Multiple background images with css

Using multiple backgrounds

You can apply multiple backgrounds to elements. These are layered atop one another with the first background you provide on top and the last background listed in the back. Only the last background can include a background color.

Specifying multiple backgrounds is easy:

.myclass  background: background1, background2, /* … ,*/ backgroundN; > 

You can do this with both the shorthand background property and the individual properties thereof except for background-color . That is, the following background properties can be specified as a list, one per background: background , background-attachment , background-clip , background-image , background-origin , background-position , background-repeat , background-size .


In this example, three backgrounds are stacked: the Firefox logo, an image of bubbles, and a linear gradient:


div class="multi-bg-example">div> 


.multi-bg-example  width: 100%; height: 400px; background-image: url(firefox.png), url(bubbles.png), linear-gradient(to right, rgba(30, 75, 115, 1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)); background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, no-repeat; background-position: bottom right, left, right; > 


(If image does not appear in CodePen, click the ‘Tidy’ button in the CSS section)

As you can see here, the Firefox logo (listed first within background-image ) is on top, directly above the bubbles graphic, followed by the gradient (listed last) sitting underneath all previous ‘images’. Each subsequent sub-property ( background-repeat and background-position ) applies to the corresponding backgrounds. So the first listed value for background-repeat applies to the first (frontmost) background, and so forth.

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Understanding CSS Multiple Backgrounds

CSS background is one of the most used CSS properties. However, using multiple backgrounds is still not well known across all developers. I will hugely focus on the potential of using multiple backgrounds and leverage the CSS to its full power.

In this article, I will explain the background-image property in detail, and provide a visual explainer on how we can stack multiple backgrounds, and the actual benefit of it. Of course, there will be some visual examples, you’re in for a treat!

If you don’t know about CSS background property, I prefer to have a look at this reference by Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) that explains about how CSS background works.


The CSS background property is a shorthand for the following properties.

background-clip, background-color, background-image, background-origin, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, and background-attachment.

For this article, I will focus on background-image , background-position , and background-size . Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Consider the following example.

.element  background: url(cool.jpg) top left/50px 50px no-repeat; > 

The background image is positioned at the top-left corner of the element, with a size of 50px * 50px . It’s important to understand and remember the order of the position and size.

In the figure above, the background-position is followed by the background-size . It can’t work the other way around! In other words, the following CSS is invalid:

.element  /* Warning: Invalid CSS */ background: url(cool.jpg) 50px 50px / top left no-repeat; > 

Background Position

An element is positioned relative to the positioning layer set by the background-origin property. I like the flexibility of the background-position . It has multiple ways of positioning elements:

  • Keyword values ( top , right , bottom , left , center )
  • Percentage values. E.g: 50%
  • Length values. E.g: 20px 2.5rem
  • Edge offset values. E.g: top 20px left 10px

The coordinates system starts from the top-left corner, with the default value of 0% 0% .

It’s worth mentioning that the value top left is the same as left top . The browser is smart enough to determine which one of them is for the x-axis, and which is for the y-axis.

.element  background: url(cool.jpg) top left/50px 50px no-repeat; /* is the same as */ background: url(cool.jpg) left top/50px 50px no-repeat; > 

Background Size

The name of the property is self-explanatory. The size consists of width & height. For the background-size property, the first one is width, and the second is height.

It’s not necessary to use two values. You can use one value and it will be used for the width and height.

Disclaimer: it’s worth mentioning that the CSS spec says: “If only one value is given the second is assumed to be auto”. However, that is not implemented in browsers and will change in the future. Thanks to Ilya Streltsyn for the note.

Now that I went through the basics of how a CSS background works, let’s explore how to use multiple backgrounds.

Multiple Backgrounds

The background property can have one or more layers, separated by a comma. If the size of multiple backgrounds is the same, one of them will cover the other background.

.element  background: url(cool.jpg) top left/50px 50px no-repeat, url(cool.jpg) center/50px 50px no-repeat; > 

In the figure above, we have two background layers. Each one of them is positioned differently. That is a basic usage of multiple backgrounds. Let’s explore a more advanced example.

The Stacking Order

When placing multiple backgrounds, and one of them is taking the full width and height of its parent, the stacking order will take place. It can be a bit confusing to decide when backgrounds should stack above each other. Consider the following example.

.hero  min-height: 350px; background: url("table.jpg") center/cover no-repeat, url("konafa.svg") center/50px no-repeat; > 

We have a plate and a table. What would you expect the result of the CSS above? Which will come first? The plate, or the table?

The answer is the table. In CSS, the first background can stack on the second one, and the second can stack on the third, and so on. By replacing the order of the backgrounds, the result will be as expected.

.hero  background: url("konafa.svg") center/50px no-repeat, url("table.jpg") center/cover no-repeat; > 

Solid Colors

Say you want to draw two rectangles with CSS backgrounds, how would you do it? Thankfully, it’s fairly easy with CSS gradients. When a linear-gradient has the same color stops, the result will be a solid color. That’s it!

.hero  background: linear-gradient(#3c88ec, #3c88ec); > 

We can take this way further by exploring a very, very useful use-case for CSS gradients, which is drawing in CSS. Stay tuned for the use-cases section!

Use Cases and Examples

Hero Section Overlay

Often times, you might need to place an overlay on top of the hero section, so the text can be easy to read. This can be easily done by stacking two backgrounds.

.hero  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)), url("landscape.jpg") center/cover; > 

What’s even better is that we can use the same method above to apply tints to an element. Consider the following:

.hero  background: linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(177, 234, 77, 0.25), rgba(69, 149, 34, 0.25), url("landscape.jpg") center/cover; > 

Drawing with CSS

The possibilities of using CSS gradients to draw are endless. You can use linear-gradient or radial-gradient and more. For this basic example, I will explain how to draw a laptop.

Let’s disassemble the laptop and see what gradients we need to use.

Notice how when the laptop items are dissembled, it’s easier now to think about how to implement this as multiple CSS backgrounds now. If you noticed, I created two circles to act as the rounded corners for the body since there is no direct way of doing a gradient with rounded edges.

Next is the drawing. The first thing is to define each gradient as a CSS variable, and its size. I like to use CSS variables since it can reduce code complexity and makes the code cleaner and easier to read. Once done, I will move to the step of positioning them.

:root  --case: linear-gradient(#222, #222); --case-size: 152px 103px; --display: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff); --display-size: 137px 87px; --reflection: linear-gradient(205deg, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)); --reflection-size: 78px 78px; --body: linear-gradient(#888, #888); --body-size: 182px 9px; --circle: radial-gradient(9px 9px at 5px 5.5px, #888 50%, transparent 50%); --circle-size: 10px 10px; > 

Now that we defined the gradients and their sizes, the next step is to position them. Consider the following figure for a better visual explainer.

Display Reflection

As explained previously, an element that needs to be on the top should be defined first. In our case, the display reflection should be the first gradient.

LCD Display

The display is centered in the x-axis and is positioned 6px from the y-axis.

Plastic Case

The case is positioned below the display, and it’s centered on the x-axis and positioned 0px from the y-axis.


That’s the most interesting component in the drawing. First, the body is a rectangle, and we have two circles for each side (left and right).

Final Result

:root  --case: linear-gradient(#222, #222); --case-size: 152px 103px; --case-pos: center 0; --display: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff); --display-size: 137px 87px; --display-pos: center 6px; --reflection: linear-gradient(205deg, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)); --reflection-size: 78px 78px; --reflection-pos: top right; --body: linear-gradient(#888, #888); --body-size: 182px 9px; --body-pos: center bottom; --circle: radial-gradient(9px 9px at 5px 5.5px, #888 50%, transparent 50%); --circle-size: 10px 10px; --circle-left-pos: left bottom; --circle-right-pos: right bottom; > .cool  width: 190px; height: 112px; background-image: var(--reflection), var(--display), var(--case), var( --circle ), var(--circle), var(--body); background-size: var(--reflection-size), var(--display-size), var( --case-size ), var(--circle-size), var(--circle-size), var(--body-size); background-position: var(--reflection-pos), var(--display-pos), var( --case-pos ), var(--circle-left-pos), var(--circle-right-pos), var(--body-pos); background-repeat: no-repeat; /*outline: solid 1px;*/ > 

See the Pen Single Div by Ahmad Shadeed (@shadeed) on CodePen.

Blending Multiple Backgrounds

Having multiple backgrounds is exciting when you can blend them. The simplest use-case that I can explain is desaturating an image. Consider that you have a background-image in CSS, and you want to turn it into black and white.

.hero  background: linear-gradient(#000, #000), url("landscape.jpg") center/cover; background-blend-mode: color; > 

The End

That’s a wrap. Do you have a comment or a suggestion? Please feel free to ping me on @shadeed9.

I’m writing an ebook

I’m excited to let you know that I’m writing an ebook about Debugging CSS.

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Can I have multiple background images using CSS?

Is it possible to have two background images? For instance, I’d like to have one image repeat across the top (repeat-x), and another repeat across the entire page (repeat), where the one across the entire page is behind the one which repeats across the top. I’ve found that I can achieve the desired effect for two background images by setting the background of html and body:

8 Answers 8

CSS3 allows this sort of thing and it looks like this:

The current versions of all the major browsers now support it, however if you need to support IE8 or below, then the best way you can work around it is to have extra divs:

Multiple backgrounds are supported by the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. It will be supported in IE9, too.…

And if you wish to have different repeat/position settings you can do this:

Does background-size follow this same rule? I want all of my backgrounds images to be full height, except for one of them (which I want to be the image height).

Yes, background-size follows the same rule (like all of the other background properties). The background properties (usually starting with the prefix background- and then a specific property of the background) can actually be specified within the background property itself, so since multiple background images are supported, multiple listed properties are also supported. This applies to size, position, repeat, etc.


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