Not implemented yet java

Method has not yet been implemented

If you check appium server commands for doubleTap, you will notice that for client code is the same to tap code, so it really looks like doubleTap is not supported by yet So how can I perform this touch actions on iOS? conf.js: Solution: There is no function in wd project, so the error you get is expected to see.

Org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Method has not yet been implemented

I am getting above error while executing this code

WebElement radio = (WebElement) driver.findElements(By.tagName("option")).get(1);; TouchAction touch = new TouchAction(driver); driver.performTouchAction(touch).tap(radio); 

org.openqa.selenium.webdriverexception: Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) Command duration or timeout: 52 milliseconds

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) 
TouchAction finger = device.touchAction() .press(width / 4, height / 4) .waitAction(Duration.ofMillis(10000)) .moveTo(width / 4, 60) .release(); TouchAction thumb = device.touchAction() .press(width / 4, (height / 4) + 40) .waitAction(Duration.ofMillis(10000)) .moveTo(width / 4, 80) .release(); device.multiTouchAction().add(finger).add(thumb).perform(); 

My device method that cast the Webdriver to the AppiumDriver

public TouchAction touchAction() < if (driver instanceof AppiumDriver) < return new TouchAction((AppiumDriver) driver); >else < try < throw new DriverIsNotAnInstanceOfAtriumDriverException( "The driver is not an instance of io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver"); >catch (DriverIsNotAnInstanceOfAtriumDriverException e) < e.printStackTrace(); >> return null; > 

I’m using Selenium 3.5.3 and Appium 5.0.3. What I have found so far was about wrong Appium Versions that I couldn’t get rid of the problem.

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What is the standard exception to throw in Java for not, To indicate the requested operation has not been implemented yet, choose between this: Use the NotImplementedException from apache commons …

GetwindowHandle() throwing Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information) error

While implementing getwindowhandles in android web browser , i am getting an error «Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)»

Scenario is : i need to switch to next tab and get the url and close it.

It seems you are trying to perform getWindowHandle() operation on native app context due to which the appium may be throwing «Method has not yet been implemented (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)»

Here is how you can troubleshoot and fix this:

Add the following lines before String handle = driver.getWindowHandle();

//Get all available contexts Set contexts=driver.getContextHandles(); //Review available contexts on console System.out.println(contexts); //Iterate through the contexts for(String context :contexts) < //Check if the context is webview. If yes, then switch to that context if(context.toLowerCase().contains("webview")||context.toLowerCase().contains("web_view"))< driver.context(context); //break the loop if webview context is found and driver switches to webview context break; >> 

NHibernate Linq join support; The method Join is not, 2.1.2 is not maintained anymore. The NH team has decided a while ago to focus all development in the 3.x branch. This has created the awkward …

IOS: «Failed: Method is not implemented» error when I tried to perform some touch actions

I am testing Hybrid app and I tried to perform some touch actions on iOS like doubleTap and tapAndHold on WebView. And I get «Failed: Method is not implemented» error.

browser.switchTo().frame(0); return browser.touchActions().doubleTap(element).perform(); 
return browser.touchActions().tap(element).perform(); 

everything is ok.
For Android this code works fine.

Appium: 1.7.1
Protractor: 5.1.2
webdriver-manager 12.0.6.
MacOS High Sierra

So how can I perform this touch actions on iOS?

var wd = require('wd'), wdBridge = require('wd-bridge')(require('protractor'), wd); const config = < sync: false, seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4723/wd/hub', capabilities: < browserName: '', appiumVersion: "1.7.1", deviceName: "iPhone 8", deviceOrientation: "portrait", platformName: "iOS", platformVersion: "11.0", app:"", bundleId:'', launchTimeout: 20000, webviewConnectRetries: 1, autoAcceptAlerts: true, autoWebview: true, waitForAppScript: 'true', nativeInstrumentsLib:'false', showIOSLog:'false', newCommandTimeout: 5000 >, framework: 'jasmine2', allScriptsTimeout: 1500000, jasmineNodeOpts: < showColors: true, print: function () < >, isVerbose: true, includeStackTrace: true, defaultTimeoutInterval: 1500000 >, suites: < smoke: ['./automation/smoke/*.js'], >, beforeLaunch: function () < return new Promise(function (resolve) < reporter.beforeLaunch(resolve); >); >, onPrepare: function () < wdBridge.initFromProtractor(exports.config); browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; browser.wBridge=wdBridge; browser.getProcessedConfig() .then(function (config) < browser.appPackage = config.capabilities.appPackage; browser.bundleId = config.capabilities.bundleId; browser.deviceProperties = config.capabilities.deviceProperties; browser.platformname = config.capabilities.platformName; var iOSProperties = , androidProperties = , params = browser.platformname.toLowerCase() === 'iOS' ? androidProperties : iOSProperties; browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; wdBrowser.currentContext().then(function(context) < console.log('#context'); console.log(context); >); >); >, useAllAngular2AppRoots: true, restartBrowserBetweenTests: false >; exports.config = config; 
  1. There is no doubleTap function in wd project, so the error you get is expected to see.
  2. If you check appium server commands for doubleTap, you will notice that for wd client code is the same to tap code, so it really looks like doubleTap is not supported by wd yet

1) Play more with existing functions in wd touch actions, e.g. try

const location = await element.getLocation() const action = new wd.TouchAction() .release() .press() .release() await browser.performTouchAction(action) 

2) Implement doubleTap in wd project looking into examples from java or python client.

The sliding screen operation error reporting method of, import time from appium import webdriver from import By a = …

Why does Go allow me to call methods that are not implemented?

Go doesn’t seem to enforce the struct adhering to the interface. Why does the following code compile?

package main type LocalInterface interface < SomeMethod(string) error SomeOtherMethod(string) error >type LocalStruct struct < LocalInterface myOwnField string >func main() < var localInterface LocalInterface = &LocalStructlocalInterface.SomeMethod("calling some method") > 

It seems like this should not compile since SomeMethod is not implemented. go build results in no issues.

Running it results in the runtime error:

> go run main.go panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference [signal 0xc0000005 code=0x0 addr=0x20 pc=0x4013b0] goroutine 1 [running]: panic(0x460760, 0xc08200a090) C:/Go/src/runtime/panic.go:464 +0x3f4 main.(*LocalStruct).SomeMethod(0xc0820064e0, 0x47bf30, 0x13, 0x0, 0x0) :3 +0x70 main.main() C:/Users/kdeenanauth/Documents/git/go/src/ +0x98 exit status 2 

When a type is embedded (in your example LocalInterface is embedded inside LocalStruct ), Go creates a field of the embedded type and promotes its methods to the enclosing type.

So the following declaration

type LocalStruct struct < LocalInterface LocalInterface myOwnField string >func (ls *LocalStruct) SomeMethod(s string) error

Your program panics with nil pointer dereference because LocalInterface field is nil .

The following program «fixes» the panic (

package main type LocalInterface interface < SomeMethod(string) error >type LocalStruct struct < LocalInterface myOwnField string >type A int func (a A) SomeMethod(s string) error < println(s) return nil >func main() < var localInterface LocalInterface = &LocalStruct< LocalInterface: A(10), myOwnField: "test", >localInterface.SomeMethod("calling some method") > 

Upon further investigation I found that avoiding embedding gets the proper error handling treatment. That would be preferred in my case:

package main type LocalInterface interface < SomeMethod(string) error SomeOtherMethod(string) error >type LocalStruct struct < myOwnField string >func main() < var localInterface LocalInterface = &LocalStructlocalInterface.SomeMethod("calling some method") > 

.\main.go:13: cannot use LocalStruct literal (type *LocalStruct) as type LocalInterface in assignment: *LocalStruct does not implement LocalInterface (missing SomeMethod method)

Testrpc throwing error «This has not yet been, I am using testrpc & truffle to build a test local blockchain. I am getting below exception while I run ‘truffle test’. Could you please help me. …


Реализация исключения NotImplementedException в Java

Всякий раз, когда разработчики работают над большими проектами, они, как правило, разрабатывают наброски функций или методов для последующей реализации.

Всякий раз, когда разработчики работают над большими проектами, они, как правило, разрабатывают наброски функций или методов для последующей реализации. В таких случаях может быть полезно использовать специальное исключение, которое указывает на то, что данный метод или функция еще не реализованы. В .NET для этих целей используется исключение NotImplementedException .

Вот типичный пример использования NotImplementedException в .NET:

Но что делать, если работаете с Java? Есть ли в Java что-то подобное NotImplementedException из .NET?

К сожалению, стандартная библиотека Java не предоставляет такого исключения. Однако, это не означает, что нельзя реализовать подобное поведение самостоятельно. Для этого можно определить собственное исключение.

Вот простой пример, как это можно сделать:

public class NotImplementedException extends UnsupportedOperationException < public NotImplementedException() < super("Not implemented yet."); >>

Теперь это исключение можно использовать в методах, которые еще не реализованы:

Таким образом, хотя в Java нет встроенного исключения, аналогичного NotImplementedException из .NET, его можно легко реализовать самостоятельно. Это обеспечивает четкое понимание того, что определенный метод или функция еще не реализованы, и помогает предотвратить возможные ошибки во время разработки.


Java: Common Annotation for «Not Yet Implemented»

You might want to use UnsupportedOperationException and detect calls to-yet-to-be-implemented methods when running your tests.

Solution 2

You could create your own annotation. With the runtime retention policy you can then configure target builds to know to look for this annotation, if necessary.

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; @Target(< ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR, ElementType.FIELD>) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface Unimplemented

Solution 3

No, there is no standard annotation specifically for methods that have yet to be implemented.

However, there is a more general annotation in the JDK that marks an API which developers are discouraged from using, and the Java compiler itself can issue warnings when it is used. I am talking about @Deprecated , which many developers only think of as «announcing removal». However, the relevant articles in the JDK docs (e.g. for Java 7 and Java 9) list several example use cases, only one of them being about removal:

  • The API is dangerous (for example, the Thread.stop method).
  • There is a simple rename (for example, AWT replaced by setVisible ).
  • A newer, better API can be used instead.
  • The deprecated API is going to be removed.

I think your case «not implemented yet» certainly goes in the same direction as those. Further, if the method would always throw a NotYetImplementedException , it even fits the example «The API is dangerous».

So all you need to do is the following:

  1. Add @Deprecated to the method
  2. Add @deprecated Javadoc to explain the background
  3. Configure your build to invoke the compiler with -Xlint:deprecation so that it issues warnings.

Solution 4

Google guava libraries use the @Beta annotations for API that is likely to change but the methods are implemented though


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