Petersamokhin bots sdk java

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Comfortable and simple library for creating bots for VK



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Convenient and simple library that helps quickly and easily create a bot for

Using this library one can interact with VK API for making bots — and there is more. Functionality is nicely suitable either for communities and personal profiles.

Language: English | Russian


Implementation of accepting messages of only specified types:

Group group = new Group(151083290, "access_token"); group.onSimpleTextMessage(message -> new Message() .from(group) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Что-то скучновато буковки читать. Картинку кинь лучше.") .send() ); group.onPhotoMessage(message -> new Message() .from(group) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Уже лучше. Но я тоже так могу. Что дальше?") .photo("/Users/PeterSamokhin/Desktop/topoviy_mem.png") .send() ); group.onVoiceMessage(message -> new Message() .from(group) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Не охота мне голосовые твои слушать.") .doc("") .send() );

This version is only available for downloading here – it will be added to central repo once it gets rid of “alpha” suffix, fixed and complete.

  • Fixed small things not affecting performance and quality overall, but making the work easier and the code more legible.
  • Added chatworking – now you can develop a bot that processes chat messages:
user.onMessage(message -> < if (message.isMessageFromChat()) < // Get chat id int chatIdLong = message.getChatIdLong(); // 2000000011 int chatId = message.chatId(); // 11 int sender = message.authorId(); // 62802565 // Handle message, it's from chat new Message() .from(user) .to(chatIdLong) .text("Hello, chat!") .send(); > else < // Handle message that not from chat new Message() .from(user) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Sorry, I will work only in chats.") .send(); > >); user.onChatMessage(message -> < // Handle message, it's from chat >);
// Handle title changing user.onChatTitleChanged((oldTitle, newTitle, who, chat) -> < String s = "User with id " + who + " changed title in chat " + chat + " from «" + oldTitle + "» to «" + newTitle + "»"; new Message() .from(user) .to(chat) .text(s) .send(); // User with id 62802565 changed title in chat 2000000011 from «Test 0» to «Test 1» >); // also you can handle chat join, chat leave, chat creating, etc

All methods return full chat ID, but you can switch it. For the sake of convenience, this value ( 2000000000 ) is added as a constant com.petersamokhin.bots.sdk.objects.Chat.CHAT_PREFIX .

Ver. 0.1.3 (25.08.2017) functionality

  • Processing direct messages of communities and personal profiles — only access_token is necessary.
  • Ability to specify needed type of messages, e.g. voice messages, plain-text messages, messages with stickers etc.
  • Also command processing added:
// Simple example group.onCommand("/start", message -> // do something with message ); // Defining aliases group.onCommand(new String[]"/start", "/bot", "hello">, message -> // do something with message );
  • If you attach image, document, cover etc. via a link, the file is not downloaded but transferred directly into VK as a byte array. Due to it, message processing is stably fast.
  • Reacting to a user typing. The status User is typing. will be shown for 10 seconds unless you send a message:
// React to user typing group.onTyping(userId -> < System.out.println("Пользователь" + userId + " начал печатать"); >); // Let's type too group.enableTyping(true);
// Like this message.doc("doc62802565_447117479").send(); // Or this message.doc("/Users/PeterSamokhin/Desktop/").send(); // Or even this message.doc("").send();
// Into the same community, if you specified group_id and access_token on initialization group.uploadCover("");
  • Firstly, you need to create a community if you are intending to use bot on behalf of it
    • You can do it there
    • It is very well explained there]

    The library is in a central maven repo. All you need to do is add a few lines into your build file.

    Add following lines to pom.xml:

    dependency> groupId>com.petersamokhingroupId> artifactId>vk-bot-java-sdkartifactId> version>0.1.3version> dependency>

    Add following lines to dependencies section in your build.gradle:

    compile group: 'com.petersamokhin', name: 'vk-bot-java-sdk', version: '0.1.3'

    If you are using something else

    If you ARE NOT using any build system

    • Download distributive (all dependencies are included): library (3.2 MB) | md5
    • Now, all you need to do is add it to classpath :
      • Using shell:
      javac -cp "/root/vk-bot-java-sdk-0.1.3.jar" Bot.jar
      • If you use IntelliJ IDEA go to Project Structure. | Libraries, click + and add downloaded .jar to lib list.

      Done. The library is usable in your project now.


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      Comfortable and simple library for creating bots for VK



      This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.

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      Latest commit

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      Convenient and simple library that helps quickly and easily create a bot for

      Using this library one can interact with VK API for making bots — and there is more. Functionality is nicely suitable either for communities and personal profiles.

      Language: English | Russian


      Implementation of accepting messages of only specified types:

      Group group = new Group(151083290, "access_token"); group.onSimpleTextMessage(message -> new Message() .from(group) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Что-то скучновато буковки читать. Картинку кинь лучше.") .send() ); group.onPhotoMessage(message -> new Message() .from(group) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Уже лучше. Но я тоже так могу. Что дальше?") .photo("/Users/PeterSamokhin/Desktop/topoviy_mem.png") .send() ); group.onVoiceMessage(message -> new Message() .from(group) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Не охота мне голосовые твои слушать.") .doc("") .send() );

      This version is only available for downloading here – it will be added to central repo once it gets rid of “alpha” suffix, fixed and complete.

      • Fixed small things not affecting performance and quality overall, but making the work easier and the code more legible.
      • Added chatworking – now you can develop a bot that processes chat messages:
      user.onMessage(message -> < if (message.isMessageFromChat()) < // Get chat id int chatIdLong = message.getChatIdLong(); // 2000000011 int chatId = message.chatId(); // 11 int sender = message.authorId(); // 62802565 // Handle message, it's from chat new Message() .from(user) .to(chatIdLong) .text("Hello, chat!") .send(); > else < // Handle message that not from chat new Message() .from(user) .to(message.authorId()) .text("Sorry, I will work only in chats.") .send(); > >); user.onChatMessage(message -> < // Handle message, it's from chat >);
      // Handle title changing user.onChatTitleChanged((oldTitle, newTitle, who, chat) -> < String s = "User with id " + who + " changed title in chat " + chat + " from «" + oldTitle + "» to «" + newTitle + "»"; new Message() .from(user) .to(chat) .text(s) .send(); // User with id 62802565 changed title in chat 2000000011 from «Test 0» to «Test 1» >); // also you can handle chat join, chat leave, chat creating, etc

      All methods return full chat ID, but you can switch it. For the sake of convenience, this value ( 2000000000 ) is added as a constant com.petersamokhin.bots.sdk.objects.Chat.CHAT_PREFIX .

      Ver. 0.1.3 (25.08.2017) functionality

      • Processing direct messages of communities and personal profiles — only access_token is necessary.
      • Ability to specify needed type of messages, e.g. voice messages, plain-text messages, messages with stickers etc.
      • Also command processing added:
      // Simple example group.onCommand("/start", message -> // do something with message ); // Defining aliases group.onCommand(new String[]"/start", "/bot", "hello">, message -> // do something with message );
      • If you attach image, document, cover etc. via a link, the file is not downloaded but transferred directly into VK as a byte array. Due to it, message processing is stably fast.
      • Reacting to a user typing. The status User is typing. will be shown for 10 seconds unless you send a message:
      // React to user typing group.onTyping(userId -> < System.out.println("Пользователь" + userId + " начал печатать"); >); // Let's type too group.enableTyping(true);
      // Like this message.doc("doc62802565_447117479").send(); // Or this message.doc("/Users/PeterSamokhin/Desktop/").send(); // Or even this message.doc("").send();
      // Into the same community, if you specified group_id and access_token on initialization group.uploadCover("");
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