Pattern program in python

  1. Pattern Program in Python
  2. Main Features of Python
  3. 18 Examples of Pattern Programs in Python
  4. Pattern #1 — Number Pattern Semi-Pyramid
  5. Pattern
  6. Code
  7. Output
  8. Pattern #2 — Printing the Same Digit Pattern Using Inverted Pyramid
  9. Pattern
  10. Code
  11. Output
  12. Become a Data Science Expert & Get Your Dream Job
  13. Pattern #3 — Printing Numbers Using Inverted Pyramids
  14. Pyramid
  15. Code
  16. Output
  17. Pattern #4 — Printing Numbers in a Simple Triangle Pattern
  18. Pyramid
  19. Code
  20. Output
  21. Pattern #5 — Printing Descending Numbers Using the Inverted Pyramid
  22. Pyramid
  23. Code
  24. Output
  25. Your Data Science Career Starts Today!
  26. Pattern #6 — Printing Natural Numbers < 17 Using a Pyramid
  27. Pattern
  28. Code
  29. Output
  30. Pattern #7 — Printing Numbers in a Reverse Semi-pyramid
  31. Pattern
  32. Code
  33. Output
  34. Pattern #8 — Printing Digits From 22 in a Reverse Pattern
  35. Pattern
  36. Code
  37. Output
  38. Become a Data Science Expert & Get Your Dream Job
  39. Pattern #9 — Printing a Number Pattern Using an Inverted Semi-pyramid
  40. Pattern
  41. Code
  42. Output
  43. Pattern #10 — Printing a Number Pyramid in a Connected Pyramid
  44. Pattern
  45. Code
  46. Output
  47. Pattern #11 — Printing a Horizontal Table Using a Pyramid
  48. Pattern
  49. Code
  50. Output
  51. Learn Everything You Need to Know About Data!
  52. Pattern #12 — Printing a Right-Angled Triangle of Number Pyramid by Mirroring
  53. Pattern
  54. Code
  55. Output
  56. Pattern #13 — Printing a Pattern of Unique Digits Using a Pyramid
  57. Pattern
  58. Code
  59. Output
  60. Pattern #14 — Printing a Pyramid Pattern With Even Numbers
  61. Pattern
  62. Code
  63. Output
  64. Become a Data Scientist With Real-World Experience
  65. Pattern #15 — Printing a Number Pyramid of Alternate Numbers
  66. Pattern
  67. Code
  68. Output
  69. Pattern #16 — Printing a Star Pyramid Pattern
  70. Pattern
  71. Code
  72. Output
  73. Pattern #17 — Printing a Star Equilateral Triangle
  74. Pattern
  75. Code
  76. Output
  77. Become a Data Scientist With Real-World Experience
  78. Pattern #18 — Printing a Star Pattern Triangle That Goes Downwards
  79. Pattern
  80. Code
  81. Output
  82. Learn More About Python
  83. How Can You Print a Pattern in Python?
  84. What Are Python Functions?
  85. What Are the Different Types of Design Patterns Being Used in Python?
  86. Learn Python and Data Science In-Depth
  87. About the Author
  88. Recommended Programs
  89. Pattern programs in python
  90. Left triangle pattern
  91. Source code
  92. Right triangle pattern
  93. Source code
  94. Pyramid shape pattern
  95. Source code
  96. Inverted Pyramid shape pattern
  97. Source code
  98. Diamond shape pattern
  99. Source code
  100. Pascals shape pattern
  101. Source code
  102. Hourglass pattern
  103. Source code
  104. butterfly pattern
  105. Source code
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Pattern Program in Python

Pattern Program in Python

Python is a scripting language that is highly readable, interactive, high-level, object-oriented, and interpreted. Python has lesser syntactic structures than other programming languages, and it typically uses English terms instead of punctuation.

It is a popular language that is used in Data Science.

Main Features of Python

  • Beginner-friendly Language — Python is easy to learn, maintain, implement and read. It is interactive in nature.
  • Object-oriented — Python encapsulates code within objects by supporting the Object-Oriented programming approach or style or approach.
  • Industry-oriented — Python is extendable, portable, scalable, cross-platform friendly with a standard library, and has support for GUI applications and interactive mode.

18 Examples of Pattern Programs in Python

Pattern #1 — Number Pattern Semi-Pyramid




Pattern #2 — Printing the Same Digit Pattern Using Inverted Pyramid




Become a Data Science Expert & Get Your Dream Job

Pattern #3 — Printing Numbers Using Inverted Pyramids




Pattern #4 — Printing Numbers in a Simple Triangle Pattern




Pattern #5 — Printing Descending Numbers Using the Inverted Pyramid




Your Data Science Career Starts Today!

Pattern #6 — Printing Natural Numbers < 17 Using a Pyramid




Pattern #7 — Printing Numbers in a Reverse Semi-pyramid




Pattern #8 — Printing Digits From 22 in a Reverse Pattern




Become a Data Science Expert & Get Your Dream Job

Pattern #9 — Printing a Number Pattern Using an Inverted Semi-pyramid




Pattern #10 — Printing a Number Pyramid in a Connected Pyramid




Pattern #11 — Printing a Horizontal Table Using a Pyramid


0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

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0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

Learn Everything You Need to Know About Data!

Pattern #12 — Printing a Right-Angled Triangle of Number Pyramid by Mirroring




Pattern #13 — Printing a Pattern of Unique Digits Using a Pyramid


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Pattern #14 — Printing a Pyramid Pattern With Even Numbers




Become a Data Scientist With Real-World Experience

Pattern #15 — Printing a Number Pyramid of Alternate Numbers




Pattern #16 — Printing a Star Pyramid Pattern




Pattern #17 — Printing a Star Equilateral Triangle




Become a Data Scientist With Real-World Experience

Pattern #18 — Printing a Star Pattern Triangle That Goes Downwards




Learn More About Python

Now, let us discuss some further concepts in Python to understand the concepts of printing patterns in Python.

How Can You Print a Pattern in Python?

The most typical sort of programming question posed in interviews is printing given patterns with just a few tweaks. A pattern can be easily printed in Python using loop concepts in programming. Popular loops include the for and while loop but the for loop is mainly used to print a pattern in Python. We use multiple such loops to print a pattern in Python efficiently.

Main concepts for pattern printing in Python include —

  1. The outer loop is used to output the number of rows.
  2. The inner loop is used to output the number of columns.
  3. To print the whitespaces in the program, a variable is utilized in the appropriate position in Python.

What Are Python Functions?

A function is a reusable, ordered code block that may be used to repeat a single action several times. Functions make it simple to reuse code and to increase modularity, as well as to keep the application code up to date. Python allows users to write their own functions while also providing built-in functions such as ascii(), print(), etc.

Four types of Python functions —

  • Function with no arguments but with a return value
  • Function with both arguments and return value
  • Function with no argument and no return value
  • Function with an argument but no return value

What Are the Different Types of Design Patterns Being Used in Python?

In Python, patterns are utilized to emphasize code readability and execute various tasks through the use of significant indentation. With the help of design patterns, programmers may build clear and logical code for both small and large projects. These design patterns are used in many enterprise development software. By obtaining a thorough clarity of these design patterns, an application can be as basic as possible while simultaneously making the code more understandable.

With the help of these design patterns, programmers may build clear and logical code for both small and large projects. The three different design patterns in Python include:

Learn Python and Data Science In-Depth

The concept of pattern printing in Python includes understanding the concept of loops, and implementing programming logic.

To learn more about Python and to deep dive into its implementation in areas, like data science, one might need to refer to more in-depth concepts and resources. One such resource is offered by Simplilearn that will help you learn the A-Z of Python and its applications and implementation in data science. This Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science taught by Caltech faculty and IBM experts holds the first rank in data science courses, and will help you upskill yourself.

About the Author

Nikita Duggal

Nikita Duggal is a passionate digital marketer with a major in English language and literature, a word connoisseur who loves writing about raging technologies, digital marketing, and career conundrums.

Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Science


Pattern programs in python

In this post, you will learn different pattern programs in python such as left triangle pattern, right triangle pattern, diamond shape pattern, pyramid shape pattern, pascals shape pattern, inverted pyramid pattern, hourglass pattern, butterfly pattern, etc.

But before writing a program you should know about:

So let us start writing python programs for all the patterns one by one.

Left triangle pattern

Source code

# left triangle pattern length = int(input('Enter length of the pattern: ')) for i in range(length): for j in range(i+1): print('*',end='') print() # for new line

In the above program, outer loop acts like rows, and the inner loop acts like a column.

NOTE: Most pattern programs are based on rows and columns. The first loop or outer loop is used for rows and the second or inner loop is used for the column.

Right triangle pattern

Source code

size = int(input('ENter length of the pattern: ')) for i in range(size): for j in range(2*(size-i)): # first loop for empty space print(' ',end='') for j in range(i+1): #second loop for printing * print('*',end=' ') print()

2*(size — i) formula helps you to print space in the right triangle pattern where i is the number of rows and size is the length of the pattern.

Pyramid shape pattern

Source code

size = int(input('Enter lenght of the pattern: ')) for i in range(size): for j in range(size,i+1,-1): print(' ',end='') for k in range(2*(i-1)+3): print('*',end='') print()

2*(i-1)+3 formula helps you to print * in the Pyramid shape pattern (you can also use the 2*(i-1)+1 formula to print * in the pyramid shape pattern).

Inverted Pyramid shape pattern

Source code

size = int(input('Enter lenght of the pattern: ')) for i in range(size-1): for j in range(i): print(' ',end='') for k in range((size-i)*2-3): print('*',end='') print()

(size-i)*2-3 formula helps you to print * in an Inverted Pyramid shape pattern where i is the number of rows.

Diamond shape pattern

Source code

size = int(input('Enter length of the pattern: ')) # upper pyramid for i in range(size): for j in range(size,i+1,-1): print(' ',end='') for k in range(2*(i-1)+1): print('*',end='') print() # lower pyramid for i in range(size-1): for j in range(i): print(' ',end='') for k in range((size-i)*2-3): print('*',end='') print()

You can observe that diamond shape pattern made up of 2 section the upper section is the pyramid pattern and lower section is inverted pyramid pattern.

Pascals shape pattern

Source code

rows = int(input('ENter number of rows: ')) #upper section for i in range(rows): for j in range(i,rows): print(' ',end='') for k in range(i+1): print('*',end='') print() #lower section for i in range(rows,0,-1): for j in range(i,rows+1): print(' ',end='') for k in range(i): print('*',end='') print()

You can observe that Pascal’s shape pattern is made up of 2 sections the upper section is a right triangle pattern and the lower section is an inverted right triangle pattern.

Hourglass pattern

Source code

my_rows = int(input('Enter number of rows: ')) # Upper section for i in range(my_rows, 0, -1): for j in range(my_rows-i): print(" ", end="") for k in range(1, 2*i): print("*", end="") print() #lower section for i in range(2, my_rows+1): for j in range(my_rows-i): print(" ", end="") for k in range(1, 2*i): print("*", end="") print() 

butterfly pattern

Source code

length = int(input('Enter number of rows: ')) # upper section for i in range(length): for j in range(i): print('*',end='') for k in range(2*(length-i)): print(' ',end='') for l in range(i): print('*',end='') print() # for new line # lower section for i in range(length): for j in range((length-1)-i+1): print('*',end='') for k in range(2*i): print(' ',end='') for l in range((length-1)-i+1): print('*',end='') print() #for new line 

there are two sections of the butterfly pattern the first section contains the first N rows and the second section contains the last N-1 rows in the butterfly pattern.


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