my div

How do I print a html form along with its contents

only? Solution 2: To print with submit button, add this to your summit script: Keep in mind, this will only trigger whatever browser implemented print capabilities are available at the client. I added code to handle checkboxes but have no idea what to do with textareas.

How do I print a html form along with its contents

I made and form along with a button to print the form. The form gets printed BUT none of the user input shows up. Is there some way to include the user input?


Complete this form


Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:

Dynamically typed values are not part of what .html() gets you. (This comes down to the difference between properties and attributes .)

You can however set the value attribute of each input field to its current value, using something like this:

$('form input[type=text]').each(function() < $(this).attr('value', $(this).val()); >); 

– then .html() would get you those as well. (Simplified example, using a div element to output the HTML, using only text input fields, … but should be easy enough to adapt/modify.)

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Here’s a working example for the record. Also note once the user’s input is set as the attribute value, the reset button no longer clears the form. Guess some more jquery is needed to fix that. I added code to handle checkboxes but have no idea what to do with textareas.


Complete this form


Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:

Javascript — How can I insert a Print button that prints a, To print with submit button, add this to your summit script: . Keep in mind, this will only trigger whatever browser implemented print capabilities are available at the client. Share. edited Jun 9, 2016 at 5:38. cocogorilla.

How can I insert a Print button that prints a form in a webpage

So, lets say I got a simple form inside a page like this:

I wanna add a button so when the user clicks on it the browser’s Print dialog shows up, how can I do that?

Edit: I wanna print the form, not the page.

Print the whole page

Try adding a button that calls window.print()

Print a specific portion/container in a page

then in the HTML file, add this script code

To print with submit button, add this to your summit script:

Keep in mind, this will only trigger whatever browser implemented print capabilities are available at the client.

What you need is the window.print() :

As well as the above there are a couple of other approches you can take here:

and to not include any JS in your HTML:

const el = document.getElementById("aTag"); el.addEventListener("click", () => < window.print();>);

HTML output form Attribute, Description. form_id. Specifies the form element the element belongs to. The value of this attribute must be the id attribute of a element in the same document. HTML tag.

Printing HTML Form using window.print()

I was charged with the task of building a HTML Form link to a DB. Here no problem.

The problem is I need the user to be able to print that form. So I build a «Print button» using a HTML button and I put some JQuery behind it so the form would format correctly (remove some borders, background-images and such) and I use window.print() to print my form.

My form is 6 to 7 pages long.

But has expected It print fine on Google Chrome (All the section are on separate pages) but In IE (latest version) some field and some sections are «cut in half» on some pages.

I think the problem is how IE use margins and paddings.

I also checked for any parameter I could pass to window.print() on Google thinking maybe it could help but did’nt find anything.

Can someone provide another way or another function I could use so my form look the same on both browser when print?? Or maybe someone could point If I made a mistake.


Ville d'installation:

Notes: I put only a sample of my code. I have several time this lenght. The is what I used to try and put all the on one page each.

Notes: I remove the code that was not directly needed for the question if I remove something that was needed please say so I will Edit and Add the missing code.

FYI: dont look for .divspacer . It does not exist, it is use only in my JQuery (see below).

Probelm: I can’t get IE and Chrome to print my form the same way. Some field are cut in two and some are on two different pages.

Looking for: A way to make them print my form the same way on both browser OR an error a made with the layout.

What I already did: Look for parameters for window.print() AND Tried adding some SPACERS (see code above).

Thank you all for the help!

Instead of trying to hide unwanted divs using jQuery, you should use a print specific css instead. By hiding elements with jQuery you could bump into unwanted side effects. By adding a print css, you specify a ruleset only used when the printer is trying to print the page. So nothing is added to your visible css rules. In this CSS you can for example set certain elements to display:none; .

Example of adding an IE specific print css:

You can remove the if IE / endif tags if you want to apply to rules to all browsers.

Another option to create print rules is to use a css @media print section like so (using it this way also applies it to all browsers, which is actually not a bad idea):

 stmt1="SELECT DISTINCT a.ro_code,a.ro_name,b.REGCODE,b.ROLLNUM,b.USERTYPE,b.NAME FROM regionmaster a INNER JOIN security_couser b ON TRIM`enter code here`(a.ro_code) = TRIM(b.REGCODE) Order By b.REGCODE"; rs2 = st.executeQuery(stmt1); out.println(""); String Countrun=""; while( < String reg = rs2.getString("REGCODE"); String regname=rs2.getString("RO_NAME"); String ROLLNUM= rs2.getString("ROLLNUM"); String USERTYPE= rs2.getString("USERTYPE"); String NAME= rs2.getString("NAME"); //Count = rs2.getString("NAME"); out.println(""); > out.println("
Region NameRoll NumberNameUser Type
"); rs2.close(); %>

HTML — Forms — Tutorials Point, HTML Forms are required, when you want to collect some data from the site visitor. For example, during user registration you would like to collect information such as name, email address, credit card, etc. A form will take input from the site visitor and then will post it to a back-end application such as CGI, ASP Script or PHP script etc.


How to print a form value using jquery in html

Here’s a way if you can’t change any of the html markup: Solution 2: Solution 3: Add a identifier to the target like a class or an then Note: since it is tagged using jquery, I assume jQuery library is already added Solution 4: Try this script: For this generated html page: Solution: Try on method in print script as well.

How to print a form value using jquery in html

Suppose I have a form with some input values(name, mobile_number, age and gender).

After fill up the form while I clicked submit button, I want to print the form values.

I have already tried with jQuery but not get the exact result.

Here is my result

But I want to print the form data like this

Name : Raff Mobile Number : 016******* Age : ** Gender : Male 

Here is my form

Mobile Number:
function PrintElem() < var divToPrint=document.getElementById('new_prescription_form'); var'','Print-Window');; newWin.document.write(''+divToPrint.innerHTML+''); newWin.document.close(); setTimeout(function(),10); > 

How to solve this ? Anybody help please.

You have to get the values of input fields and add those into the print HTML, this can be achieved using JavaScript , you don’t need JQuery for this.

Update your PrintElem function with this and check

function PrintElem() < var name = document.getElementById('name').value; var mobile_number = document.getElementById('mobile_number').value; var age = document.getElementById('age').value; var gender = document.getElementById('gender').value; var divToPrint=document.getElementById('new_prescription_form'); var'','Print-Window');; newWin.document.write('

Name :'+name+'

Mobile Number :'+mobile_number+'



'); newWin.document.close(); setTimeout(function(),10); >

Output in div

Similarly you can do it for other form fields. Also use angularjs to achieve same functionalities you can

This is what you are looking for? Let me know.

Printing an HTML form using jQuery, From what I can understand, you want the text that is typed in the text1 and text2 input fields. You can do so with the .val() function, like this: $(«#print»).click

JQuery: How to print value in input?

my question is super basic, but I’m not super informed about javascript so I have 5 radio buttons(like rating) and I want to print the value when some of them is checked to input field. I end up to print it with alert and it works, but I want to print it in input.

 $(document).ready(function() < $("input[type='button']").click(function()< var radioValue = $("input[name='difficulty']:checked").val(); if(radioValue)< alert("Your are a - " + radioValue); >>); >); $('.rating-star').on('click', function() < $(this).parents('.rating').find('.rating-star').removeClass('checked'); // uncheck previously checked star $(this).addClass('checked'); // check currently selected star var ratingValue = $(this).attr('data-rating'); // get rating value var ratingTarget = $(this).attr('data-target'); // set the rating value to corresponding target radio input $('input[name="' + ratingTarget + '"][value="' + ratingValue + '"]').prop('checked', true); >);

Try on method in print script as well.

How to print data using javascript/jquery, Now to print the results from myData with a specific way.In the first line myData [0].displayName.Next lines all the myData [i].displayNameEvents that indicates to the myData [0].displayName and all the myData [i].displayNameArtist.After that it will print the next myData [1].displayName and …

In the following code is there any possible way to print the string name inside td

  i have to print the name inside here   

Here’s a way if you can’t change any of the html markup:


Add a identifier to the target td like a class or an id

Note: since it is tagged using jquery, I assume jQuery library is already added


For this generated html page:

Javascript — How to print a form value using jquery in, 1 You have to get the values of input fields and add those into the print HTML, this can be achieved using JavaScript , you don’t need JQuery for this. Update your PrintElem function with this and check


Как получить данные из html формы


Итак нам необходимо использовать одну и ту же страницу HTML для вывода формы и обработки введенных в ней данных. Другими словами, требуется избежать размножения страниц, которые работают на отдельных этапах транзакции.

Мы используем скрытое поле в форме, чтобы указать программе, что предполагается его обработка в форме. В данном случае скрытое поле называется stage и имеет значение process:

if (isset($_POST[‘stage’]) && (‘process’ == $_POST[‘stage’])) < process_form(); >else

Когда люди создавали формы на заре развития Всемирной паутины, они делали две страницы: статическую HTML — страницу с формой и сценарий, который обрабатывал форму и возвращал динамически сгенерированный ответ пользователю. Это было немного громоздко, поскольку form.html была источником для form.cgi, и если одна страница изменялась, то нужно было не забыть также отредактировать и другую, иначе сценарий мог работать неправильно.

Формы легче поддерживать, когда все части находятся в том же самом файле, а контекст определяет, какие разделы отображать. Используйте скрытое поле формы с именем stage, чтобы отслеживать позицию в процессе обработки формы — оно действует как диспетчер этапов, возвращающих пользователю соответствующий HTML-документ.

Однако иногда такой подход невозможен, например, когда ваша форма обрабатывается сценарием на каком-нибудь другом сервере. Cоздавая HTML-документ для формы, не прописывайте жестко путь к странице в атрибуте action. Это делает невозможным переименование и изменение местоположения страницы без одновременного ее редактирования.

Вместо этого PHP предоставляет полезную переменную: $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]

$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] — является синонимом URL текущей страницы. Поэтому установите атрибут action в это значение, и ваша форма всегда будет отправляться, даже если вы переместили файл в новое место на сервере. Поэтому пример теперь выглядит следующим образом:

if(isset($_POST[‘stage’]) && (‘process’ == $_POST[‘stage’])) < process_form(); >else < print_form(); >function print_form() < echo What is your first name? END; > function process_form()

Если форма имеет более одного этапа, то просто устанавливайте атрибут stage в новое значение для каждого этапа.


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