Overriding operator in python

LearnOperator Overloading in Python

Python is an interesting language. It’s meant to be very explicit and easy to work with. But what happens when how you want or need to work with Python isn’t just what the native types expose? Well, you can build classes and give those classes attributes or methods that let you use them, but then you end up having to call methods instead of being able to just add items together where it makes sense.

But what if you could just add them together? What if your Area class instances could just be added together to make a larger area? Well, thankfully, you can. This practice is called Operator Overloading because you’re overloading, or overwriting, how operators work. By “operator”, I mean symbols like + , — , and * .

Remember back in Object-Oriented Python when we overloaded __init__() to change how our classes initialized themselves? And we overrode __str__() to change how our class instances became strings? Well, we’re going to do the same thing in this article with __add__ and some friends. This controls how instances add themselves together and with others. OK, let’s get started.

Book Club

Many of us here at Treehouse like to read and I think it would be neat to have a way to measure the books we’ve read. Let’s ignore the fact that several services already exist to do this very thing. I want to do it locally and in Python. Obviously I should start with a Book class.

class Book: title = '' pages = 0 def __init__(self, title='', pages=0): self.title = title self.pages = pages def __str__(self): return self.title

Nothing here that we didn’t cover in Object-Oriented Python. We make an instance and set some attributes based on the passed-in values. We also gave our class a __str__ method so it’ll give us the title when we turn it into a string.

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What I want to be able to do, though, is something like:

book1 = Book('Fluency', 381) book2 = Book('The Martian', 385) book3 = Book('Ready Player One', 386) sum([book1, book2, book3])

And get back 1152 (also, I had no idea I read so many books with similar page numbers). Currently, that’s not going to work. Python is going to give me an error about «TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and ‘Book'» . That’s because our Book class has no idea what to do with a plus sign. Let’s fix that.

Reverse Adding

So the sum() function in Python is pretty swell. It takes a list of numbers and adds them all together. So if you have a bunch of, say, baseball inning scores, you can add them together in one method without having to have a counter variable or anything like that.

But, sum() does something you probably don’t expect. It starts with 0 and then adds the first itme in the list to that. So if the first item doesn’t know how to add itself to 0, Python fails. But before it fails, Python tries to do a reversed add with the operators.

Basically, remember how 2 + 5 and 5 + 2 are the same thing due to the commutative property of addition? Python takes advantage of that and swaps the operators. So instead of 0 + Book , it tries Book + 0 . 0 + Book won’t work because the int class has no idea how to add itself to books. Our Book class can’t do the reverse add yet but we can give it the ability to.

This method has the best name in the 1990s. We have to override __radd__ , or “reverse add”.

def __radd__(self, other): return self.pages + other
>>> from books import Book >>> book1 = Book('Fluency', 381) >>> book2 = Book('The Martian', 385) >>> book3 = Book('Ready Player One', 386) >>> sum([book1, book2, book3]) 1152

But what if we want to add two Book instances together directly? If we do:

from our above example, we get another TypeError about + being unsupported for the Book type. Well, yeah, we told Python how to add them in reverse, but no matter how Python tries to put these together, one of them has to be in front, so __radd__ isn’t being used.


Time for regular adding, then. As you might have guessed, we override the __add__ method.

def __add__(self, other): return self.pages + other

And now we can add books together:

Well, adding Book instances together seems to be pretty well sewn up. But what if we want to compare books to each other? Let’s override a few more methods so we can use < , >, and friends.

Comparative Literature

There’s a handful of methods we have to override to implement the comparison operators in our class. Let’s just do them all at once.

def __lt__(self, other): return self.pages < other def ___le__(self, other): return self.pages other def __ge__(self, other): return self.pages >= other

This works fine for < , >, == , and != , but blows up on = because we haven’t said what to compare against on other in those examples. We’ll update those two to automatically compare against .pages but we should also make them so they make sure it’s a valid comparison.

def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Book): return self.pages = other.pages elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return self.pages >= other else: return NotImplemented

Yes, this is more work but it makes our code smarter. If we’re comparing two Book instances, we’ll use their pages attributes. If not, but we’re comparing against a number, we’ll compare that like normal. Then, finally, we’ll return a NotImplemented error for anything else. Let’s try it out.

>>> book1 >> book3 > book2 True >>> book3 > 500 False

Great! Now we can add books together to get total page counts and we can compare books to each other.

That’s just the beginning

If we wanted to, there are several more methods that it would make sense to override on our classes. We might want to make our Book class give back the page count when it’s turned into an int . We’d do this with the __int__ method. Or maybe we want to be able to increase or decrease page counts with += and -= . We’d do that by overriding __iadd__ and __isub__ . To see the entire list of magic methods that can be overridden, check the Python documentation. I’ve also posted the code from this article. See you next time!

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Operator Overloading in Python

Operator Overloading means giving extended meaning beyond their predefined operational meaning. For example operator + is used to add two integers as well as join two strings and merge two lists. It is achievable because ‘+’ operator is overloaded by int class and str class. You might have noticed that the same built-in operator or function shows different behavior for objects of different classes, this is called Operator Overloading.


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How to overload the operators in Python?

Consider that we have two objects which are a physical representation of a class (user-defined data type) and we have to add two objects with binary ‘+’ operator it throws an error, because compiler don’t know how to add two objects. So we define a method for an operator and that process is called operator overloading. We can overload all existing operators but we can’t create a new operator. To perform operator overloading, Python provides some special function or magic function that is automatically invoked when it is associated with that particular operator. For example, when we use + operator, the magic method __add__ is automatically invoked in which the operation for + operator is defined.

Overloading binary + operator in Python:

When we use an operator on user-defined data types then automatically a special function or magic function associated with that operator is invoked. Changing the behavior of operator is as simple as changing the behavior of a method or function. You define methods in your class and operators work according to that behavior defined in methods. When we use + operator, the magic method __add__ is automatically invoked in which the operation for + operator is defined. Thereby changing this magic method’s code, we can give extra meaning to the + operator.

How Does the Operator Overloading Actually work?

Whenever you change the behavior of the existing operator through operator overloading, you have to redefine the special function that is invoked automatically when the operator is used with the objects.


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