Django forms html class

Поля формы применяют некоторые стили по умолчанию. Если же мы хотим применить к ним какие-то собственные стили и классы, то нам надо использовать ряд механизмов.

Прежде всего мы можем вручную выводить каждое поле и определять правила стилизации для этого поля или окружающих его блоков. Возьмем простейшую форму:

from django import forms class UserForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(min_length=3) age = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=100)

В шаблоне пропишем ее использование:

     .alert .form-group .form-group input    

Результа при отправке формы с ошибками:

Стилизация форм Django

Второй механизм представляют свойства формы required_css_class и error_css_class , который соответственно применяют класс css к метке, создаваемой для поля формы, и к блоку ассоциированных с ним ошибок.

Например, определим следующую форму:

from django import forms class UserForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(min_length=3) age = forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=100) required_css_class = "field" error_css_class = "error"

В этом случае в шаблоне у нас должны быть определены или подключены классы «field» и «error»:

Стилизация полей формы в Django

Но также можно было бы комбинировать оба способа:

Третий механизм стилизации представляет установка классов и стилей через виджеты:

from django import forms class UserForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=)) age = forms.IntegerField(widget=forms.NumberInput(attrs=))

В данном случае через параметр виджетов attrs устанавливаются атрибуты того элемента html, который будет генерироваться. В частности, здесь для обоих полей устанавливается атрибут class , который представляет класс myfield.

И, допустим, в шаблоне будет определен класс myfield:


CSS classes and Django form fields

Django forms provide input validation and HTML form field generation. They also integrate nicely with models. However, Django itself does not allow one-off customizations of form-generated HTML.

In this post I will discuss a method for customizing the HTML generated by Django form fields, with the specific goal of adding custom CSS classes to Django form fields.

Here’s a Django form definition:

from django import forms  class AuthenticationForm(forms.Form):  username = forms.CharField(max_length=254)  password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput) 

Here’s the form used in a template:

The Problem

We’re using Bootstrap and we want to add an input-lg CSS class onto our username field to make it really big.

The Solution(s)

There are many ways to solve this problem. I will discuss some solutions I dislike before I discuss my preferred solution.

Using a form widget attribute

We could add a class attribute to our Django form field:

from django import forms  class AuthenticationForm(forms.Form):  username = forms.CharField(  max_length=254,  widget=forms.TextInput(attrs='class': "input-lg">),  )  password = forms.CharField(widget=forms.PasswordInput) 

I dislike this approach because it requires including presentation rules in our back-end code. This class attribute is used exclusively by our CSS and/or JavaScript and should therefore live in Django templates, not in Python code.

Using django-floppyforms

If we’re using django-floppyforms we could include logic in our floppyforms/attrs.html template to add specific classes based on a context variable (example). Here’s an example:

This should work but it’s ugly and in general I do not enjoy maintaining heavy logic in my templates.

Aside: there is currently an open issue on django-floppyforms discussing how this could be added as a feature to the library.

Using django-widget-tweaks

I prefer to solve this problem with django-widget-tweaks.

The django-widget-tweaks library provides two solutions to this problem:

The add_class template filter

Mikhail Korobov originally created the django-widget-tweaks library in 2011. It started as a series of template filters for modifying form field attributes from your Django templates.

Here’s an example usage of the add_class filter for adding a CSS class to our form field:

I find this solution both easy to read and easy to maintain.

The render_field template tag

I discovered django-widget-tweaks shortly after Mikhail created it. I appreciated his solution for this problem, but I wanted a more HTML-like syntax for my form field customizations. I created the render_field template tag to satisfy that desire.

With the render_field tag you can add attributes to form fields with a much more HTML-like syntax:

As a bonus, with render_field we can also set a CSS class for erroneous and required form fields. See the documentation for more details.


I have not had a chance to use django-floppyforms yet, but I expect that django-widget-tweaks and django-floppyforms would integrate well together.

I am on the lookout for new solutions to this problem, but django-widget-tweaks has served me well so far. I have used it for three years now it remains one of my go-to libraries for new Django projects.

How do you add CSS classes do your Django form fields? If you have another solution please leave a comment below.

Posted by Trey Hunner Sep 30 th , 2014 11:00 am django, python


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How to add class and other attributes to django form fields

Take your Django forms to the next level by adding custom classes and attributes. Our simple guide shows you how to easily add extra styles to enhance the look of your forms. Try it out now!

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add CSS class attributes (like form-control), placeholders, IDs, and other attributes in your Django forms.

Let’s create a Product Model:

# from django.db import models class Product(models.Model): title = models.CharField( null=False, blank=False, max_length=25, validators=[validate_amazing] ) slug = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=20) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField() price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2) def __str__(self): return self.title 

1. Add form-control class to all fields using for loop.

Now let’s write a code to create ProductForm and add CSS class and placeholder attribute.

# from django import forms from .models import Product class ProductForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for visible in self.visible_fields(): visible.field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control' visible.field.widget.attrs['placeholder'] = visible.field.label class Meta: model = Product fields = '__all__'

The __init__ method sets the class attribute of each field’s widget to ‘form-control’ and the placeholder attribute to the field’s label. This allows for easy styling of the form using Bootstrap CSS and also sets the placeholder text for each field to the field’s label.

When this form is rendered in a template, each field in the form will have the form-control class and its placeholder text will be the field’s label.

In the above code, we are using for loop to add the class and placeholder attribute to all visible fields. But what if you want to add class and placeholder attribute to a specific field, not all fields? Then this is how you can do this.

2. Add form-control class to a specific field.

# from django import forms from .models import Product class ProductForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['title'].widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control' self.fields['title'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = 'Write product title here' class Meta: model = Product fields = '__all__' 

Here we are adding the class and placeholder to the specific field » title «.

3. Add other attributes to form fields.

You can also add different attributes like ID, data-* attributes, etc to form fields.

# from django import forms from .models import Product class ProductForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) for visible in self.visible_fields(): visible.field.widget.attrs['class'] = 'form-control' visible.field.widget.attrs['placeholder'] = visible.field.label # new self.fields['price'].widget.attrs['id'] = 'price' self.fields['price'].widget.attrs['data-discount'] = '10%' class Meta: model = Product fields = '__all__' 

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