- The full pathname of a JDK installation for Oracle SQL Developer
- Answer by Raelyn Ramos
- Answer by Ethan Wilkinson
- Answer by Phoenix Farmer
- Answer by Lennon Trejo
- Answer by Calum Campbell
- Prompt for using Oracle SQL developer for the first time: enter the full pathname for java.exe
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The full pathname of a JDK installation for Oracle SQL Developer
Type the full pathname of a JDK installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in /home/aimad/.sqldeveloper/4.0.0/product.conf,You only have the Java JRE installed, you need to install the JDK in order for Oracle SQL Devloper to work., Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers ,in terminal try ps ux | grep sql — it will help you to detect executable file location sqldeveloper.sh;
For me it was similar error. I solved it simply by inserting
SetJavaHome /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/
Answer by Raelyn Ramos
If you are asked to enter the full pathname for the JDK, click Browse and find java.exe. For example, the path might have a name similar to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51.,Install the JDK (for example, on Windows, double-click the .exe file name and follow the displayed instructions)., Install the JDK (for example, on Windows, double-click the .exe file name and follow the displayed instructions). ,When you start the SQL Developer current release, click Yes when asked if you want to migrate settings from a previous release.
Confirm that the following files have been installed in the Winnt\System32 directory (or the equivalent Windows XP or Vista directory), or copy them from \installerfiles because they must be in the system path in order to work with SQL Developer:
JavaAccessBridge.dll JAWTAccessBridge.dll WindowsAccessBridge.dll
Answer by Ethan Wilkinson
In my classes, we use a VMware Linux install with SQL Developer. One of my students called me in a panic after an upgrade of packages when SQL Developer failed to launch. The student was astute enough to try running it from the command line where it generates an error like:,The error is simple, the SQL Developer package update wipe clean the configuration of the SetJavaHome variable in the user’s ~/.sqldeveloper/19.2.0/product.conf file. The fix is three steps because its very likely that the Java packages were also updated. Here’s how to fix it:,Oracle PL/SQL Programming BFILE file name function BFILE full name function Check for external files Delete external files Foreign key database trigger Pipelined table functions Returning a scalar collection ,As always, I hope this helps those looking for a quick solution.
Oracle SQL Developer Copyright (c) 2005, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. /opt/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin/../../ide/bin/launcher.sh: line 954: [: : integer expression expected The JDK (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- is not a valid JDK. The JDK was specified by a SetJavaHome directive in a .conf file or by a --setjavahome option. Type the full pathname of a JDK installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in /home/student/.sqldeveloper/19.2.0/product.conf Error: Unable to get APP_JAVA_HOME input from stdin after 10 tries
Answer by Phoenix Farmer
You only have the Java JRE installed, you need to install the JDK in order for Oracle SQL Devloper to work.,Install the JDK, type sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk in a terminal.,In my case (Oracle SQL Developer 4.1.3) it seems to be problem with Java version — when I point to Java 8 JDK instead of 11, it started working immediately.,To install in the JDK in ubuntu you need to install the package openjdk-7-jdk. Install by running sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk in a terminal.
I want to run Oracle SQL Devloper on Ubuntu with this command:
sh sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper.sh
Answer by Lennon Trejo
You’ll have to install Oracle JDK 8 (Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8) in order to make it work: you can get the latest version here, or you can download it from the webupd8 Java repository:, Stack Exchange network consists of 178 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. ,Install Oracle JDK 8: sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer,Then when prompted for a JDK installation provide the Oracle JDK 8 installation path, which is either the path you chose during the manual installation or the default path for the version installed via the webupd8 repository, which is /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
You’ll have to install Oracle JDK 8 ( Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 ) in order to make it work: you can get the latest version here, or you can download it from the webupd8 Java repository:
You’ll have to install Oracle JDK 8 ( Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 ) in order to make it work: you can get the latest version here, or you can download it from the webupd8 Java repository:
Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8
You’ll have to install Oracle JDK 8 ( Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 ) in order to make it work: you can get the latest version here, or you can download it from the webupd8 Java repository:
You’ll have to install Oracle JDK 8 ( Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 ) in order to make it work: you can get the latest version here, or you can download it from the webupd8 Java repository:
Answer by Calum Campbell
«jre6» in the folder name implies you have JRE installed there, and not the SDK. Point it to somewhere where you have java.exe of a JDK/SDK installation, instead of JRE, and from thereon it should work.,If it don’t allow you to save the file, copy whole sqldeveloper folder to a different location where you have write access to modify this file.,If your jdk file gets stuck on asking for the jdk file on repeat in windows 7, or you are having problems with the jdk file, try running SQLDeveloper as administrator rather than just the regular startup.,2) Run sqldeveloper.exe (from the new place if you moved the folder out from oracle folders) as administrator and enter the jdk path that comes with your oracle installation:
and add the following line to set jdk path:
SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Oracle\11g\product\11.1.0\client_1\jdk
2) Run sqldeveloper.exe (from the new place if you moved the folder out from oracle folders) as administrator and enter the jdk path that comes with your oracle installation:
C:\Program Files\Oracle\11g\product\11.1.0\client_1\jdk\bin
Prompt for using Oracle SQL developer for the first time: enter the full pathname for java.exe
This java.exe is in your Oracle11g installation directory, for example: F: app, Chen, product, 11.2.0, dbhome_ Java.exe under [JDK/JRE/bin]. It’s not java.exe under javajdk installed on your computer
note that the first time you use sqldeveloper, you will be prompted to specify the path of java.exe. Do not specify your own Java_ I just don’t know at the beginning. I specify a JDK6 and say it’s not compatible at the end You can use the JDK path under the Oracle installation path, as shown in the figure:
Of course, if you are not careful, the choice is wrong. Java was chosen_ The advanced version of home is not compatible after opening sqldeveloper and reporting an error. There are also solutions. It can be found in
[F: (APP, Chen, product, 11.2.0, dbhome]_ 1. Find the [sqldeveloper. Conf] file in the path of [sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper/bin] and open it
to find the matching value of setjavahome and delete the following configuration content. The system will prompt that the read-only file cannot be saved. At this time, you can save it to the desktop, and then go back to the bin directory to delete the file, and then copy the file on the desktop. When you open it again, select java.exe again. Just choose the right one
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How to connect to oracle database using sql developer
In my previous article i have already given the difference between the Oracle anonymous block and subprogram with real life examples. In this article I would like to give you steps to connect to oracle database using SQL server with example.The Oracle SQL developer is the tool which will easily connect to Oracle with using tnsnames.ora or other systems. In this article i would like to throw light on How to connect to oracle database using sql developer with real example.
Steps to connect to oracle database :
Start oracle SQL developer
Step 2 : Important instruction if you are opening Oracle SQL developer first time.
If this is the first time you have started SQL Developer on your system, you are prompted to enter the full path to java.exe (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_021\bin\java.exe). Either type the full path after the prompt or browse to it, and then press the key Enter.
Step 3 : Go to connections frame and click to add new connection
In the New/Select Database Connection window:
§Type the appropriate values in the fields Connection Name, Username, and Password.
§For security, the password characters that you type appear as asterisks. §Near the Password field is the check box Save Password. By default, it is deselected. Oracle recommends accepting the default.
§If the Oracle pane is not showing, click the tab Oracle. §In the Oracle pane, accept the default values.
§(The default values are: Connection Type, Basic; Role, default, Hostname, localhost; Port, 1521; SID option, selected; SID field, xe.)
§Click the button Test.
§The connection is tested. If the connection succeeds, the Status indicator changes from blank to Success.
§If the test succeeded, click the button Connect.
§The New/Select Database Connection window closes. The Connections frame shows the connection whose name you entered in the Connection Name field in step 3.
You are in the SQL Developer environment.
To exit SQL Developer, select Exit from the File menu.
Connect to Oracle database using SQL PLUS :
Step 1 : If you are on a Windows system, display a Windows command prompt.
Step 2 : At the command prompt, type sqlplus and then press the key Enter.
Step 3 : At the user name prompt, type your user name and then press the key Enter.
Step 4: At the password prompt, type your password and then press the key Enter.
These are steps to connect to oracle database using SQL developer. I hope you like this article. If you like this article or if you have any issues with the same kindly comment in comments section.
Русские Блоги
Введите полный путь к jave.exe при первом использовании Oracle SQL Developer.
Этот java.exe является java.exe в каталоге установки Oracle 11g, например: [F: \ app \ chen \ product \ 11.2.0 \ dbhome_1 \ jdk \ jre \ bin]. Не java.exe под java jdk, установленным на вашем компьютере!
Обратите внимание, что впервые при использовании SQL Developer вам будет предложено указать путь к java.exe. Не указывайте здесь свой собственный java_home (я просто не знаю в начале укажите JDK6, в конце укажите, что он несовместим.) Вы можете использовать путь jdk под путем установки Oracel, чтобы быть конкретным: как показано на рисунке:
Конечно, если вы не будете осторожны, выбор будет неправильным. Выберите расширенную версию в java_home, откройте SQL Developer и сообщите о несовместимости, также есть способ решить эту проблему. допустимый
[F: \ app \ chen \ product \ 11.2.0 \ dbhome_1 \ sqldeveloper \ sqldeveloper \ bin] найдите файл [sqldeveloper.conf] по пути и откройте его
Найдите значение, соответствующее SetJavaHome, и удалите следующее содержимое конфигурации. Вам будет предложено гарантировать, что файлы, доступные только для чтения, не могут быть перезаписаны и сохранены. В это время вы можете сохранить его на рабочем столе, затем вернуться в каталог bin, чтобы удалить этот файл, а затем скопировать файл на рабочий стол, а затем снова открыть его и выбрать java.exe. Просто выберите подходящий сейчас.
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