Oracle drop java class

Oracle drop java class

The dropjava tool is the converse of the loadjava tool. It transforms command-line file names and JAR or ZIP file contents to schema object names, drops the schema objects, and deletes their corresponding digest table rows. You can enter .java , .class , .sqlj , .ser , .zip , .jar , and resource file names on the command line and in any order.

Alternatively, you can specify a schema object name directly to the dropjava tool. A command-line argument that does not end in .jar , .zip , .class , .java , or .sqlj is presumed to be a schema object name. If you specify a schema object name that applies to multiple schema objects, then all will be removed.

Dropping a class invalidates classes that depend on it, recursively cascading upwards. Dropping a source drops classes derived from it.

You must remove Java schema objects in the same way that you first loaded them. If you load a .sqlj source file and translate it in the server, then you must run the dropjava tool on the same source file. If you translate on a client and load classes and resources directly, then run the dropjava tool on the same classes and resources.

You can run the dropjava tool either from the command line or by using the dropjava method in the DBMS_JAVA class. To run the dropjava tool from within your Java application, use the following command:

call dbms_java.dropjava('. options. ');

The options are the same as specified on the command line. Separate each option with a space. Do not separate the options using commas. The only exception to this is the -resolver option. The connection is always made to the current session. Therefore, you cannot specify another user name through the -user option.

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For -resolver , you should specify all other options first, a comma ( , ), then the -resolver option with its definition. Do not specify the -thin , -oci , -user , and -password options, because they relate to the database connection for the loadjava tool. The output is directed to stderr . Set serveroutput on and call dbms_java.set_output , as appropriate.

This section covers the following topics:

12.7.1 dropjava Tool Syntax

The syntax of the dropjava tool command is:

dropjava [options] | file.class | file.sqlj | file.jar | | resourcefile> . -u | -user user/[password][@database] [-genmissingjar JARfile] [-jarasresource]
[-o | -oci | -oci8] [-optionfile file] [-optiontable table_name] [-S | -schema schema] [-stdout] [-s | -synonym] [-t | -thin]

12.7.2 dropjava Tool Argument Summary

Table 12-3 summarizes the dropjava tool arguments.

Table 12-3 dropjava Argument Summary

Specifies a user name, password, and optional database connection string. The files will be dropped from this database instance.

Specifies any number and combination of .java , .class , .sqlj , .ser , .jar , .zip , and resource file names.

Treats the operand of this option as a file to be processed.

Drops the whole JAR file, which was previously loaded as a resource.

Directs the dropjava tool to connect with the database using the OCI JDBC driver. The -oci and the -thin options are mutually exclusive. If neither is specified, then the -oci option is used by default. Choosing the -oci option implies the form of the -user value.

Has the same usage as for the loadjava tool.

Has the same usage as for loadjava .

Designates the schema from which schema objects are dropped. If not specified, then the logon schema is used. To drop a schema object from a schema that is not your own, you need the DROP ANY PROCEDURE and UPDATE ANY TABLE privileges.

Causes the output to be directed to stdout , rather than to stderr .

Drops a PUBLIC synonym that was created with the loadjava tool.

Directs the dropjava tool to communicate with the database using the JDBC Thin driver. Choosing the -thin option implies the form of the -user value.

Directs the dropjava tool to emit detailed status messages while running.

Drops the classes, Java source, or resources listed on the command line without them being present on the client machine or server machine.

Reads a file and drops the classes, Java source, or resources listed in the file without them being present on the client machine or server machine.The file contains the internal representation of the complete class, Java source, or resource name one per line.

12.7.3 dropjava Tool Argument Details

This section describes a few of the dropjava tool arguments, which are complex.

The dropjava tool interprets most file names as the loadjava tool does:

  • .class files Finds the class name in the file and drops the corresponding schema object.
  • .java and .sqlj files Finds the first class name in the file and drops the corresponding schema object.
  • .jar and .zip files Processes the archived file names as if they had been entered on the command line.

If a file name has another extension or no extension, then the dropjava tool interprets the file name as a schema object name and drops all source, class, and resource objects that match the name.

If the dropjava tool encounters a file name that does not match a schema object, then it displays a message and processes the remaining file names.

The permissible forms of @ database depend on whether you specify -oci or -thin :

  • -oci:@ database is optional. If you do not specify, then the dropjava tool uses the user’s default database. If specified, then database can be a TNS name or an Oracle Net Services name-value list.
  • -thin:@ database is required. The format is host : lport : SID . where:
    • host is the name of the computer running the database.
    • lport is the listener port that has been configured to listen for Oracle Net Services connections. In a default installation, it is 5521 .
    • SID is the database instance identifier. In a default installation, it is ORCL .

    The following are examples of the dropjava tool command:

      Drop all schema objects in the TEST schema in the default database that were loaded from ServerObjects.jar :

    dropjava -u HR -schema TEST ServerObjects.jar Password: password 
    dropjava -thin -u HR@dbhost:5521:orcl alpha.class beta.props Password: password 

    Earlier versions of the dropjava tool required that the classes, JARs, source, and resources be present on the machine, where the client or server side utility is running. The current version of dropjav a has an option that enables you to drop classes, resources, or sources based on a list of classes, which may not exist on the client machine or the server machine. This list can be either on the command line or in a text file. For example:

    dropjava –list –u HR –v Password: password 

    The preceding command drops the classes and listed on the command line without them being present on the client machine or server machine.

    dropjava –listfile my.list –u HR –s –v Password: password 

    The preceding command drops classes, resources, or sources and their synonyms based on a list of classes listed in my.list and displays verbosely.

    The ‘-install’ flag ignores the loading and dropping of system owned schema objects that cannot be modified.

    These schema objects are the runtime classes, and resources provided by the CREATE JAVA COMMAND .

    12.7.4 About Dropping Resources Using dropjava Tool

    Care must be taken if you are removing a resource that was loaded directly into the server. This includes profiles, if you translated them on the client without using the -ser2class option. When dropping source or class schema objects or resource schema objects that were generated by the server-side SQLJ translator, the schema objects will be found according to the package specification in the applicable .sqlj source file. However, the fully qualified schema object name of a resource that was generated on the client and loaded directly into the server depends on path information in the .jar file or that specified on the command line at the time you loaded it. If you use a .jar file to load resources and use the same .jar file to remove resources, then there will be no problem. However, if you use the command line to load resources, then you must be careful to specify the same path information when you run the dropjava tool to remove the resources.


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