Overriding css class in html

Techniques for Modifying CSS Classes

The browser gives internal style sheets more priority than external ones. Even if the external style sheets come after the internal ones, the browser always considers them first. To clarify this, you need to follow two rules. Firstly, place inline styles in the of the HTML document. Secondly, place embedded style sheets in the of the HTML document. This way, the inline styles will always be the last used ones and take precedence.

How to Override CSS Styles

Table of Contents

Working with legacy code can be challenging for developers, especially when encountering stubborn inline styles that cannot be overridden.

In order to avoid that issue, it is essential to comprehend two principles — the principles of Order and Inheritance.

Cascading order

The word «cascading» refers to a system of hierarchy in which various types of style sheets interact with each other when there is a conflict between two styles that have been applied to a single element.

In these scenarios, a prioritized order ( Style Sheets ) is in place, with 4 being the highest priority.

In the event of a conflict between two styles, precedence is given to the last one used. To clarify, keep in mind the following two rules:

  • Inline styles should be positioned within the HTML document’s section. On the other hand, style sheets must be embedded in the section of the HTML document. This arrangement ensures that the inline styles will always be prioritized as the last used ones.
  • Internal style sheets (embedded sheets), referred to as External Style Sheets (Linked , take precedence over external style sheets when it comes to the browser’s prioritization. This is because the browser always places External Style Sheets (Linked before external style sheets, even if they are placed after.
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HTML employs the concept of parent-child associations wherein a child element typically adopts the attributes of its parent element by default, unless specified otherwise. To illustrate, consider the following code snippet.

Example of using an element inheriting the style of the parent element:
html> html> head> style> body < color: blue; font-family: arial; > style> head> body> p> Lorem Ipsum is simply **** text of the printing and typesetting industry . p> body> html>

Given that the child element, represented by the

tag, is nested within the parent element, which is the tag, all styles applied to the tag will also apply to the

tag by default, even if it does not have any specific styles applied to it. However, if you wish to exclude certain rules from the body and apply them only to the paragraph, you can override the unwanted rules. The following is an example to illustrate this concept.

Example of overriding the style of the
html> html> head> style> body < color: blue; font-family: arial; > p < color: red; font-weight: bold; > style> head> body> p> Lorem Ipsum is simply **** text of the printing and typesetting industry. p> body> html>

Internal Priorities

Next, we’ll examine a catalog of the internal priorities. Priority 1 holds the topmost position in the list.

Retain the subsequent structure to grasp a clearer comprehension.

The structure of Internal Priorities

This implies that in a scenario where an element has both a class and ID selector with distinct styles, the style of the ID selector will be given priority. To illustrate, consider the following code snippet.

Example of overriding CSS style with the ID selector:
html> html> head> style> #testid < color: blue; font-weight: bold; > .example < color: red; font-weight: normal; > style> head> body> p id="testid" class="example"> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummying text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard **** text ever since the 1500s. p> body> html>

The positioning of the Class comes after the ID, yet the ID remains the dominant identifier if both are present within the same element.

Let’s examine a scenario in which an ID and a Class are applied to two distinct elements.

Example of overriding CSS style with the Class selector:
html> html> head> style> #testid < color: #777777; font-style: normal; background-color: lightgreen; > .example < display: block; color: whitesmoke; font-style: italic; background-color: lightblue; padding: 20px; > style> head> body> div id="testid"> span class="example"> Lorem Ipsum is simply **** text of the printing and typesetting industry. span> div> body> html>

The ID selector is only given priority over a Class selector if both are applied on the same element. In this case, the Class selector was the last one used, therefore, it overrode the ID selector.

To override one class with another, modify the class that has a background-color of blue if you want your to have a red background. Alternatively, you could establish a new CSS class that includes a background-color property with a value of red, and then refer your to that class.

Example of making one style override another:
html> html> head> style> .bg-blue < background-color: blue; > .bg-red < background-color: red; > style> head> body> div class="bg-blue bg-red"> Lorem Ipsum is simply **** text of the printing and typesetting industry. div> body> html>

! Important

Using an !important declaration is an effective method to override desired styles. With an important rule applied to a style declaration, it takes precedence over other declarations. In cases where two conflicting declarations with !important rules are used on the same element, the declaration with greater specificity will be implemented.

Discover the potential of the !important declaration in customizing override inline styles. By adding the !important keyword to styles in your global CSS file, you can give them priority over overrides inline styles applied directly to an element.

Example of overriding CSS style with the !important rule:
html> html> head> style> .box[style*="color: red"] < color: white !important; > .box < background-color: blue; padding: 15px 25px; margin: 10px; > style> head> body> div class="box" style="color: red;"> Lorem Ipsum is simply **** text of the printing and typesetting industry. div> body> html>

However, you should avoid using !important, because it makes debugging more difficult by breaking the natural cascading in your stylesheets.

Instead of resorting to !Important, consider attempting the following options:

  1. Optimize the utilization of CSS cascading.
  2. To increase the priority of a rule, mention one or more elements before the selected element to make the rule more specific.
  3. For (2), in an absurd scenario, repeat basic selectors to enhance specificity when no further specification is needed.

How to Override CSS Styles, Sometimes developers have to work with old codes, and it is when they run into some big problems, in particular, the inline style that cannot be overridden. To prevent that problem, you should understand two concepts — the concept of Order and Inheritance.

How to Override CSS class?

Currently, I am involved in a task labeled as component based framework . This task involves the use of a CSS class applied to a component, which ultimately alters the component’s background color.

background-image: linear-gradient(rgb(119, 44, 44) 0%, rgb(204, 204, 204) 100%); 

I desire the component’s background color to be a certain way.

What modifications are required in the CSS class mentioned above to ensure that it is implemented on background-color: #f2dede; ?

To overwrite a CSS property, simply rewrite it after the initial declaration. The browser reads your style file from top to bottom, and only applies the latest declaration for the same element.

This is the correct way to replace it with new content.

.catsandstars < width: 200px; height: 200px; background-image: url("https://developer.mozilla.org/samples/cssref/images/startransparent.gif"); background-color: transparent; >.catsandstars

The exception that carries significant weight.

The use of an !important rule on a style declaration leads to its overriding any other declaration made in the CSS, irrespective of its position in the declaration list. It is worth noting that !important does not influence specificity. However, it is considered bad practice to use !important as it makes debugging difficult by disrupting the natural cascading in your stylesheets.

Avoid utilizing the !important declaration on the CSS properties that affect the entire website.

Reserve the !important declaration for page-specific CSS that supersedes foreign or site-wide CSS (such as that from YUI or ExtJS).

Avoid using the !important declaration while writing a plugin or mashup.

Prioritize finding specific ways to accomplish a task from the outset.

considering !important

Place this code towards the end of your CSS file to ensure that your class is overridden.

Please take note that .className pertains to the classification identity to which background-image has been assigned.

Html — How to Override CSS class?, Add a comment. 0. CSS. .className < background-image: none; background-color: #000; >Try to have this code at the end of your CSS file so that your class gets overrided. Note : .className refers to the class identity for which the background-image has been given. Share. Usage example

CSS * overriding class style

Applying CSS is proving to be challenging for me. In a global external style sheet, I utilized * to specify the text color. However, for one particular class, I need to override this setting. Although I attempted to change the text color for the class in the header of the document (which should have precedence over the external sheet), the color remains unchanged.

I noticed that the class specification is still being dominated by *. Do you have any suggestions?

This is the appearance of my style sheet that is external:

This is the style of my header:

It’s worth noting that I have attempted it both with and without utilizing the !important.

To increase specificity, consider modifying your CSS rule . For instance, if your error-list consists of li tags, alter your CSS rule to .error-list li.

Ultimately, the determining factor is which option exhibits greater specificity.

The CSS sample below shows that span and error-list have higher specificity than * . However, div.error-list has even higher specificity than error-list . Therefore, even if error-list is placed after in the CSS, the highest specificity wins. This is evident from the first div in the sample below.

* < font-size: 14px; color: #666; >span < color: red; >div.error-list < color: blue; >.error-list
Hey, I'm red
Hey, I'm red too blue
Hey, I'm blue

By applying !important to the second sample, it is possible to overcome its higher specificity. The resulting output can then be compared with that of the first sample mentioned earlier.

* < font-size: 14px; color: #666; >span < color: red; >div.error-list < color: blue; >.error-list
Hey, I'm red
Hey, I'm red too blue
Hey, I'm blue

Upon inspection, is the class you constructed visible or possibly absent?

It’s difficult to determine without examining the code, but !important has the ability to override the global class. Additionally, inline css could also override it, but this is not recommended as it needs to be reused as a class.

Html — CSS * overriding class style, Its hard to tell without the code but anyway !important can override the global class. Also inline css would override it but since you need to reuse it as a class this is not recommended. element [style] < /*don't change the style*/ color: red!important; >Upon inspection I do see the class there fine.


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