Min top margin css

Can we define min-margin and max-margin, max-padding and min-padding in css?

And as @vigilante_stark pointed out in the answer, the CSS calc() function could be another workaround, something like these:

/* demo */ * < box-sizing: border-box >section < background-color: red; width: 50vw; height: 50px; position: relative; >div < width: inherit; height: inherit; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0 >/* end of demo */ .min < /* demo */ border: green dashed 4px; /*this your min padding-left*/ padding-left: calc(50vw + 50px); >.max < /* demo */ border: blue solid 3px; /*this your max padding-left*/ padding-left: calc(50vw + 200px); >

Yes, you can!

Or if not those terms exactly, then at least the next best thing. In 2020 this is now very straightforward using the CSS math functions: min(), max(), and clamp().

A min calculation picks the smallest from a comma separated list of values (of any length). This can be used to define a max-padding or max-margin rule:

Читайте также:  Изменение ширины страницы html

A max calculation similarly picks the largest from a comma separated list of values (of any length). This can be used to define a min-padding or min-margin rule:

A clamp takes three values; the minimum, preferred, and maximum values, in that order.

padding-right: clamp(15px, 5%, 50px); 

MDN specifies that clamp is actually just shorthand for:


Here is a clamp being used to contain a 25vw margin between the values 100px and 200px :

The margin-right on this div uses 25vw as its preferred value, 100px as its minimum, and 200px as its maximum.

The math functions can be used in all sorts of different scenarios, even potentially obscure ones like scaling font-size — they are not just for controlling margin and padding. Check out the full list of use cases at the MDN links at the top of this post.

Here is the caniuse list of browser support. Coverage is generally very good, including almost all modern browsers — with the exception, it appears, of some secondary mobile browsers although have not tested this myself.


Min top margin css

Last updated: Apr 24, 2023
Reading time · 5 min


# Table of Contents

# Set min-margin, max-margin, min-padding & max-padding in CSS

You can use the min() , max() and clamp() CSS functions to implement min-margin , max-margin , min-padding and max-padding .

# Setting max-padding with the min() function

The min() CSS function enables you to set the smallest of multiple supplied values.

Here is an example that implements max-padding using the min() function.

This is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> head> body> div class="big-box"> div class="small-box">Small Boxdiv> div> body> html>

And here is the related CSS code.

.big-box padding-left: min(80px, 10%); padding-right: min(80px, 10%); background-color: aquamarine; > .small-box background-color: coral; >

The padding-left and padding-right CSS properties of the outer div element get set to the smaller of 2 values — 80px or 10% of the width of the element’s content area.

The padding-left and padding-right values will be at most 80px but they will be smaller once the element’s width decreases.

In other words, the max-padding of the element is set to 80px .

The min() function is used to set the maximum value a CSS property can have.

You can pass as many comma-separated values to the min() function as necessary.

# Setting max-margin with the min() function

The same approach can be used to implement min-margin .

Here is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> head> body> div class="container"> div class="big-box"> div class="small-box">Small Boxdiv> div> div> body> html>

And here is the related CSS code.

.container background-color: aqua; > .big-box margin-left: min(80px, 10%); margin-right: min(80px, 10%); background-color: aquamarine; > .small-box background-color: coral; >

We used the min() function to get the smallest of the 2 specified values (80px and 10%).

The left and right margins of the element can be at most 80px but once the element’s width decreases, the left and right margins also decrease.

The minimum left and right margins can be 10% of the width of the element’s content area.

# Setting min-padding with the max() function

You can use the max() CSS function if you need to set min-padding .

Here is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> head> body> div class="big-box"> div class="small-box">Small Boxdiv> div> body> html>

And here is the related CSS code.

.big-box padding-left: max(30px, 10%); padding-right: max(30px, 10%); background-color: aquamarine; > .small-box background-color: coral; >

The max() CSS function enables you to set a CSS property to the largest value from a list.

We only passed 2 values to max() in the example, but you can pass as many comma-separated values to the function as necessary.

The padding-left and padding-right CSS properties of the element in the example will be set to at least 30px.

But the padding would increase if the element’s width increases.

The max function returns the largest of the 2 values:

This is useful when you have to set min-padding or min-margin of an element.

The min-padding in the example is 30px .

# Setting min-margin with the max() function

You can also use the max() function to set the min-margin on an element.

Here is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> head> body> div class="container"> div class="big-box"> div class="small-box">Small Boxdiv> div> div> body> html>

And here is the related CSS code.

.container background-color: aqua; > .big-box margin-left: max(30px, 10%); margin-right: max(30px, 10%); background-color: aquamarine; > .small-box background-color: coral; >

The margin-left and margin-right properties of the element are set to the greater of 2 values:

In other words, the left and right margins of the element can be set to a minimum of 30px but will increase if the element’s width increases.

# Using the clamp() CSS function to implement min and max padding and margin

You can also use the clamp() CSS function if you need to implement min and max padding and margin.

The function takes 3 arguments:

  • minimum — the minimum value. If the preferred value is less than the minimum value, the minimum value will be used.
  • the preferred value — it is used as long as it is between the minimum and maximum values.
  • maximum — the largest value. It is used if the preferred value is greater than this upper bound.

The clamp() function clamps the supplied middle (preferred) value within a range of values.

Here is the HTML for the example.

DOCTYPE html> html lang="en"> head> meta charset="UTF-8" /> link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> head> body> div class="container"> div class="big-box">Small Boxdiv> div> body> html>

And here is the related CSS code.

body margin-top: 100px; > .container background-color: aqua; width: 100vw; > .big-box width: auto; min-width: min-content; margin-left: clamp(30px, 20vw, 150px); margin-right: clamp(30px, 20vw, 150px); background-color: coral; >

We passed a minimum value of 30px to the clamp() function, so the left and right margins can be a minimum of 30px .

The max value we passed to the function is 150px , so the left and right margins cannot exceed 150px .

We used a preferred value of 20vw , so the left and right margins will be set to 20vw as long as the value is between the minimum and maximum values.

The same approach can be used to implement min and max padding.

# Additional Resources

You can learn more about the related topics by checking out the following tutorials:

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CSS свойство margin определяет внешний отступ на всех четырёх сторонах элемента. Это сокращение, которое устанавливает все отдельные поля одновременно: margin-top , margin-right , margin-bottom и margin-left .

Интерактивный пример

Составные свойства

Данное свойство является сокращением для следующих CSS свойств:


/* Применяется ко всем четырём сторонам */ margin: 1em; margin: -3px; /* по вертикали | по горизонтали */ margin: 5% auto; /* сверху | горизонтально | снизу */ margin: 1em auto 2em; /* сверху | справа | снизу | слева */ margin: 2px 1em 0 auto; /* Глобальные значения */ margin: inherit; margin: initial; margin: unset; 

Свойство margin может быть задано с использованием одного, двух, трёх или четырёх значений. Каждое значение имеет тип , или является ключевым словом auto . Каждое значение может быть положительным, отрицательным или равным нулю.

  • Когда определено одно значение, такое значение определено для всех четырёх сторон.
  • Когда определены два значения, то первое значение определяет внешний отступ для верхней и нижней стороны, а второе значение определяет отступ для левой и правой стороны.
  • Когда определены три значение, то первое значение определяет внешний отступ для верхней стороны, второе значение определяет внешний отступ для левой и правой стороны, а третье значение определяет отступ для нижней стороны.
  • Когда определены четыре значения, они определяют внешние отступы для верхней стороны, справа, снизу и слева в рассмотренном порядке (по часовой стрелке).


Размер отступа как фиксированное значение.

Размер отступа в процентах относительно ширины родительского блока.

Браузер выбирает подходящее значение для использования. Например, в некоторых случаях это значение может быть использовано для центрирования элемента.

Формальное определение

  • margin-bottom : 0
  • margin-left : 0
  • margin-right : 0
  • margin-top : 0
  • margin-bottom : процент, как указан, или абсолютная длина
  • margin-left : процент, как указан, или абсолютная длина
  • margin-right : процент, как указан, или абсолютная длина
  • margin-top : процент, как указан, или абсолютная длина



The margin-top CSS property sets the margin area on the top of an element. A positive value places it farther from its neighbors, while a negative value places it closer.

Try it

This property has no effect on non-replaced inline elements, such as or .


/* values */ margin-top: 10px; /* An absolute length */ margin-top: 1em; /* relative to the text size */ margin-top: 5%; /* relative to the nearest block container's width */ /* Keyword values */ margin-top: auto; /* Global values */ margin-top: inherit; margin-top: initial; margin-top: revert; margin-top: revert-layer; margin-top: unset; 

The margin-top property is specified as the keyword auto , or a , or a . Its value can be positive, zero, or negative.


The size of the margin as a fixed value.

The size of the margin as a percentage, relative to the inline size (width in a horizontal language, defined by writing-mode ) of the containing block.

The browser selects a suitable value to use. See margin .

Formal definition

Initial value 0
Applies to all elements, except elements with table display types other than table-caption , table and inline-table . It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line .
Inherited no
Percentages refer to the width of the containing block
Computed value the percentage as specified or the absolute length
Animation type a length

Formal syntax


Setting positive and negative top margins

.content  margin-top: 5%; > .sidebox  margin-top: 10px; > .logo  margin-top: -5px; > #footer  margin-top: 1em; > 


Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • margin-right , margin-bottom , and margin-left and the margin shorthand
  • The mapped logical properties: margin-block-start , margin-block-end , margin-inline-start , and margin-inline-end and the shorthands margin-block and margin-inline

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