the user to the current page, and a refresh will no longer re-submit the form. Just make sure you redirect using HTTP Response code 303; [it triggers a GET request][1]:
This method exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource. The 303 response MUST NOT be cached, but the response to the second (redirected) request might be cacheable.
You can do this by using header after the submit has been processed (but before any html has been send to the user):
header('Location: '.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], true, 303);
if (!empty($_POST)) setcookie ("last_post", implode($_POST),time()+360000); if (!empty($_POST) and $_COOKIE['last_post'] == implode($_POST)) $_POST = [];
With a POST request, we will add data to the cookies, with subsequent POST requests, we check them and if they are different from each other, we pass the parameters further.
Php — Refresh page after form submitting, Your HTML code Here —>
. However, If you want to reload the page or redirect the page after submitting the form from another file then you call this function in php and it will redirect the page in 0 seconds. Code samplefunction page_redirect($location)
How to clear form data so refresh doesn’t duplicate data without forwarding?
Maybe you could set a session variable with a hash of the data posted and check it each time the page is loaded. If the hash is the same, the data has already been submitted:
else < //Save the data/show a thank you message >$_SESSION['gbHash'] = $dataHash; ?>
Is there another way (without a forward!) to prevnt the browser from submitting the data again after the user click on the «refresh» button?
Yes — Ajax — and you can still you show all your success/failure messages and even validation.
read this — http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/submit-a-form-without-page-refresh-using-jquery/
var dataString = 'name='+ name + '&email=' + email + '&phone=' + phone; //alert (dataString);return false; $.ajax(< type: "POST", url: "bin/process.php", data: dataString, success: function() < $('#contact_form').html("Contact Form Submitted!") .append("We will be in touch soon.
") .hide() .fadeIn(1500, function() < $('#message').append("
"); >); > >); return false;
redirect the user with a custom message attached to the redirect location after POST action performed, for example
header("location: http://www.website.com/thankyou.php?msg=email_sent");
header("location: http://www.website.com/thankyou.php?msg=email_not_sent");
header("location: http://www.website.com/thankyou.php?success=0");
and then switch GET parameters to show corresponding message type. or user AJAX POSTING 🙂
Php — How to clear form data so refresh doesn’t, I created a guestbook, in which users can add entries via an HTML form. After submitting data to the guestbook, some users refresh the page. All browsers I know resubmit the data. afterwards. Is th
Clear a form without refresh
Use a reset button to clear the form feilds.
Why don’t you simply add this:
That should clear out your error message.
Html — How can I reset a PHP form using a button within, I want to add another input or button next to the submit which will clear the form. The problem I’ve found is that because the form uses $_POST to keep its values after the form is submitted (a fe
Clear form fields after a successful submit
You can use .reset() on your form.
You could follow that with Javascript too
Or, if successful, redirect the user back to your contact page:
header("Location: contact.php"); // redirect back to your contact form exit;
so people will be required to fill out the input fields 🙂
Which by the way is the prefered method. If you keep the user in a page that was reached through a POST method, if he refreshes the page the form will be submitted again.
How to delete $_POST variable upon pressing ‘Refresh’, The request header contains some POST data. No matter what you do, when you reload the page, the rquest would be sent again. The simple solution is to redirect to a new (if not the same) page.