Making header with css

Building Website Headers with CSS Flexbox

When I first learned the basics of HTML & CSS in 2014, building a website header was one of those scary and difficult tasks for me. Flexbox was still new and we were forced to use old methods like float and the clearfix technique. Today, the scene is completely different. Flexbox is widely supported and that opens up a lot of possibilities for us.

Some might argue that it’s easy nowadays to make a website header as we have modern CSS layout techniques. That’s not the case as there are some interesting challenges to tackle. I will try to highlight some of them.

In this article, I will explain how we can use CSS flexbox to successfully build a website header, and show you some of the important tips and tricks. In the end, there will be a project that was made especially for this article. Keep reading till the end as you’re in for a treat!

This article assumes that you have basic knowledge in flexbox. If you’re interested, I wrote an introduction article about flexbox on my blog.

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First, I need to make sure that we both are on the same page. A website header is one of the first things that the user sees when visiting a website. Usually, it contains the logo or website name, with the navigation links. Consider the following figure:

Regardless of the visual design for a header, the key elements are the logo and navigation.

Flexbox in Action

When flexbox is applied to the header element, it will make all the child items in the same line. Then, all you need is to apply justify-content to distribute the spacing between them.

 class="site-header">  href="#" class="brand">Brand  class="nav">  
.site-header  display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; > 

It’s easy, right? For such a use-case, yes it is. It can get more complex than that.

The Header Wrapper

The header above doesn’t have an inner wrapper that contains its logo and navigation elements. This can cause problems on large screens.

Notice how the first header is too wide because it doesn’t have an inner wrapper. While the second one looks much better. For that reason, the HTML needs to be tweaked as below.

 class="site-header">  class="wrapper site-header__wrapper">  href="#" class="brand"> src="logo.svg" alt="brand" />  class="nav">   

And the flexbox should be moved to the .site-header__wrapper element.

.site-header__wrapper  display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; > 

Using flex-wrap

This will act as a defensive CSS method. When the screen is small, there is a possibility of horizontal scrolling. See the figure below:

Without flex-wrap: wrap being set, there will be a horizontal scrolling. Make sure to include it!

Exploring some header variations

What I like about using flexbox is that it makes it easy to handle multiple variations of a header design. Based on the previous header design, I explored some options for the header element like adding a button, search input, and changing the order of the child items.

Let’s explore how to implement them with flexbox.

Header Variation 1

I added a button next to the navigation links. How this should be handled? Should we add it inside the navigation as a link? Or it should be separated from the navigation? I would go for this.

 class="site-header">  class="wrapper site-header__wrapper">  href="#" class="brand"> src="logo.svg" alt="brand" />  class="nav">  href="/track-shipment" class="button">Track   

In that case, the spacing can’t be done with justify-content: space-between . Instead, I will use margin-left: auto for navigation. It will push it and the button to the far right.

Separating the navigation and the track button is useful for mobile, as we will need to keep the button and show a mobile toggle button next to it.

Header Variation 2

Similar to the first variation, this one has a search input that is taking the remaining available space. With flexbox, this can be achieved by using the flex property.

 class="site-header">  class="wrapper site-header__wrapper">  href="#" class="brand"> src="logo.svg" alt="brand" />  class="search">
class="nav"> href="/track-shipment" class="button">Track

And you are done! Now, the search input will fill the available space between the brand and the navigation. However, this has some limitations. On smaller viewports, the header will look like the below.

The search input width shouldn’t be less than that, as it will be hard to type and see the full text. See the below for some solutions:

I like the second solution better as it doesn’t hide the navigation very early. Generally speaking, I try to avoid hiding an element if it doesn’t affect the layout.

Header Variation 3

For this one, the HTML markup is the same, but the visual order of the header items is different. How we can achieve that? You might be thinking that using order can solve this, right?

 class="site-header">  class="wrapper site-header__wrapper">  href="#" class="brand"> src="logo.svg" alt="brand" />  class="nav">  href="/track-shipment" class="button">Track   
.site-header  display: flex; justify-content: space-between; > .nav  order: -1; > 

The solution for this is to give each child item a flex: 1 . This will distribute the available space between them.

Something weird happened to the button element. It became too big because of flex: 1 . The only way to fix this is by wrapping it into another element.

 class="site-header">  class="wrapper site-header__wrapper">  href="#" class="brand"> src="logo.svg" alt="brand" />  class="nav">  class="button-wrapper">  href="/track-shipment" class="button">Track    

With that, we can center both the logo and the button below.

.logo  text-align: center; > /* Please don't mind the naming here. I know this is presentational, but it's for demo purposes. */ .button-wrapper  text-align: end; /* end is equalivant to right in LTR languages */ > 

Keep in mind that this approach can easily fail in case more navigation links were added. You need to make sure that the number of navigation links won’t exceed a specific limit. Here is an example with the logo being off the center.

As you see in the figure above, the logo is not centered. So that’s something to keep in mind to avoid such an unexpected issue.

Now that I explored some different header designs and how to build them, let’s move on to some important concepts that can help us while building a header.

Useful tips for building a header with Flexbox


I like to use flex-basis: 100% in case an element needs to take the full width on mobile, such as important navigation that can’t be hidden.

From the mockup above, it might sound straightforward. In reality, it’s not. Usually, a header might have an inner spacing (padding), and when we force an item to take the full width, it won’t happen unless the padding is cleared. However, it’s not practical to remove the padding as it will affect other elements in the design.

Here is a workaround of fixing this:

  1. Add flex: 1 0 100% to the navigation element.
  2. Change its order in case it’s needed. Sometimes, there might be other elements and we want to make sure that the navigation is the last one.
  3. Add the negative margin with a value equal to the header padding. This will make the navigation take the full width.
  4. Add padding to the navigation, this will add some breathing space.
  5. And finally, I used justify-content: center to center the navigation items (Not important).
.nav  flex: 1 0 100%; /* [1] */ order: 2; /* [2] */ margin: 1rem -1rem -1rem -1rem; /* [3] */ padding: 1rem; /* [4] */ display: flex; /* [5] */ justify-content: center; /* [5] */ > 

And here is a visual walkthrough of the process.


With the flex gap property being supported in Chrome and Firefox, it’s now easier than ever to add spacing between flex items. Consider the following header:

To add the highlighted spacing, all you need is adding gap: 1rem to the flex parent. Without the gap , we will need to the spacing in the old way.

/* Old way */ .brand  margin-right: 1rem; > .sign-in  margin-right: 1rem; > /* New way */ .site-header  /* Other flexbox styles */ gap: 1rem; > 

Beware that you need to make a fallback when using the gap property. I wrote a detailed article on that topic.

That’s all for this article. Let me show you the thing I made!

Introducing Headers.css

I got the idea of designing and implementing a blueprint website header components. The reason is that I can pick one and use it for a new project pretty quickly. I made 17 headers so far and aiming for more in the coming weeks. While working on them, I tried to focus on the following:

  • Simplicity
  • Fully responsive design
  • Used Sass so they can be easily edited (Still need to do some refactoring here and there)
  • Accessibility (Please open an issue if you spot something incorrectly)

I’m writing an ebook

I’m excited to let you know that I’m writing an ebook about Debugging CSS.

If you’re interested, head over to and subscribe for updates about the book.


Шапка сайта в css – как ее сделать

От автора: приветствуем вас на нашем блоге о сайтостроении. У любого сайта есть то, чем он обычно запоминается и выделяется среди остальных. Обычно это именно шапка сайта. CSS позволяет сделать ее такой, как вам нужно.

Шапка сайта – какой она бывает

Поразительно, как много может зависеть сегодня от одного только дизайна веб-ресурса. Но что особенно сильно отделяет веб-ресурс от других? Как правило, это именно шапка сайта с фирменным логотипом и уникальным оформлением. Обычно именно по ней люди запоминают какой-то интернет-проект. Это очень хорошо запоминается в памяти людей.

Например, если вы видите белую букву “В” на синем фоне, то наверняка сразу делаете вывод – это иконка социальной сети Вконтакте. А изображение почтового голубя у всех сразу же ассоциируется с Twitter. Все это стало возможным потому, что в шапках у этих сайтов были именно такие изображения и они очень хорошо запомнились людям.

Так, это было немного размышлений, теперь давайте перейдем непосредственно к технической части.

Как в CSS можно оформить шапку сайта?

Вообще шапки бывают разными. По ширине их можно разделить на две группы: выровненные по центру и те, что на всю ширину веб-страницы.

Онлайн курс по JavaScript

Научитесь создавать приложения со сложными интерфейсами

Это основной язык для современной веб-разработки — почти 100% сайтов работает на JavaScript. Освойте его с нуля всего за 4 месяца, и вы сможете зарабатывать от 70 000 рублей.

Раньше шапку делали также, как и любой другой блок – обычному тегу div давали нужный идентификатор, после чего в него попадало все нужное содержимое, а потом все это оформлялось. Сегодня же уже принято верстать по-другому. Специально для создания шапки сайта в HTML5 появился парный тег – header. Его использование приветствуется, это позволяет браузерам понимать, что это за часть шаблона и за что она отвечает. Кстати, если вы хотите изучить основы HTML5, то вам прямая дорога в наш премиум-раздел, где вы можете посмотреть уроки по этой технологии.

Поэтому, для создания простейшей шапки достаточно написать в html вот такой код:


How TO — Responsive Header

Change the design of the header depending on the screen size. Resize the browser window to see the effect.

Create A Responsive Header

Step 1) Add HTML:


Step 2) Add CSS:


/* Style the header with a grey background and some padding */
.header overflow: hidden;
background-color: #f1f1f1;
padding: 20px 10px;

/* Style the header links */
.header a float: left;
color: black;
text-align: center;
padding: 12px;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 18px;
line-height: 25px;
border-radius: 4px;

/* Style the logo link (notice that we set the same value of line-height and font-size to prevent the header to increase when the font gets bigger */
.header a.logo font-size: 25px;
font-weight: bold;

/* Change the background color on mouse-over */
.header a:hover background-color: #ddd;
color: black;

/* Style the active/current link*/
.header background-color: dodgerblue;
color: white;

/* Float the link section to the right */
.header-right float: right;

/* Add media queries for responsiveness — when the screen is 500px wide or less, stack the links on top of each other */
@media screen and (max-width: 500px) .header a float: none;
display: block;
text-align: left;
.header-right float: none;

Tip: Go to our CSS Navbar Tutorial to learn more about navigation bars.


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