- A PHP script for testing a MySQL database connection
- MySQL connection test
- 58 thoughts on “ A PHP script for testing a MySQL database connection ”
- How to Test PHP MySQL Database Connection Using Script
- Setup LAMP Stack on Linux Systems
- Setup LEMP Stack on Linux Systems
- Quick MySQL Database Connection Test Using PHP Script
- Testing php / mysqli connection
- Testing php / mysqli connection
- How do I check if mysqli connection is working?
- How to check if mysqli_connect was successful or not?
- Check if mysql connection is valid
A PHP script for testing a MySQL database connection
Security Note:
As the commenter Bruno Ng points out, submitting information via the form fields when using this script sends your database connection info in plain text, and that’s a bad thing.
Therefore, the form field method should only be used for testing local databases.
If you need to test production databases, your database connection info should be hard coded in the PHP script (which isn’t hard to do – look around lines 72-75).
A simple page for testing and troubleshooting a connection to a MySQL database. The PHP script will test the server address, username and password. If the database field is left empty, it will return a list of available databases. Testing a specific database is optional, but if a database name is supplied, it will return a list of the tables in that database (if any exist).
Due to problems with the Syntax Highlighter plugin producing invalid code when copying and pasting, here is a link to the code in plain text. The code below is just for reference.
#wrapper < width: 600px; margin: 20px auto 0; font: 1.2em Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; >input < font-size: 1em; >#submitMySQL connection test
?> Could not connect to the server '" . $hostname . "'\n"; echo mysql_error(); >else< echo "Successfully connected to the server '" . $hostname . "'
\n"; // printf("MySQL client info: %s\n", mysql_get_client_info()); // printf("MySQL host info: %s\n", mysql_get_host_info()); // printf("MySQL server version: %s\n", mysql_get_server_info()); // printf("MySQL protocol version: %s\n", mysql_get_proto_info()); > if ($link && !$database) < echo "No database name was given. Available databases:
\n"; $db_list = mysql_list_dbs($link); echo "\n"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($db_list)) < echo $row['Database'] . "\n"; >echo "\n"; > if ($database) < $dbcheck = mysql_select_db("$database"); if (!$dbcheck) < echo mysql_error(); >else< echo "
Successfully connected to the database '" . $database . "'
\n"; // Check tables $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM `$database`"; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) < echo "
Available tables:
\n"; echo "
\n"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) < echo "\n"; > echo "\n"; > else < echo "
The database '" . $database . "' contains no tables.
\n"; echo mysql_error(); > > > > ?>
58 thoughts on “ A PHP script for testing a MySQL database connection ”
- blogdarJune 4, 2008 at 7:13 pm Hey i try your codes and its worked! I think this is best easy way to try mysql status for newbies on PHP coding, if i am wrong let me know 😉
How to Test PHP MySQL Database Connection Using Script
MySQL is a popular database management system while PHP is a server-side scripting language suitable for web development; together with Apache or Nginx HTTP servers, are the different components of the LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL/MariaDB PHP) or LEMP (Linux Nginx MySQL/MariaDB PHP) stack receptively.
If you are a web developer then you might have installed these software packages or used them to setup a local web server on your system. In order for your website or web application to store data, it needs a database such as MySQL/MariaDB.
For the web application users to interact with the information stored in the database, there must be a program running on the server to pick requests from client and pass to the server.
In this guide, we will explain how to test a MySQL database connection using a PHP file. Before moving further, make sure you must have LAMP or LEMP installed on the system, if not follow these tutorials to setup.
Setup LAMP Stack on Linux Systems
Setup LEMP Stack on Linux Systems
Quick MySQL Database Connection Test Using PHP Script
To do a quick PHP MySQL DB connection test, we will use a following handy script as file db-connect-test.php .
Now change the database name, database user and user password as well as the host to your local values.
$dbname = 'name'; $dbuser = 'user'; $dbpass = 'pass'; $dbhost = 'host';Save and close the file. Now run it as follows; it should print the total number of tables in the specified database.
You can cross check manually by connecting to the database server and listing the total number of tables in the particular database.
You may also like to check out these following related articles.
Do you have any other way or script to test a MySQL DB connection? If yes, then use the feedback form below to do that.
Testing php / mysqli connection
To check for connection errors, use: Solution 2: For test php connection in you terminal execute: Solution 3: You need more error handling on the various database calls, then. When I come back after a few hours the bot works fine if I issue event2 but fails on issuing event1 with a database related error (PHP Fatal error: call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in on line n)
Testing php / mysqli connection
I am looking for a way to test just the connection portion of a php / mysqli connection. I am migrating from a LAMP server build on Vista to the same on Ubuntu and am having fits getting mysqli to work. I know that all of the proper modules are installed, and PhpMyAdmin works flawlessly. I have migrated a site over and none of the mysqli connections are working. The error that I am getting is the «call to member function xxx() on non-object» that usually pops up when either the query itself is bad or the query is prepared from a bad connection. I know that the query itself is good because it works fine on the other server with the exact same database structure and data. That leaves me with the connection. I tried to write a very simple test connection and put it in a loop such as ..
It echoes «connected», which is great. But just to check I changed the password in the connection so that I knew it would not be able to connect and it still echoed «connected». So, the if / else test is clearly not the way to go.
$mysqli_connection = new MySQLi('localhost', 'user', 'pass', 'db'); if ($mysqli_connection->connect_error) < echo "Not connected, error: " . $mysqli_connection->connect_error; > elseFor test php connection in you terminal execute:
$ php -r 'var_dump(mysqli_connect("localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock", "MYSQL_USER", "MYSQL_PASS", "DBNAME));'
You need more error handling on the various database calls, then. Quick/dirty method is to simply do
$whatever = mysqli_somefunction(. ) or die("MySQL error: ". mysqli_error());
All of the functions return boolean FALSE if an error occured, or an appropriate mysqli object with the results. Without the error checking, you’d be doing:
$result = $mysqli->query("blah blah will cause a syntax error"); $data = $result->fetchRow(); // $result is "FALSE", not a mysqli_object, hence the "call to member on non-object"
How to connect to MySQL database in PHP using mysqli, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more
How do I check if mysqli connection is working?
I am really new on php and I am trying to create my own php shop cart. After some research I got myself stuck in the «function products» below because seems to me it is not working properly. I expect to see the names of my products on my mysql database but it is not showing anything. My user name is noivaemd_etalhes, I am using my correct password and my database name is noivaemd_cart and I created on this database the table called Products with my list of products available. Can anybody help me to figure out what am I doing wrong on the php instructions below. I appreciate any help.
0 ORDER BY id DESC"); if (mysqli_num_rows($res)==0) < echo "
No products available "; > else< while($get_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) < echo ''.$res['name'].'
'; > > > ?>while ($get_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) < echo '
'; >while ($get_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) < echo '
'.$get_row ['name'].'
'; >As your title ask also tell how to check if the MySQLi database connection is successful you can use the below code:
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","my_user","my_password","my_db"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno())Reference link: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysqli-connect.php
It’s not good practice to connect to your database directly in your code. Open another file, and save it has ‘dbconnect.php’ or whatever you choose to name it. Save it in the same root.
Inside DB connect, you connect to the database like this:
In your index.php, inside your php tags, write ‘require «dbconnect.php»;’.
Then you get your values like this:
$InfoQuery = " SELECT id, product, name FROM table_name WHERE quantity>0 ORDER BY id DESC"; $Info = mysql_query($InfoQuery); while($InfoRow=mysql_fetch_assoc($Info))".$InfoRow['id']."
". $InfoRow['product']"."
". $InfoRow['name']."";>Edit: What you did wrong is in your while loop, you fetched the table data from $res when it should be fetched from $get_row
Mysql — How do I check if PHP is connected to a, Here is the pseudo code he recommends: function query_database (connection, sql, retries=1) while true try result=connection.execute (sql) return result catch InactiveConnectionException e if retries > 0 then retries = retries — 1 connection.reconnect () else throw e end end end end.
How to check if mysqli_connect was successful or not?
I’m writing an installer script and I need to check if the user entered correct database information and therefore need to check if mysqli_connect was successful or not. A simple if-else will suffice.
Is mysqli extension enabled in this php configuration, I’ve a website designed in php with mysqli (mysql — improved) extension. The phpinfo() page shows this: If you want to find out in a script, look for a function specific for mysqli like mysqli_connect() and than check if it exists: var_dump(function_exists(‘mysqli_connect’)); If this outputs FALSE, then it does …
Check if mysql connection is valid
I have a long running php script which is basically an infinite loop listening for events (its an xmpp bot), I start the script with nohup php bot.php & .
The raw structure of the script is like
$mysqli = mysqli_connect(. ); while(1) < if(event1) < // do database action >else if(event2) < // non database action echo "something"; >>
When I run the script everything works fine initially. When I come back after a few hours the bot works fine if I issue event2 but fails on issuing event1 with a database related error (PHP Fatal error: call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in on line n)
How can I keep the mysql connection valid or is there a way to check if the mysqli connection is valid so that i can reconnect otherwise?
you can ping connection http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-ping.php
Php — Check MySQL connection, The mysql_close() function returns true if it succeeded. By adding an extra check outside of checking the return value of mysql_close(), you aren’t doing anything helpful, and adding another place bugs can crop up in your code.. In any case, non-persistent connections are closed automatically when your script …