No resource with given url found php

  1. Error: No resource with given URL found, 500 (Internal Server Error) mvc
  2. Suggested Topics
  3. ASP.NET MVC with FormsAuthentication Software Programming • c sharp mvc forms authentic languagea • • carriann
  4. Error using bootstrap with ASP.NET MVC Software Programming • javascript c sharp mvc bootstrap metronic language • • simrah
  5. It throws me 500 Internal Server Error Software Programming • php codeigniter • • shizuka
  6. Login MVC error Software Programming • c sharp mvc • • irl
  7. Transfer of tabular data from ASP.NET MVC 5 presentation Software Programming • mvc asp • • obi
  8. Login error using SQL Server. resource(7) of type (SQL Server Statement) Software Programming • php sql server • • yajahira
  9. Ajax in PartialView, mvc Software Programming • ajax mvc • • yajahira
  10. Error 404 when accessing the ASP .NET MVC 5 driver with JQuery Software Programming • jquery mvc 5 • • jules
  11. Create multiple MySQL events from PHP with different names Software Programming • php mysql ajax • • jonetta
  12. Skip more than one parameter - Ajax XMLHtpRequest Software Programming • javascript ajax • • simrah
  13. Error Internal Error Server UID of script is smaller than min_uid Software Programming • php • • amarantha
  14. How to detect if a WordPress article was loaded in a lightbox? Software Programming • php ajax wordpress plugin • • Kadyn
  15. Interruption of ajax request Software Programming • javascript ajax • • nishika
  16. How to write HTML within the success of Ajax Software Programming • javascript html c sharp mvc • • meriah
  17. mvc load file Software Programming • http post • • meriah
Читайте также:  Создать красивую html страницу

Error: No resource with given URL found, 500 (Internal Server Error) mvc

I have the following code which sends an array with my HTML table data to the controller to update them in the database up here all right, the problem is that it shows the error: Error: No resource with given URL found, 500 (Internal Server Error) mvc I clarify that both functions (ajax and driver’s) are repeated for each row of my table.

 function GuardarF() < $.ajax(< type: 'POST', dataType: "json", url: '/MyController/MyView', traditional: true, data: < array: array >, success: function (data) < if (data.rstProceso === "true") < console.log('Exito: ' + data.rstMensaje); >else if (data.rstProceso === "false") < console.log('Algo salió mal ' + data.rstMensaje); >>, error: function (jqXHR, status, err) < console.log(jqXHR.responseText); >>); >
[HttpPost] public ActionResult MyView(int[] array) < JsonResult dtaEjecucionTarea = default(JsonResult); dtaEjecucionTarea = Json(new < rstProceso = "false", MessageGestion = "Error, algo salió mal, intente de nuevo" >); 
 if (Update_MyView(array)) < dtaEjecucionTarea = Json(new < rstProceso = "true", MessageGestion = "Cambios guardados con éxito" >); > 

return View(dtaEjecucionTarea);
> public bool Update_MyView(int[] array)
if (array != null)
//my code
return true;
return false;

Something similar just happened to me that doesn't load any img or file.js in an asp project in c# when the port of application changed take a day to find the mistake get it on the web.config comente el codigo and settling

Suggested Topics

ASP.NET MVC with FormsAuthentication
Software Programming • c sharp mvc forms authentic languagea • carriann

Yeah, it's possible. In your controller, or about your Action, you must have an attribute "[Authorize]". All actions with this attribute mean that they can only be accessed if the user is authenticated, the pages you want to leave as public, in the corresponding Actions, you do not place this attribute. Once the attribute in the controller means that any action in that controller needs authentication.You can also configure this via Web.config, but I think the attribute is simpler.

Error using bootstrap with ASP.NET MVC
Software Programming • javascript c sharp mvc bootstrap metronic language • simrah

What type of local server is using, ISS, ISS Express?As a suggestion of correction we can try:Since the path of the GET error that comes from . /fonts/. and by the extension type at the end also ".woff2", it may be error of lack of MIME types whose would have to add the MIME type on the server.Using ISS: Follow the steps: -> Open the ISS -> Click on your active server -> Find in Type MIME and open options -> In the tools next, click Add. -> In the box that opens fill in with -> FILE NAME EXTENSION: ".woff2" -> MIME TYPE: "application/font-woff2" -> Click Ok, restart the serverUsing ISSEXPRESS: Place on your web.config .

It throws me 500 Internal Server Error
Software Programming • php codeigniter • shizuka

check the base route of your application, that of your pc is not the same to the hosting, this in the file application/config/config.php variable $config['base_url']She'll fix it.

Login MVC error
Software Programming • c sharp mvc • irl

From what I understood you are trying to go through the list with this lambda, so the correct way would be to use the where. In addition, for you to get a reception this login, you could pass the AlunoOnline.ID as your parameter RedirectToAction.Below code: AlunoAplicacao bdAluno; bdAluno = AlunoAplicacaoConstrutor.AlunoAplicacaoEF(); var Aluno = bdAluno.ListarTodos().Where(x => x.Email == collection["Email"] && x.Senha == collection["Senha"]); if (Aluno.Count() == 1) < var AlunoOnline = Aluno.First(); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(AlunoOnline.ID.ToString(), false); return RedirectToAction("AreaAluno", new < >); > else < return RedirectToAction("Resposta", new < >); >

Transfer of tabular data from ASP.NET MVC 5 presentation
Software Programming • mvc asp • obi

Take a data collection to transform into a model, right? If that's the case, I've faced a problem like this, and I haven't broken my head for one hour, and it's like,


It's a clipping from the idea that a collection for a successful change in View should be like,__[grunting]Index]Field"Directly for your example: model♪Orders[grunting]i]UserName♪ where model - is the name of the parameter taken in the shape processing device:[HttpPost] public ActionResult EditAutosalon(IndexViewModel model)

Login error using SQL Server. resource(7) of type (SQL Server Statement)
Software Programming • php sql server • yajahira

The message resource(7) of type (SQL Server Statement) is not an error, it is a resource text representation (which can be a query). Your query was processed with sqlsrv_query() but failed to extract the result with sqlsrv_fetch_array().To fix add a return with the result already extracted:$resultado = sqlsrv_query($conn, $query); return sqlsrv_fetch_array($resultado, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);

Ajax in PartialView, mvc
Software Programming • ajax mvc • yajahira

The Disein Freamworth is that the sections don't work in partial representations. Asp.Net MVC makes submissions (Views) responsible for including the necessary violators. Partial submissions (Partial Views) should not be held responsible.You can accommodate a section with the necessary violets, basically a performance.Also, you can create your own HtmlHelperto add similar functionality for partial submissions. Look.

Error 404 when accessing the ASP .NET MVC 5 driver with JQuery
Software Programming • jquery mvc 5 • jules

Analyzing a bit I can see that the idea is to give a context to the service you exposeI don't know what kind of controller you're locating it, but maybe if you.public class Cliente : Controller < [Route("cliente///historial")] public ActionResult Historial(int inicio, int final) < Return PartialView(); >> I think you're giving him some more context when he's defined.I would also see if the "/" you define in front of Historial could not be affected.

Create multiple MySQL events from PHP with different names
Software Programming • php mysql ajax • jonetta

The error is because you cannot use quotes for the event name, so the solution is simply omit them.Example:$event = "CREATE EVENT $nombre ON SCHEDULE AT '$fecha' DO UPDATE `accounts` SET `position` = '$newHex'";

Skip more than one parameter - Ajax XMLHtpRequest
Software Programming • javascript ajax • simrah

You need to put "fashion" between each parameter. So you can pass several parameters in the querystring: "../servidor/autobuses.php?origen="+origen+"&destino category/topic" data-tid="515047" data-index="" data-cid="27" itemprop="itemListElement">

Error Internal Error Server UID of script is smaller than min_uid
Software Programming • php • amarantha

According to this answer This looks like a problem with .Change the user and group of your script to the user running your webserver process. So if you're running an Apache with user www-data for example, change to:Change the user and group of your script to the user that is running your process web server. For example, if you are running an Apache with the user www-data for example, change to:chown www-data:www-data /home/. /public_html/index.php Or change all files at once:chown -R www-data:www-data /home/. /public_html/ If you are still with this problem after changing the user and group then probably suPHP this using the default value min_uid = 100, the www-data UID must be less than 100.To fix this you can change min_uid in settings suPHP corresponding UID pro of www-data:To edit:vi /etc/suphp/suphp.conf min_uid = If you do not have SSH access and this is a hosting or other type of online server, you may have to contact the support or server administrator.

How to detect if a WordPress article was loaded in a lightbox?
Software Programming • php ajax wordpress plugin • Kadyn

Instead of using the single, create a file only for Lightbox.Leave the default single and the other file without header and without footer.

Interruption of ajax request
Software Programming • javascript ajax • nishika

The problem with your code is that the method then returns the usual promise (Promise) rather than XHR.That's how the right thing is:xhr = $.get(ajax_object.ajax_url, dataAjax); xhr.then((response) => < // success >, (response) => < // error >);

How to write HTML within the success of Ajax
Software Programming • javascript html c sharp mvc • meriah

You will have to build HTML within the method success using strings, or some template library, and then make a append in some HTML element that is already on the page.In addition, your controller could be improved in order to easier work on javascript.Example:In your controller, you could return anonymous objects in order to facilitate the return of properties:[HttpPost] public JsonResult _ListaHistorico(int IdSolicitacao) < var listaHistorico = context.Solicitacao.Include("Usuario") .Where(x =>x.IdSolicitacao == IdSolicitacao) .FirstOrDefault() .HistoricoSolicitacao .Select(x => new < DataCadastro = x.DataCadastro.Value.ToShortDateString(), UsuarioNome = x.Usuario.Nome, x.Observacao, >) .ToList(); return Json(listaHistorico, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); > In this case, when the object arrived in result of the function assigned to success you would have a json with the following example structure:[ < "DataCadastro": "2014-03-10", "UsuarioNome": "Miguel", "Observacao": "xpto 1" >, < "DataCadastro": "2014-03-15", "UsuarioNome": "Angelo", "Observacao": "xpto 2" >, ] With this json structure, you can iterate using a for, and for each element, read the properties DataCadastro, UsuarioNome and Observacao. In this way, you can then build the string containing the HTML, and finally use the append. success: function (result) < for (var i = 0; i <= result.length; i++) < var item = result[i]; $("#idDoContainer").append( "

" + "

DataCadastro: " + item.DataCadastro + "

" + "

DataCadastro: " + item.UsuarioNome + "

" + "

DataCadastro: " + item.Observacao + "

" + "

" ); > >, mvc load file
Software Programming • http post • meriah

To be able to send a file through a form you must put the attribute enctype="multipart/form-data"In the end it would be like this:@using (Html.BeginForm("Registro_exitoso", "Home", new < enctype = "multipart/form-data" >)) If you want to know a little more about the attribute or related .I also recommend using the post attribute on your driver's form and method:@using (Html.BeginForm("Registro_exitoso", "Home",FormMethod.Post, new < enctype = "multipart/form-data" >)) < // @Html.EditorForModel() @Html.LabelFor(m =>m.Nombre) @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Nombre)
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.Matricula) @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Matricula)
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.carrera, new SelectList(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Carrera))), "Seleccionar Carrera")
@Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Materia, (IEnumerable)ViewBag.Opciones)
// @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Practica) @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Practica)
@Html.LabelFor(m => m.File) @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.File, new < type = "file" >)

> And in the controller:[HttpPost] public ActionResult Registro_exitoso(Estudiante estudiante) < if (ModelState.IsValid) < return View(estudiante); >else < // string a = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Convert.ToString(estudiante.File)); return View("Registro_exitoso"); >> If you want to see the name I recommend that you use:var nombreFile = Path.GetFileName(estudiante.File.FileName)

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