Map css not found

Code Example: Resolving Map Not Found Error in CSS Bootstrap JS

One possible solution is to use the combination of Leaflet and Bootstrap, as demonstrated in this example: To ensure proper display, it is important to set the width and height of the map element and all parent elements. Additionally, padding and other styling may need to be adjusted on the parent elements. To resolve a possible issue with the file, it can either be removed as suggested by @xengravity, or if needed, downloaded and added to the directory for the specific version of Bootstrap being used.

Not linked to but shows in console

The source of the problem is located in your bootstrap.css file. To eliminate the issue, simply edit the file and delete the specific line of code that follows:

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The usage of Source Mapping files is limited to Developer Tools. If preferred, Bootstrap allows disabling source maps or overlooking the 404 error related to files when utilizing Dev Tools.

To enhance the code’s comprehensiveness and use the Dev Tools for Debugging, include the file provided by Bootstrap with the .css file.

The source of this information can be found on the website for Chrome Developer Tools, specifically in their documentation on CSS preprocessors.

There are other questions that are similar to this, such as what purposes are the .map files serving in Bootstrap 3.1?

The is referenced by the source mapping URL.

As suggested by @xengravity, another option is to acquire the file corresponding to your Bootstrap version and include it in your directory.

Setting full screen leaflet.js map using bootstrap, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more

Webpack Installing Bootstrap

Towards the completion of popper.js, there exists a comment in this manner:


The issue was resolved by deleting the line that was commented.

For those who utilize Laravel 5+ and/or Laravel Mix, the following may be of assistance.

To eliminate the warning, you can easily include .sourceMaps() in your JavaScript file(s) located in webpack.mix.js .

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').sourceMaps(); 

Laravel Mix’s method will enable source maps, which are not included by default.

Despite following the aforementioned suggestion, the comment elimination method did not prove successful in obtaining the code. Therefore, if you truly desire to acquire it.

The actual popper js file can be found on the popper GitHub page through this link:

By modifying the URL to, you can obtain the required resource. not found, what is it exactly?, Just add them into the same directory as the minified js files and it’ll stop complaining. The reason they get fetched is the. /* //@ */. at the end of angular.min.js. If you don’t want to add the .map files you can remove those lines and it’ll stop the …

Bootstrap 3 typeahead.js : Where could i find a working example code?

Utilizing Bootstrap can present difficulties, particularly when implementing features such as TYPEHEAD.


 $(document).ready(function() < var numbers; var countries = new Bloodhound(< datumTokenizer: function(d) < return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(; >, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 10, prefetch: < url: './countries.json', filter: function(list) < return $.map(list, function(country) < return < name: country >; >); > > >); countries.initialize(); $('.countries .typeahead').typeahead(null, < name: 'countries', displayKey: 'name', source: countries.ttAdapter() >); >); 

Local way

 $(document).ready(function() < var numbers; var countries = new Bloodhound(< datumTokenizer: function(d) < return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(; >, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 10, local: [ < name: 'Andorra' >, < name: 'United Arab Emirates' >, < name: 'Afghanistan'>, < name: 'Antigua and Barbuda'>, < name: 'Anguilla'>, ] >); countries.initialize(); $('.countries .typeahead').typeahead(null, < displayKey: 'name', source: countries.ttAdapter() >); >); 

What are the .map files used for in Bootstrap 3.x?, The bootstrap css can be generated by Less. The main purpose of map file is used to link the css source code to less source code in the chrome dev tool. As we used to do .If we inspect the element in the chrome dev tool. you can see the source code of css.

Setting full screen leaflet.js map using bootstrap

Observe this effortless instance of combining Leaflet and Bootstrap by referring to the following link:

The essential step is to specify the dimensions of the map element and its parent elements by setting their width and height.

html, body, #container /*, and all other map parent selectors*/ < height: 100%; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; >#map

In order to customize it for your needs, you must adjust the padding and any additional styling applied to the parent elements.

Check out the Leaflet fullscreen option which includes a CSS file that defines the container’s height, width, and index. Also, make sure to utilize the official tools for editing.

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load nuxt js, Open Developer Tools, go to «Settings» for Developer Tools, then uncheck Enable JavaScript Sourcemaps under the «Sources» settings. Restart Browser if …


Code Example: Resolving Map Not Found Error in CSS Bootstrap JS

One possible solution is to use the combination of Leaflet and Bootstrap, as demonstrated in this example: To ensure proper display, it is important to set the width and height of the map element and all parent elements. Additionally, padding and other styling may need to be adjusted on the parent elements. To resolve a possible issue with the file, it can either be removed as suggested by @xengravity, or if needed, downloaded and added to the directory for the specific version of Bootstrap being used.

Not linked to but shows in console

The source of the problem is located in your bootstrap.css file. To eliminate the issue, simply edit the file and delete the specific line of code that follows:

The usage of Source Mapping files is limited to Developer Tools. If preferred, Bootstrap allows disabling source maps or overlooking the 404 error related to files when utilizing Dev Tools.

To enhance the code’s comprehensiveness and use the Dev Tools for Debugging, include the file provided by Bootstrap with the .css file.

The source of this information can be found on the website for Chrome Developer Tools, specifically in their documentation on CSS preprocessors.

There are other questions that are similar to this, such as what purposes are the .map files serving in Bootstrap 3.1?

The is referenced by the source mapping URL.

As suggested by @xengravity, another option is to acquire the file corresponding to your Bootstrap version and include it in your directory.

Setting full screen leaflet.js map using bootstrap, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more

Webpack Installing Bootstrap

Towards the completion of popper.js, there exists a comment in this manner:


The issue was resolved by deleting the line that was commented.

For those who utilize Laravel 5+ and/or Laravel Mix, the following may be of assistance.

To eliminate the warning, you can easily include .sourceMaps() in your JavaScript file(s) located in webpack.mix.js .

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js').sourceMaps(); 

Laravel Mix’s method will enable source maps, which are not included by default.

Despite following the aforementioned suggestion, the comment elimination method did not prove successful in obtaining the code. Therefore, if you truly desire to acquire it.

The actual popper js file can be found on the popper GitHub page through this link:

By modifying the URL to, you can obtain the required resource. not found, what is it exactly?, Just add them into the same directory as the minified js files and it’ll stop complaining. The reason they get fetched is the. /* //@ */. at the end of angular.min.js. If you don’t want to add the .map files you can remove those lines and it’ll stop the …

Bootstrap 3 typeahead.js : Where could i find a working example code?

Utilizing Bootstrap can present difficulties, particularly when implementing features such as TYPEHEAD.


 $(document).ready(function() < var numbers; var countries = new Bloodhound(< datumTokenizer: function(d) < return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(; >, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 10, prefetch: < url: './countries.json', filter: function(list) < return $.map(list, function(country) < return < name: country >; >); > > >); countries.initialize(); $('.countries .typeahead').typeahead(null, < name: 'countries', displayKey: 'name', source: countries.ttAdapter() >); >); 

Local way

 $(document).ready(function() < var numbers; var countries = new Bloodhound(< datumTokenizer: function(d) < return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(; >, queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, limit: 10, local: [ < name: 'Andorra' >, < name: 'United Arab Emirates' >, < name: 'Afghanistan'>, < name: 'Antigua and Barbuda'>, < name: 'Anguilla'>, ] >); countries.initialize(); $('.countries .typeahead').typeahead(null, < displayKey: 'name', source: countries.ttAdapter() >); >); 

What are the .map files used for in Bootstrap 3.x?, The bootstrap css can be generated by Less. The main purpose of map file is used to link the css source code to less source code in the chrome dev tool. As we used to do .If we inspect the element in the chrome dev tool. you can see the source code of css.

Setting full screen leaflet.js map using bootstrap

Observe this effortless instance of combining Leaflet and Bootstrap by referring to the following link:

The essential step is to specify the dimensions of the map element and its parent elements by setting their width and height.

html, body, #container /*, and all other map parent selectors*/ < height: 100%; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; >#map

In order to customize it for your needs, you must adjust the padding and any additional styling applied to the parent elements.

Check out the Leaflet fullscreen option which includes a CSS file that defines the container’s height, width, and index. Also, make sure to utilize the official tools for editing.

DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load nuxt js, Open Developer Tools, go to «Settings» for Developer Tools, then uncheck Enable JavaScript Sourcemaps under the «Sources» settings. Restart Browser if …


How to prevent 404 not found for css and javascript .map files

How to prevent 404 not found for css and javascript .map files

When creating web apps or even websites, errors happens, and we need to debug and solve them.
Usually, for a standard Apache server, the server errors are logged and we have access to this log. And we need this file empty (no errors at all), don’t we? One of these errors can be the 404, the not found one. It informs us that the server tries to access a file that doesn’t exist. And is fine, if it’s a file, we can upload it to the server and the problem is solved. Also, we can instruct the server to load another location for the missing file or resource (rewrite procedures).

The 404 not found for some «strange» .map files (,

Why the server can’t find them (and generate the 404 error), what are these used for and when the error appear? The server can’t find them because these are not on the server 🙂
What are these files? JavaScript/CSS source maps for code created with preprocessors like Saas, Less, etc. and used by the Chrome DevTools for debugging, live editing on the Saas/Less source code. A lot of code vendors (jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, etc.) regularly used in web development, used the technique above, so when we use them, we should also add the corresponding .map file alongside the primary css/javascript one. If you include bootstrap.min.css in your project, the corresponding should also be available. If not, the 404 not found error will be logged for every time we make debugging using Chrome DevTool.

How to prevent 404 not found for css and javascript map files
No more 404 not found for javascript/css source maps

To prevent the 404 error for javascript/css source maps, even if ( doesn’t exist, this simple trick will do the job:

1. Create an empty file on the document root, named
2. Add these lines to the .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On Options +FollowSymlinks # Prevent 404 Not Found for javascript/css source maps RewriteCond % (\.map)$ RewriteRule (.*) [QSA]

That way, every time the Chrome Dev Tools tries to access the corresponding map file, the empty file will be provided, no more errors, no glitches in DevTools or server/app functionality.


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