- Перебрать массив значений $_POST
- Check if Post Exists in PHP
- Check if $_POST Exists With isset()
- Check if $_POST Exists With the Empty() Function
- Check if $_POST Exists With isset() Function and Empty String Check
- Check if $_POST Exists With Negation Operator
- Related Article — PHP Post
- How to get POST array value in PHP
- An Introduction To POST Arrays in PHP.
- How are POST arrays created?
- How to get POST array value in PHP
- Retrieve post array values
Перебрать массив значений $_POST
Добрый вечер, я пытаюсь написать некий опросник. То есть есть 15 вопросов, которых в будущем будет больше, и напротив каждого вопроса пользователь должен поставить оценку и при желании написать комментарий. Все вопросы для опроса и имена для блоков div подтягиваю с базы. Возможно что имена div-ов тянуть с базы это не совсем правильно, но я это делал для того чтобы идентифицировать их в массиве $_POST, думал так легче будет присвоить комментарий первого вопроса к оценке первого вопроса, второго ко второму и записать все это в базу.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
while($myrow = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ echo "".$myrow["department"].""; echo ""; echo "".$myrow["question"]."
.$myrow["class_question"]."' required> "; }Суть вопроса вот в чем, как мне теперь выловить эти значения на другой странице куда они передаются через $_POST, и присвоить их переменным для того чтобы занести в базу комментарии и оценки которые поставил пользователь? Через foreach
foreach( $_POST as $key => $value){ echo " $key, $value
";question1, 1
comment1, Комментарий №1
question2, 2
question3, 3
question4, 4
question5, 5
comment5, Комментарий №5
question6, 6
question7, 7
question8, 8
question9, 9
question10, 10
comment10, Комментарий №10
question11, 9
question12, 8
question13, 7
question14, 6
comment14,Запись значений в массив через $_POST
Пожалуйста помогите не могу сделать: С клавиатуры вводятся n чисел. Составьте программу.Вывод значений из массива $_POST
Имеется форма значения передаются постом. <form action="check.php" style="text-align:center".
Очистить массив $_POST
Доброго времени суток. Подскажите способы полного очищения массива $_POST, unset($_POST) — не.Как перезаписать массив из $_POST?
Люди добрые подскажите пожалуйста в $_POST лежит многомерный массив, как вывести его в переменную.WWWPHP, Во-первых нельзя посреди html кода обращаться к базе данных. Вынесете это в область логики формирования данных для вывода. А в html коде используйте foreach. При этому уже используется конструкция с двоеточием, как php играет роль некого шаблонизатора.
Во-вторых вы можете использовать id вопросов из БД. Так же не забудьте прописывать value для всех options
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31$questions = []; while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $questions = $row; } ?> foreach ($questions as $question): ?> div class='block_question'>div class='department'> $question["department"]?>div>; div class='question'>p> $question["question"] ?>p>div> div class='score'> select name="[$question["id"] ?>]answer" required> option value='' hidden=''>0option> option value='1'>1option> option value='2'>2option> option value='3'>3option> option value='4'>4option> option value='5'>5option> option value='6'>6option> option value='7'>7option> option value='8'>8option> option value='9'>9option> option value='10'>10option> select> div> div class='comment_block'>textarea placeholder='Коммментарий' class='comment' name='[$question["id"] ?>]comment' cols='100' rows='4' wrap='virtual' maxlength='100'>textarea>div> div> endforeach ?>
Добавлено через 2 минуты
И для значений аттрибутов используйте двойные кавычки.Добавлено через 7 минут
Сорян тупанул.select name="answer[$question["id"] ?>]" required>
Check if Post Exists in PHP
- Check if $_POST Exists With isset()
- Check if $_POST Exists With the Empty() Function
- Check if $_POST Exists With isset() Function and Empty String Check
- Check if $_POST Exists With Negation Operator
PHP $_POST is a super-global variable that can contain key-value pair of HTML form data submitted via the post method. We will learn different methods to check if $_POST exists and contains some data in this article. These methods will use isset() , empty() , and empty string check.
Check if $_POST Exists With isset()
The isset() function is a PHP built-in function that can check if a variable is set, and not NULL. Also, it works on arrays and array-key values. PHP $_POST contains array-key values, so, isset() can work on it.
To check if $_POST exists, pass it as a value to the isset() function. At the same time, you can check if a user submitted a particular form input. If a user submits a form input, it will be available in $_POST , even if it’s empty.
The following HTML provides us with something to work with. It has a form field with a prepopulated name field.
form method="post" action=""> label>First Namelabel> input type="text" name="first_name" value="DelftStack"> input type="submit"> form>
The following PHP will check if $_POST exists when you click the submit button:
php if (isset($_POST['first_name'])) $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; echo $first_name; > ?>
Check if $_POST Exists With the Empty() Function
The following HTML is like the previous one, this time, the name is different:
form method="post" action=""> label>First Namelabel> input type="text" name="first_name" value="Mathias Jones"> input type="submit"> form>
The next code block will show you how to check for $_POST with the empty() function:
php if (!empty($_POST)) $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; echo $first_name; > ?>
Check if $_POST Exists With isset() Function and Empty String Check
The isset() function returns true if the value of $_POST is an empty string, but it will return false for NULL values. if you try to print the values of isset($_POST[‘x’]) = NULL and isset($_POST[‘x’]) = » , in both cases, you’ll get an empty string.
As a result, you will need to check for empty strings. The combination of isset() and empty string check eliminates the possibility that $_POST contains empty strings before you process its data.
In the next code block, we have an HTML to work with:
form method="post" action=""> label>First Namelabel> input type="text" name="first_name" value="Mertens Johanssen"> input type="submit"> form>
php if (isset($_POST['first_name']) && $_POST['first_name'] !== "") $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; echo $first_name; > ?
Check if $_POST Exists With Negation Operator
The negation operator (!) will turn a true statement into false and a false statement into true. Therefore, you can check if $_POST exists with the negation operator. To check for $_POST , prepend it with the negation operator in an if-else statement.
In the first part, if $_POST is empty, you can stop the p processing of its data. In the second part of the conditional, you can process the data.
form method="post" action=""> label>First Namelabel> input type="text" name="first_name" value="Marcus Alonso"> input type="submit"> form>
The next code block demonstrates checking if $_ POST exists with the negation operator.
php if (!$_POST) echo "Post does not exist"; > else $first_name = $_POST['first_name']; echo $first_name; > ?>
Habdul Hazeez is a technical writer with amazing research skills. He can connect the dots, and make sense of data that are scattered across different media.
Related Article — PHP Post
How to get POST array value in PHP
This article will introduce the basic usage of PHP’s post array to get a value from an input form. The article will also highlight some important points about how to use post arrays, what they are used for, and where you can find more information about them.
PHP provides an array data type for storing collections of values. The POST variable is a form input that gets sent to your PHP code by the web browser, and it allows you to store multiple values passed in from the HTML form.
An Introduction To POST Arrays in PHP.
A POST array stores data that was sent to the server by a form.
Both these methods place limitations on what can be sent to the server, GET requests are limited to 8-bit ASCII and browsers may prevent more than 2kb of data from being submitted in a single transaction.
POST arrays can store extremely large amounts of data without any limitations. Imagine you have an HTML form that asks people for their entire resume, in this case, it would make sense to save the data submitted by the form to a POST array.
How are POST arrays created?
Creating a new PHP post array is different than creating a normal array because you must tell PHP which special variable name it should use to store the post data.
There are many special variables that PHP uses, but we’re only concerned with $_POST . $_POST contains all values submitted via the HTTP POST method. $_REQUEST – Contains all values submitted via any method (GET, POST, COOKIE, etc).
As mentioned earlier GET requests can’t send very much data at once and as such, they shouldn’t be used for sending large amounts of information (like user uploads) or large forms (like user resumes).
How to get POST array value in PHP
To get all post data in PHP, we have to use the $_POST superglobal variable. You can retrieve the value of a specific key using $_POST[‘key’] syntax but if the key does not exist then this returns an empty string.
If you want to check that a given key exists or not, use the isset() function, for example:
If you want to know whether the given POST array has any content, use empty() function, for example:
Retrieve post array values
If you want to pass an array into a post variable you can do this like below-
We now want to see which hobby the user has selected.