Отличие mhtml от html

Difference of HTML & MHTML

Businesses and organizations archive old Web pages or Web forums for various reasons. Typically, attempting to save an entire Web page involves keeping track of a large folder of files. Sometimes, achieving a perfect replica of a Web page may not seem possible because it uses resources located on other Web pages. The primary difference between HTML and MHTML, a newer protocol, is that it allows you to download a Web page using the basic principles of Internet email.


Short for Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML documents contain a series of tags and commands that govern how a Web browser displays pages on the Internet. In regard to email, plain HTML allows for various tags that include hyperlinks within the body of an email and text attachments. However, plain HTML email cannot transmit non-text attachments or media. As such, it is very limited and it became necessary to upgrade its capabilities.

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The answer for HTML email’s shortcomings arrived in the form of MIME. Short for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, the development of MIME changed the face of email. With the MIME protocol, Internet mail could now include images, contain multi-part message bodies and even nonstandard characters within email headers. MIME defines formatting for non-text messages and allows for the transmission of other media, such as music or video, within emails. Most email as of the time of publication utilizes the MIME format.


Short for MIME HTML, MHTML uses the MIME email protocol to combine items into a single Web page archive file. In the same way that MIME allows for transmission of media-rich emails, MHTML also creates its own «email» in the form of an archived Web page. This means MHTML allows developers to gather an underlying HTML document, along with its embedded images and media, into a single file. This archive can also include linked documents, if the developer wishes, by use of Content-ID URLs embedded with the MHTML document’s header.


HMTL and MHTML, while closely linked, have major differences. Any MHTML document utilizes an underlying HTML Web page, but only MHTML can package an entire Web page into a single file when downloaded. In contrast, when saving an HTML document, a computer creates a folder that includes multiple files that were embedded within the original HTML document. These loose files, if accidentally deleted or lost, can make viewing a saved Web page impossible. With MHTML, since all files gather into one archived format, the archival of online Web pages becomes much easier and less cluttered.

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В отличие от обычных файлов сайтов, таких как файлы HTML или HTM, файлы MHTML являются архивами. В этих архивах хранится все содержимое сайта. Сюда входят как HTML, так и другие ресурсы, необходимые для отображения веб-страницы – JavaScript, CSS, аудио, видео и файлы изображений. Как правило, единственными, кто может пользоваться этим форматом, являются веб-разработчики. Они используют формат MHTML для сохранения текущего состояния своей веб-страницы, т.е. для их архивирования, а не для дальнейшего использования. ВНИМАНИЕ: если вы получили файл MHTML по электронной почте, обязательно проверьте его на наличие вирусов. Эти файлы часто используются для распространения вирусов и вредоносных программ!

Файлы MHTML обычно создаются веб-браузерами. Их основой является файл HTML, который кодируется с использованием метода кодирования MIME. Открывать файлы MHTML могут популярные веб-браузеры, такие как Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer и даже мобильный браузер UC Browser. Вам не нужно быть онлайн, чтобы открыть файлы MHTML. Браузеры могут открывать их, даже если вы не подключены к Интернету. Поскольку файлы MHTML не имеют одинакового формата, в разных браузерах они могут выглядеть по-разному.

Вот небольшой, но неполный список программ, которые могут открывать документы MHTML:

  • Google Chrome (Windows, Mac & Linux)
  • Kingsoft Writer (Windows)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (Windows)
  • Microsoft Word (Wondows & Mac)
  • Mozilla Firefox (Windows & Mac)
  • Opera (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android & iOS)
  • Terra Informatics BlockNote.Net (Windows)
  • UCWeb UC Browser (Android, iOS, Windows Phone)
  • WizBrother WizHtmlEditor (Windows)


What is MHT/MHTML File Extension?

Learn the concept of MHT Files & How MHT Files are different from MHTML Files

What is MHT/MHTML File Extension?

MHT file is a web page archive format, which is also known as MHTML format. It stands for MIME HTML. Microsoft Internet Explorer provides a facility to save the web page on the local disk in various file formats, out of which MHT file format is the convenient one. The browser creates a single MHT file for the complete web page, which contains all the images, CSS, Javascript, internal links of the page. Basically, it creates an offline representation of the content by remapping all the internal and external web links to a single MHT file. These MHT files can be used in future to have a direct access to the web page.

MIME Type of MHT


Full Form of MHT File Extension

MHT File stands for MIME HTML & meant for easy access of web page without Internet access.

What is Web Archive File

Web Archive Files are MHT or MHTML File itself, which is created by web & generally accessed in Web browser in order to access the web page without Internet connection.

what is MHT file

How to Create Web Archive File i.e. MHT

While using Internet Explorer, the user can simply generate MHT file aka Web Archive File for any web page by following these steps:

  • To save required page, click on Save Page As option
  • Select Web Archive(MHT) format under save as drop down
  • Click on Save to store the file at specified location.

Features of MHT File

Some of the important features offered by MHT/MHTML files are:

  • MHTML files help user to share the web pages directly through email applications
  • The embedded images of MHT files can be easily attached into email message body

Understand the Difference Between HTML & MHTML File Format

While saving a web page, the user is asked to choose the type of file format in which the web page needs to be saved on the local system. Most commonly, the user gets confused between HTML and MHTML file formats. They find it difficult to determine which file format is better between these. So, let us have a look at the basic difference between HTML and MHTML file formats.

When a user decides to save web page as HTML, then a folder is created, which contains multiple files for different contents of the page i.e. different files are created for text, graphics, applets etc. On the other hand, saving the web page as MHTML creates a single file for the entire web page. All the components of page including graphics, links and other files are embedded within a single file.
Naturally, it is easy to handle MHT or MHTML files as the single file, that can be protected and shared easily through the email. However, the HTML files are under the risk of data loss as loss or deletion of even a single file may create the entire HTML folder useless for the user.

Common Queries Regarding MHT File Format

What is MHT File Extension ? Does MAC system support MHT files?

MHT is acronym for MIME HTML & a copy of the web page which you can save in your local machine & access without internet. Moreover it is a single file created for the specific web page, if it has images, videos, etc. it will be embedded in the single MHT file.Yes, MHT files are totally supported by MAC OS.

How can the MHT files be shared among users?

The MHT files can be shared as an attachment to the email.

Is it possible to print MHT files?

Yes, the MHT files can be printed conveniently.

How can I edit the MHT file documents?

To edit MHT file, convert it into HTML document and edit it. After editing, save the HTML file as MHT file.


Users can choose to save the web page in an archived format i.e. MHT file document as it creates a single offline page for the complete web content.

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What is MHTML? MHTML is the abbreviation of MIME HTML, which is an archive file format that combines web pages and all their resources. By default, most web browsers save web pages as multiple files, usually hypertext markup language (HTML) files and related resource folders, which may include images, music, or other data.

MHTML puts all this information in one file, also called an HTML file, which is usually easier to handle. A very useful task in MHTML is to send web pages via email because it allows email clients to display the entire web page without actually being on the site. The archive format also provides an easy way for people to view web pages without being online.

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How to View MHTML

You can use Internet Explorer, Opera, or Firefox to view MHTML files. Here is how to open the MHTML file. Here we take Internet Explorer as an example.

Step 1: Right-click the MHTML file to show the File context menu.

Step 2: Click the Open With option.

Step 3: Click the Internet Explorer option. The MHTML file will display in the browser for viewing.

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There is another file format called HTML, which is similar to MHTML. An acronym for Hypertext Markup Language, an HTML document contains a series of tags and commands that are used to control how a web browser displays pages on the Internet. Regarding emails, pure HTML allows various tags, including hyperlinks and text attachments in the body of the email. However, pure HTML email cannot transfer non-text attachments or media.

What are the differences between MHTML and HTML?

MHTML is the same as the more verbose HTML plus resource folder method for saving web pages, but it also has some limitations. When the web page is updated online, the HTML file will not be updated automatically. These files are static entities that provide a snapshot of the page at a specific point in time.

MHTML files can be viewed in a text editor like pure HTML files. Images and resources without text representation will not remain in the text editor but will be displayed as strings of random letters and numbers. The source code of the page and the style sheet that manages the layout of the page are easy to see. When viewing the archive in the browser, viewing the HTML archive in text form will not affect the display of the web page.

How to Convert MHTML to HTML

If you want to convert MHTML to HTML, you can follow the steps below to do that:

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word and select File.

Step 2: Browse the MHTML file and select it.

Step 3: Click Open and select File. Then, click Save as.

Step 4: Enter a name for the file in the File Name field. Select Web page (.html) in the Save as Type part.

Final Words

Here is the information about the MHTML file format. I hope that this post ca be helpful to you,


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