Moodle виртуальная лаборатория программирования

Общий форум

— есть такие «Виртуальные лабораторные работы», где студент проходит обе задачи: читает задание, делает «руками» что то, это проверяется, далее (если всё сделано правильно) — выдается второе задание, и т.д.

1- как размещать такие странички HTML в мудле: с java скриптами, звуком и видео, с большой глубиной вложений (много страничек друг за другом) ?

2- как логировать действия студентов в этих «Виртуальные лабораторные работы» — сколько он их прошел до конца, чтобы преподаватель видел результаты, и мог их учитывать при оценке

Re: «Виртуальные лабораторные работы» в Мудл

1. Делаете всё в виде html с несколькими страницами, пакуете в zip, делаете элемент типа файл, загружаете, разархивируете, выбираете стартовый файл. Но результаты ваши скрипты должны отсылать уже куда-то в другое место, где они и будут нужным образом обрабатываться.

Есть две альтернативы — SCORM и LTI. В случае scorm вы запихиваете логику в scrom пакет, а он уже выдает оценку, которая и используется в moodle.

LTI — вы реализуете систему на внешнем сервере, moodle туда переходит и оттуда потом забирает оценку.

Но с моей точки зрения это всё сложные извращенные варианты, требующие не хилого программирования виртуальных работ и ещё более сложного их взаимодействия с moodle.

Поэтому нам всегда хватало:

1.описание работы в виде файла (или лекции, если хотите быть уверенным, что студент прочитал)

2. входной контроль в виде теста/лекции, открывается только после просмотре первого первого.

3. виртуальная работы в виде файла (с html), веб-страницы (с вставленным flash/java), лекции также (с вставленным flash/java), зависящий от прохождения второго.

4. Задание для отправки отчета и ручной оценки преподавателем, зависящий от прохождения третьего.

5. Описание следующей работы, зависящий от оценки за четвертое и т.д.


Moodle VPL Tutorials

The tutorials below are intended for instructors teaching programming languages, and interested in setting up Moodle VPL modules to automatically test student programs.
The modules are listed in chronological order, most recent at the end. Because VPL is a complex system to master, the early tutorials may not be built using the best approach, but provide functionality. The later modules use more sophisticated features of VPL.
Feel freel to send me your own modules or discoveries, at, and I will be happy to include them here.

Reference Material

  • Juan Carlos Rodríguez-del-Pino, Enrique Rubio-Royo, Zenón, and J. HernándezFigueroa, A Virtual Programming Lab for Moodle with automatic assessment and anti-plagiarism features, Proc. WorldComp12, July 2012, Las Vegas, USA. (pdf)
  • Automatic Evaluation of Computer Programs using Moodle’s Virtual Programming Lab (VPL) Module, D. Thiebaut, accepted for presentation at CCSCNE 2015.
  • YouTube video 1: setting up a simple VPL module Part 1 (for use at CCSCNE2015)
  • YouTube video 2: setting up a simple VPL module, Part 2 (for use at CCSCNE2015)

Setting up a VPL module for Python

Moodle Virtual-Programming-Lab (VPL)

This tutorial provides rough directions for setting up two virtual servers that will host Moodle on one of them, and the VPL jail server on the other. This setup is used by the tutorials below on the use of VPL to test student programs.

This tutorial illustrates how to setup VPL to test a simple Python 3 program that prints the string «Hello World!» to the console.

This tutorial illustrates how to setup VPL to test a simple Python 3 program that receives 3 numbers from the console and prints the smallest of the 3. The program is tested 3 times, with 3 different sets of input numbers.

This tutorial shows the settings for a VPL activity that would test a Python program that plays the game of Rock-Paper-Scissors. The program tested is expected to get its input as pairs of letters (PP, RS, PS, etc), indicates the winner of each round, and stops when one player is 3 points above the other.

This tutorial illustrates how to setup a VPL activity that tests a student program that reads a text file, modifies it, and stores the new content back in the original file. This requires an additional python program that sets up the environment for the first one to run, provides it the information it needs, and captures its output.

This tutorial illustrates how to setup a VPL activity that tests a student program that asks the user for an integer and then prints a 2D chessboard (alternating black & white cells) with that dimension. The size of a cell is a 3×3 character on the screen.

This tutorial illustrates the setup of a VPL activity to test an assembly language program that displays a fixed string (rectangle of stars).

This tutorial illustrates how to setup a VPL activity that will test the size of the executable version of an assembly language program. This can easily be adapted to other languages.

This tutorial illustrates how to setup a VPL activity to test a simple Hello World program in Java.

This tutorial illustrates the setting of a VPL activity that evaluates a 2-class Java project that gets its input from a data file. The project is tested with 4 different data files; one provided by the students, 3 provided by the instructor.

This tutorial illustrates how to evaluate student work using a custom Python program. Such evaluation allows for more complex testing than enabled by the VPL .cases file.

This tutorial sets up an environment to test different methods of a Java class provided by the students, and uses a derived class provided by the instructor to activate the student classes.

This tutorial shows how to setup a more sophisticated testing environment for evaluating and grading Java program.

This VPL module tests two Java classes, one inherited from the other. The test checks that one class does not access directly a member array of the super class (look for presence of [ ] brackets in code). Different grades are given depending on various stages of success.

This VPL module tests a data structure provided by the student using a class provided by the instructor. The instructor class tests various methods. The grade is proportional to the number of correct output lines.

This VPL module tests how a program uses exceptions to parse a simple text file containing numbers. The script generates 3 tests, and runs through all 3 of them. skips non digits and non minus characters when comparing the output of the submitted program to the expected output.

This VPL module is an extension of the previous module (#15), and catches java programs that hang in infinite loops.

This VPL module tests that an assembly program actually declares and calls 3 key functions.

This VPL module tests a function in the student program and calls it several times to see if it performs correctly. The _start label of the student program is invalidated, and the student program is linked with a test program that calls the student function as an extern.

This VPL module tests a Java program that outputs 0, 1, or several numbers depending on an input provided on the program’s command line.

This VPL module tests a Java program and verify that its execution is greater than some predefined amount of time. Otherwise the program may be short-circuiting the execution and outputting a preprocessed answer.

This VPL module uses a Java test program that energizes the student’s submitted class, activating various methods, and generates OK or FAIL strings for each test given. The script simply counts the # of OK strings generated and gives grade proportional to it.

This VPL module requires the student to submit a program that contains only global assembly language functions. The module uses a test program in assembly that calls the functions with a given set of parameters, and tests whether the returned values are correct or not. The test program also verifies that none of the Pentium registers are modified. The testing script also ensures that the student program uses recursion for his/her solution.

This VPL module is written mostly in Python. vpl_evaluates simply calls a python program that tests the student’s python code. The python test first attempts to run the student program as a subprocess to catch possible errors or crash. If this is successful, then the student code is imported and run, with its stdin and stdout redirected from and to files controlled by the test program.

This setup tests a bash script submitted by students. The script acts as a teller machine, getting an integer on the command line and printing 4 integers out, corresponding to the number of $20-bills, number of $10-bills, number of $5-bills, and number of $1-bills.

This setup tests a recursive program in assembly (binary search) that may time-out (possibly because of weird recursive coding.) The evaluate script will abort if the program takes longer than a specified amount of time. This uses a bash script for and

This setup tests a C program that is supposed to replicate some of the functionality of the Linux grep command. In particular, the C program should get its input from the command line and support the «-i» switch, for case-insensitive searching.

A collection of notes, recommendations, tips, tricks, and modifications. For example, we describe how to strip comments from java or assembly language comments.

A collection of notes, recommendations, tips, tricks, and modifications. For example, we describe how to strip comments from java or assembly language comments.

This is just a rough tutorial assuming that you already know how to setup a VPL module.


Virtual Programming Lab

VPL- Virtual Programming Lab is a activity module that manage programming assignments and whose salient features are:

  • Enable to edit the programs source code in the browser
  • Students can run interactively programs in the browser
  • You can run tests to review the programs.
  • Allows searching for similarity between files.
  • Allows setting editing restrictions and avoiding external text pasting.



Screenshot #0

Screenshot #1

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #3

Screenshot #4



Early bird 3.2

Automated testing support

Early bird 3.8

Privacy friendly

Early bird 3.11

Early bird 4.0

Early bird 4.2


Dear Ashish Phophalia,
Moodle 3.9 at administration environment checks indicate that:

php_extension curl must be installed and enabled

Contact to your sysadmin to install php-curl.

Thanks for the support. It’s working now.

I cannot write to files in either Python or Java. Reading from files work but writing to files do not work. Do you have any advice?

Dear Tapu Ahmed,
notice that the execution is done by a temporal user that can write files at its home directory on Linux (the running program’s current directory). Never user absolute path to file, the better way is to use relative path names.
Bets regards,
Juan Carlos.

Hi Prof JC,
Thank you for VPL — it is a very significant achievement and very important to those of us trying to teach remotely during the pandemic.
I have added a custom to a VPL activity, that generates a vpl_execute that checks the student source for certain statements using grep. This works and correctly gives the work a grade. However, I want the source to be syntax checked and the output checked in the normal way. The evaluate in VPL is not running the base for python 3 to check the code and vpl_evaluate.cases. How do I best achieve this please?

I managed to get this working by copying in all the needed vpl_ files into a base VPL and then deriving from that. Not sure if that’s the best way, as it means I have to potentially update after every upgrade.


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