Php check if url contains string


Performs a case-sensitive check indicating if needle is contained in haystack .


The substring to search for in the haystack .

Return Values

Returns true if needle is in haystack , false otherwise.


Example #1 Using the empty string »

if ( str_contains ( ‘abc’ , » )) echo «Checking the existence of the empty string will always return true» ;

The above example will output:

Checking the existence of the empty string will always return true

Example #2 Showing case-sensitivity

$string = ‘The lazy fox jumped over the fence’ ;

if ( str_contains ( $string , ‘lazy’ )) echo «The string ‘lazy’ was found in the string\n» ;

if ( str_contains ( $string , ‘Lazy’ )) echo ‘The string «Lazy» was found in the string’ ;
> else echo ‘»Lazy» was not found because the case does not match’ ;

The above example will output:

The string 'lazy' was found in the string "Lazy" was not found because the case does not match


Note: This function is binary-safe.

See Also

  • str_ends_with() — Checks if a string ends with a given substring
  • str_starts_with() — Checks if a string starts with a given substring
  • stripos() — Find the position of the first occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string
  • strrpos() — Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string
  • strripos() — Find the position of the last occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string
  • strstr() — Find the first occurrence of a string
  • strpbrk() — Search a string for any of a set of characters
  • substr() — Return part of a string
  • preg_match() — Perform a regular expression match

User Contributed Notes 7 notes

For earlier versions of PHP, you can polyfill the str_contains function using the following snippet:

// based on original work from the PHP Laravel framework
if (! function_exists ( ‘str_contains’ )) function str_contains ( $haystack , $needle ) return $needle !== » && mb_strpos ( $haystack , $needle ) !== false ;

The polyfill that based on original work from the PHP Laravel framework had a different behavior;

when the $needle is `»»` or `null`:
php8’s will return `true`;
but, laravel’str_contains will return `false`;

when php8.1, null is deprecated, You can use `$needle ?: «»`;

The code from «me at daz dot co dot uk» will not work if the word is
— at the start of the string
— at the end of the string
— at the end of a sentence (like «the ox.» or «is that an ox?»)
— in quotes
— and so on.

You should explode the string by whitespace, punctations, . and check if the resulting array contains your word OR try to test with a RegEx like this:

Disclaimer: The RegEx may need some tweaks

private function contains(array $needles, string $type, string $haystack = NULL, string $filename = NULL) : bool <
if (empty($needles)) return FALSE;
if ($filename)
$haystack = file_get_contents($filename);

$now_what = function(string $needle) use ($haystack, $type) : array $has_needle = str_contains($haystack, $needle);
if ($type === ‘any’ && $has_needle)
return [‘done’ => TRUE, ‘return’ => TRUE];

foreach ($needles as $needle) $check = $now_what($needle);
if ($check[‘done’])
return $check[‘return’];
return TRUE;

function containsAny(array $needles, string $haystack = NULL, string $filename = NULL) : bool return self::contains($needles, ‘any’, $haystack, $filename);

function containsAll(array $needles, string $haystack = NULL, string $filename = NULL) : bool return self::contains($needles, ‘all’, $haystack, $filename);

// Polyfill for PHP 4 — PHP 7, safe to utilize with PHP 8

if (! function_exists ( ‘str_contains’ )) function str_contains ( string $haystack , string $needle )
return empty( $needle ) || strpos ( $haystack , $needle ) !== false ;

Until PHP 8 was released, many-a-programmer were writing our own contain() functions. Mine also handles needles with logical ORs (set to ‘||’).
Here it is.

function contains($haystack, $needle, $offset) $OR = ‘||’;
$result = false;

$ORpos = strpos($needle, $OR, 0);
if($ORpos !== false) < //ORs exist in the needle string
$needle_arr = explode($OR, $needle);
for($i=0; $i < count($needle_arr); $i++)$pos = strpos($haystack, trim($needle_arr[$i]), $offset);
if($pos !== false) $result = true;
> else $pos = strpos($haystack, trim($needle), $offset);
if($pos !== false) $result = true;

Call: contains(«Apple Orange Banana», «Apple || Walnut», 0);
Returns: true


PHP check if URL contains a certain string

Posted on Sep 26, 2022

To check if a URL address contains a certain string in PHP, you need to use the strpos() or str_contains() function.

When you need to perform an exact match, you need to use a regex with preg_match() function.

Let’s see how to do both in this tutorial.

Check if URL contains a string in PHP

The strpos() function helps you check the position of a string portion in a string.

The function returns an int indicating the position of the string, or false when the string is not found:

To check if a certains string exists in a URL address, call the strpos() as shown below:
 In PHP v8, you can also use the str_contains() function, which checks whether a string contains a certain string.

It doesn’t return the position of the string like strpos() , only true if it contains the string or false otherwise:

 You call the str_contains() like the strpos() functions:
Both str_contains() and strpos() will match a URL that has the $needle anywhere.

For example, php , php-study , and phpstudy are considered valid.

If you want only an exact match, you need another way.

Check if URL contains an exact string in PHP

To check if a URL contains an exact string, you need to call the preg_match() function.

This function allows you to perform a regex match to your string.

You need to use the \b word boundary expression in the function as follows:

With the above preg_match() function, php and php-study returns true while phpstudy will return false .

And that’s how you check if URL contains a certain string in PHP.

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Check if URL contains different strings

The code it self is pretty self explanatory, however i do not think it is very efficient at all. Is there a better way to do this? Its basically so i can track spam sites and save the sites into my honeypot db.

 //Gambling if (strpos($site, "betting") ||strpos($site, "blackjack") ||strpos($site, "casino") ||strpos($site, "craps") ||strpos($site, "football") ||strpos($site, "gamble") ||strpos($site, "gambling") ||strpos($site, "game") ||strpos($site, "gaming") ||strpos($site, "greyhound") ||strpos($site, "highroller") ||strpos($site, "lottery") ||strpos($site, "lotto") ||strpos($site, "odds") ||strpos($site, "poker") ||strpos($site, "racehorse") ||strpos($site, "racing") ||strpos($site, "roulette") ||strpos($site, "royalflush") ||strpos($site, "slotmachine") ||strpos($site, "slots") ||strpos($site, "slotsmachine") ||strpos($site, "sport") ||strpos($site, "wager") ||strpos($site, "paigow") ||strpos($site, "bingo") ||strpos($site, "baccarat")) < //Insert into gambling $result = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `rocket_newsites`.`gambling` (`id`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '$site');"); >//Payday if (strpos($site, "payday") ||strpos($site, "loan") ||strpos($site, "bank") ||strpos($site, "money") ||strpos($site, "wonga") ||strpos($site, "lender") ||strpos($site, "credit") ||strpos($site, "debt") ||strpos($site, "repayment") ||strpos($site, "mortgage")) < //Insert into payday $result = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `rocket_newsites`.`payday` (`id`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '$site');"); >//Lawyer if (strpos($site, "law") ||strpos($site, "solicitor") ||strpos($site, "government") ||strpos($site, "injury") ||strpos($site, "personal") ||strpos($site, "accident") ||strpos($site, "advice") ||strpos($site, "traffic")) < //Insert into lawyer $result = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `rocket_newsites`.`lawyer` (`id`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '$site');"); >//Weight Loss if (strpos($site, "weight") ||strpos($site, "loss") ||strpos($site, "pills") ||strpos($site, "diet") ||strpos($site, "garcinia") ||strpos($site, "cambogia") ||strpos($site, "acai") ||strpos($site, "berry") ||strpos($site, "raspberry") ||strpos($site, "ketone") ||strpos($site, "coffee") ||strpos($site, "tea") ||strpos($site, "health") ||strpos($site, "lose") ||strpos($site, "surgery") ||strpos($site, "fat") ||strpos($site, "dieting") ||strpos($site, "exercise") ||strpos($site, "workout") ||strpos($site, "gym") ||strpos($site, "hypnosis")) < //Insert into weight loss $result = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `rocket_newsites`.`weightloss` (`id`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '$site');"); >//Insurance if (strpos($site, "ppi") ||strpos($site, "insurance") ||strpos($site, "payment") ||strpos($site, "claim") ||strpos($site, "calculator") ||strpos($site, "finance") ||strpos($site, "mis-sold")) < //Insert into insurance $result = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `rocket_newsites`.`insurance` (`id`, `url`) VALUES (NULL, '$site');"); >mysqli_close($con); exit(); ?> 


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