Passing parameter in php include

PHP include: Adding a GET parameter to a URL

To pass an URL to the file, one can place it in a variable and parse it using parse_url in the included file. It is not recommended to add query parameters to the actual include URL as it may interfere with the GET array. PaulPRO’s response may address the desired outcome, but there are other variables that can be utilized in the included file.

PHP: Adding parameters to a url?

Instead of Kolink’s solution, I suggest using http_build_query() which avoids displaying an additional & when the query string is empty. However, this change will not have any significant impact. Kolink’s solution is adequate. I am sharing this suggestion to introduce you to http_build_query() , which may come in handy in the future.

http_build_query(array_merge($_GET, array('newvar'=>'123'))) 

We utilize http_build_query() to combine all the contents of $_GET with an array of additional parameters. For instance, in this case, I generate an array instantly based on the provided parameter. However, typically, such an array is available somewhere in your application.

Utilize the following function available at this link:

function addQueryArgs(array $args, string $url) < if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) < $urlParts = parse_url($url); if (isset($urlParts['query'])) < parse_str($urlParts['query'], $urlQueryArgs); $urlParts['query'] = http_build_query(array_merge($urlQueryArgs, $args)); $newUrl = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://' . $urlParts['host'] . $urlParts['path'] . '?' . $urlParts['query']; >else < $newUrl = $url . '?' . http_build_query($args); >return $newUrl; > else < return $url; >> $newUrl = addQueryArgs(array('add' => 'this', 'and' => 'this'), ''); 

Want to append get parameters to all the url’s, 3 Answers. Sorted by: 1. You have to modify all links and forms that append a collection of the tracked urls. For that you can catch the last url in php by $_SERVER [‘HTTP_REFERER’] and append it to the collection. But this could be very dirty. You should use sessions for tracking instead of an GET collection in urls.

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Passing arguments via url parameters inside include function in php

Utilize $id in both files as they are already included in your current file, enabling you to access $id . To confirm, print echo $id; in both files and the value will be visible.

According to Karthik, accessing $id directly in both files is possible, or global variables can be used as an alternative.

include('php/config.php'); require_once "php/variables.php"; 

The include and require_once functions expect a filesystem path as the default input instead of a URL. Hence, the usage of «URL parameters» and the relevant $_GET superglobal is not applicable since there is no URL being passed.

It is possible to provide a URL as input to these functions if the relevant fopen wrappers are configured properly. However, it is advised against doing so as this is likely not the intended use case.

The functions include and require_once enable the referenced document to be included in the current scope, allowing the $id variable to be accessed by the included scripts without any modifications, as previously mentioned by other answers.

Regex — php — add/update a parameter in a url, php — add/update a parameter in a url [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. Modified 10 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 8k times 8 3. This question already has an answer here: Closed 11 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Change single variable value in querystring. i found this function to add or update …

How to pass parameters with `include`?

It’s not possible to append a query string, such as «?x=yyy&vv=www», to an include in that manner. However, it’s good to know that the includes can access all the variables that come before them. This means that if » $_GET[’employeeId’] » is defined earlier, you can call it without any issues.

Customers.php will be granted permission to $_GET[’employeeId’]; as well.

PHP includes are essentially code attachments that bring a piece of code from one location to another.

PaulPRO probably gave you the answer you’re looking for, but there are other variables that can be used in the included file. To access the $foo variable in the layout.php file, define $foo = «bar»; in index.php and include layout.php after that line.

To pass an URL to the file, you could store the URL in a variable and parse it using parse_url in the included file.

In my opinion, it’s not a good idea to add query parameters to the actual URL that includes them. This can cause confusion and lead to a situation where you’re unsure about what should be there, ultimately making you frustrated enough to start hitting your head against the wall.

Your included file can directly access the GET variables.

Php: include with URL parameter, It is not possible to include a php file on another server, because this would be a security vulnerability. You can, however, use file_get_contents to get the output of a php file. You can, however, use file_get_contents to get the output of …

PHP passing parameters via URL

Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([0-9-_]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/?$ index.php?var1=$1&var2=$2 [NC,L] 

In essence, when the URL is structured based on the stated regular expressions (consisting of a number followed by a slash and alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores), index.php should be used to display the content. Additionally, two parameters, namely var1 and var2, should be transmitted with the file, with var1 representing the number and var2 representing the characters after the initial slash. 

Naturally, the values can be retrieved directly from the index.php file.

$var1 = $_GET['var1']; $var2 = $_GET['var2']; 

Your third instance demonstrates how REST recognizes a resource on the server side. It appears that REST can fulfill your requirements based on what you have mentioned. I recommend beginning your research at this link: (

Html — How to add PHP variables to a href url, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more


Sending Arguments to PHP’s Include and Require Statements

To create incomplete classes, having a setter for a property named «footer» without a constructor argument is useful for a class that needs this property. This way, pages that include this line will have an extra footer class, while those without it won’t include the extra footer. However, there won’t be any warnings about missing variables because isset is used instead of testing the variable’s actual value.

How to pass parameters to a class constructor

A feasible approach to perform your inclusion task is by utilizing the CI and defining it as a constant using APPPATH .


The index.php in CodeIgniter sets a CONSTANT that points to your Application directory, providing assurance of its consistency.

To resolve the issue of the non-functional include, modify the include statement to appear as follows:

 include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../libraries/'.$classname.'.php'; 

I had assumed that the program would begin at the current file location, but I was mistaken. To make it start from the current file location, you can use the line mentioned above.

Passing an Array as Arguments, not an Array, in PHP, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams

Passing parameters to php include/require construct

passing parameters to php include/require construct — PHP [ Glasses to protect eyes while coding : ] passing parameters to php inclu

PHP passing arguments into class’s constructor dynamically

The function array_values() resets the keys of an array to be consecutive zero-based integers, while still returning an array.

It seems like the splat operator would be appropriate for your needs.

$job = new $class(. array_values(unserialize($args))); 
 'Jimmy', ] ); $job = new $class(. array_values(unserialize($args))); 

Be cautious about the design’s potential for confusion. Although an associative array is used to accept arguments, implying that names are significant and position is not, the opposite is true.

Here is how to create an instance of a class dynamically in PHP using Reflection.

$className = 'GreetingJob'; $args = []; $ref = new \ReflectionClass($className); $obj = $ref->newInstanceArgs($args); 

The PHP documentation provides information on the «newinstanceargs» function within the «ReflectionClass» class.

PHP Class Constructor, Not Clear On Passing in $_GET, Stack Overflow Public questions & answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand ; Advertising Reach developers & technologists worldwide; About the company

PHP: Appending a class to an include for specific pages

The approach in PHP to include a class depends on how you are implementing it. The simplest way is to verify the presence of a variable. If the variable exists, then include the class, otherwise, do not include it.

Any page that requires it can easily assign the variable and it is expected to function appropriately.

If this approach is not feasible for you, kindly furnish additional details on how you add pages and other elements.

As a result of adding this line to any page, the page will be assigned the additional footer class.

$expandedFooter = "someClassName"; 

If a class lacks the extra footer, no warnings will be issued because we are utilizing isset instead of checking the variable’s real value, which would trigger a warning if the variable was entirely absent.

You can find the answer to your query regarding passing parameters to the php include/require construct at this location.

It’s not possible to send a parameter using either include or require to the footer to indicate the current page. Nevertheless, variables within the same scope can be accessed in the footer, allowing you to define a variable such as:

$custom_design = true; include('my_footer.php'); 

Incorporate the code if($custom_design). into the footer.

Php — Passing parameter to __construct with, I am creating a User class and it is supposed to be an Entity class. In DataBase i created User table and it has 20 fields. My question is : Is it good to create a «__construct()» with 20 parame

Passing parameter to __construct with dependency injection

This is unrelated to dependency injection since it involves passing values rather than injecting dependencies.

The main inquiry is whether to obtain those values via a constructor or getters/setters.

Utilizing your constructor can be beneficial as it ensures that your model doesn’t exist in an erroneous state. By including necessary attributes, such as emails, in the constructor, all users will have them without fail.

To prevent an excessively long constructor, it’s advisable to include only the necessary properties (those that are not null) in the constructor and utilize setters for any additional properties.

If your class has 20 parameters, there is a high possibility that it may violate the Single Responsibility Principle principle and become a monolithic class that doesn’t delegate or compose functionality effectively.

Make sure that your class exhibits high cohesion and low coupling.

Check out the link to a blog post from 2009 that discusses the definitions of low coupling and high cohesion, as well as the principle of encapsulation:

Since we are not conducting a comprehensive code review in this place, it is recommended to visit instead.

It appears that you are passing multiple parameters such as country, zip code, and phone number. Consider which data is truly necessary to create a valid object.

In a class Person , having a setter for Name without a corresponding constructor argument for Name can result in incomplete classes. This means that the responsibility of ensuring consistency falls on every method, as there is no guarantee that Name has been set. This type of code is problematic and often leads to cluttering the code with checks or maintaining an «initialized» flag or function.

To keep your constructor concise, limit the number of parameters it contains. Additional information can be added using properties or through composition. For instance, an Address class can be created to simplify the process of passing zip, state, street, and other information through the parent constructor. Additionally, consider creating a separate «Contact» class to store contact details such as email and phone numbers.

Utilizing getter and setter methods is recommended over utilizing a __construct method that contains an excessive amount of 20 parameters. Additionally, it can be challenging to access private User attributes without getter methods.


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