Online color code html

HTML Colors

In computing, colors are defined by an RGB triplet (red, green, blue). In the HTML language, this triplet is quoted with the character # (hash) followed by 6 hexadecimal characters ( 0-9a-f ). The 6 characters correspond to 3 pairs of 2 characters, respectively encoding the values of red, green and blue (RGB or RGB in English) via a hexadecimal code (between 00 and ff = 255)

Example: #ff007f corresponds to ff (255) red, 00 green and 7f (127) blue. This mixture corresponds to the color Rose

Why some HTML color codes have 3 characters?

A variant in the writing of codes is allowed: a code with 3 characters, one for red, one for green, one for blue (instead of 2 for each). This limits the number of available values (16 values per color instead of 256), but has the advantage of reducing the write size. To get a long code, double each character.

Example: ‘# f70’ matches f ( ff : 255) red, 7 ( 77 => 119) green and 0 blue. This mixture corresponds to an orange color

Why some HTML color codes have a name?

Hexadecimal writing is not very readable for an untrained person, so a list of common colors (in English) has been defined to be used.

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Example: color=black to display black

It is possible to write 256^3=16777216 colors, these 16 million colors do not all have a name, only a few have benefited from an alphabetical code.

What is the list of colors with an html name?

#F0F8FF aliceblue Alice Blue
#FAEBD7 antiquewhite Antique white
#00FFFF aqua Aqua (Green/Blue)
#7FFFD4 aquamarine Aqua marine
#F0FFFF azured Azured
#F5F5DC beige Beige
#FFE4C4 bisque Bisque
#000000 black Black
#FFEBCD blanchedalmond Blanched almond
#0000FF blue Blue
#8A2BE2 blueviolet Blue-violet
#A52A2A brown Brown
#DEB887 burlywood Burly wood
#5F9EA0 cadetblue Cadet blue
#7FFF00 chartreuse Chartreuse
#D2691E chocolate Chocolate
#FF7F50 coral Coral
#6495ED cornflowerblue Cornflower blue
#FFF8DC cornsilk Corn Silk
#DC143C crimson Crimson
#00FFFF cyan Cyan
#00008B darkblue Dark blue
#008B8B darkcyan Dark cyan
#B8860B darkgoldenrod Dark golden rod
#A9A9A9 darkgray Dark gray
#006400 darkgreen Dark green
#BDB76B darkkhaki Dark khaki
#8B008B darkmagenta Dark magenta
#556B2F darkolivegreen Dark olive green
#FF8C00 darkorange Dark orange
#9932CC darkorchid Dark orchid
#8B0000 darkred Dark red
#E9967A darksalmon Dark salmon
#8FBC8F darkseagreen Dark sea green
#483D8B darkslateblue Dark slate blue
#2F4F4F darkslategray Dark slate gray
#00CED1 darkturquoise Dark turquoise
#9400D3 darkviolet Dark violet
#FF1493 deeppink Deep pink
#00BFFF deepskyblue Deep sky blue
#696969 dimgray Dim gray
#1E90FF dodgerblue Dodger blue
#B22222 firebrick Fire brick
#FFFAF0 floralwhite Floral white
#228B22 forestgreen Forest green
#FF00FF fuchsia Fuchsia
#DCDCDC gainsboro Gainsboro
#F8F8FF ghostwhite Ghost white
#FFD700 gold Gold
#DAA500 goldenrod Golden rod
#808080 gray Gray
#008000 green Green
#ADFF2F greenyellow Green yellow
#F0FFF0 honeydew Honey dew
#FF69B4 hotpink Hot pink
#CD5C5C indianred Indian red
#4B0082 indigo Indigo
#FFFFF0 ivory Ivory
#F0E68C khaki Khaki
#E6E6FA lavender Lavender
#FFF0F5 lavenderblush Lavender blush
#FFFACD lemonchiffon Lemon chiffon
#ADD8E6 lightbleu Light blue
#F08080 lightcoral Light coral
#E0FFFF lightcyan Light cyan
#FAFAD2 lightgoldenrodyellow Light golden rod
#90EE90 lightgreen Light green
#D3D3D3 lightgrey Light grey
#FFB6C1 lightpink Light pink
#FFA07A lightsalmon Light salmon
#20B2AA lightseagreen Light sea green
#87CEFA lightskyblue Light sky blue
#778899 lightslategray Light slate gray
#B0C4DE lightsteelblue Light steel blue
#FFFFE0 lightyellow Light yellow
#00FF00 lime Lime
#32CD32 limegreen Lime green
#FAF0E6 linen Linen
#FF00FF magenta Magenta
#800000 maroon Maroon
#66CDAA mediumaquamarine Medium aqua marine
#0000CD mediumblue Medium blue
#BA55D3 mediumorchid Medium orchid
#9370DB mediumpurple Medium purple
#3CB371 mediumseagreen Medium sea green
#7B68EE mediumslateblue Medium slate blue
#00FA9A mediumspringgreen Medium spring green
#48D1CC mediumturquoise Medium turquoise
#C71585 mediumvioletred Medium violet red
#191970 midnightblue Midnight blue
#F5FFFA mintcrem Mint crem
#FFE4E1 mistyrose Misty rose
#FFDEAD navajowhite Navajo white
#000080 navy Navy
#FDF5E6 oldlace Old lace
#808000 olive Olive
#6B8E23 olivegrab Olive grab
#FFA500 orange Orange
#FF4500 orangered Orange red
#DA70D6 orchid Orchid
#EEE8AA palegoldenrod Pale golden rod
#98FB98 palegreen Pale green
#AFEEEE paleturquoise Pale Turquoise
#DB7093 palevioletred Pale vilet red
#FFEFD5 papayawhip Papaya whip
#FFDAB9 peachpuff Peach puff
#CD853F peru Peru
#FFC0CB pink Pink
#DDA0DD plum Plum
#B0E0E6 powderblue Powder blue
#800080 purple Purple
#FF0000 red Res
#BC8F8F rosybrown Rosy brown
#4169E1 royalblue Royal blue
#8B4513 saddlebrown Saddle brown
#FA8072 salmon Salmon
#F4A460 saldybrown Saldy brown
#2E8B57 seagreen Sea green
#FFF5EE seashell Sea shell
#A0522D sienna Sienna
#C0C0C0 silver Silver
#87CEEB skyblue Sky blue
#6A5ACD slateblue Slate blue
#708090 slategray Slate gray
#FFFAFA snow Snow
#00FF7F springgreen Spring green
#4682B4 steelblue Steel blue
#D2B48C tan Tan
#008080 teal Teal
#D8BFD8 thistle Thistle
#FF6347 tomato Tomato
#40E0D0 turquoise Turquoise
#EE82EE violet Violet
#F5DEB3 wheat Wheat
#FFFFFF white White
#F5F5F5 whitesmoke White smoke
#FFFF00 yellow Yellow
#9ACD32 yellowgreen Yellow green
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Source code

dCode retains ownership of the «HTML Colors» source code. Except explicit open source licence (indicated Creative Commons / free), the «HTML Colors» algorithm, the applet or snippet (converter, solver, encryption / decryption, encoding / decoding, ciphering / deciphering, breaker, translator), or the «HTML Colors» functions (calculate, convert, solve, decrypt / encrypt, decipher / cipher, decode / encode, translate) written in any informatic language (Python, Java, PHP, C#, Javascript, Matlab, etc.) and all data download, script, or API access for «HTML Colors» are not public, same for offline use on PC, mobile, tablet, iPhone or Android app!
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Cite as source (bibliography):
HTML Colors on [online website], retrieved on 2023-07-24,


Choose your colors, Learn and Create!

Ran out of imagination? Explore our color picker and choose the perfect color for your project. RGB, HEX, HSL, CMYK, we’ve got you covered. Our color picker is smart enough to understand all color codes.


We got hundreds of color combinations! Check out our color chart page to get inspired. Explore flat design colors, Google Material design, fluent colors, metro design scheme, all with HEX and RGB color codes.

We have created a wonderful section to share your color palettes and we also did an awesome color palette creator for you to create the most epic palettes ever. Show us your talent!

Dont know how to create gradients? No problem, with our gradients and gradients generator you would realize how easy and beautiful is to create gradients. Take a look!

What are the 8 HTML Color Values?

Now we are talking about the 8 HTML color values (HEX, RGB, RGBA, HSL, HSLA, HSV, HWB, CMYK).

The HEX Color Value is represented in hexadecimal, so the range goes from 00 to FF for each of them. The code is expressed as follows: #RRGGBB, each of the 2-digit values ​​being the range of each of the 3 colors, with which we choose the final value that represents each color.

The RGB Color Value, Red — Green — Blue, is based on mixing these 3 colors to get the full range. Each of the colors takes a value between 0 and 255, a total of 256, with which a total of 256 x 256 x 256 is achieved = 16,777,216 different colors. Mixing these three colors would give you a rgb color code represented like this RGB(23,34,255).

The RGBA Color Value, Red — Green — Blue — Alpha that add a new factor, the alpha channel, that is, the opacity or transparency that follows the same percentage scheme: 0% represents absolute transparency and 100% represents absolute opacity which is the way we traditionally see colors.

The HSL Color Value, This model includes two additional parameters to the hue or chroma to obtain the color, which are saturation or brightness or tone. Hence its acronym: HSL (H — hue or hue, S — saturation or saturation, L — luminosity or luminosity / tone).

The HSLA Color Value, (H — hue or hue, S — saturation or saturation, L — luminosity or luminosity / tone — A — ALPHA), is a system is not a system that has been commonly used in web design, but it is used in other areas such as photographic editing or design (in general).

The HSV Color Value includes two additional parameters to the hue or chroma to obtain the color, which are saturation and value. Hence its acronym: HSV (H — hue or hue, S — saturation or saturation, V — value or value).

The HWB Color Value, (Hue-Whiteness-Blackness), is very similar to the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) and HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness), except that neither HSV nor HSL provides saturation for whiteness.

The CMYK Color Value is a subtractive model and is used in printing from pigments of three basic colors: C — cyan, M — magenta and Y — yellow. The K comes from the black, since the combination of the three previous ones produces a black little pure.


Color Name Color Code Color Name Color Code
Red #FF0000 White #FFFFFF
Cyan #00FFFF Silver #C0C0C0
Blue #0000FF Gray #808080
DarkBlue #0000A0 Black #000000
LightBlue #ADD8E6 Orange #FFA500
Purple #800080 Brown #A52A2A
Yellow #FFFF00 Maroon #800000
Lime #00FF00 Green #008000
Magenta #FF00FF Olive #808000

Common Colors

What better way to help you find your perfect color than giving you the common colors of this time . Take a look and good luck!


HTML Color Codes 🎨

The best HTML color codes are waiting for you to find them and they can be found here with all of their names, hex codes, rgb values and other attributes!

Color Picker

RGB: rgb(102,232,232)

HSL: hsl(232,232,232)

What is a HTML color code?

A HTML color code is an identifier used to represent a color on the web and within other digital assets. Common color codes are in the forms of: a keyword name, a hexadecimal value, a RGB (red, green, blue) triplet, or a HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) triplet. Different values allow for 16,777,216 potential colors to be chosen.

For example, the color red can be identifier using the following formats:

Because there are so many colors to choose from, tools have been created to make the task of selection much simpler. A color picker allows a user to select a color by clicking on visual range of color to pin-point an exact code. A color chart provides a listing of common colors for quick selection.

To use a selected color code within your web page, you could place the following attribute within a given element to change its background color to red: style=»background-color: #ff0000;»

What are HTML color codes used for?

HTML color codes are used within HTML and CSS to create web design color schemes. They are primarily used by web designers, graphic designers, computer programmers, and digital illustrators. Choosing the correct web colors can be exhausting, but it is a great skill to have, especially for marketing purposes.


Online color code html

Click on any color square to get its HTML color code.

HTML Color Picker

Move the horizontal slider to chose color and then click into color square to get HTML color code.

HTML Color Codes Theory

So you are wondering «Does this weird combination of letters and numbers have any meaning?» Well the answer is «Yes» and this is how it goes:)

HTML Codes format:
Each HTML code contains symbol «#» and 6 letters or numbers. These numbers are in hexadecimal numeral system. For example «FF» in hexadecimal represents number 255 in Decimal.

Meaning of symbols:
The first two symbols in HTML color code represents the intensity of red color. 00 is the least and FF is the most intense. The third and fourth represents intensity of green and fifth and sixth represents the intensity of blue. So with combining the intensity of red, green and blue we can mix almost any color that our heart desire;)

#FF0000 — With this HTML code we tell browser to show maximum of red and no green and no blue. The result is of course pure red color:

#00FF00 — This HTML code shows just green and no red and blue. The result is:

#0000FF — This HTML code shows just blue and no red and green. The result is:

#FFFF00 — Combination of red and green color gives us yellow:

#CCEEFF — Take some red a bit more of green and maximum of blue to get color of sky:

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