Pdf to byte python

Converting a Python Dummy PDF to Bytes Using Python

To resolve the issue of getting a PDF file with blank pages, you can modify your args as follows: Instead of saving the string representation of the PDF to a file, try outputting the stream to a file. For converting a docx file to a PDF, you can use Solution 2 which involves installing a package. If there are any mistakes in my understanding, kindly let me know so that I can correct them.

Convert DOCX Bytestream to PDF Bytestream Python

At present, I possess a software that utilizes the python-docx framework to produce a document in .docx format.

After I finish constructing the .docx file, I store it in a Bytestream.

file_stream = io.BytesIO() document.save(file_stream) file_stream.seek(0) 

To obtain a PDF version of word document, I have explored various conversion libraries, including docx2pdf, as well as the option of converting it manually with the help of comtypes.

import sys import os import comtypes.client wdFormatPDF = 17 in_file = "Input_file_path.docx" out_file = "output_file_path.pdf" word = comtypes.client.CreateObject('Word.Application') doc = word.Documents.Open(in_file) doc.SaveAs(out_file, FileFormat=wdFormatPDF) doc.Close() word.Quit() 

The issue at hand is that I am required to perform the conversion solely in the memory and not store either the DOCX or PDF file on the computer. Thus far, all the converters I have come across necessitate a file path to the physical document on the machine, which is not available to me.

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How can I transform the DOCX filestream to a PDF stream without saving it on disk?

Although it may seem a bit complicated, this approach operates entirely in memory, and it allows you to incorporate personalized CSS to design the ultimate file. You can utilize mammoth to change the DOCX bytestream into HTML, producing the HTML to PDF using pdfkit.

# create a dummy docx file from docx import Document document = Document() document.add_paragraph('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.') # create a bytestream import io file_stream = io.BytesIO() document.save(file_stream) file_stream.seek(0) # convert the docx to html import mammoth result = mammoth.convert_to_html(file_stream) # >>> result.value # >>> '

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

' # convert html to pdf import pdfkit pdf = pdfkit.from_string(result.value)

To save the stream to a file, simply execute.

with open('test.pdf','wb') as file: file.write(pdf) 

To transfer the convert docx file to pdf file, you can use the following steps.

from docx2pdf import convert convert("input.docx") convert("input.docx", "output.pdf") convert("my_docx_folder/") 

If I have made an error, kindly let me know so I can rectify it. Thank you.

What are the arguments for converting a double-up pdf page into a, If you read the text its says «Device pdfwrite requires an output file but no file was specified». So that tells you that -o was ignored,

What are the arguments for converting a double-up pdf page into a one column pdf page using ghostscript

To convert a double-up pdf page to a single column pdf page, I require the necessary ghostscript arguments.

the input +--------+-------+ | | | | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | | | | | | | +--------+--------+ the output +-------+ | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | +--------+ +-------+ | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | +--------+ 

Based on the contents of post1 and post2, I developed this code.

import sys import locale import ghostscript args = [ "-ooutput.pdf", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-g2807x5950" "-fpdfFile.pdf" ] # arguments have to be bytes, encode them encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() args = [a.encode(encoding) for a in args] ghostscript.Ghostscript(*args) 

I was anticipating a PDF file comprising of 2 pages, but an fatal error error was encountered.

An update has been made to include the error message, which can be found in the image description section.

The text indicates that the «Device pdfwrite» necessitates an output file, but none was specified, resulting in the disregard of the -o instruction or some other issue with it.

It appears that you may be utilizing the Ghostscript DLL instead of creating a new process. In such a case, it is necessary to assign a false value to argv[0]. This is due to the fact that, when executing a C program, argv[0] represents the name of the executable. Therefore, the argument processing omits the first element of the arguments array.

The Ghostscript documentation provides coverage on this topic.

It appears that there could be a missing period in argument list, although I am not entirely certain and could be mistaken.

It’s likely that you will have to modify your arguments to a format similar to this:

args = [ "MyApp", "-o output.pdf", "-sDEVICE=pdfwrite", "-g2807x5950", "-fpdfFile.pdf" ] 

Convert pdf to png deterministically or test sequences of bytes are, I’m using Wand to convert pdf to png, and I’d like to ensure in my tests that the sequence of bytes resulting from the transformation of a

Save response.text as PDF

My concern is that even though I possess a string that reflects a PDF, attempting to store it as a PDF file leads to a blank page.

Despite my attempts to save the bytes of the string as a file using ‘utf-8’ encoding, the problem persists.

import requests url = 'https://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/tests/xhtml/testfiles/resources/pdf/dummy.pdf' response = requests.get(url) with open('example.pdf', 'w') as f: f.write(response.text) 

While I understand that preserving response.content is the proper method to save the PDF in the given scenario, my unique situation only permits me to utilize the string.

One possible solution is to employ the fpdf package.

from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=response.text, ln=1, align="C") pdf.output("output.pdf") 

The source for the information can be found at the following URL: http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/2018/06/05/creating-pdfs which discusses how to use PyFPDF and Python together.

Refer to the provided documentation at https://pyfpdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html for further information.

From a link I posted before:

I opted for it to convert my HTML files into PDF format, using a two-step process within my designated stack of Python Pyramid.

Utilizing mako templates on the server-side, the desired style and markup for pdf document can be achieved. By invoking the pdfkit.from_string(. ) method and passing the rendered html, a PDF document will be generated that supports images and styling.

You can install it as follows :

To use it on Ubuntu, the installation of wkhtmltopdf is required.

import pdftotext # Load your PDF with open(r'C:\Users\Mahsa\Desktop\stack\dummy.pdf', "rb") as f: pdf = pdftotext.PDF(f) 
from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_xy(0, 0) pdf.set_font('arial', 'B', 13.0) pdf.cell(ln=0, h=5.0, align='L', w=0, txt="Your text from ", border=0) pdf.output(r'D:\pdf\test.pdf', 'F') 

Create pdf in memory from bytes python Code Example, Queries related to “create pdf in memory from bytes python” · how to transform pdf in bytes python · dummy pdf to bytes python · read pdf as bytes


Convert PDF to BYTEARRAY via Python

PDF to BYTEARRAY Python conversion. Programmers can use this example code to export PDF to BYTEARRAY within any .NET Framework, .NET Core, and PHP, VBScript, Delphi, C++ via COM Interop.

Convert PDF to BYTEARRAY in Python for .NET

How to convert PDF to BYTEARRAY? You can easily convert programmatically a document from PDF to BYTEARRAY format with a modern document-processing Python API. Use just a few lines of code to convert files with high quality. The Aspose.PDF library will allow any developer to easily solve the tasks of converting PDF to BYTEARRAY using Python.

For a more detailed description of the code snippet and other possible conversion formats, see the Documentation pages. Also, you can check the other conversions of formats, which are supported by our library.

With Aspose.PDF for .NET library you can convert PDF to BYTEARRAY programmatically. PDF software from Aspose is ideal for individuals, small or large businesses. Since it is able to process a large amount of information, perform the conversion quickly and efficiently and protect your data. A peculiar feature from Aspose.PDF is an API for converting PDF to BYTEARRAY. The trait of this approach is that you only need to open the NuGet package manager, search for ‘Aspose.PDF for .NET’, and install it without any special complex settings. (Use the command from the Package Manager Console for installing). To verify the benefits of the library, try using the conversion PDF to BYTEARRAY code snippet. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console:

Python Package Manager Console

How to Convert PDF to BYTEARRAY

Python for .NET developers can easily load & convert PDF files to BYTEARRAY in just a few lines of code.

  1. Include the namespace in your class file
  2. Load input PDF File
  3. Initialize a Byte Array
  4. Initialize FileStream object
  5. Load the contents into the byte array
  6. Process byte array as of your requirement

System Requirements

Aspose.PDF for Python for .NET is supported on all major operating systems. Just make sure that you have the following prerequisites.

  • Microsoft® Windows™ or a compatible OS with .NET Framework, .NET Core, and PHP, VBScript, Delphi, C++ via COM Interop.
  • Development environment like Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Aspose.PDF for .NET DLL referenced in your project.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to convert PDF to BYTEARRAY in Python. You can follow these easy steps to convert your PDF file to BYTEARRAY format. First, upload your PDF file and then simply save it as a BYTEARRAY file. You can use fully qualified filenames for both PDF reading and BYTEARRAY writing. The output BYTEARRAY content and formatting will be identical to the original PDF document.

Example: Convert PDF to BYTEARRAY via Python

This sample code shows PDF to BYTEARRAY Python Conversion

 def convert_PDF_to_BYTEARRAY(self, infile, outfile):   path_infile = self.dataDir + infile  path_outfile = self.dataDir + outfile   # Open PDF document   document = Document(path_infile)   print(infile + " converted into " + outfile) 


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