How to convert some character into numeric in php?
The PHP datatype is ignorant about the encoding, just stores a sequence of bytes, so in general it might contain ISO-8859-1 bytes where one byte represents one character, or UTF-8 byte sequences, where characters often occupy multiple bytes, or any other encoding. Java has a data type very different from PHP, not based on byte sequences, but (mainly) seeing a string as a sequence of characters.
How to convert some character into numeric in php?
I need help to change a character in php. I got some code from the web:
char dest='a'; int conv=(int)dest;
Can I use this code to convert a character into numeric? Or do you have any ideas? I just want to show the result as a decimal number:
Use ord() to return the ascii value. Subtract 96 to return a number where a=1, b=2.
Upper and lower case letters have different ASCII values, so if you want to handle them the same, you can use strtolower() to convert upper case to lower case.
To handle the NULL case, simply use if($dest) . This will be true if $dest is something other than NULL or 0 .
PHP is a loosely typed language, so there is no need to declare the types. So char dest=’a’; is incorrect. Variables have $ prefix in PHP and no type declaration, so it should be $dest = ‘a’; .
Live Example
// Let's test the function. echo toNumber(NULL) . " "; echo toNumber('a') . " "; echo toNumber('B') . " "; echo toNumber('c'); // Output is: // 0 1 2 3 ?>
PS: You can look at the ASCII values here.
It does indeed work as in the sample, except that you should be using php syntax (and as a sidenote: the language that code you found most probably was, it did not do the same thing).
Afterwards the following will be true:
This may help you:
So, if you need the ASCII code you will need to do:
If you want something like:
For more info on the ASCII codes:
And for the function ord:
How to convert some character into numeric in, I need help to change a character in php. I got some code from the web: char dest=’a’; int conv=(int)dest; Can I use this code to convert a character into numeric? Or do you have any ideas? I just want to show the result as a decimal number: if null == 0 if A == 1
Translate UTF-8 character encoding function from PHP to Java
I am trying to translate one PHP encoding function to Android Java method. Because Java string length function handles UTF-8 string differently. I failed to make the translated Java codes consistent with PHP code in converting the second UTF-8 str2. The first non UTF-8 string does work.
The original PHP codes are :
function myhash_php($string,$key) < $strLen = strlen($string); $keyLen = strlen($key); $j=0 ; $hash = "" ; for ($i = 0; $i < $strLen; $i++) < $ordStr = ord(substr($string,$i,1)); if ($j == $keyLen) < $j = 0; >$ordKey = ord(substr($key,$j,1)); $j++; $hash .= strrev(base_convert(dechex($ordStr + $ordKey),16,36)); > return $hash; > $str1 = "good friend" ; $str2 = "好友" ; // strlen($str2) == 6 $key = "iuyhjf476" ; echo "php encode str1 '". $str1 ."'=".myhash_php($str1, $key)."
"; echo "php encode str2 '". $str2 ."'=".myhash_php($str2, $key)."
php encode str1 'good friend'=s5c6g6o5u3o5m4g4b4z516 php encode str2 '好友'=a9u7m899x6p6
Current translated Java codes that produce wrong result are:
public static String hash_java(String string, String key) < //Integer strLen = byteLenUTF8(string) ; // consistent with php strlen("好友")==6 //Integer keyLen = byteLenUTF8(key) ; // byteLenUTF8("好友") == 6 Integer strLen = string.length() ; // "好友".length() == 2 Integer keyLen = key.length() ; int j=0 ; String hash = "" ; int ordStr, ordKey ; for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) < ordStr = ord_java(string.substring(i,i+1)); //string is String, php substr($string,$i,$n) == java string.substring(i, i+n) // ordStr = ord_java(string[i]); //string is byte[], php substr($string,$i,$n) == java string.substring(i, i+n) if (j == keyLen) < j = 0; >ordKey = ord_java(key.substring(j,j+1)); j++; hash += strrev(base_convert(dechex(ordStr + ordKey),16,36)); > return hash; > // return the ASCII code of the first character of str public static int ord_java( String str) < return( (int) str.charAt(0) ) ; >public static String dechex(int input ) < String hex = Integer.toHexString(input ) ; return hex ; >public static String strrev(String str) < return new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString() ; >public static String base_convert(String str, int fromBase, int toBase) < return Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(str, fromBase), toBase); >String str1 = "good friend" ; String str2 = "好友" ; String key = "iuyhjf476" ; Log.d(LogTag,"java encode str1 '"+ str1 +"'="+hash_java(str1, key)) ; Log.d(LogTag,"java encode str2 '"+ str2 +"'="+hash_java(str2, key)) ;
java encode str1 'good friend'=s5c6g6o5u3o5m4g4b4z516 java encode str2 '好友'=arh4ng
The encoded output of UTF-8 str2 in Java method is not correct. How to fix the problem?
Do not use literals for testing — this is prone to yield unexpected results if not fully being aware of what you do and how the file is encoded. For UTF-8 you should everything treat as raw bytes and never use a String for en/decoding. Example in PHP:
$test1 = pack( 'H*', '414243' ); // "ABC" in hexadecimal: 2 digits per byte $test2 = pack( 'H*', 'e5a5bde58f8b' ); // "好友" in hexadecimal, UTF-8 encoded, 3 bytes per character
byte[] test1 = new byte[] < 0x41, 0x42, 0x43 >; // "ABC" byte[] test2 = new byte[] < (byte)0xe5, (byte)0xa5, (byte)0xbd, (byte)0xe5, (byte)0x8f, (byte)0x8b >; // "好友"
Only this way you can make sure your test is set up correctly and unbound to how the source file is encoded. If your Java file is encoded in UTF-8 and your PHP file is encoded in UTF-16LE then you’d fail even worse, simply because you didn’t separate between definition (raw bytes) and assumption (strings based on the text encoding) so far.
(This is also a big misunderstanding when people want to en/decrypt texts: they operate on (any programming language’s) String rather than the actual bytes and then wonder why different results occur with a different programming language.)
In Java, convert the string to a byte array, using UTF-8 character encoding. Then, apply your encoding algorithm to this byte array instead of the string.
Your PHP program seems to implicitly do the same thing, to treat e.g. the character 好 as three individual byte values, according to UTF-8 encoding.
In the comments, you say you receive the string from the user entering it on Android. So, you start with a Java String coming from some UI widget.
And you need that Java String to give the same result that the given PHP function will produce when fed with the same UTF-8 string. The resulting string will only use ASCII characters, so its character encoding is less problematic (doesn’t matter whetherit’s e.g. ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8).
The PHP string datatype is ignorant about the encoding, just stores a sequence of bytes, so in general it might contain ISO-8859-1 bytes where one byte represents one character, or UTF-8 byte sequences, where characters often occupy multiple bytes, or any other encoding. The PHP string does not know how the bytes are meant to be interpreted as characters, it just sees and counts bytes.
So, what your PHP string calls «characters», effectively is the bytes of the UTF-8 encoding, and the Java side must emulate this behaviour when doing its algorithm.
Java has a String data type very different from PHP, not based on byte sequences, but (mainly) seeing a string as a sequence of characters. So, if you work with the characters of the Java String, you’ll not see the same sequence of elements that PHP sees.
When Java iterates over a String like «好友» , there are two steps, one for each of the two characters (seeing the character’s Unicode code point number), while PHP has six steps, one for each byte of the UTF-8 representation, seeing the byte value.
So, to emulate PHP, in Java you have to convert the String to a byte[] array using UTF-8 encoding. This way, one Java byte will correspond to one PHP character.
By the way, the wording «UTF-8 string» does not make sense in Java.
That is different from PHP where e.g. «Maß» as ISO-8859-1 string (having a length of 3) differs from «Maß» as UTF-8 string (having a length of 4).
In Java, Strings are sequences of characters, and that’s the reason why e.g. «好友» has a length of 2, as it’s just two characters that happen to come from a non-Latin script. [This is true for most Unicode characters you’ll typically encounter, but there are exceptions.] In Java, terms like UTF-8 matter only when converting between strings and byte sequences.
Translate UTF-8 character encoding function, When Java iterates over a String like «好友», there are two steps, one for each of the two characters (seeing the character’s Unicode code point number), while PHP has six steps, one for each byte of the UTF-8 representation, seeing the byte value. So, to emulate PHP, in Java you have to convert the …
Adding char and int
To my understanding a char is a single character, that is a letter, a digit , a punctuation mark, a tab, a space or something similar. And therefore when I do:
char c = '1'; System.out.println(c);
The output 1 was exactly what I expected. So why is it that when I do this:
int a = 1; char c = '1'; int ans = a + c; System.out.println(ans);
I end up with the output 50 ?
You’re getting that because it’s adding the ASCII value of the char. You must convert it to an int first.
Number 1 is ASCII code 49. The compiler is doing the only sensible thing it can do with your request, and typecasting to int.
You end up with out of 50 because you have told Java to treat the result of the addition as an int in the following line:
Instead of int you declare ans as a char .
final int a = 1; final char c = '1'; final char ans = (char) (a + c); System.out.println(ans);
Because you are adding the value of c (1) to the unicode value of ‘a’, which is 49. The first 128 unicode point values are identical to ASCII, you can find those here:
Notice Chr ‘1’ is Dec 49. The rest of the unicode points are here:
Java — Adding char and int, Okay, but (to nitpick ;/) an int is a java type, and a char is not a disguise for an int type. It’s a char, but it does have an integer value (as does an int). – CodeClown42. Apr 27, 2012 at 22:24. Add a comment | 0 ‘1’ is a digit, not a number, and is encoded in ASCII to be of value 49.
Cast string to integer in PHP
I’ve been trying to convert string to int in PHP to operate on it, but PHP keeps interpreting it as 0.
var_dump ($Pux); // output: string (6) "89"
I have tried several ways like
(int) $Pux, intval($Pux) settype($Pux, "integer")
But they all give me 0 instead of 89.
There is not problem if you dont put spaces between $ and varname and assign the result of the cast to a variable.
The easiest way to convert a string to a number:-
If you are still getting a zero there might be some odd, invisible chars in front of the number. To test for that :-
You can convert string to integer in two ways:
Typecasting or intval function
The code below removes the non numeric characters::
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