- Install, uninstall, and upgrade packages
- Manage packages in the Python Packages tool window
- Install packages from repositories
- Manage package repositories
- Install packages from Version Control System
- Install packages from a local machine
- Manage packages in the Python interpreter settings
- Install a package
- Uninstall a package
- Upgrade a package
- Reuse installed packages
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PyCharm — это одна из наиболее популярных интегрированных сред разработки (IDE) для языков программирования Python и Ruby. Одной из важных функций PyCharm является управление версиями Python. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как обновить версию Python в PyCharm.
Перед обновлением Python в PyCharm стоит создать виртуальное окружение (конфигурация), чтобы избежать конфликтов с текущими установленными версиями Python. Вот пример кода на Python:
python -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate
pip install —upgrade pip
pip install ‘python_version’
Во второй строке кода мы активируем только что созданное виртуальное окружение. Затем мы обновляем pip, чтобы убедиться, что он актуален. Наконец, мы устанавливаем желаемую версию Python, например 3.9:
pip install python==python_version
После установки новой версии Python вы можете перезапустить PyCharm и выбрать новую версию Python в качестве интерпретатора для проекта.
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Install, uninstall, and upgrade packages
PyCharm provides methods for installing, uninstalling, and upgrading Python packages for a particular Python interpreter. It means that each project has its own set of packages, which is considered a best practice for Python dependency management. By default, PyCharm uses pip to manage project packages. For Conda environments you can use the conda package manager.
In PyCharm, you can preview and manage packages in the Python Packages tool window and in the Python interpreter Settings .
Manage packages in the Python Packages tool window
This tool window is available in PyCharm 2021.1 and later
The Python Packages tool window provides the quickest and neat way to preview and install packages for the currently selected Python interpreter. This window is enabled by default, and you can find it in the lower group of the tool windows. At any time you can open it using the main menu: View | Tool Windows | Python Packages .
The Python Packages tool window shows installed packages and the packages available in the PyPI and Conda package repositories. Use the Search field to filter out the list of the available packages.
You can preview package documentation in the documentation area, or you can click the Documentation link and open the corresponding resource in a browser.
To delete an installed package, click in the upper-right corner of the Python Package tool window.
Install packages from repositories
- Start typing the package name in the Search field of the Python Package tool window. You should be able to see the number of the matching packages.
- Expand the list of the available versions in the upper-right corner of the tool window. Select the required version or keep it the latest.
- Click the Install with pip or Install with conda button next to the version list. Once PyCharm notifies you about successful installation, you should see the package in the list of the installed packages.
- If needed, click and provide a path to any custom repository you want to install from.
Manage package repositories
- To specify a custom repository, including devpi or PyPi, click on the Python Packages toolbar.
- In the Python Packages Repositories dialog, click
to add a new repository. If no authorization is required, for example, in the case of a local repository, type the target URL and click OK .
- If you want to install Python packages from a repository that requires HTTP authorization, click Basic HTTP and type the repository URL and the login credentials. Click OK to complete the task.
Once the repository is added, it appears in the list of the repositories in the Python Packages tool window.
Install packages from Version Control System
- Click the Add Package link on the Python Packages toolbar and select From Version Control .
- Specify a path to the target git repository. Refer to pip documentation for more information about supported path formats.
- Select Install as editable (-e) if you want to install a project in editable mode (for example, setuptools develop mode ).
Install packages from a local machine
- Click the Add Package link on the Python Packages toolbar and select From Disk .
- Specify a path to the package directory or an archive ( zip or whl ).
Manage packages in the Python interpreter settings
To manage Python packages for the Python interpreter, select the Python Interpreter page in the project Settings or select Interpreter Settings in the Python Interpreter selector on the Status bar .
If you select a Python interpreter with the configured Conda environment, the Use Conda Package Manager toggle appears in the packages area toolbar.
Use this toggle to install and upgrade packages from Conda package repositories. This toggle is enabled by default for Conda environments.
Install a package
- Click the button on the package toolbar.
- In the Available Packages dialog that opens, preview the list of the available packages and type the name of the package to install in the Search field.
- If required, select the following checkboxes:
- Specify version : if this checkbox is selected, you can select the desired version from the list of available versions. By default, the latest version is taken.
- Options : If this checkbox is selected, you can type the pip install command-line options in the text field.
- Install to user’s site packages directory : If this checkbox is left cleared (by default), then the packages will be installed into the current interpreter package directory. If the checkbox is selected, the packages will be installed into the specified directory. This option is not available for Conda environments.
- Select the target package and click Install Package .
If you’ve got any or error messages, consult the Troubleshooting guide for a solution.
Uninstall a package
- In the list of the packages, select the packages to be removed.
- Click Uninstall (). The selected packages are removed from the interpreter.
PyCharm smartly tracks the status of packages and recognizes outdated versions by showing the currently installed package version (column Version ), and the latest available version (column Latest version ). When a newer version of a package is detected, PyCharm marks it with the arrow sign and suggests to upgrade it.
By default, the Latest version column shows only stable versions of the packages. If you want to extend the scope of the latest available versions to any pre-release versions (such as beta or release candidate ), click Show early releases .
Upgrade a package
- In the list of the packages, select the package to be upgraded.
- Click Upgrade ( ). The selected packages are upgraded to the latest available versions.
- Click OK to complete upgrading.
You can upgrade several packages at once. Hold Cmd (macOS) or Ctrl on (Unix or Windows), left-click to select several items in the list of packages, and then click Upgrade .
If you’re accustomed to installing packages from the command line, you can proceed with your workflow using the Terminal.
Reuse installed packages
- Create a new virtual environment and install packages that you want to be used in other projects. Then you can specify this virtual environment as a Python interpreter for the target project and all the needed packages will be available.
- In the Terminal window execute the following command: pip freeze > requirements.txt Then add the created requirements.txt file to the target project and PyCharm will prompt you to install the packages listed in the file.
Если вы используете PyCharm для разработки на Python, то обновление pip может стать необходимым, чтобы получить доступ к новым версиям библиотек. Существует несколько способов обновления pip в PyCharm.
Первый способ — использовать инструменты PyCharm. Для этого необходимо открыть PyCharm и выбрать меню «File» -> «Settings» -> «Project: » -> «Project Interpreter». Затем найдите пакет pip в списке и выберите его, нажав на него один раз. Нажмите на кнопку «Upgrade Package» в левом нижнем углу окна. Это обновит pip до последней версии.
Второй способ — использовать команду обновления pip в терминале PyCharm. Для этого откройте терминал в PyCharm (нажмите Alt+F12). Введите следующую команду:
python -m pip install —upgrade pip
Нажмите Enter, и pip обновится до последней версии.
Третий способ — использовать командную строку или терминал Windows или Linux. Откройте командную строку (терминал) и введите следующую команду:
Нажмите Enter, и pip обновится до последней версии.
How to Install Pip packages using PyCharm ? — How to Install Python PIP Packages in PyCharm
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