- Font Awesome square phone Icon
- How to add Font Awesome square phone Icon ?
- Fontawesome Version 6.X
- square phone
- Web
- React
- Vue
- square phone
- Web
- React
- Vue
- square phone
- Web
- React
- Vue
- square phone
- Web
- React
- Vue
- square phone
- Web
- React
- Vue
- HTML Code
- Font Awesome Icon square phone Icon | fa solid fa square phone | HTML, CSS
- Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Square phone Color
- Пиктограммы HTML
- Оформление текста
- Офисные предметы
- Font Awesome mobile phone Icon
- How to add Font Awesome mobile phone Icon ?
- Fontawesome Version 4.X
- mobile phone
- mobile phone
- mobile phone
- mobile phone
- mobile phone
- HTML Code
- Tags
- Font Awesome Icon mobile phone Icon | fa fa mobile phone | HTML, CSS
- Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Mobile phone Color
- Font Awesome phone alt Icon
- How to add Font Awesome phone alt Icon ?
- Fontawesome Version 5.X
- phone alt
- phone alt
- phone alt
- phone alt
- phone alt
- HTML Code
- Tags
- Font Awesome Icon phone alt Icon | fas fa phone alt | HTML, CSS
- Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Phone alt Color
- Bootstrap Phone Icon (Mobile, Telephone)
- How to add Bootstrap phone Icon ?
- Icon Code-
- Advance Editor
- 1. Web
- Bootstrap Button with phone Icon
- Button Icon Left —
- Button Icon Right —
- Icon Button —
- Icon Button Link-
- Tags
- Bootstrap Icon phone Icon | phone | HTML, CSS
- Change Bootstrap Icon Icon Phone Color
Font Awesome square phone Icon
Square phone Icon is given below. You can use this icon on the same way in your project. First make sure you have added Font Awesome Icon library. If this library is added just add the HTML css class fa-solid fa-square-phone to any element to add the icon. Font Awesome square phone Icon can be resized as per your need. You can manage size of icon(fa solid fa square phone) by using font-size css style.
You can get steps to add HTML icon Square phone in Web, Font Awesome and other framwork.
How to add Font Awesome square phone Icon ?
Font Awesome Icon fa solid fa square phone Icon can be added to any web page simply as below.
Fontawesome Version 6.X
square phone
square phone
square phone
square phone
square phone
You can integrate Icon in web pages by just adding following below syntax & icon code.
Get complete html code for icon square phone
Font Awesome Icon square phone Icon | fa solid fa square phone | HTML, CSS
Adding Font Awesome Icon HTML Square phone( fa-solid fa-square-phone ) in web project is very simple. You need to add the icon class along with material-icons, it is basically main class and mandatory for icons so do not forget to add this class. You can customize Font Awesome Icon square phone Icon Square phone as per your requirement, suppose that you need to chnage the color of Square phone icon or change the size of size. It is pretty simple to change color of icon Square phone just add style=»color:red» it will make font color red. On the same way you can change size of Square phone icon by just adding style=»font-size:50px;». Smililarly you can add border color, shadow and other font styles to Square phone. Hope this icon fullfilled your need. Thanks for visiting us.
Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Square phone Color
Sometimes we need icons in different color, as we suggested by adding css style we can change color. Here we have created one example to change color of icons with css classes.
Output of the above example will be as below-
Пиктограммы HTML
Таблица пиктограмм HTML, содержит более 100 популярных иконок для оформления контента веб-страниц, рассылок и текстов. Воспользуйтесь удобной навигацией по категориям или перейдите сразу к таблице символов.
Специальные пиктограммы HTML позволяют оформить текст письма или тему рассылки. Помогают использовать иконки для кнопок и ссылок на сайте. Чтобы разместить символ на странице, необходимо скопировать код символа и вставить в исходный HTML-код страницы.
Спецсимволы чувствительны к регистру, поэтому их необходимо прописывать точно так, как указано в таблице.
Оформление текста
Код | Символ | Описание |
✌ | ✓ | Символ галочка |
✔ | ✔ | Жирная галочка |
☑ | ☑ | Галочка в квадрате |
☒ | ☒ | Крестик в квадрате |
☓ | ☓ | Крест |
✅ | ✅ | Жирная незакрашенная галочка |
✕ | ✕ | Крестик |
✖ | ✖ | Жирный крестик |
✗ | ✗ | Изогнутый кретик |
✘ | ✘ | Жирный изогнутый крестик |
Офисные предметы
Код | Символ | Описание |
✆ | ✆ | Знак телефона с проводом |
📞 | 📞 | Телефонная трубка |
🕻 | 🕻 | Телефонная трубка левосторонняя |
🕽 | 🕽 | Телефонная трубка правосторонняя |
☎ | ☎ | Телефон закрашенный |
☏ | ☏ | Телефон прозрачный |
🕿 | 🕿 | Черный кнопочный телефон |
📱 | 📱 | Мобильный телефон |
☕ | ☕ | Чашка чая / кофе |
✄ | ✄ | Ножницы |
✃ | ✃ | Ножницы |
✉ | ✉ | Конверт или письмо |
✍ | ✍ | Рука с ручкой |
💾 | 💾 | Дискета |
🔍 | 🔍 | Лупа (наклонённая влево) |
🔎 | 🔎 | Лупа (наклонённая вправо) |
📆 | 📆 | Отрывной календарь |
💼 | 💼 | Портфель |
Font Awesome mobile phone Icon
Font Awesome Mobile Phone Icon refers to portable devices for connecting to telecommunications networks to transmit and receive voice, video, or other data. This font awesome icon is also known as «fa-Mobile Phone» or «fa fa Mobile Phone».
Mobile phone Icon is given below. You can use this icon on the same way in your project. First make sure you have added Font Awesome Icon library. If this library is added just add the HTML css class fa fa-mobile-phone to any element to add the icon. Font Awesome mobile phone Icon can be resized as per your need. You can manage size of icon(fa fa mobile phone) by using font-size css style.
You can get steps to add HTML icon Mobile phone in Web, Font Awesome and other framwork.
How to add Font Awesome mobile phone Icon ?
Font Awesome Icon fa fa mobile phone Icon can be added to any web page simply as below.
Fontawesome Version 4.X
mobile phone
mobile phone
mobile phone
mobile phone
mobile phone
You can integrate Icon in web pages by just adding following below syntax & icon code.
Get complete html code for icon mobile phone
car phone.,cell phone.,cell telephone.,cellular phone.,digital phone.,mobile telephone.,radiotelephone.
Font Awesome Icon mobile phone Icon | fa fa mobile phone | HTML, CSS
Adding Font Awesome Icon HTML Mobile phone( fa fa-mobile-phone ) in web project is very simple. You need to add the icon class along with material-icons, it is basically main class and mandatory for icons so do not forget to add this class. You can customize Font Awesome Icon mobile phone Icon Mobile phone as per your requirement, suppose that you need to chnage the color of Mobile phone icon or change the size of size. It is pretty simple to change color of icon Mobile phone just add style=»color:red» it will make font color red. On the same way you can change size of Mobile phone icon by just adding style=»font-size:50px;». Smililarly you can add border color, shadow and other font styles to Mobile phone. Hope this icon fullfilled your need. Thanks for visiting us.
Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Mobile phone Color
Sometimes we need icons in different color, as we suggested by adding css style we can change color. Here we have created one example to change color of icons with css classes.
Output of the above example will be as below-
Font Awesome phone alt Icon
Font Awesome Phone Alt Icon refers to a secondary phone number that you can dedicate to all your business calls. You can get an alternate phone number from your telecommunications provider. For that, you may need to buy a new device or opt for a smartphone that may have two customer identification modules (SIMs). This font awesome icon is also known as «fa-Phone-Alt» or » fa fa Phone Alt».
Phone alt Icon is given below. You can use this icon on the same way in your project. First make sure you have added Font Awesome Icon library. If this library is added just add the HTML css class fas fa-phone-alt to any element to add the icon. Font Awesome phone alt Icon can be resized as per your need. You can manage size of icon(fas fa phone alt) by using font-size css style.
You can get steps to add HTML icon Phone alt in Web, Font Awesome and other framwork.
How to add Font Awesome phone alt Icon ?
Font Awesome Icon fas fa phone alt Icon can be added to any web page simply as below.
Fontawesome Version 5.X
phone alt
phone alt
phone alt
phone alt
phone alt
You can integrate Icon in web pages by just adding following below syntax & icon code.
Get complete html code for icon phone alt
call,contact ,ring ,telephone,mobile phone,mobile,cell phone,car phone,radiotelephone,videophone,speakerphone
Font Awesome Icon phone alt Icon | fas fa phone alt | HTML, CSS
Adding Font Awesome Icon HTML Phone alt( fas fa-phone-alt ) in web project is very simple. You need to add the icon class along with material-icons, it is basically main class and mandatory for icons so do not forget to add this class. You can customize Font Awesome Icon phone alt Icon Phone alt as per your requirement, suppose that you need to chnage the color of Phone alt icon or change the size of size. It is pretty simple to change color of icon Phone alt just add style=»color:red» it will make font color red. On the same way you can change size of Phone alt icon by just adding style=»font-size:50px;». Smililarly you can add border color, shadow and other font styles to Phone alt. Hope this icon fullfilled your need. Thanks for visiting us.
Change Font Awesome Icon Icon Phone alt Color
Sometimes we need icons in different color, as we suggested by adding css style we can change color. Here we have created one example to change color of icons with css classes.
Output of the above example will be as below-
Bootstrap Phone Icon (Mobile, Telephone)
Bootstrap Phone Icon refers to short for telephone, which means a device used to make calls to other people. An example of a telephone is your home phone. This icon is also known as «bi bi-phone» or «bi phone». Phone bootstrap icon also symbolizes mobile, and telephone.
Phone Icon is given below. You can use this icon on the same way in your project. First make sure you have added Bootstrap Icon library. If this library is added just add the HTML css class phone to any element to add the icon. Bootstrap phone Icon can be resized as per your need. You can manage size of icon(phone) by using font-size css style.
You can get steps to add HTML icon Phone in Web, Bootstrap and Angular Bootstrap framwork.
How to add Bootstrap phone Icon ?
Bootstrap Icon phone Icon can be added to any web page simply as below.
Icon Code-
Phone Icon Code | Customize color
You can get icon phone in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
Advance Editor
1. Web
You can integrate Icon in web pages by just adding following below syntax & icon code.
Bootstrap Button with phone Icon
Button Icon Left —
You can add icon to button left aligned as below.
Button Icon Right —
You can add icon to button right aligned as below.
Icon Button —
If you want to make button icon only and no text, add following code.
Icon Button Link-
Icon link button can be created simply as below.
telephone,mobile phone,mobile,cell phone,car phone,radiotelephone,videophone,extension,speakerphone,blower,Bootstrap Mobilee Icon, Bootstrap Telephone Icon
Bootstrap Icon phone Icon | phone | HTML, CSS
Adding Bootstrap Icon icon HTML Phone( phone ) in web project is very simple. You need to add the icon class along with bi, it is basically main class and mandatory for icons so do not forget to add this class. You can customize Bootstrap Icon phone Icon Phone as per your requirement, suppose that you need to chnage the color of Phone icon or change the size of size. It is pretty simple to change color of icon Phone just add style=»color:red» it will make font color red. On the same way you can change size of Phone icon by just adding style=»font-size:50px;». Smililarly you can add border color, shadow and other font styles to Phone. Hope this icon fullfilled your need.
Change Bootstrap Icon Icon Phone Color
Sometimes we need icons in different color, as we suggested by adding css style we can change color. Here we have created one example to change color of icons with css classes.
Output of the above example will be as below-