Make mobile website css

Want to make my website mobile responsive

So by using media queries, you can code it different style for different devices that look good on all types of devices. i.e first make the website responsive for mobile views and then make it for desktop.

Want to make my website mobile responsive

Bootstrap is a good option for designing a responsive website. In that grid system is important. You try to understand how to use the grid system for making the website responsive. The following link will help you to study bootstrap.

Also, sometimes there is a need of media queries either we use bootstrap. Sometimes if we use the font, padding, margin, etc of the same style on all devices view like desktop, tab, mobile it does not look good. So by using media queries, you can code it different style for different devices that look good on all types of devices.

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Following media queries will help you for your website.

 /* Extra small devices (phones, 600px and down) */ @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) < /* Your CSS Code for this device size */ >/* Small devices (portrait tablets and large phones, 600px and up) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) < /* Your CSS Code for this device size */ >/* Medium devices (landscape tablets, 768px and up) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) < /* Your CSS Code for this device size */ >/* Large devices (laptops/desktops, 992px and up) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 992px) < /* Your CSS Code for this device size */ >/* Extra large devices (large laptops and desktops, 1200px and up) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) < /* Your CSS Code for this device size */ >/* According to Mobile Orientation */ @media only screen and (orientation: landscape) < /* Your CSS Code for this device orientation */ >

desktop view isn’t necessarily 1000px and above. i would try changing your media query to min width 320px, and work upwards from there. (320px is the width of iphone 5 and SE screens when developing with google chrome developer tools)

@media only screen and (min-width: 320px) < *< margin:0; >.main-head < position:relative ; >.home-logo-wrapper < height: 20px; width: 45px; border-width: 1px; position:absolute; >.home-logo-img

You can also use bootstrap css for responsive design. Which like you asked, kinda ‘does it automatically’ with some setup.

 //you can write all mobile related css to media less than 767 so use max-width:767px in media for mobile view // write desktop related css here // for mobile view @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) < .main-head< position:relative ; >.home-logo-wrapper < height: 20px; width: 45px; border-width: 1px; position:absolute; >.home-logo-img < width:100px; padding:20px; position: absolute; top: -80px; >> 

Please Refer below link for more detail:

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How to make my HTML suitable for Mobile View, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more about Teams

How do I make my website stack on mobile device?

Due to the endless possibilities in css, I couldn’t tell you specifically how to fix it. But if you press f12 while using the app you’ll pull up the developer tools and you can click the «Toggle device toolbar» in the top left corner of that panel (CTR+SHIFT+M) and then switch between the 3 (L,M,S) mobile devices to see what it’ll look like. A good understanding of Margin, Border, and Padding will make it easier to fix.

Bootstrap also offers classes that make this type of tedious work a little more bearable. With the Bootstrap grid system you can stack elements differently based on the size of the window/device. I highly suggest learning Bootstrap if you plan to do more web development.

Html — How do I make my website mobile friendly?, The traditional solution is to design your website using media queries, and design the layout for the smallest screen size first. As the screen gets bigger, design different layouts for bigger screens. This is called the «mobile first» paradigm within the bigger «responsive design» paradigm. –

How to make Mobile website like (Mobile Version)?

There are many ways in which you can do that. But before that, you need to consider some things;

  1. Are you looking to have 2 separate domains for desktop and mobile (like AND
  2. How is your design going to look like in each view ?

The above are important decisions to make, as there are constantly new devices (mobile/tablets,etc) which are coming up in the market. So you need to design something which can be easily extended in future.

Talking of which, there is one very good approach to design mobile websites. It is called as Responsive Web Design (or fluid design) Here, you do not hard code any dimensions (width/height/padding/margin,etc) and specify everything in % (in your CSS) This ensures that the layout would adjust itself according to the screen on which it is viewed on and thus is not tied to any specific device.

Apart from that, you would also need to know about viewport for mobile devices.

Apart from that, for Javascript, you can consider libraries like jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch (for more complex sites) and even basic ones like flowplayer plugins.

Please let me know if you need any additional info.

There is one disadvantage in having a different domain for your mobile website from the desktop/tablet website. It makes sharing content on the web difficult. If you share some URL on a mobile site, all users accessing that URL will be shown the mobile version even if they open it on a desktop.

If you have used django to create the desktop version of your site, you can use something like django_mobile to serve the mobile version with the same URLs. It sniffs the user-agent from the HTTP headers and serves the appropriate version. Some people think that this is not so reliable and prefer the former method.

you have to buy a separate domain for that. and the steps are easily followed in this link steps to create a mobile web

Html — Want to make my website mobile responsive, I’ve tried using @media queries, but still, my desktop version is looking like the mobile view. Is there any way to fix it via bootstrap? //For mobile view .main-head < position:relative ; >.

How to make my website responsive for Desktop and phones?With media queries or bootstrap or anything

There are other things and frameworks other than media queries you might consider when making websites responsive.

1: Use Flexbox

The CSS3 Flexible Box, or more widely known as Flexbox, is a new and powerful layout mode in CSS3. It provides us with a box model optimized for laying out user interfaces. With Flexbox, vertical centering, same-height columns, reordering and changing direction is a breeze.

2: Use CSS-Media Queries

CSS Grid is the most powerful layout system available in CSS. It brings a two-dimensional layout tool to the web, with the ability to place items in rows and columns. The importance of grids in modern web design is high so this new spec solves a lot of age-old problems with laying out elements in-browser.

3: Use Bootstrap

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites. Bootstrap is completely free to download and use! Bootstrap is a framework to help you design websites faster and easier. It includes html and css based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels, etc. . Here are some additional reasons to use Bootstrap: Bootstrap’s responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops.

4: Use Foundtation

Foundation is also counted among exceptional front-end frameworks. It is an ultra responsive framework that is used to create seamless designs to create websites, applications for the web and mobile and email templates. Foundation is the easiest framework to learn and thus it can easily be used by a new user. This exceptional framework has got a number of components including layouts, navigation, media, library containers and much more. Foundation has also got an exceptional list of plugins that offers extended choice to the developers to choose one accordingly.

Tip: When making a website, try to make it mobile first. i.e first make the website responsive for mobile views and then make it for desktop. The reason behind it is that if you make it mobile first, then it also looks good on desktop. But if you design desktop first, it won’t look good on mobile.

Html — How do I make my website stack on mobile, So at some point in making my home page, I had everything stacked nicely on mobile. Somewhere along the way (I think after adding a navbar and messing around with my overall code) my site on mobile


Как создать вебсайт для мобильных устройств

Один из способов включения стилей для мобильного устройства — это использование User Agent, которую получает сервер от клиента.
Этому может помочь набор скриптов:, а также сервис от яндекса
При работе с User Agent только одна проблема — это постоянно появляющиеся новые User Agent.

На стороне клиента

Строка с media=«screen» соотвествует обычному компьютеру, media=«handheld» — это мобильное устройство. Новые устройства отказываются от такого подхода и необходимо использовать запросы внутри атрибута media.

Например для устройств с шириной экрана 480px и меньше будем использовать код:

media="handheld, only screen and (max-device-width:480px)"
Выбор пользователя

Учитывая, что не всегда можно точно определить, является ли устройство мобильным, можно предоставить пользователю выбор, какие стили он желает использовать.

Что писать в стилях

1. Избавьтесь от многоколоночной разметки
2. Поставьте display: none; на неважных элементах
3. Уменьшите поля вокруг элементов
4. Уменьшите использование картинок, особенно больших фоновых
5. Повысьте читаемость текста увеличив размер мелкого текста.
6. Выкиньте плавающие элементы
7. Учитывайте, что события mouseover не работают.

Что кроме стилей

Некоторые устройства уже поддерживают HTML5, поэтому можно использовать, например, такие теги:

Теги HTML5 позволяют проводить валидацию на стороне браузера и открывать соответствующий набор символов.

Размеры и ориентация

Современные мобильные устройства обычно масштабируют страницу, чтобы она вся отображалась на экране.
Это не всегда удобно. Чтобы изменить данное поведение браузера, нужно использовать тег meta с атрибутом viewport. Например:

Данное определение означает, что 320 пикселей страницы будет видно на устройстве.
Также можно запретить масштабирование:

@import url("portrait.css") all and (orientation:portrait); @import url("landscape.css") all and (orientation:landscape);

Как вы поняли, файл portrait.css будет использован при портретной ориентации, а landscape.css при альбомной.

Определение ориентации поддерживается не всеми устройствами, использование max-width более надежно для определения ширины экрана.

Специальные замечания по iPhone

поскольку нет доступа к файловой структуре.
3. Кэшируются файлы размером не более 25 Kb
4. Есть проблемы с @font-face — использованием загрузки внешних шрифтов. См. также статью насчет шрифтов.

Но вы можете использовать JavaScript библиотеки, которые можно использовать для доступа к специальным функциям iPhone. Обратите внимание на Sencha Touch, jQTouch и iui. Эти библиотеки также работают и с Android. Дополнительно ожидается появление production-релиза jQuery Mobile.

Также можно создать свою иконку для сайта, используя следующий синтаксис:

Иконка должна быть 57×57 пикселов в формате png. Android также понимает такие иконки.


Movies 2014

The pro version of W3.CSS is perfect for mobile apps. It is small and very fast.


Add Content

Example (using classic HTML elements)

Movies 2014


The response to the animations was ridiculous.

Example (using semantic HTML elements)


The response to the animations was ridiculous.

Add a Color Theme


Read more about color-themes in W3.CSS Color Themes.

Add More Style


Add Side Navigation



function openSidebar() document.getElementById(«mySidebar»).style.display = «block»;

function closeSidebar() document.getElementById(«mySidebar»).style.display = «none»;


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