Php artisan serve stop

How To Stop Php Artisan Serve In Cmd

If you’re developing a Laravel application, you’ve most likely used the php artisan serve command to start a local development server. But how do you stop it when you’re done? In this blog post, we will cover the steps to stop the PHP Artisan Serve in Command Prompt (CMD) on Windows.

Stopping PHP Artisan Serve

When you start the local development server using the php artisan serve command, it will keep running until you manually stop it. To stop the server, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the command prompt where PHP Artisan Serve is running.
  2. Press Ctrl + C on your keyboard. This will send a signal to the CMD to stop the currently running process.
  3. Confirm that you want to stop the process by typing y and pressing Enter.
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Here is what the process looks like in the Command Prompt:

C:\laravel_project>php artisan serve Laravel development server started: ^C Terminate batch job (Y/N)? y C:\laravel_project>

Now, the PHP Artisan Serve process has been successfully stopped, and you can close the command prompt or execute other commands as needed.


Stopping PHP Artisan Serve in CMD is as simple as pressing Ctrl + C and confirming the action. This keyboard shortcut is a standard way to stop command line processes in Windows, and it works not only for PHP Artisan Serve but also for other command line tools. Remember this shortcut and use it whenever you need to stop a running process in CMD.


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How to run Laravel Development server?

In Laravel, we can run Laravel Development server by typing php artisan serve command on terminal or command line. Make sure your in Laravel’s project root directory.If not change your present working directory.

Starting Laravel Development server

Output: Laravel development server started on http://localhost:8000

Something port 8000 is already used, in that case, you can specify a different port by using —port option

php artisan serve --port=8082

Output: Laravel development server started on http://localhost:8082

Stoping laravel server

You can stop Laravel Development server anytime by pressing ctrl+c key from keyboard.

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How To Stop Php Artisan Serve

When you are developing a Laravel application, you may use the built-in PHP development server provided by
the php artisan serve command. This command starts a local server that allows you to test your
application without configuring a full-fledged web server like Apache or Nginx.

However, there may be instances where you need to stop the server. In this blog post, we will discuss how to
stop the PHP Artisan server.

Stopping PHP Artisan Serve

The PHP Artisan server can be stopped using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C or
Cmd + C (for macOS users). This will immediately terminate the server process.

To stop the server, simply press the Ctrl + C (or Cmd + C on macOS) keys on your
keyboard while your terminal window is in focus. You should see a message like “Terminated” or “Shutdown

Here’s an example of what you might see when stopping the PHP Artisan serve:

$ php artisan serve Laravel development server started: ^C Shutdown requested. Application server terminated.

When using the keyboard shortcut, it’s important to make sure that your terminal window is in focus, and not
another application, to ensure the server is successfully terminated.

Alternative Method: Killing the Process Manually

In some cases, you might need to stop the PHP Artisan server manually. For example, if you accidentally closed
the terminal window where the server was running, you won’t be able to use the keyboard shortcut to stop the

To stop the server manually, you need to find the process ID (PID) of the server and then use the kill command.
Here’s how to do it on different operating systems:

On Linux and macOS

  1. Open a terminal window and use the following command to find the PID of the PHP Artisan server process:
ps aux | grep "artisan serve"

The PHP Artisan server should now be stopped.

On Windows

  1. Open a command prompt and use the following command to find the PID of the PHP Artisan server process:
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq php.exe" /FO TABLE


Stopping the PHP Artisan server is an easy task. You can either use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C (or
Cmd + C on macOS) or manually kill the process using its PID. Remember to always stop your server before
closing your terminal window to avoid any issues when starting a new server session.


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How do I stop the artisan serve?

How do I stop the artisan serve?

The Laravel PHP artisan serve command helps running applications on the PHP development server. As a developer, you can use Laravel artisan serve to develop and test various functions within the application. It also accepts two additional options. You can use the host for changing application’s address and port.

How do I change the port of artisan serve in php?

  1. # specify port.
  2. $ php artisan serve —port=8080.
  3. # specify host and port.
  4. $ php artisan serve —host=localhost —port=8080.

Why php artisan serve not working?

Reasons why php artisan serve not working You are running php artisan serve command in wrong directory. php artisan serve is laravel command only work with laravel project. Check project directory and run in root directory of your project. The requested host or port is not available.

Why use PHP artisan serve?

Purpose: The purpose of using Php artisan serve (PHP builtin server) is just for testing and easy starting your project it should not be used in real website deployment. Asset Not working: Always put your index file in public it’s the beauty and security of Laravel framework and your assets will always working.

What is PHP Artisan command?

Artisan is the name of the command-line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your application. It is driven by the powerful Symfony Console component.

What is the port 8000?

Port 8000 Details. Commonly used as an alternate HTTP port. Some firewalls use it for HTTP web administration. Also commonly used for internet radio streams using Nicecast/Icecast/Shoutcast/Winamp audio streaming.

What port does laravel use?

The default port of the Laravel WebSocket server is 6001 . You may pass a different port to the command using the —port option. This will start listening on port 3030 .

How do you use Auth in laravel?

Just run php artisan make:auth and php artisan migrate in a fresh Laravel application. Then, navigate your browser to http://your-app.test/register or any other URL that is assigned to your application. These two commands will take care of scaffolding your entire authentication system!

Why is PHP artisan serve not working properly?

Next run the following command for run your project on localhost with the port 8000, we will not use php artisan serve. we use below the following command : After run this command on command prompt, you look like this. Start your server locally with host localhost and port 8000 :

How to stop Laravel server in PHP artisan serve?

How to stop laravel server? Well you have started your laravel server successfully now you want to stop server. To execute php artisan serve stop simply goto your commnad line where your server is running and press ctrl+c. It will stop your server. This post is submitted by one of our members. You may submit a new post here.

How to exit the command stream when running PHP artisan serve?

I am suing command prompt on windows. When I run php artisan serve the command prompt enters some kind of command stream where you can not use the command line anymore. How to exit this stream so that I could use the command line? Also, does this mean that exiting this mode will stop serving the app?

How to stop all servers with artisan CLI?

When using Artisan CLI Commands to stop all servers php artisan p:server:bulk-power stop —nodes=1, it stops all the servers that were online just fine, but the ones that were already offline get stuck in a Stopping mode and in console it says «[email protected]~ Server marked as stopping. «


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