Address already in use: JVM_Bind :80
I am getting binding exception while starting the Tomcat server. I tried to kill the process that which is using ’80’ as couple of processes are using it. Getting error, while killing process id is ‘0’:
ERROR: The process with PID 0 could not be terminated. Reason: This is critical system process. Taskkill cannot end this process.
14 Answers 14 Address already in use: JVM_Bind :80
means that another application is listening on port 80.
You can check which process is using this port by lsof command, e.g. sudo lsof -i:80 . Then stop or kill it.
If won’t help finding application running on the same port, the common mistake is the Tomcat misconfiguration.
For example by default Tomcat listens on port 8005 for SHUTDOWN command and if you set another Connector to listen on the same port, you’ll get port conflict.
So please double check in server.xml whether these ports are different:
Setting Tomcat to listen to port 80 is WRONG , for development the 8080 is a good port to use. For production use, just set up an apache that shall forward your requests to your tomcat. Here is a how to.
PID 0 is the System Idle Process, which is surely not listening to port 80. How did you check which process was using the port?
to find the PID and check what process it is.
Use the following command to find if your tomcat port is already in use,
netstat -a -b netstat -a -o | findstr :port
netstat -a -o | findstr :8080
Exception: Address already in use: JVM_Bind:80
means that port 80 is configured by your Tomcat server and it is already used by some other application running on your computer. Please quit Skype if open or change the default port in Skype or other application’s port to something other than 80. Or change the tomcat port to something else than 80(e.g. 8080 or 9090) in the server.xml file under the config folder of your tomcat installation directory.
Exception: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
means you din’t stop the tomcat server properly and you are trying to start the server again. In Eclipse, the solution for me was to remove the project from the servers tab and right click and run the project as Run on server. This added the project back to the Tomcat 7 and I din’t get the BindException error. This was due to closing eclipse the last time you used without stopping the Tomcat server.
Address already in use: JVM_Bind java
Some times whenever I restart the application, which is built on Java Struts Mysql and Jboss 4.05 Version I get the error as Address already in use: JVM_Bind Only fix that i know is to restart the machine and try again, it will work. Else Some times I do Ctrl-Alt-Del and Stop all the process related to Java, some times this also works. But what is the exact reason and how can we prevent this problem ?
Sometimes the port ownership lingers and sticks to your Java program even after you close it. However, with Eclipse Java EE, the port binding is removed the moment you except your program
17 Answers 17
Address already in use: JVM_Bind
means that some other application is already listening on the port your current application is trying to bind.
what you need to do is, either change the port for your current application or better; just find out the already running application and kill it.
on Linux you can find the application pid by using,
another advice would be not to run application servers on windows. Otherwise, it might also help not to click on the restart button — but instead to stop, wait 5 seconds, and then start again manually. Sometimes java processes just need a litte time to shut down. Eg if they are busy with a db operation, they tend to keep hanging until that operation is done.
This answer is good (+1); however,… goes into a little more detail, particularly regarding Windows. If you incorporated some of that info, this answer would be even better.
In windows this scenario happens when Eclipse crashes without a clean shutdown it will have the local Jetty or Tomcat server keep running. When you reopen Eclipse and try to start server again this will lead to the «Address already in use: JVM_Bind»
You can solve this by opening Task Manager and find the javaw.exe process and ending it.
Then you can restart the server on Eclipse.
On windows, in an elevated cmd/ps
Resets the windows’ NAT service and that removes faulty listeners. This method works for most ‘cannot listen on this port’ errors, like as in Docker, JVM etc.
I usually come across this when the port which the server (I use JBoss) is already in use
- Apache Http Server => turn down the service if working in windows.
- IIS => stop the ISS using
- Skype =>yea I got skype attaching itself to port 80
To change the port to which JBoss 4.2.x binds itself go to:
here default is the instance of the server change the port here :
In the above example the port is bound to 8080
Open command line and type: netstat -a -o -n or tasklist to see currently running processes. Find port that related to Java and type: taskkill /F /PID . Click Enter.
Is it possible that MySql listening on the same port as JBoss?
Is there a port number given in the error message — something like Address already in use: JVM_Bind:8080
You can change the port in JBoss server.xml to test this.
For the sake of completeness as many may fall in this SO for other reasons than OP’s question, here is another info that saved my day :
Check that the port you want to open is not reserved (even though no application has opened it)
On windows :
netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
Explanation :
At least on windows, another possible cause for the Address already in use: JVM_Bind is that the operating system has «reserved» the port.
If you use the commands from other answer in this topic, they will tell you that no application is listening to the port, yet you cannot open it.
Some windows update like this one reserves range port that can then no longer be claimed by processes.
Though not explicit on the port that can no longer be opened, the update note mentions a command that can help troubleshooting the issue :
netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
this will yield a list of port range that are blocked :
Protocol tcp Port Exclusion Ranges Start Port End Port ---------- -------- 5357 5357 49709 49808 49809 49908 49909 50008 50009 50108 50109 50208 50280 50379 * - Administered port exclusions.
«Address already in use: bind» when running Spring Boot application
I have a problem with running my sample Spring Boot Application. When I try to run it, this error occurs: Address already in use: bind at Method) at Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at o.apache.catalina.core.StandardService : Failed to initialize connector [Connector[org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol-8080]] org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to initialize component [Connector[org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol-8080]] at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.init( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.initInternal( at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.init( at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.initInternal( at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.init( at org.apache.catalina.util.LifecycleBase.start( at org.apache.catalina.startup.Tomcat.start( at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer.initialize( at org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.tomcat.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer.( at
How do I resolve the « Address already in use: JVM_Bind» error?
I’m not sure why it came up now, but it ran fine just a few hours ago. Do I need to restart my machine? How do i get to the bottom of it? I appreciate any tips or advice.
I have seen this often on development machines when you are running trials of code — How may the problem be avoided?
22 Answers 22
If you know what port the process is running you can type: lsof -i: .
For instance, lsof -i:8080 , to list the process (pid) running on port 8080.
Then kill the process with kill
Yes, that’s linux. Then try something equivalent in Windows. Maybe this can help:
@DiegoPino I am facing same error Address already in use (Bind failed) I used lsof -i:8080 and got tcp6 0 0 . 8080 . * LISTEN 106872/java . What should I do ? Kill java ??
@AvijitBarua The process id (pid) of the java programm bound to this port is 106872. Every Java program that you launch presents itself as the program java (it is the java virtual machine that runs your compiled code). So yes, you could exit or kill this java program, if it is not some critical (system) tool, but your own program; have a look in a task manager like htop . Maybe you try to bind to a port used by a valid program that should not be killed.
Yes you have another process bound to the same port.
TCPView (Windows only) from Windows Sysinternals is my favorite app whenever I have a JVM_BIND error. It shows which processes are listening on which port. It also provides a convenient context menu to either kill the process or close the connection that is getting in the way.
a quick work around: Open server view > double click on the server > change the port numbers used (ie. for Tomcat admin, HTTP/1.1, & AJP/1.3)
@novice_developer netstat is the command you are looking for, with -a and -p options, man netstat is your friend for all the rest 🙂
If the above process not working then restart the PC once, I think it will work. It started working in my case.
will list all the protocols, ports and processes listening . Use
taskkill -pid "proces to kill" /f
to kill the process listening to the port. e.g
For me (using Windows 10) find didn’t work but findstr did. To avoid false positives it also helps to prepend a colon, e.g. netstat -ano | findstr :8080 . Having done this — let’s say it returned a PID of 1234 — if you then want to look up the name of this process this can be done via tasklist /fi «pid eq 1234 «.
In Ubuntu/Unix we can resolve this problem in 2 steps as described below.
- Type netstat -plten |grep java This will give an output similar to:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1001 76084 9488/java
Your port should now be free and you can restart the server.
Only use -9 if it your own program and you don’t have any data to lose there. It uncleanly kills the process, -15 tells the programm to exit itself.
Kill process Terminal: kill
Find pid: Terminal: lsof -i:
(Windows Only)
To kill a process you first need to find the Process Id (pid)
netstat -ano | findstr :yourPortNumber
You will get your Process Id (PID), Now to kill the same process run this command:
For windows :
It will show you the process ID as a number.
Here 18856 is the process ID
Output : SUCCESS: The process with PID 18856 has been terminated.
Here using taskkill you are killing the process ID:18856
For linux/Mac:
sudo kill -9 $(sudo lsof -t -i:8080)
Here you find the process by port 8080 using sudo lsof -t -i:8080 and killing it by sudo kill command
You have another process running on the same port.
You could try killing one of the java.exe services running in your task manager — ps make sure you dont kill eclipse since that is listed as java.exe as well. If nothing else works, restarting your machine will fix it anyhow. It looks like youre not shutting down a socket from a previous test. Hope this helps.
For those who are looking for the simplest of the answers (as that is what we usually miss), just stop your running project and start it again. Most of the time what we do is we forget to stop the project we ran earlier and when we re-run the project it shows such an issue.
I am also attaching a photo to make it clearer (I use ‘Spring tool suite’). So what you need to do is either click the button on the extreme right, if you want to relaunch the same project or first click on the button which is 2nd from the right to stop your project and then the button on the extreme left to run your project. I hope this will solve the issue of few of the newer programmers. 🙂