Page Title

Using HTMLDOC to split HTML in multiple pages

You have that really big HTML page that takes forever to load on the browser? What about to break it in smaller pieces, one topic per page? The HTMLDOC tool can make it for you.

The main purpose of this tool is to do the opposite: join multiple HTML files into one single PDF file. It has a huge list of options, so you have strong control over the process, like setting fonts, header and footer, automatic Table of Contents, insert a cover page and more.

The txt2tags User Guide PDF is generated from a big HTML file by HTMLDOC.

The latest version comes with a new target called “htmlsep”, that takes an structured HTML page (full of , ) and breaks it into multiple pages. This is the command line usage:

htmldoc -t htmlsep -o output-folder file.html

Note that it’s required that you create a folder for the generated files, before running the command. Let’s break some files? Here’s a quick sample HTML file with some headings:


Greatest Bands Ever

Punk Rock



Millencolin, No Fun At All, No Use For A Name, .


Toy Dolls, Operation Ivy, Face to Face, .

Greatest Movies Ever


Dogtown And Z-Boys, Riding Giants, Step Into Liquid, .


$ ls -F greatest.html output/ $ htmldoc -t htmlsep -d output greatest.html BYTES: 715 BYTES: 1135 BYTES: 883 BYTES: 1024 BYTES: 1030 BYTES: 1059 BYTES: 998 BYTES: 1074 BYTES: 896 $

Before that command, we’ve had just the HTML file and an empty folder. When running HTMLDOC it shows those “BYTES” lines to inform you everything is OK. Now, let’s check what we have on the output folder:

$ ls output/ Documentary.html Other.html Strange.html GreatestBandsEver.html PunkRock.html index.html GreatestMoviesEver.html Softcore.html toc.html

Great! Each heading went to its own file, named accordingly. The extra files are “index.html” and “toc.html”, that holds the cover page and the Table of Contents. All the pages have the following navigation links: Contents, Previous, Next, so you can browse them in a sequence.

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You may play with other options to customize the files:

$ htmldoc -t htmlsep -d output \\ --no-title --toclevels 2 --toctitle "Contents" \\ greatest.html

Remember that big old User Guide in HTML that has hanging around on the txt2tags site? Now it is separated in multiple files. If you prefer the all-in-one version, download the PDF (see About topic).

Note 1: HTMLDOC has no support for CSS. You’ll have to add the tag to the generated files.

Note 2: HTMLDOC reads the file data since the first heading. Use a %!postproc to remove the

Page Title

line when converting to HTML.


HTML Splitter

Split HTML into multiple files. Use HTML Splitter from any device with browser.

By uploading your files or using our service you agree with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Click between the pages you want to split.

Your file has been processed successfully

About Splitter App

Separate HTML document pages fast and easy. Free online HTML Splitter tool without registration is created to quickly split pages from a HTML file. You do not have to spend your time doing these operations manually on desktop software. Our goal is to provide you with a reliable solution to optimize your office workflow through the online HTML Splitter application. All HTML files are processed on our servers so no additional plugins or software installation is required. It’s powerful, modern, fast, flexible, easy-to-use and completely free.

  • Easily split HTML document pages
  • Separate pages from HTML file
  • Download or send resultant file as email attachment

How to split a HTML document online

Questions & Answers

First of all, you need to select and add HTML file for splitting by two ways: drag and drop your HTML file to the white area with the label ”Click or drop your file here” or click on this area and then select the desired HTML file using file explorer. Once the file are added, the green progress bar will begin to grow. When the process is completed, you can click the Save button and then download your result HTML file.

Yes, the download link of result HTML file will be available only for you. The uploaded file will be ereased after 24 hours and the download link will stop working after this time period. No one has access to your file. The HTML Document Splitter is absolutely safe.

Yes, you can use our free HTML Document Splitter on any operating system that has a web browser. Our HTML Document Splitter works online and does not require any software installation.

You can use any modern browser to split HTML file, for example, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, or Safari.

Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the extension for web pages created for display in browsers. Known as language of the web, HTML has evolved with requirements of new information requirements to be displayed as part of web pages. The latest variant is known as HTML 5 that gives a lot of flexibility for working with the language. HTML pages are either received from server, where these are hosted, or can be loaded from local system as well.

Other Splitter file formats

You can also split other file formats. Please see the list below.


Split HTML into virtual pages

Here is a naive but working implementation.,The idea is to mount the html into an offscreen div which has the same dimensions as the pages we’re trying to render.,(the display flex is just there to force flowing of elements, but any layout would do provided it’s the same in offscreenDiv and in page),Start over for a new chunk until there is no more elements in the offscreen div.

function generateRandomContent() < var alph = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var content = ""; // we will generate 100 random elements displaying their index to keep track of what's happening for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) < var type = parseInt(Math.random() * 2, 10); switch (type) < case 0: // text, generates and random p block content = content + "

" + i + " "; var numWords = 10 + parseInt(Math.random() * 50, 10); for (var j = 0; j < numWords; j++) < var numLetters = 2 + parseInt(Math.random() * 15, 10); if (j >0) < content = content + " "; >for (var k = 0; k < numLetters; k++) < content = content + alph[parseInt(Math.random() * 26, 10)]; >> content = content + "

"; break; case 1: // colored div, generates a div of random size and color var width = 30 + parseInt(Math.random() * 20, 10) * 10; var height = 30 + parseInt(Math.random() * 20, 10) * 10; var color = "rgb(" + parseInt(Math.random() * 255, 10) + ", " + parseInt(Math.random() * 255, 10) + ", " + parseInt(Math.random() * 255, 10) + ")"; content = content + '
' + i + '
'; break; > > return content; > function getNodeChunks(htmlDocument) < var offscreenDiv = document.createElement('div'); offscreenDiv.className = 'page'; = 'absolute'; = '-3000px'; offscreenDiv.innerHTML = htmlDocument; offscreenDiv.display = 'flex'; offscreenDiv.flexWrap = 'wrap'; document.body.appendChild(offscreenDiv); offscreenRect = offscreenDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); // console.log('offscreenRect:', offscreenRect); var chunks = []; var currentChunk = [] for (var i = 0; i < offscreenDiv.children.length; i++) < var current = offscreenDiv.children[i]; var currentRect = current.getBoundingClientRect(); currentChunk.push(current); if (currentRect.bottom >(offscreenRect.bottom)) < // current element is overflowing offscreenDiv, remove it from current chunk currentChunk.pop(); // remove all elements in currentChunk from offscreenDiv currentChunk.forEach(elem =>elem.remove()); // since children were removed from offscreenDiv, adjust i to start back at current eleme on next iteration i -= currentChunk.length; // push current completed chunk to the resulting chunklist chunks.push(currentChunk); // initialise new current chunk currentChunk = [current]; offscreenRect = offscreenDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); > > // currentChunk may not be empty but we need the last elements if (currentChunk.length > 0) < currentChunk.forEach(elem =>elem.remove()); chunks.push(currentChunk); > // offscreenDiv is not needed anymore offscreenDiv.remove(); return chunks; > function appendChunksToPages(chunks) < var container = document.getElementsByClassName('root_container')[0]; chunks.forEach((chunk, index) =>< // ex of a page header var header = document.createElement('div'); header.innerHTML = '

Page ' + (index + 1) + '

'; container.appendChild(header); var page = document.createElement('div'); page.className = 'page'; chunk.forEach(elem => page.appendChild(elem)); container.appendChild(page); >); > // generateRandom content outputs raw html, getNodeChunks returns // an array of array of elements, the first dimension is the set of // pages, the second dimension is the set of elements in each page // finally appendChunks to pages generates a page for each chunk // and adds this page to the root container appendChunksToPages(getNodeChunks(generateRandomContent()));

Answer by Kairi Blankenship

The page is the primary unit of interaction in jQuery Mobile and is used to group content into logical views that can be animated in and out of view with page transitions. A HTML document may start with a single «page» and the AJAX navigation system will load additional pages on demand into the DOM as users navigate around. Alternatively, a HTML document can be built with multiple «pages» inside it and the framework will transition between these local views with no need to request content from the server.,PLEASE NOTE: Since we are using the hash to track navigation history for all the AJAX «pages», it’s not currently possible to deep link to an anchor (index.html#foo) on a page in jQuery Mobile, because the framework will look for a «page» with an id of #foo instead of the native behavior of scrolling to the content with that id.,Putting it all together, this is the standard boilerplate page template you should start with on a project: ,Inside the tag, each view or «page» on the mobile device is identified with an element (usually a div) with the data-role=»page» attribute.

Here is how you can link to the CDN, where [version] should be replaced by the actual version. See also the download page on the web site.

         . content goes here.  

Note above that there is a meta viewport tag in the head to specify how the browser should display the page zoom level and dimensions. If this isn’t set, many mobile browsers will use a «virtual» page width around 900 pixels to make it work well with existing desktop sites but the screens may look zoomed out and too wide. By setting the viewport attributes to content=»width=device-width, initial-scale=1″ , the width will be set to the pixel width of the device screen.

Inside the tag, each view or «page» on the mobile device is identified with an element (usually a div ) with the data-role=»page» attribute.

Within the «page» container, any valid HTML markup can be used, but for typical pages in jQuery Mobile, the immediate children of a «page» are divs with data-role=»header» , class=»ui-content» , and data-role=»footer» .

Putting it all together, this is the standard boilerplate page template you should start with on a project:


Page Title

Page Footer

Here is an example of a two «page» site built with two jQuery Mobile divs navigated by linking to an id placed on each page wrapper. Note that the ids on the page wrappers are only needed to support the internal page linking, and are optional if each page is a separate HTML document. Here is what two pages look like inside the body element.



View internal page called bar

Page Footer


Page Footer

Alternatively, you can prefetch a page programmatically using the pagecontainer widget’s load() method:

 $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "load", pageUrl, < showLoadMsg: false >); 

If you prefer, you can tell jQuery Mobile to keep previously-visited pages in the DOM instead of removing them. This lets you cache pages so that they’re available instantly if the user returns to them.

 $ = true; 

To keep all previously-visited pages in the DOM, set the domCache option on the page plugin to true , like this:

Answer by Kori Benitez

Once the zone has finally been decided on, the function rmqueue() is called to allocate the block of pages or split higher level blocks if one of the appropriate size is not available.,The next flags are action modifiers listed in Table 6.4. They change the behaviour of the VM and what the calling process may do. The low level flags on their own are too primitive to be easily used.,When a buddy is freed, Linux tries to coalesce the buddies together immediately if possible. This is not optimal as the worst case scenario will have many coalitions followed by the immediate splitting of the same blocks�[Vah96].,A process may also set flags in the task_struct which affects allocator behaviour. The full list of process flags are defined in but only the ones affecting VM behaviour are listed in Table 6.7.

Each zone has a free_area_t struct array called free_area[MAX_ORDER]. It is declared in linux/mm.h> as follows:

 22 typedef struct free_area_struct < 23 struct list_head free_list; 24 unsigned long *map; 25 >free_area_t; 

Linux saves memory by only using one bit instead of two to represent each pair of buddies. Each time a buddy is allocated or freed, the bit representing the pair of buddies is toggled so that the bit is zero if the pair of pages are both free or both full and 1 if only one buddy is in use. To toggle the correct bit, the macro MARK_USED() in page_alloc.c is used which is declared as follows:

164 #define MARK_USED(index, order, area) \ 165 __change_bit((index) >> (1+(order)), (area)->map) 

Calculating the address of the buddy is a well known concept�[ Knu68 ]. As the allocations are always in blocks of size 2 k , the address of the block, or at least its offset within zone_mem_map will also be a power of 2 k . The end result is that there will always be at least k number of zeros to the right of the address. To get the address of the buddy, the kth bit from the right is examined. If it is 0, then the buddy will have this bit flipped. To get this bit, Linux creates a mask which is calculated as

The mask we are interested in is

Linux takes a shortcut in calculating this by noting that


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