Php assert quiet eval


assert() is not a function but a language construct. allowing for the definition of expectations: assertions that take effect in development and testing environments, but are optimised away to have zero cost in production.

Assertions should be used as a debugging feature only. One use case for them is to act as sanity-checks for preconditions that should always be true and that if they aren’t upheld this indicates some programming errors. Another use case is to ensure the presence of certain features like extension functions or certain system limits and features.

As assertions can be configured to be eliminated, they should not be used for normal runtime operations like input parameter checks. As a rule of thumb code should behave as expected even if assertion checking is deactivated.

assert() will check that the expectation given in assertion holds. If not, and thus the result is false , it will take the appropriate action depending on how assert() was configured.

The behaviour of assert() is dictated by the following INI settings:

  • 1 : generate and execute code (development mode)
  • 0 : generate code but jump around it at runtime
  • -1 : do not generate code (production mode)


This is any expression that returns a value, which will be executed and the result is used to indicate whether the assertion succeeded or failed.

Prior to PHP 8.0.0, if assertion was a string it was interpreted as PHP code and executed via eval() . This string would be passed to the callback as the third argument. This behaviour was DEPRECATED in PHP 7.2.0, and REMOVED in PHP 8.0.0.

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If description is an instance of Throwable , it will be thrown only if the assertion is executed and fails.


As of PHP 8.0.0, this is done prior to calling the potentially defined assertion callback.


As of PHP 8.0.0, the object will be thrown regardless of the configuration of assert.exception.


As of PHP 8.0.0, the assert.bail setting has no effect in this case.

If description is a string this message will be used if an exception or a warning is emitted. An optional description that will be included in the failure message if the assertion fails.

If description is omitted. A default description equal to the source code for the invocation of assert() is created at compile time.

Return Values

false if assertion is false, true otherwise.


Version Description
8.0.0 assert() will no longer evaluate string arguments, instead they will be treated like any other argument. assert($a == $b) should be used instead of assert(‘$a == $b’) . The assert.quiet_eval php.ini directive and the ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL constant have also been removed, as they would no longer have any effect.
8.0.0 If description is an instance of Throwable , the object is thrown if the assertion fails, regardless of the value of assert.exception.
8.0.0 If description is an instance of Throwable , no user callback is called even if it set.
8.0.0 Declaring a function called assert() inside a namespace is no longer allowed, and issues E_COMPILE_ERROR .
7.3.0 Declaring a function called assert() inside a namespace became deprecated. Such declaration now emits an E_DEPRECATED .
7.2.0 Usage of a string as the assertion became deprecated. It now emits an E_DEPRECATED notice when both and zend.assertions are set to 1 .



Задание значений настроек механизма проверки утверждений assert() или получение их текущих значений.

Замечание: Использование assert_options() не рекомендуется в пользу установки и получения php.ini директив zend.assertions и assert.exception с помощью ini_set() и ini_get() соответственно.

Список параметров

Настройки механизма проверки утверждений

Настройка INI-параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
ASSERT_ACTIVE 1 включение механизма проверки утверждений
ASSERT_EXCEPTION assert.exception 1 выбрасывает AssertionError для каждого неудачного утверждения
ASSERT_WARNING assert.warning 1 вывод предупреждения PHP для каждой неудачной проверки
ASSERT_BAIL assert.bail 0 завершить выполнение в случае неудачной проверки
ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL assert.quiet_eval 0 отключить error_reporting во время проверки утверждения. Удалено начиная с PHP 8.0.0.
ASSERT_CALLBACK assert.callback ( null ) Callback-функция, которую необходимо вызвать для провалившего проверку утверждения

Необязательный аргумент, новое значение настройки.

У callback-функции, установленной с помощью ASSERT_CALLBACK или assert.callback, должна быть следующая сигнатура:

assert_callback (
string $file ,
int $line ,
? string $assertion ,
string $description = ?
): void

file Файл, в котором была вызвана assert() . line Строка, в которой была вызвана assert() . assertion До PHP 8.0.0 утверждение, которое передавалось в функцию assert() , но только если утверждение задано в виде строки. (Если утверждение является булевым условием, этот параметр будет пустой строкой). Начиная с PHP 8.0.0, этот параметр всегда null . description Описание, которое было передано в assert() . Передача пустой строки в value сбрасывает assert callback.

Возвращаемые значения

Возвращает исходное значение настройки.


Функция выбрасывает ValueError , если параметр option не является допустимой опцией.

Список изменений

Версия Описание
8.0.0 Если параметр option не является допустимой опцией, теперь выбрасывается ошибка ValueError ; ранее возвращалось значение false .


Пример #1 Пример использования assert_options()

// Наша функция обработчик
// неудавшихся проверок
function function assert_failure ( $file , $line , $assertion , $message )
echo «Проверка $assertion в $file на строке $line провалена: $message » ;

// Тестовая функция
function test_assert ( $parameter )
assert ( is_bool ( $parameter ));

// настройки проверки
assert_options ( ASSERT_ACTIVE , true );
assert_options ( ASSERT_BAIL , true );
assert_options ( ASSERT_WARNING , false );
assert_options ( ASSERT_CALLBACK , ‘assert_failure’ );

// заведомо ошибочное утверждение
test_assert ( 1 );

// Этот код не будет выполняться, пока ASSERT_BAIL
// равен true
echo ‘Никогда не будет выведено’ ;

Смотрите также

User Contributed Notes 1 note

Here is an exemple how to use the assertion callback function :

assert_options ( ASSERT_CALLBACK , ‘assert_callback’ );

function assert_callback ( $script , $line , $message ) echo ‘You have a design error in your script ‘ , $script , ‘ : line ‘ , $line , ‘ :
‘ ;
echo ‘‘ , ereg_replace ( ‘^.*//\*’ , » , $message ), ‘

‘ ;
echo ‘Open the source file and check it, because it\’s not a normal behaviour !’ ;

$x = 3 ;
assert ( ‘is_integer( $x ) && ($x >= 0) && ($x echo «0 ?>

assertion is usefull for «design by contract» methodology .

  • Опции PHP/информационные функции
    • assert_​options
    • assert
    • cli_​get_​process_​title
    • cli_​set_​process_​title
    • dl
    • extension_​loaded
    • gc_​collect_​cycles
    • gc_​disable
    • gc_​enable
    • gc_​enabled
    • gc_​mem_​caches
    • gc_​status
    • get_​cfg_​var
    • get_​current_​user
    • get_​defined_​constants
    • get_​extension_​funcs
    • get_​include_​path
    • get_​included_​files
    • get_​loaded_​extensions
    • get_​required_​files
    • get_​resources
    • getenv
    • getlastmod
    • getmygid
    • getmyinode
    • getmypid
    • getmyuid
    • getopt
    • getrusage
    • ini_​alter
    • ini_​get_​all
    • ini_​get
    • ini_​parse_​quantity
    • ini_​restore
    • ini_​set
    • memory_​get_​peak_​usage
    • memory_​get_​usage
    • memory_​reset_​peak_​usage
    • php_​ini_​loaded_​file
    • php_​ini_​scanned_​files
    • php_​sapi_​name
    • php_​uname
    • phpcredits
    • phpinfo
    • phpversion
    • putenv
    • set_​include_​path
    • set_​time_​limit
    • sys_​get_​temp_​dir
    • version_​compare
    • zend_​thread_​id
    • zend_​version
    • get_​magic_​quotes_​gpc
    • get_​magic_​quotes_​runtime
    • restore_​include_​path



    Set the various assert() control options or just query their current settings.

    Note: The use of assert_options() is discouraged in favor of setting and getting the php.ini directives zend.assertions and assert.exception with ini_set() and ini_get() , respectively.


    Assert Options

    Option INI Setting Default value Description
    ASSERT_ACTIVE 1 enable assert() evaluation
    ASSERT_EXCEPTION assert.exception 1 throws an AssertionError for each failed assertions
    ASSERT_WARNING assert.warning 1 issue a PHP warning for each failed assertion
    ASSERT_BAIL assert.bail 0 terminate execution on failed assertions
    ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL assert.quiet_eval 0 disable error_reporting during assertion expression evaluation. Removed as of PHP 8.0.0.
    ASSERT_CALLBACK assert.callback ( null ) Callback to call on failed assertions


    An optional new value for the option.

    The callback function set via ASSERT_CALLBACK or assert.callback should have the following signature:

    assert_callback (
    string $file ,
    int $line ,
    ? string $assertion ,
    string $description = ?
    ): void

    file The file where assert() has been called. line The line where assert() has been called. assertion Prior to PHP 8.0.0, the assertion which has been passed to assert() , but only when the assertion is given as a string. (If the assertion is a boolean condition, this parameter will be an empty string.) As of PHP 8.0.0, this parameter is always null . description The description that has been passed to assert() . Passing an empty string as value resets the assert callback.

    Return Values

    Returns the original setting of any option.


    If option is not a valid option a ValueError is thrown.


    Version Description
    8.0.0 If option is not a valid option, a ValueError is now thrown. Previously false was returned.


    Example #1 assert_options() example

    // This is our function to handle
    // assert failures
    function assert_failure ( $file , $line , $assertion , $message )
    echo «The assertion $assertion in $file on line $line has failed: $message » ;

    // This is our test function
    function test_assert ( $parameter )
    assert ( is_bool ( $parameter ));

    // Set our assert options
    assert_options ( ASSERT_ACTIVE , true );
    assert_options ( ASSERT_BAIL , true );
    assert_options ( ASSERT_WARNING , false );
    assert_options ( ASSERT_CALLBACK , ‘assert_failure’ );

    // Make an assert that would fail
    test_assert ( 1 );

    // This is never reached due to ASSERT_BAIL
    // being true
    echo ‘Never reached’ ;

    See Also

    • PHP Options/Info Functions
      • assert_​options
      • assert
      • cli_​get_​process_​title
      • cli_​set_​process_​title
      • dl
      • extension_​loaded
      • gc_​collect_​cycles
      • gc_​disable
      • gc_​enable
      • gc_​enabled
      • gc_​mem_​caches
      • gc_​status
      • get_​cfg_​var
      • get_​current_​user
      • get_​defined_​constants
      • get_​extension_​funcs
      • get_​include_​path
      • get_​included_​files
      • get_​loaded_​extensions
      • get_​required_​files
      • get_​resources
      • getenv
      • getlastmod
      • getmygid
      • getmyinode
      • getmypid
      • getmyuid
      • getopt
      • getrusage
      • ini_​alter
      • ini_​get_​all
      • ini_​get
      • ini_​parse_​quantity
      • ini_​restore
      • ini_​set
      • memory_​get_​peak_​usage
      • memory_​get_​usage
      • memory_​reset_​peak_​usage
      • php_​ini_​loaded_​file
      • php_​ini_​scanned_​files
      • php_​sapi_​name
      • php_​uname
      • phpcredits
      • phpinfo
      • phpversion
      • putenv
      • set_​include_​path
      • set_​time_​limit
      • sys_​get_​temp_​dir
      • version_​compare
      • zend_​thread_​id
      • zend_​version
      • get_​magic_​quotes_​gpc
      • get_​magic_​quotes_​runtime
      • restore_​include_​path


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