New domdocument php примеры

Document Object Model

// same as pq(‘anything’)->htmlOuter()
// but on document root (returns doctype etc)
print phpQuery :: getDocument ();

It uses DOM extension and XPath so it works only in PHP5.

If you want to use DOMDocument in your PHPUnit Tests drive on Symfony Controller (testing form)! Use like :

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;
use YourBundle\Controller\TextController;

class DefaultControllerTest extends WebTestCase
public function testIndex()
$client = static::createClient(array(), array());

$crawler = $client->request(‘GET’, ‘/text/add’);
$this->assertTrue($crawler->filter(«form»)->count() > 0, «Text form exist !»);

$domDocument = new \DOMDocument;

$domInput = $domDocument->createElement(‘input’);
$dom = $domDocument->appendChild($domInput);
$dom->setAttribute(‘slug’, ‘bloc’);

$formInput = new \Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field\InputFormField($domInput);

if ($client->getResponse()->isRedirect())
$crawler = $client->followRedirect(false);

// $this->assertTrue($client->getResponse()->isSuccessful());
//$this->assertEquals(200, $client->getResponse()->getStatusCode(),
// «Unexpected HTTP status code for GET /backoffice/login»);

When I tried to parse my XHTML Strict files with DOM extension, it couldn’t understand xhtml entities (like ©). I found post about it here (14-Jul-2005 09:05) which adviced to add resolveExternals = true, but it was very slow. There was some small note about xml catalogs but without any glue. Here it is:

XML catalogs is something like cache. Download all needed dtd’s to /etc/xml, edit file /etc/xml/catalog and add this line:

I hate DOM model !
so I wrote dom2array simple function (simple for use):

function dom2array($node) $res = array();
print $node->nodeType.’
if($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) $res = $node->nodeValue;
else if($node->hasAttributes()) $attributes = $node->attributes;
if(!is_null($attributes)) $res[‘@attributes’] = array();
foreach ($attributes as $index=>$attr) $res[‘@attributes’][$attr->name] = $attr->value;
if($node->hasChildNodes()) $children = $node->childNodes;
for($i=0;$ilength;$i++) $child = $children->item($i);
$res[$child->nodeName] = dom2array($child);
return $res;

The project I’m currently working on uses XPaths to dynamically navigate through chunks of an XML file. I couldn’t find any PHP code on the net that would build the XPath to a node for me, so I wrote my own function. Turns out it wasn’t as hard as I thought it might be (yay recursion), though it does entail using some PHP shenanigans.

Hopefully it’ll save someone else the trouble of reinventing this wheel.

function getNodeXPath ( $node ) // REMEMBER THAT XPATHS USE BASE-1 INSTEAD OF BASE-0.

// Get the index for the current node by looping through the siblings.
$parentNode = $node -> parentNode ;
if( $parentNode != null ) $nodeIndex = 0 ;
do $testNode = $parentNode -> childNodes -> item ( $nodeIndex );
$nodeName = $testNode -> nodeName ;
$nodeIndex ++;

// PHP trickery! Here we create a counter based on the node
// name of the test node to use in the XPath.
if( !isset( $ $nodeName ) ) $ $nodeName = 1 ;
else $ $nodeName ++;

// Failsafe return value.
if( $nodeIndex > $parentNode -> childNodes -> length ) return( «/» );
> while( ! $node -> isSameNode ( $testNode ) );

// Recursively get the XPath for the parent.
return( getNodeXPath ( $parentNode ) . «/ < $node ->nodeName > [ ]» );
> else // Hit the root node! Note that the slash is added when
// building the XPath, so we return just an empty string.
return( «» );

If you want to print the DOM XML file content, you can use the next code:

$doc = new DOMDocument();
echo «
» . $doc->documentURI;
$x = $doc->documentElement;
getNodeContent($x->childNodes, 0);

function getNodeContent($nodes, $level) foreach ($nodes AS $item) // print «

TIPO: » . $item->nodeType ;
printValues($item, $level);
if ($item->nodeType == 1) < //DOMElement
foreach ($item->attributes AS $itemAtt) printValues($itemAtt, $level+3);
if($item->childNodes || $item->childNodes->lenth > 0) getNodeContent($item->childNodes, $level+5);

function printValues($item, $level) if ($item->nodeType == 1) < //DOMElement
print $item->nodeName . »
if ($level == 0) print «
for($i=0; $i < $level; $i++) print "-";

As of PHP 5.1, libxml options may be set using constants rather than the use of proprietary DomDocument properties.

DomDocument->resolveExternals is equivilant to setting

DomDocument->validateOnParse is equivilant to setting

PHP 5.1 users are encouraged to use the new constants.



The version number of the document as part of the XML declaration.

The encoding of the document as part of the XML declaration.


Example #1 Creating a new DOMDocument

$dom = new DOMDocument ( ‘1.0’ , ‘iso-8859-1’ );

See Also

User Contributed Notes 8 notes

The constuctor arguments are useful if you want to build a new document using createElement, appendChild etc.

By contrast, these arguments are overriden as soon as you load a document from source by calling load() or loadXML().

* If the source contains an XML declaration specifying an encoding, that encoding is used.
* If the XML declaration does not specify an encoding, or if the source does not contain a declaration at all, UTF-8 is assumed.

This behaviour applies no matter what you declared when you called new DOMDocument().

Be aware using the encoding parameter in the constructor.
It does not mean that all data is automatically encoded for you in the supplied encoding. You need to do that yourself once you choose an encoding other than the default UTF-8. See the note on DOM Functions on how to properly work with other encodings.

The constructor example clearly shows that version and encoding only end up in the XML header.

Make sure that php_domxml.dll on windows is removed before using the domdocument class as they cannot coexist.

Not sure if this is what you meant when you said «The constructor example clearly shows that version and encoding only end up in the XML header», but you can also affect other parameters in the generated XML header, by accessing the DOMDocument’s properties, for example:

$dom = new DOMDocument ( ‘1.0’ , ‘UTF-8’ );
$dom -> xmlStandalone = false ;
echo $dom -> saveXML ();

domdocument::domdocument() expects at least
At the least, I found that It due to ZEND optimizer, uninstall it,working well, but the speeds will be slowlly :-(.

Comment :
item 1 : 2008-10-03 17:10:58, gkrong said:
«Warning: domdocument::domdocument() expects at least 1
If you use PHP 5 in windows, you don’t need to declare
php_domxml.dll in your php.ini file.
so u can give comment in the line php_domxml.dll in your
php.ini file.
you only need to comment it out, but do not delete the
php_domxml.dll file in the ext directory.

If you get the error message «domdocument::domdocument() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given» for a code sample like this:

$dom = new DOMDocument(‘1.0’, ‘UTF-8’);
$dom->xmlStandalone = false;
echo $dom->saveXML();

which is obviously correct if you compare the constructor signature:

__construct ([ string $version [, string $encoding ]] )

make sure you’re not overwritting this dom library by another (f.e. extension=php_domxml.dll in php.ini). XAMPP f.e. delivers its standard version with php_domxml.dll which ends up in this error message

To expand on bholbrook’s comment, if you receive this: «Warning: domdocument::domdocument() expects at least 1 parameter», it is due to the old domxml extension, which you need to disable.

domxml overwrites DOMDocument::_construct with an alias to domxml_open_mem, so this code:
$doc = new DOMDocument ();
. essentially does this:
$dom = domxml_open_mem ();
. which is why PHP complains about expecting at least 1 parameter (it expects a string of XML).

In this post I found a simple way to get the content of a URL with DOMDocument, loadHTMLFile and saveHTML().

function getURLContent($url) $doc = new DOMDocument;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
return $doc->saveHTML();

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