Making graphics in java

# 2D Graphics in Java

Graphics are visual images or designs on some surface, such as a wall, canvas, screen, paper, or stone to inform, illustrate, or entertain. It includes: pictorial representation of data, as in computer-aided design and manufacture, in typesetting and the graphic arts, and in educational and recreational software. Images that are generated by a computer are called computer graphics.

The Java 2D API is powerful and complex. There are multiple ways to do 2D graphics in Java.

# Example 1: Draw and Fill a Rectangle Using Java

This is an Example which print rectangle and fill color in the rectangle.

Most methods of the Graphics class can be divided into two basic groups:

  1. Draw and fill methods, enabling you to render basic shapes, text, and images
  2. Attributes setting methods, which affect how that drawing and filling appears

Code Example: Let us start this with a little example of drawing a rectangle and filling color in it. There we declare two classes, one class is MyPanel and other Class is Test. In class MyPanel we use drawRect( ) & fillRect( ) mathods to draw rectangle and fill Color in it. We set the color by setColor( method. In Second Class we Test our graphic which is Test Class we make a Frame and put MyPanel with p=new MyPanel() object in it.By running Test Class we see a Rectangle and a Blue Color Filled Rectangle.

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; // MyPanel extends JPanel, which will eventually be placed in a JFrame public class MyPanel extends JPanel  // custom painting is performed by the paintComponent method @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) // clear the previous painting super.paintComponent(g); // cast Graphics to Graphics2D Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setColor(; // sets Graphics2D color // draw the rectangle g2.drawRect(0,0,100,100); // drawRect(x-position, y-position, width, height) g2.setColor(; g2.fillRect(200,0,100,100); // fill new rectangle with color blue > > 
import javax.swing.; import java.awt.; public class Test  //the Class by which we display our rectangle JFrame f; MyPanel p; public Test() f = new JFrame(); // get the content area of Panel. Container c = f.getContentPane(); // set the LayoutManager c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); p = new MyPanel(); // add MyPanel object into container c.add(p); // set the size of the JFrame f.setSize(400,400); // make the JFrame visible f.setVisible(true); // sets close behavior; EXIT_ON_CLOSE invokes System.exit(0) on closing the JFrame f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); > public static void main(String args[ ]) Test t = new Test(); > > 

paintComponent( )

  • It is a main method for painting
  • By default, it first paints the background
  • After that, it performs custom painting (drawing circle, rectangles etc.)

Graphic2D refers Graphic2D Class

Note: The Java 2D API enables you to easily perform the following tasks:

  • Draw lines, rectangles and any other geometric shape.
  • Fill those shapes with solid colors or gradients and textures.
  • Draw text with options for fine control over the font and rendering process.
  • Draw images, optionally applying filtering operations.
  • Apply operations such as compositing and transforming during any of the above rendering operations.

# Example 2: Drawing and Filling Oval

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; public class MyPanel extends JPanel  @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) // clear the previous painting super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; g2.setColor(; g2.drawOval(0, 0, 20,20); g2.fillOval(50,50,20,20); > > 

g2.drawOval(int x,int y,int height, int width);
This method will draw an oval at specified x and y position with given height and width.

g2.fillOval(int x,int y,int height, int width); This method will fill an oval at specified x and y position with given height and width.


How to make graphics in java

You engine should make all the decisions about what effects should occur against the model and the UI should render the model. doing collision detection in your paint process really isn’t recommended Question: i want to draw some rectangles in different timesets, when i draw first rectangle by paint(), i use paint() to draw second one then a first rectangle disappear. But the chart that he make too simple, that is the reason and my goal is to make system chart like pic below, what should i do? link for the image Solution: Start by looking at Images and Graphics and Canvas as charts and graphs are basically formatted images.

How to make Graphic to make Chart and Material Design

I am developing application with a lot of charts but sadly, too much dependency which I can’t customizing by my self. I want to work with a very basic graphic, so I can create my own chart, my own NumberProgress bar, and everything about graphic. What should I do to make my own chart and where to get started to make my own chart without dependency of two chart libraries below? my problem is i don’t know anything about graphic.

You know free MPAndroid Chart or Hello Chart, I am asking how the man building the chart system, like Graphic pixel, colors and zoom? But the chart that he make too simple, that is the reason and my goal is to make system chart like pic below, what should i do?

Start by looking at Images and Graphics and Canvas as charts and graphs are basically formatted images.

How do I initialize a Graphics object in Java?, In order to actually cause your graphics to draw you need to this: anim1 a=new anim1 (); Graphics g1 = anim1.getGraphics (); a.paint (g1); However, that still won’t work because Anim1 will not appear on the screen. Code sampleanim1 a=new anim1();Graphics g1 = anim1.getGraphics();a.paint(g1);Feedback

Java Graphics Programming Tutorial

Welcome to this Introduction to Java Graphics Programming, where we will be learning the basics of creating 2D Graphics in Java . We’ll start by learning how

Advanced Java Tutorial with Eclipse IDE

In this create Java Eclipse GUI Tutorial we are going to show how to Create First GUI Project in Eclipse. So we will see how to build a project in eclipse.

Java 2D graphics 🖍️

Java 2d graphics GUI swing tutorial for beginners# Java #2D # graphics #tutorial #beginners #shapes #paint()// ——pub

How to make graphics disappear off the screen in java?

I am working on a game similar to bricks, and I want something to disappear off the screen when it is hit. I have gotten my collision detection done, here is the code:

 Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(x,y, 100,25); Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(120,15, 90,40); Rectangle r3 = new Rectangle(10,15, 90,40); Rectangle r4 = new Rectangle(230, 15, 90, 40); Rectangle r5 = new Rectangle(xb, yb, 30,29); g.setColor(Color.RED); g.fillRect(r1.x, r1.y, r1.width, r1.height); g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.fillRect(r2.x, r2.y, r2.width, r2.height); g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.fillRect(r3.x, r3.y, r3.width, r3.height); g.setColor(Color.BLUE); g.fillRect(r5.x, r5.y, r5.width, r5.height); g.setColor(Color.YELLOW); g.fillRect(r4.x, r4.y, r4.width, r4.height); if (r5.intersects(r1)) < velxb = -velxb; velyb = -velyb; >if (r5.intersects(r2)) < g.drawString("Hello", 10, 10); >if (r5.intersects(r3)) < g.drawString("Hello", 10, 10); >if (r5.intersects(r4))

As you can see I have made a couple of rectangle and have done the collision detection. However, when r5 intersects with r2 or r3 or r4 , I want it to disappear.

Painting is a destructive process. Each time your paintXxx method is called, you are expected to rebuild the out put, that is, clear the existing Graphics context and repaint everything you want.

You engine should make all the decisions about what effects should occur against the model and the UI should render the model. doing collision detection in your paint process really isn’t recommended

2D Graphics in Java | Designing Complex Figures, The Java 2D API consists of java.awt.Graphics2D which extends the Graphics class to provide support for enhanced graphics and rendering features. It supports the rendering of primitive geometric shapes and figures. It provides the option to fill the interior of any shape with any color or pattern specified in paint attributes using …

How to make 2d graphic in java without repaint()?

i want to draw some rectangles in different timeset s, when i draw first rectangle by paint(), i use paint() to draw second one then a first rectangle disappear . I found that an image was override a previos one. How can i do without recreating previous ones(like not using repaint())? i appreciate every answer:d

public static class Screen extends Frame < int WIDTH = 900; static int[][] map = new int[700][700]; public Screen() < super("Clash of Tank"); setSize(WIDTH, WIDTH); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() < public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) < System.exit(0); >>); > public void paint(Graphics g) < BufferedImage image = (BufferedImage) createImage(700,700); Graphics g2 = image.getGraphics(); drawTank(g2); g.drawImage(image, 325, 35, this); >void drawTank(Graphics g) < g.setColor(Color.BLACK); for(int i = 0; i> > public class ClashofTanks < public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception < Screen t = new Screen(); t.setVisible(true); t.repaint(); >> 

Yours is a classic XY Problem where you ask for a specific solution to solve a wrong way to do something.

The key is that you should use repaint() , but that you should either store a collection of Rectangles and draw them in a for loop in your paint or paintComponent method (if using Swing), or else draw them to a BufferedImage and draw that in the painting method. Don’t forget to also call your super paint or paintComponent method.

Graphics — How to make shapes «blink» or change colors, I’m trying to learn how to draw a shape, and be able to a) draw it, «freeze» the process, draw it in the color of the background, and then re-draw it in the original color and b) draw a shape and c

How do I add graphics to a method in Java? Please look at my program

I am creating a phrasal template word game also known as mad libs . So far I was able to create a console to display the story that was put together based on the input. I was also able to create a background colour however I got stuck when I wanted to add some graphics such as rectangles and squares. How would you suggest I could incorporate that into my program?

import java.util.Scanner; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; public class MadLibs < public static void Action1 () < Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Male Friend:"); String maleFriend = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("Adjective:"); String adjective1 = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("Past Tense Verb:"); String pastTenseVerb1 = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("Past Tense Verb 2:"); String pastTenseVerb2 = input.nextLine(); System.out.println("Large Number:"); String largeNumber = input.nextLine(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Last summer, my friend "+ maleFriend + " got a job at the " + adjective1 +" Pastry Shop. For the first few
" + "weeks, he" + pastTenseVerb1 + " the floors, " + pastTenseVerb2 + " on the shelves, and unloaded " + largeNumber + " pound sacks
" +"of flour from the delivery trucks." + "" , JLabel.CENTER); JFrame window = new JFrame("Please print this"); window.setSize(600, 800); window.add(label); window.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.CYAN); window.setVisible(true); > public static void main(String []args)

You’ll want to create an extension of the JPanel class.

class drawPanel extends JPanel < drawPanel() < >@Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) < super.paintComponent(g); //Put your graphics code here >> 

Then just create the drawPanel in your main class, add your label to it, and add the drawPanel to your JFrame.

JFrame window = new JFrame("Please print this"); //Create your custom JPanel class here drawPanel content = new drawPanel(); //Add the label to the drawPanel instead of the JFrame content.add(label); window.setSize(600, 800); //Add the drawPanel to the JFrame window.add(content); window.getContentPane().setBackground(Color.CYAN); window.setVisible(true); 

Advanced Java Tutorial with Eclipse IDE, In this create Java Eclipse GUI Tutorial we are going to show how to Create First GUI Project in Eclipse. So we will see how to build a project in eclipse.


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