- Css html date input not working in safari
- Input date don’t work on safari
- Datepicker not working in safari and FireFox
- IOS safari messes up input type=date
- How to make <input type=»date»> supported on all browsers? Any alternatives?
- HTML5 date field and placeholder text in Safari
- Safari
- HTML5 Date Input Type
- Example
- Form element
- Syntax
- Example
- Label element
- Syntax
- Example
- Input element
- Input types
- Example
- placeholder attribute
- Example
- Example
- Syntax
- Conclusion
- HTML behavior for input type «date» and «time» on Safari
Css html date input not working in safari
Solution 1: Any browser that does not support the input type will default to the standard type, which is , so all you have to do is check the type property (not the attribute) , if it’s not , the date input is not supported by the browser, and you add your own datepicker: FIDDLE You can of course use any datepicker you want, jQuery UI’s datepicker is probably the one most commonly used, but it does add quite a bit of javascript if you’re not using the UI library for anything else, but there are hundreds of alternative datepickers to choose from. According to MDN, Meaning, the browser doesn’t have a calendar-like display for such input controls.
Input date don’t work on safari
input[type=date] is recognized but there is no UI.
Meaning, the browser doesn’t have a calendar-like display for such input controls.
You could also refer to caniuse.com to check for compatibility for such features.
The input-type Date is n newer one which isn´t supported on each browser. It´s just a field-validation and in some browsers there is a datepicker. First only Chrome and now Firefox/. too.
You could use this instead and it´s very simple: JavaScript Datepicker
Maybe a bit late, but better late then never 😉 This works for me:
Add this to your functions.php :
add_filter( 'wpcf7_support_html5_fallback', '__return_true' );
Then add this to your custom css:
The inputfield still looks empty, but when you click on it, it will open the datepicker.
Datepicker not working in safari and FireFox
JQuery has a .type function, however it is not being properly used in your example, nor is it relevant. What I believe you want is the element’s type property , which can be achieved like so:
Here is a JSFiddle comparing .type to .prop(‘type’) : https://jsfiddle.net/hczg6uyf/1/
Here is a JSFiddle of your fixed code, supplied by Tom in the comments below: https://jsfiddle.net/51wLrxy0/1/
Well after reading that this is not supported on Safari and IE , i got a work around that im happy with.
My problem is that on Safari i could not even click on the input field. So user cant even manually add a date, and if he could there was no placeholder text to tell him its a date input field.
My Sulotion:
Add a placeholder, chrome will ignore this. Then also add a min-height to the input and then on Safari i can at least see its a date input field and the user can add a date manually.
This is just a quick hack that worked for me as for the browsers that doesnt support type=»date» .
HTML5 date picker doesn’t show on Safari, Although there is no native datepicker for Safari (or IE) a pretty good workaround is to add a placeholder
IOS safari messes up input type=date
This fixes all my date fields on IOS.
This is the way iOS treats input type=»date» . I wouldn’t worry about native styling. It may look off, but people using iOS are used to it.
You can use min-width:95% on the date input. It makes it fit, at least in iOS 8, and doesn’t change the appearance otherwise. Though I haven’t tested in Android or earlier version of iOS. Alternatively, to just center it, you can add .center-block to the input, so at least it’s center and doesn’t look so off.
DEMO: http://jsbin.com/civor/1/
In my case I fixed it with the «new» flexbox layout type:
NOTE: the container must also have display: flex; as in the demo.
How to make supported on all browsers? Any, Any browser that does not support the input type date will default to the standard type, which is text , so all you have to do is check the type property
How to make <input type=»date»> supported on all browsers? Any alternatives?
Any browser that does not support the input type date will default to the standard type, which is text , so all you have to do is check the type property (not the attribute) , if it’s not date , the date input is not supported by the browser, and you add your own datepicker:
if ( $('[type="date"]').prop('type') != 'date' )
You can of course use any datepicker you want, jQuery UI’s datepicker is probably the one most commonly used, but it does add quite a bit of javascript if you’re not using the UI library for anything else, but there are hundreds of alternative datepickers to choose from.
The type attribute never changes, the browser will only fall back to the default text type for the property, so one has to check the property.
The attribute can still be used as a selector, as in the example above.
Modernizr doesn’t actually change anything about how the new HTML5 input types are handled. It’s a feature detector , not a shim (except for , , etc., which it shims to be handled as block elements similar to ).
To use , you’d need to check Modernizr.inputtypes.date in your own script, and if it’s false, turn on another plugin that provides a date selector. You have thousands to choose from; Modernizr maintains a non-exhaustive list of polyfills that might give you somewhere to start. Alternatively, you could just let it go — all browsers fall back to text when presented with an input type they don’t recognize, so the worst that can happen is that your user has to type in the date. (You might want to give them a placeholder or use something like jQuery.maskedinput to keep them on track.)
You asked for Modernizr example, so here you go. This code uses Modernizr to detect whether the ‘date’ input type is supported. If it isn’t supported, then it fails back to JQueryUI datepicker.
Note: You will need to download JQueryUI and possibly change the paths to the CSS and JS files in your own code.
I hope this works for you.
Datepicker not working in safari and FireFox, My problem is that on Safari i could not even click on the input field. So user cant even manually add a date, and if he could there was no
HTML5 date field and placeholder text in Safari
If you want to add a date picker which includes the year, month and day, in your webpage, then HTML5 facilitates a “date” field for you. It is a type in element. It works well in various web browsers like Google chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. Here we are going to learn about how it works in Safari which is also a web browser.
First let’s see about Safari.
Safari is a graphical web browser developed by Apple for its users. It is basically an open source software, specifically designed for all Apple devices. It runs on mainly on Javascript engine. It facilitates powerful security protections, numerous customization options and enhanced battery life. In terms of speed, it is world’s fastest browser.
HTML5 Date Input Type
The HTML5 date input provides an easy interface for choosing dates in full date format i.e. yyyy-mm-dd.
Let’s understand this with an example.
html> head> head> body> form> label for = “demo”> input id = “ demo” type= “date” name= “example” > label> form> body> html>
When you click on the drop-down icon, a calendar appears for the selection of date.
Form element
The element of HTML5 is used to create a container where users can give their input. It is represented by tag.
The action attribute of form element defines where the data of the form needs to be submitted.
The element contains various types of for elements. They are , , < button>, , , , etc.
body> form> Enter Your Name input type= “text” name= “ username”> form> body>
Label element
The label element of HTML5 provides a label to an input element. Use of labels gives a better understanding to the user readers about the description of the input.
The tag is used to represent the label element. The for attribute of label element is used specifying the id of the form element for which the label is associated.
body> h2> Which type of games do you like? h2> form> label for= “indoor” > input id = “indoor” type= “radio” name= “indoor-outdoor ”> Indoor label> label for= “outdoor”> input id = ”outdoor” type= ”radio” name= ”indoor-outdoor “> Outdoor label> body>
*Radio buttons are type of input. Each radio button is nested in its own label element. In this selecting a single radio button automatically deselects the other buttons within the same group ensuring only one answer is provided by the user.
Note − The for attribute of label element should be same as id attribute of input element.
Input element
The input element allows users to give their input. It is represented by tag. It is a self-closing element; it does not need a closing tag. It has various input types and attributes.
Input types
The type attribute of input element specifies the type of input given by the user. The values for the type attribute are as follows −
- text − input in text form. It is the default value.
- checkbox − used for the ones in which more than one option can be chosen.
- radio − used for the ones in which only one option needs to be selected
- color − it specifies the color control. It enables the user to choose a color on the web page
- date − it is used to select a date in full date format i.e. yyyy-mm-dd.
- button − it showcases a button which is to be clicked for doing the specified function.
- datetime-local − it is used to select date and time with no time zone.
- email − used to enter email id
- file − used to select a file by the user.
- number − used to enter a number
Other attributes of input element are name, id, required, min, max, placeholder, size, src, etc.
body> form> label for = “email”> Enter your email idinput type = “email” name = “information” id= “email” placeholder = “example@gmail.com”>label> form> body>
placeholder attribute
Placeholder is a text that displays the form element when no value is set by the user.
form> label for= “name”> input type = “text” placeholder= “username” id= “name”> Enter Your Name label> form>
The placeholder attribute does not support input elements on the input type date. However, it works on Safari web browser because it does not support the date type of input element, which means this attribute is ignored and only plain text field is shown by default.
The following code works on Safari −
html> style> input [type= ‘date’ ] :: after < color: #fff; content: attr(placeholder); >style> body> form> input id = “dateofbirth” name = “mydate” value=”” type= “date” placeholder= “yyyy-mm-dd”> form> body> html>
tag is used writing the codes of CSS.
::after is a pseudo element which used to insert something after the content of the element.
Safari does not include native datepicker for its desktop version but it does so for IOS. Whereas chrome and other browsers show a calendar to select the date. But you can add placeholder attribute to date input (for Safari). The placeholder attribute doesn’t display on browsers that support date type.
HTML behavior for input type «date» and «time» on Safari
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I’m working for an IT company which edit Web apps and we use HTML tags with type=»date» and type=»time». Actually, we’ve got different problems on Safari (what I read was that these problems appeared with Safari 16).
For and , the User Agent of Safari create tags inside tags (with pseudo-class «-webkit-datetime-edit-day-field» for instance) to display «ghost»/faked data when the value is empty or NULL (in fact, Safari display the current date, in the local format, in ). This behavior is really problematical for us because these inputs don’t have to be filled every time (they are not required and don’t have the attribute «required»), but they appear filled to our users. When you submit the form, the value is really empty (no value returned and that is what we want) but «something» is always displayed. We found a CSS trick to hide these things to our users but I think it’s not normal, isn’t it ? Can we block this Safari behavior ?
Second problem : for , they are not editable anymore if their value is empty (we detect it thursday, April 6th 2023). However, if we put a specific value when we load the page, then we delete this value in the form, and then we change the value without loosing the focus of the input, it works. If we loose the focus, we can’t click on the input to change its value or something else. Do you know the reason why ? For now, we are forced to change the type of these inputs to type=»text» when users are on Safari in Javascript. Nevertheless, the official documentation ( https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/date and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/time) talks about compatibility between and Safari. Any idea ?