Next node in javascript


Свойство Node.nextSibling используется только для чтения и возвращает узел, непосредственно следующий за данным узлом в списке childNodes его родительского элемента, или null если данный узел последний в этом списке.


nextNode = node.nextSibling


Браузеры, основанные на Gecko, вставляют текстовые узлы в документ для представления пробелов в разметке. Поэтому узел, полученный, например, при использовании Node.firstChild или Node.previousSibling может относиться к пробелу, а не к тому элементу, который автор хотел получить.


div id="div-01">Вот div-01div> div id="div-02">Вот div-02div> script type="text/javascript"> var el = document.getElementById('div-01').nextSibling, i = 1; console.log('Потомки div-01:'); while (el)  console.log(i + '. ' + el.nodeName); el = el.nextSibling; i++; > script> /************************************************** Следующий пример напишет в консоль: Потомки div-01: 1. #text 2. DIV 3. #text 4. SCRIPT **************************************************/ 

В приведённом выше примере вы можете видеть, что #text узлы вставляются в DOM, где между тегами встречаются пробелы (т.е. после закрывающего тега элемента и до открывающего тега рядом). Не создаётся пробелов между элементами, вставленных с помощью document.write

Возможность включения текстовых узлов в DOM должна быть разрешена, когда DOM обходится с помощью nextSibling . Смотрите раздел «Примечания».


Смотрите также


NodeIterator: nextNode() method

The NodeIterator.nextNode() method returns the next node in the set represented by the NodeIterator and advances the position of the iterator within the set. The first call to nextNode() returns the first node in the set.

This method returns null when there are no nodes left in the set.

In old browsers, as specified in old versions of the specifications, the method may throws the INVALID_STATE_ERR DOMException if this method is called after the NodeIterator.detach() method. Recent browsers never throw.



Return value

A Node representing the node after the current node in the set represented by this NodeIterator , or null if the current node is the last node in the set.


const nodeIterator = document.createNodeIterator( document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,  acceptNode(node)  return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; >, >, ); currentNode = nodeIterator.nextNode(); // returns the next node 


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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How to get the next node with js in html?

Once you have the table element, use : Use as a fallback for older browsers: Solution 2: Create a couple utilities for getting an ancestor and sibling by tag name: Then use the utilities like this: This provides very broad browser compatibility. JavaScript next() Method use next() in node js .next() method Question: I have simple application on isomorphic react (zeit/next.js

How to get the next node with js in html?

I can get the fist tableNode with js code

 function getNextTableNode(imgNode)

but how can I get the next tableNode? I do not want to use id or name. I have tried:

tableNode2 = tableNode1.nextSibling; 

but it didn’t work. Can anyone help?Thanks in advance

The browser adds a node to the dom, regardless of whether one was included in the html. You’ll need an extra .parentNode to get the table element.

Once you have the table element, use nextElementSibling :

tableNode2 = tableNode1.nextElementSibling; 

Use nextSibling as a fallback for older browsers:

tableNode2 = tableNode1.nextElementSibling || tableNode1.nextSibling; 

Create a couple utilities for getting an ancestor and sibling by tag name:

function closestParent(node, tag) < tag = (tag + "").toUpperCase(); while (node && (node = node.parentNode) && node.nodeName !== tag) ; return node; >function nextSibling(node, tag)

Then use the utilities like this:

function getNextTableNode(node)

This provides very broad browser compatibility.

Javascript node.js next(), This is a normal function parameter. It holds a reference to the next action to perform and is called once loadUser is done (unless a user could not be found). There’s nothing special about the name next in this example; we could have named it anything. This is also used quite a lot in express.js but it’s not .next (). Code sampleif (user) else

Use next() in node js

JavaScript next() Method

const arr = [‘h’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’]; let arrIterator = arr[Symbol.iterator](); console.log(; // console.log(; // console.log(; // console.log(; // console.log(; // console.log(; //

use next() in node js

.next() method

Javascript — What is next() in NodeJs?, Node.Js doesn’t know next. It’s a pattern used by the express framework. As express has a concept of middlewares that can be called in each and every request coming into it. If the current middleware function does not end the request-response cycle, it must call next() to pass control to the next middleware function.

Using node modules in zeit/next.js

I have simple application on isomorphic react (zeit/next.js How can I use node modules on server side?

import React from 'react' export default class extends React.Component < static async getInitialProps(< req >) < const isServer = !!req; if (isServer)< // how!? >return < isServer: isServer >> render() < return ( 
) > >

you also may want to use a custom server.js to send some data from the server in the request object.

const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'const < createServer >= require('http') const < parse >= require('url') const < readFileSync >= require('fs') const next = require('next') const mobxReact = require('mobx-react') const app = next(< dev >) const handle = app.getRequestHandler()mobxReact.useStaticRendering(true)app.prepare() .then(() => < createServer((req, res) =>< const parsedUrl = parse(req.url, true) req.rules = JSON.parse(readFileSync('./micro/rules.json', 'utf8')).rules handle(req, res, parsedUrl) >) .listen(3000, err => < if (err) throw err console.log('>Ready') >) >)

You can normally install your npm package

Javascript — How does next() work in Node.js?, The usage is pretty simple: require the above module and it gets invoked every time. @ChristopherHarris not quite. next () tells whoever called this function that it’s done and the next function in the middleware stack should be called. @chasles, gratzi. Still sounds like it sets a timeout to call the same function.

What does this `…$…` code in the node docs mean? [duplicate]

I am to trying to learn Express library and Node.js one step at a time. First I am looking at is the specifics of the Node reqiure(moduleName) function.

I took a look at the documentation for this, and found some weird code in the example documentation:

const circle = require('./circle.js'); console.log( `The area of a circle of radius 4 is $`); 

More specifically the $ bit.

From what I understand the $ in JavaScript is just like any other variable. When we are using it on client side web development it is used as a delegate for the document function (I think). What is it assigned to when using node?

On top of that, what does this syntax mean? $

If $ is just a reference to some function someFunction() , wouldn’t it be equivalent to this someFunction() . I am not seeing how that could be valid syntax.

Also, why wouldn’t they just directly call the circle.area() function directly anyways?

`The area of a circle of radius 4 is $` 

is an example of ES2015 template strings.

It interpolates whatever circle.area(4) represents directly into the string. If you’re curious about this or other ES2015 features, I recommend checking out Babel and playing around in the REPL.

Here’s a very simple example to get you started.

You can see this ES2015 code:

const foo = 'some text'; console.log(`$ is interpolated.`); 

is transpiled to its ES5 equivalent — a simple + concatenation:

var foo = 'some text'; console.log(foo + ' is interpolated.'); 

When to use next() and return next() in Node.js, In the function app.use ( (req, res, next), we have three callbacks i.e. request, response and next. So, if you want to use next () then simply write next () and if you want to use return next then simply write return next (). Let’s understand these two by an example. Using next (): If you have any middleware function and …


Get next / previous element using JavaScript?

However in some browsers (I forget which) you also need to check for whitespace and comment nodes:

var div = document.getElementById('foo2'); var nextSibling = div.nextSibling; while(nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType != 1)

Libraries like jQuery handle all these cross-browser checks for you out of the box.

nextSibling and previousSibling (should) always return all nodes, not just element nodes shouldn’t they? This includes text nodes, comment nodes, etc. Your second example looks like a good solution for this! Maybe you could cut down on the repetition with a do <> while(); loop? (edit: or recursion perhaps)

Note that neither nextSibling nor nextElementSibling are fully cross browser compatible. Firefox’s nextSibling returns text nodes while IE doesn’t and nextElementsibling is not implemented until IE9.

@Kloar: The question asked how to get the «next [div] element in html.» The next div in the markup might not be adjacent to the element; it might be a level deeper or a level higher.

Its quite simple. Try this instead:

let myReferenceDiv = document.getElementById('mydiv'); let prev = myReferenceDiv.previousElementSibling; let next = myReferenceDiv.nextElementSibling; 

Really depends on the overall structure of your document.

it may be as simple as traversing through using

mydiv.nextSibling; mydiv.previousSibling; 

However, if the ‘next’ div could be anywhere in the document you’ll need a more complex solution. You could try something using


and running through these to get where you want somehow.

If you are doing lots of complex DOM traversing such as this I would recommend looking into a library such as jQuery.

Well in pure javascript my thinking is that you would first have to collate them inside a collection.

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); //divs now contain each and every div element on the page var selectionDiv = document.getElementById("MySecondDiv"); 

So basically with selectionDiv iterate through the collection to find its index, and then obviously -1 = previous +1 = next within bounds

Please be aware though as I say that extra logic would be required to check that you are within the bounds i.e. you are not at the end or start of the collection.

This also will mean that say you have a div which has a child div nested. The next div would not be a sibling but a child, So if you only want siblings on the same level as the target div then definately use nextSibling checking the tagName property.


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