
Decoding the Web

ASP.NET – How to call a server-side method from client-side JavaScript


This is a tutorial on how to call a server-side ASP.NET method from a client-side JavaScript method.

If you are wondering when that could become useful, imagine the following scenario:

A Web Application having an implemented authentication system.
Users log in with their username and password.
At any point the user is able to log out by clicking on the respective “Log Out” button.
On the server-side, the log out action would trigger a cleaning up process of user’s temp data.

However, the user instead of clicking on the “Log Out” button, may simply close the browser window. Now since HTTP is a stateless protocol, the server-side cannot directly detect the user’s action. Therefore the client-side (browser) would have to notify the server that the user is closing the window.

A solution to this problem would be to call a JavaScript function when the client-side “onUnload” event is triggered. The JavaScript function would then be able to call the appropriate server-side method to clean up the data.

The exact required AJAX mechanism to accomplish that kind of communication is described on the “Hello World” project below.

Please note that for the purpose of this tutorial all methods are kept as simple as possible, so that you can easily modify them for your application.

1. Creating a new ASP.NET project

AJAX is required, thus a new “AJAX enabled ASP.NET Web Application” has to be created on Visual Studio 2005 or “ASP.NET Web Application” on 2008.


2. Modifying the server-side code

Every server-side method that is called from the client-side, must be declared as “static”, and also has to be decorated with the [System.Web.Services.WebMethod] tag.

Now let’s create a simple function that returns a string value.

[System.Web.Services.WebMethod] public static string Message()

3. Modifying the ScriptManager

The “EnablePageMethods” attribute has to be added on the ScriptManager tag.

4. Adding a simple HTML button

We are going to add a simple HTML button rather than a server-side ASP.NET button control. The “onClick” event is going to be associated with the JavaScript function “GetMessage”.

5. Adding the JavaScript code

Let’s add the “GetMessage” JavaScript function, which is going to call our server-side “Message” method.

The “OnGetMessageSuccess” is the name of the JavaScript function that will be called if the request is successful. Whereas the “OnGetMessageFailure” will be called if an exception is thrown.

So let’s add these two functions:

function OnGetMessageSuccess(result, userContext, methodName) < alert(result); >function OnGetMessageFailure(error, userContext, methodName)

Please note that you can give to the functions any name you wish, as long as they match the PageMethods call parameters.

If there are no errors, the “OnGetMessageSuccess” will show a pop-up window with our server-side “Message” text. Else, the pop-up will have an exception message.

6. Running the Web Application

This is it, we are ready to run our Web Application. Everything seems to be working just fine on Internet Explorer (IE6 and IE7):


However if we run it on Firefox (currently the latest version is 3.0.4) the pop-up will display the following message:

The server method ‘Message’ failed.


7. Fixing the Firefox issue

We just need to modify the button’s onclick event a bit:

And this would do the trick:


8. Here is the complete source code for your reference

(Had to replace double quotes (“) with single quote (‘) in order to post it correctly.)

     function GetMessage() < PageMethods.Message(OnGetMessageSuccess, OnGetMessageFailure); >function OnGetMessageSuccess(result, userContext, methodName) < alert(result); >function OnGetMessageFailure(error, userContext, methodName)  
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; namespace AJAXEnabledWebApplication2 < public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page < protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) < >[System.Web.Services.WebMethod] public static string Message() < return "Hello from the server-side World!"; >> >

Comments are always welcome!


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75 Responses

@Wally: Thanks! Add the parameter on the server-side, for example Message(string name). And then on the JavaScript, add the same parameter on the PageMethods call, like PageMethods.Message(name, OnGetMessageSuccess, OnGetMessageFailure)

I’ve been working with an exposed Web Service for a while now… I did not know about that error catching trick. Very cool. Nice article. One thing I cannot find, however, is how to pass a parameter from client-side to client-side… is that possible? (How do I get OtherVariableToPass into the fncJavascriptHandleReturn as OtherVariableToReceive w/o making the WebService send it back?) function fncJavascriptDoSomething()
var OtherVariableToPass = “test”;
> fncJavascriptHandleReturn(WebMethodResults,OtherVariableToReceive)

@schmakt: Thanks! I guess that you can have your OtherVariableToPass outside of the functions, so that they can both access it.

yah, that’s what I ended up doing.
*annoyed* that there wasn’t a more direct way. Thanks for the response 🙂

i also heard about ıcallback inerface and ICallbackEventHandler .
they are also doing the same job
wha are the differences?

This example is calling a static server side method. Is is possible to call a non-static method as static method is not able to access other variables and controls in the page. Cheers

Hi it was a good article i agree but can i return one object from server to client if it is return means how to handle in client side please reply me Thanks vijay

@vijay: Thank you. You could probably pass your object’s data in JSON format, and then process them with Javascript on the client-side.

[…] I did some research and found an article entitled “How to call a server-side method from client-side JavaScript“. […]

Great tutorial, thanks 🙂 Why is step 7 necessary ?? Why is Firefox handling the event differently than IE . thanks hendrik

[…] I have see this 3 topics:… just the 3 use MasterPages, I can´t find any article that explain to me an interaction betweeen client side, and server side using MASTERPAGES.My all web site use master page, and i really need to acess from client side using javascript to some functions in server side, the big problem is.. i use MASTERPAGES i read the 3 article and it looks nice.. but doesnt help very much: I have this in MASTER PAGE:

And my asmx.cs is:using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Services; namespace WebApplication1 < ///

/// Summary description for MasterPageWS ///

[WebService(Namespace = «")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line. // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class MasterPageWS : System.Web.Services.WebService < [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)] public static int CallFromMasterJS() < return 3; // todo: write the needed codes >> > And my javascript function is:function CallService() < //CallFromMasterJS() is the name of the service method alert("1"); var a = MasterPageWS.CallFromMasterJS(); alert("2");>When i run the web site, it fires the MessageBox with 1,But i can´t acess to MasterPageWS.CallFromMasterJS(); function Can anyone help me? I m desperateThanks Peter […]

Hi , i want to set my textbox values in ASPX from this webmethod . so can i do ? if any one know please tell me hom ? regards,
Hitesh Panchal

Hi, Can you give me an example or solution, how to implement same solution with user control.. Thanks

I want to call server side function from client side javascript function in timer. what i have to do for that thing.
thank u.

hi, your code is working fine when i do not use master pages. but it is not working with them. what will be solution for this. thank u

When I try to use this code in my website I am getting the error as
Microsoft JScript runtime error: ‘PageMethods’ is undefined
what do i have to do to fix this?
and btw the method written on the server side is a static method, will this work for non static methods too?
and do i really need onMeassageSuccessful and onMessageFailure?
any help would be greatly appreciated.

on August 1, 2017 at 12:46 | Reply Mohammed Abdurahman

Nice article, however some critical information seems to be missing. If you add this to a webpage with content, you can see a page refresh is occuring which defeats the whole ajax issue. The button submitting needs to be in an update panel to stop the whole page updating. I could be mistaken and missed something?

Iam getting server method failed when calling a page method using js.
My page method retrieve more than 6500 data rows from Db. these rows are concatenated to a string and returned. When the number of is rows less than, means below 2500 it working fine. But if goes more it says server method failed .
each rows contain a string of length more than 30. What i have to do in this case?

this is ultimate artical i was looking to add button in the gridview through which i can call server side function without postback or callback. Thank You Very Much..

i am from Viet Nam, so my English is so bad. 😀
but i want to say thank you for your post.
it’s very good.

What if we want to access non-static members from this webmethod ?
i cannot access my aspx control there How can i do it?

If I would like to learn more in depth about server side, Can you recommend any website or books? I like a book that provide some sample codes. Many Thanks. By the way, you did a great job.

Thanks for your artcile. But I run these commands on visual studio 2010 there is “Microsoft JScript runtime error: Permission denied” error. How can i get rid of this error.

Hay it’s really nice but i need some more information about JavaScript.
If user enter wrong username or wrong password then how to show
the alert(java script) in page.(No need to redirect any page)

Hello Sandeep, You can easily use jQuery to update any html element depending on what the server-side method returns. For example $(“p#message”).html(“server-side message”);.

can we call a server side event handler from the client side in the same way with out postbacking.

This doesn’t work if you call the javascript method on form unload… It does goes to the codebehind method but never goes to the onGetMessageSucess javascript… any help..

Hello, I am calling a webmethod from javascript in I use url rewriting the page method it is not working. for eg: if i calll the page signup.aspx the web method is working fine but when i invoke the page signup using url mapping the web method is not working

[…] found a tutorial on calling a server-side method from javascript but is there a proper way to bind a jQuery object literal to data set dynamically in […] […] found a tutorial on calling a server-side method from javascript (it looks outdated to me) but is there a proper way to bind a jQuery object literal to data set […]

on September 11, 2013 at 13:30 | Reply Phill Healey

Ive been looking for a way to integrate some server side validation with JQueryMobile, without exposing the log-in data via JavaScript. Your method above opens up the possibility for this to happen without waying the page down with .Net control and also without the need to revert to MVC. Thanks.


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