Php check if english

How to Check, If a PHP String Contains Only English Letters and Digits

How to check, if a php string contains only english letters and digits?

if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', $string)) // '/[^a-z\d]/i' should also work.
// string contains only english letters & digits

How do I check if a string is composed only of letters and numbers? (PHP)

You can use the ctype_alnum() function in PHP.

Check for alphanumeric character(s)

Returns TRUE if every character in text is either a letter or a digit, FALSE otherwise.

Читайте также:  Линейная нейронная сеть python
var_dump(ctype_alnum("æøsads")); // false
var_dump(ctype_alnum("123asd")); // true

Check if string contains only English alphabets , digits and symbols

Would determining if a string is just printable ASCII work? If so you can use this regex:

If you need non ASCII characters as well than you can use the Wikipedia page to get the specific unicode formats that you need:

How can I check whether is a string contains only English letters?

To match a whole string that only consists of 1 or more lowercase ASCII letters, hyphen or underscores, use

  • ^ — start of string
  • [-a-z_]+ — 1 or more ASCII lowercase letters, hyphens or underscores
  • $ — end of string
  • /D — the modifier that will make $ match the very end of the string (otherwise, $ will also match a newline that appears at the end of the string).
if (preg_match('/^[-a-z_]+$/D', $input)) // Yes, all characters of the string are English lowercase letters or dash or underline
> else // No, there is at least one unexpected character

Allow only English letters and numbers in php

This is how you check whether a string contains only letters from the English alphabet.

if (!preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', $string)) //string contains only letters from the English alphabet

will not return 2. Maybe you meant

The length of the string on success, and 0 if the string is empty.

taken from here. So, that character is interpreted as two characters, probably due to your encoding.

Check if php string only contains characters from an european language

You can test for Latin characters with \p making sure to use the u regex flag:

$tests = [ 
'€, !"§$%&/()=#|<>',

foreach ($tests as $test) if (!preg_match('/[^\p0-9€, !"§$%&\/()=#|<>]/u', $test)) echo "$test is okay\n";
éèäöüßäöüßäöüßäöü is okay
abcdeABCDE is okay
€, !"§$%&/()=#|<> is okay
ÄäAa is okay

How can I check whether is a string contains only English letters?

To match a whole string that only consists of 1 or more lowercase ASCII letters, hyphen or underscores, use

  • ^ — start of string
  • [-a-z_]+ — 1 or more ASCII lowercase letters, hyphens or underscores
  • $ — end of string
  • /D — the modifier that will make $ match the very end of the string (otherwise, $ will also match a newline that appears at the end of the string).
if (preg_match('/^[-a-z_]+$/D', $input)) // Yes, all characters of the string are English lowercase letters or dash or underline
> else // No, there is at least one unexpected character

How can I check string contains only a-z

Assuming «pure English» = English letters + space:

  • [a-zA-Z ] — defines a character set containing lower and upper case letters + space
  • * — repeat any number of times
  • ^$ — make sure the string is matched from the start ( ^ ) til the end ( $ )

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

Now with PHP 8 you can do this using str_contains:

if (str_contains('How are you', 'are')) < 
echo 'true';

Before PHP 8

You can use the strpos() function which is used to find the occurrence of one string inside another one:

$a = 'How are you?';

if (strpos($a, 'are') !== false) echo 'true';

Note that the use of !== false is deliberate (neither != false nor === true will return the desired result); strpos() returns either the offset at which the needle string begins in the haystack string, or the boolean false if the needle isn’t found. Since 0 is a valid offset and 0 is «falsey», we can’t use simpler constructs like !strpos($a, ‘are’) .


How to check if string contains only alphabets in PHP?

In this PHP tutorial, you shall learn how to check if given string contains only alphabet characters using preg_match() function, with example programs.

PHP – Check if string contains only English Alphabets

To check if a string contains only English language alphabets in PHP, call preg_match() function and pass pattern and given string as arguments. The pattern must match one or more uppercase or lowercase alphabets from starting to end of the string.


The syntax to check if string str contains only english alphabets is

The above expression returns a boolean value of true if the string $str contains only alphabets, or false otherwise.


1. Positive Scenario – String contains only English alphabets

In this example, we take a string in str such that it contains only uppercase and/or lowercase English alphabets. We shall check programmatically if str contains only English alphabets.

For the given value of string, preg_match() returns true and if-block executes.

PHP Program

2. Negative Scenario – String contains not only English alphabets

In this example, we take a string in str such that it contains characters other than uppercase and/or lowercase English alphabets. We shall check programmatically if str contains only English alphabets.

For the given value of string, preg_match() returns false and else-block executes.

PHP Program


In this PHP Tutorial, we learned how to check if given string contains only alphabets, using preg_match() function, with the help of examples.


Check if string contains only English alphabets , digits and symbols

Parameters The mb_detect_encoding function accepts three parameters − $string − This parameter is used for the string being examined. $encoding − This parameter is used for a list of character encoding to try in order. If so you can use this regex: If you need non ASCII characters as well than you can use the Wikipedia page to get the specific unicode formats that you need: Solution: You should use mbstring for unicode strings.

Check if string contains only English alphabets , digits and symbols

Would determining if a string is just printable ASCII work? If so you can use this regex:

If you need non ASCII characters as well than you can use the Wikipedia page to get the specific unicode formats that you need:

Php — Check if string contains only English alphabets, I want to check for string that contains only english alphabets , digits and symbols.I tried below code but it works only when all the characters are different language.

In PHP substring return �� these type of character?

You should use mbstring for unicode strings.

$char = mb_substr($text, 0, 1, 'UTF-8'); // output अ 

You can replace ‘UTF-8’ with any other encoding, if you need it.

PHP does not support unicode by default. Do note that you need mbstring enabled if you want to use this. You can check by checking if extension is loaded:

if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) < // mbstring loaded >

PHP Regular Expression. Check if String contains ONLY, It would return true if the string has a letter in it. To make sure the string has only letters you need to use the start and end anchors: In Java you can make use of the matches method of the String class: boolean hasOnlyLetters (String str) < return str.matches ("^ [a-zA-Z]+$"); >In PHP the function ereg is …

PHP – How to detect character encoding using mb_detect_encoding()

In PHP, mb_detect_encoding() is used to detect the character encoding. It can detect the character encoding for a string from an ordered list of candidates. This function is supported in PHP 4.0.6 or higher version.

mb_detect_encoding() is useful with multibyte encoding, where not all sequences of bytes form a valid string. If the input string contains such type of a sequence, then that encoding will be rejected, and it will check for the next encoding.


string mb_detect_encoding(str $string, str $encoding, bool $strcit)

Automatic detection of character encoding is not entirely reliable without some additional information. We can say that character encoding detection is similar to decoding an encrypted string without the key. A content-Type HTTP header can be used for an indication of character encoding stored or transmitted with the data.


The mb_detect_encoding function accepts three parameters −

  • $string − This parameter is used for the string being examined.
  • $encoding − This parameter is used for a list of character encoding to try in order. The list may be specified in any format like an array of strings or only a single string separated by commas. In case the encoding is omitted or null, then the current detect_order is set with the mbstring.detect_order configuration option or mb_detect_order() function will be used.
  • $strict − this parameter is used to control the behavior when the string is not valid in any of the listed encodings. If the strict is set to false, then it will return the closest matching encoding. If the strict is set to true, it will return false.

Return Values

It returns the detected character encoding, or it returns False if the string is not valid in any of the listed encoding.

Example 1

mb_detect_encoding() function without strict parameter


Example 2

mb_detect_encoding() function using strict parameter.


string(5) "UTF-8" bool(false) string(10) "ISO-8859-1" string(10) "ISO-8859-1"

Php — Check if a string contain multiple specific words, Regular Expressions are parsed by the PHP regex engine. The problem with your syntax is that you used the || operator. This is not a regex operator, so it is counted as part of the string. As correctly stated above, if it’s counted as part of the string you’re looking to match: ‘bad || naughty’ as a string, …


Using PHP to Distinguish Between Japanese and English Words: A Guide

There are multiple solutions to consider: 1. A rapid solution that doesn’t require the extension can be implemented or a modified version of the solution offered by @Alexander Konstantinov can be used. 2. To check if a word contains at least one Japanese letter (Unicode range for Japanese letters can be found on Wikipedia), you can utilize this function. 3. Consider trying this solution.

How to check if the word is Japanese or English using PHP

An immediate fix that doesn’t require the utilization of the mb_string add-on.

if (strlen($str) != strlen(utf8_decode($str))) < // $str uses multi-byte chars (isn't English) >else < // $str is ASCII (probably English) >

Alternatively, a variation of the resolution put forward by the individual named Alexander Konstantinov could be employed.

function isKanji($str) < return preg_match('/[\x-\x]/u', $str) > 0; > function isHiragana($str) < return preg_match('/[\x-\x]/u', $str) > 0; > function isKatakana($str) < return preg_match('/[\x-\x]/u', $str) > 0; > function isJapanese($str)

By referring to the Unicode range for Japanese letters listed on Wikipedia, this function verifies the presence of at least one Japanese letter in a given word.

function isJapanese($word) < return preg_match('/[\x-\x\x-\x\x-\x]/u', $word); > 

One option is to consider using Google’s Translation API, which comes equipped with a language detection feature. This can be found at

Php — Check if string contains word in array, Both of these examples perform worse than other answers to this question. The first as it’s written has a Big-O algorithmic complexity of O(1), but to make it work given the OP’s original question, one would have to loop through all of the words in the chat message, which would give it an O(N) (where N is the number of words in the string). Code sample$string = «This dude is a mothertrucker»;if ( !containsBadWord($string) )<>else<>Feedback

Check if string is ip subnet

"; echo "Subnet =>"; print_r ($subnet); > if(preg_match('~^(?:8\.)4~',$ipmask,$ip))< echo "
"; echo "Ip =>"; print_r ($ip); > > ?>

You can do something like this:

$ip = ''; $subnet = ''; if (preg_match('~^(.+?)/([^/]+)$~', $ip, $m)) < $ip = $m[1]; $subnet = $m[2]; >echo filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) . ", $subnet"; 

To check if string contains particular word, The above code searches for charsequence not the word. For example:- If we want to catch only «keyword» and not any extensions like «keyword_1″, the above code will not work. One way to avoid this can be to search with String contains function for » keyword » (note the two blank spaces on either …

Php check text only english allowed and other language not allowed [duplicate]

To include the special characters, simply add them to the character class.

Php — How to search a string with a single character?, Conrad compare the letter O to all the character in the word Support; Conrad compare the letter N to all the characters in the word Design; Conrad compare the letter R to all the character in the word Fresh; Conrad compare the letter A to all the characters in the word Aged; Conrad compare the letter D to all …


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