Parseint javascript return 0

JavaScript parseInt()

The parseInt method parses a value as a string and returns the first integer.

A radix parameter specifies the number system to use:

2 = binary, 8 = octal, 10 = decimal, 16 = hexadecimal.

If radix is omitted, JavaScript assumes radix 10. If the value begins with «0x», JavaScript assumes radix 16.


If the first character cannot be converted, NaN is returned.

Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.

Only the first integer found is returned.

Older browsers will return 8 for parseInt(«010»). Older versions of ECMAScript used octal (radix 8) for values beginning with «0». From ECMAScript 5 (2009) default is decimal (radix 10).



Parameter Description
value Required.
The value to be parsed.
radix Optional. Default is 10.
A number (2 to 36) specifying the number system.

Return Value

Browser Support

parseInt() is an ECMAScript1 (ES1) feature.

ES1 (JavaScript 1997) is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

More Examples


Why does Number(») returns 0 whereas parseInt(») returns NaN

As, parseInt() parses up to the first non-digit and returns whatever it had parsed and Number() tries to convert the entire string into a number, why unlikely behaviour in case of parseInt(») and Number(») . I feel ideally parseInt should return NaN just like it does with Number(«123hui») Now my next question: As 0 == » returns true I believe it interprets like 0 == Number(») which is true. So does the compiler really treat it like 0 == Number(») and not like 0 == parseInt(») or am I missing some points?

Well, that’s just how it was designed to work. Or maybe evolved to work that way. Either way, too late to change it. And there are good use-cases for both methods. You just need to pick the one that is appropriate.

@JonathanLonowski has already given the perfect explanation. Though you can refer to this standard

It’s unclear to me what kind of answer you expect. Do you want someone to cite the spec for you or are you interested in the reasons for this design decision? If the latter, that’s not a good question to be asked on Stack Overflow.

3 Answers 3

The difference is due in part to Number() making use of additional logic for type coercion. Included in the rules it follows for that is:

  • A StringNumericLiteral that is empty or contains only white space is converted to +0.

Whereas parseInt() is defined to simply find and evaluate numeric characters in the input, based on the given or detected radix . And, it was defined to expect at least one valid character.

13) If S contains a code unit that is not a radix-R digit, let Z be the substring of S consisting of all code units before the first such code unit; otherwise, let Z be S.

14) If Z is empty, return NaN.

Note: ‘S‘ is the input string after any leading whitespace is removed.

As 0==» returns true I believe it interprets like 0==Number(») [. ]

The rules that == uses are defined as Abstract Equality.

And, you’re right about the coercion/conversion that’s used. The relevant step is #6:

If Type(x) is Number and Type(y) is String,
return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).

For your typical equality comparison (when you don’t try to convert types at the same time), it is usually better to do === instead of == and avoid the type coercion confusion.

@Thilo: Well, when you don’t convert types because both are the same (as they should be), there is no confusion and you can just use == as well.

To answer your question about 0==» returning true :

Below is the comparison of a number and string:

The Equals Operator (==)

Type (x) Type(y) Result ------------------------------------------- x and y are the same type Strict Equality (===) Algorithm Number String x == toNumber(y) 

and toNumber does the following to a string argument:

toNumber: Argument type Result ------------------------ String In effect evaluates Number(string) “abc” -> NaN “123” -> 123 

Number(») returns 0 . So that leaves you with 0==0 which is evaluated using Strict Equality ( === ) Algorithm

The Strict Equals Operator (===)

Type values Result ---------------------------------------------------------- Number x same value as y true (but not NaN) 

parseInt(«») is NaN because the standard says so even if +»» is 0 instead (also simply because the standard says so, implying for example that «» == 0 ).

Don’t look for logic in this because there’s no deep profound logic, just history.

You are in my opinion making a BIG mistake. the sooner you correct it the better will be for your programming life with Javascript. The mistake is that you are assuming that every choice made in programming languages and every technical detail about them is logical. This is simply not true.

Especially for Javascript.

Please remeber that Javascript was «designed» in a rush and, just because of fate, it became extremely popular overnight. This forced the community to standardize it before any serious thought to the details and therefore it was basically «frozen» in its current sad state before any serious testing on the field.

There are parts that are so bad they aren’t even funny (e.g. with statement or the == equality operator that is so broken that serious js IDEs warn about any use of it: you get things like A==B , B==C and A!=C even using just normal values and without any «special» value like null , undefined , NaN or empty strings «» and not because of precision problems).

Nonsense special cases are everywhere in Javascript and trying to put them in a logical frame is, unfortunately, a wasted effort. Just learn its oddities by reading a lot and enjoy the fantastic runtime environment it provides (this is where Javascript really shines. browsers and their JIT are a truly impressive piece of technology: you can write a few lines and get real useful software running on a gajillion of different computing devices).

The official standard where all oddities are enumerated is quite hard to read because aims to be very accurate, and unfortunately the rules it has to specify are really complex.

Moreover as the language gains more features the rules will get even more and more complex: for example what is for ES5 just another weird «special» case (e.g. ToPrimitive operation behavior for Date objects) becomes a «normal» case in ES6 (where ToPrimitive can be customized).

Not sure if this «normalization» is something to be happy about. the real problem is the frozen starting point and there are no easy solutions now (if you don’t want to throw away all existing javascript code, that is).

The normal path for a language is starting clean and nice and symmetric and small. Then when facing real world problems the language gains (is infected by) some ugly parts (because the world is ugly and asymmetrical).

Javascript is like that. Except that it didn’t start nice and clean and moreover there was no time to polish it before throwing it in the game.



The Number.parseInt() static method parses a string argument and returns an integer of the specified radix or base.

Try it


.parseInt(string) Number.parseInt(string, radix) 


The value to parse, coerced to a string. Leading whitespace in this argument is ignored.

An integer between 2 and 36 that represents the radix (the base in mathematical numeral systems) of the string .

If radix is undefined or 0 , it is assumed to be 10 except when the number begins with the code unit pairs 0x or 0X , in which case a radix of 16 is assumed.

Return value

An integer parsed from the given string .

If the radix is smaller than 2 or bigger than 36 , or the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number, NaN is returned.


Number.parseInt vs. parseInt

This method has the same functionality as the global parseInt() function:

Its purpose is modularization of globals. Please see parseInt() for more detail and examples.


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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