Pass value post php


$_POST is a predefined variable which is an associative array of key-value pairs passed to a URL by HTTP POST method that uses URLEncoded or multipart/form-data content-type in request.

$HTTP_POST_VARS also contains the same information, but is not a superglobal, and now been deprecated.

Easiest way to send data to server with POST request is specifying method attribute of HTML form as POST. Assuming that the URL in browser is http://localhost/testscript.php, method=POST is set in a HTML form test.html as below −

The PHP script is as follows:



This will produce following result −

In following example, htmlspecialchars() function is used to convert characters in HTML entities.

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Character Replacement
& (ampersand) &
» (double quote) "
‘ (single quote) ' or '
< (less than) <
> (greater than) >

Assuming that the user posted dta as name=xyz and age=20


"; echo "age: " . htmlspecialchars($_POST["age"]) . "
"; ?>


This will produce following result −


Passing variables with data between pages using URL

Exchanging variables between pages

There are different ways by which values of variables can be passed between pages. One of the ways is to use the URL to pass the values or data. Here the biggest advantage is we can pass data to a different site even running at different servers. Any scripting language like ASP, JSP, PHP or Perl running at receiving end can process and collect the value from the query string or from the URL.

  • Easy to save the URL or bookmark it for frequent use.
  • Copy the URL and send it to a friend to refer.

Here one main concern is the data gets exposed in address bar of the browser and can be easily accessible by using browser history. So it is not a good idea to pass sensitive data like password through the URL to different pages or different sites.

Passing variable with data to different pages

Here is an example of passing data through URL within a site.

When the above link is clicked, page2.php gets the variables id and user with data 2489 and tom respectively. Here is the code to collect data in PHP.

echo $_GET['id']; // output 2489 
echo $_GET['user']; // output tom

The address of page2.php can be replaced with any site name and the same data can be passed to another site running in any server. Like this

Passing data outside

URL with Data in a link

Demo of passing data through a form →
You can see in the above case the values can be posted to another site. Note that after the page name we are using question mark ( ? ) to start the variable data pair and we are separating each variable data pair with one ampersand ( & ) mark.

Submitting form values through GET method

A web form when the method is set to GET method, it submits the values through URL. So we can use one form to generate an URL with variables and data by taking inputs from the users. The form will send the data to a page within the site or outside the site by formatting a query string.

Passing variables between pages

Submitting a form through POST method

By post method of form submission we can send more number or length of data. Sensitive information like password does not get exposed in URL by POST method, so our login forms we should use POST method to submit data. This is how we collect data submitted by POST method in PHP

$id=$_POST['id']; $password=$_POST['password'];

Difference between GET and POST

issues GET POST
Browser History Data remain in Browser History Data Not available in Browser History
Bookmark URL with Data can be bookmarked No data is available in URL to bookmark the page
Data Length Restriction The restriction (of URL ) is applicable No Restriction
cached Can be cached No meaningful caching
Sensitive Data Data like password , pin etc. are exposed through URL so they should not be passed using GET method Better than GET method as data is not exposed through URL

Collecting data submitted by either GET or POST method

If a page is receiving a data which can come in any one of the method GET or POST then how to collect it ? Here we are not sure how to collect the data. So we will use like this.

$id=$_REQUEST['id']; $password=$_REQUEST['password'];

Every scripting language pages has its own way of receiving the data from the URL

While receiving the data based on the server settings the values will be available to the pages. Here in a server running PHP will have to see the global settings of the server on how to collect the data.

Same way in ASP environment running VB script the data can be collected and assigned like this

Id = Request.QueryString("id") User = Request.QueryString('user')

Passing data within the site using URL

The same principle is used like above to send the data within the site using URL. A query sting can be formatted with a link or a form can be used with get method to pass variables between pages.

Passing the data between the site through URL

Like above data can be passed to different pages of sites using URL . The best use is directly linking to a page dip inside another site by formatting a query sting. Like this

Passing variables through query string

In many applications we need to pass variables through query string. For example we want to display the product details where product ID is to be passed in query string through a variable. The product ID can be collected from a table so we don’t know what is the value but we can use the variable which stores the product ID.

For example let us say we have collected product id from the product table. Read the tutorial on how to collect data from table. Our link with query string will have something like this.

Change of data while passing through URL

There is a problem in sending data other than plain text through browser. Empty space and some characters like & if present in the data , will create problem. To maintain the data integrity we have to encode the data before sending them though URL and then decode them again to get back the original data. In PHP encode command is used and in ASP VBScript the command is Server.URLEncode(string)

Security issues while posting data through URL

The most common type of security problem in using data from URL is injection attack. We must sanitize the date before using inside our script or generating any query to manage database.


  1. How do you pass variables from one page to another using the GET method in PHP?
  2. What is the difference between the GET and POST methods in PHP when it comes to passing variables between pages?
  3. How do you retrieve the value of a variable passed through the URL using the GET method?
  4. How do you pass sensitive data securely between pages using the POST method in PHP?
  5. Can you pass an array of variables between pages using the GET method in PHP? If so, how?
  6. What are the limitations on the amount of data that can be passed through the URL using the GET method?
  7. How do you access the values of variables passed through the POST method in PHP?
  8. Is it possible to pass variables between pages without displaying them in the URL?
  9. Can you pass variables between pages using sessions or cookies instead of the GET or POST method? If yes, how?
  10. What are some best practices for handling and sanitizing user input when passing variables between pages?


Passing values using post in php code example

Solution 1: Use anchor tag OR use a form with hidden fields : and submit the form Solution 2: Here are 4 options on how to do this (first 3 don’t require user action, with the 3rd you can auto-submit, but can let the user see it and submit it manually): In 2.php you simply use — thus having access to in 3.php Use stream_context_create Use CURL Re-generate a form with a submit button. Solution 3: You will have read the data in 2.php and create a form with hidden input tags containing that data, which will have 3.php as action source defined.

Passing $_POST variable from one page to other [duplicate]

use a form with hidden fields :

Here are 4 options on how to do this (first 3 don’t require user action, with the 3rd you can auto-submit, but can let the user see it and submit it manually):

  • In 2.php you simply use include ‘3.php’; — thus having access to $_POST in 3.php
  • Use stream_context_create
  • Use CURL
  • Re-generate a form with a submit button.
   $value) < echo "' value='' />"; // if it's an array, you can serialize it > ?> 

You can now show it to the user, or submit it with javascript.

You will have read the data in 2.php and create a form with hidden input tags containing that data, which will have 3.php as action source defined.

Maybe you also just consider using a user session and save the values in it

Pass a PHP variable value through an HTML form, You need to elaborate if it’s in the same file, if the form post severes the variable assignment and output, and the sample code not within functions. – mario Aug …

Passing value over pages using POST method HTML [duplicate]

In the first page, you should change ‘methode’ to ‘method’.

  connect_error) < die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); > $sql = "INSERT INTO firstdb (id, last_name, first_name, date) VALUES ('', '" . $V1 . "', '" . $V2 . "', '" . $V3 . "')"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) < echo "New record created successfully"; >else < echo "Error: " . $sql . "
" . $conn->error; > $conn->close();

change spelling of methode=»POST» to method=»POST», rest of your code has some problem as well, for that you should read about prepared statements, those are efficient when handling user input.

Php — passing $_POST variable from one page to other, Here are 4 options on how to do this (first 3 don’t require user action, with the 3rd you can auto-submit, but can let the user see it and submit it …

Passing specific value via POST from <img> to PHP

you should use a data attribute such as ‘data-imageId’ on your image tag and then do

 Delete Article//jquery in your if(confirm) var $post = ;//some selector for the post/image var testvalue = $(this).data('imageId'); $.ajax(< type: "POST", url: 'delete.php, data: 'imageId=' + testValue, success: function(data)<>, $post.remove(); >); 

info here

var testvalue = $(this).attr('imageid'); 

You can send it using GET or POST if you’d like. For GET, just build the link as such:

You can also use POST by turning each item into its own form, then adding the image id as a hidden value.

Keep in mind that neither one of these is very secure, and you’re going to want to make sure that delete.php doesn’t just delete things without the person actually having proper permissions to delete it.

Post — PHP some $_POST values missing but are present, step 1 (b): Make a note of the php.ini file location from the phpinfo values printed in the previous step as shown in the image below. step 2: Edit the php.ini file. step 2 …

How to pass several values in a single post parameter in CodeIgniter?

Try calling it tables[] instead of tables .

Just an example of how to pass an array to server from html form

PHP (codeigniter)

$tables_array=$this->input->post('tables'); // an array with all values of tables[] input/item of form 

if you print_r($tables_array); then the output will be

Array ( [0] => value1 [1] => value2 ) 

I don’t have any experience with CodeIgniter, but the basic solution you’re looking for is either to make an array and pass that (if CodeIgniter has a function for passing an array in POST that would be best, otherwise make a function that appends the values and delimits them with a comma or semicolon and another function to interpret that on the other end) or to pass, say «tables1:14», «tables2:15», «tables3:16» and then process them once you receive them. I think the array would probably be the best way, personally, but you may have a reason to use the second method.

Get and Post Methods in PHP, With the help of an example, let’s understand how the POST method works- Example The below code will display an HTML form containing two input fields …


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